Can we talk about NOWHEREMOM yet?

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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2004
It's threads like this one that make me wish I'd been here when there was more of a community. I think there are too many members, and too few well-known posters for something like this to happen today.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: TheoPetro
Originally posted by: reitz
You could if it wasn't such a long ass post that no one would read.


fucking CLIFFS.

Good god, people...if you can't read something with fewer words than a typical newsmagazine sidebar, then maybe it's time to shut the computer off for a while and venture out into the world.

It's 1500 words, damn it! (I copied and pasted into Word and used the 'Word Count' function...I'm not that big of a dork...) That's about a typical front page newspaper article.

I'm intimately familiar with ADD and all, and even I can focus for the five minutes it takes to read less than two thousand words, and I have the attention span of a gnat...

Good truly frightens me that some day this generation is going to be in charge of things...

I cant! I got to like the third paragraph and started reading the posts looking for cliffs. If ya wanna write a book then do it. No one wants to read it posted on a tech forum though.

uh...then don't read it?


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2009
I am too emotionally drained to keep on reading this stuff tonight. It's like reliving it all over again and feeling waves of shame and guilt washing over me.
Fuck that. He should have been given accolades for his ingenuity!
I second the motion.

dennilfloss, you shouldn't be ashame of what you did, because you were once the greatest troll that graced the intarweb. You were a much better troll than GUTB can ever dream to become.

I didn't like you then because I couldn't stand the soap opera/mushiness that you started here. However, I respected you for tested the water and gave us a glimpse of AT that was aspiring to become less of a technical site and to become a more social network.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
wow just saw this. Funny how the 'trolls' come in to just take a crap in such a question. Also funny how people still talk like the 'internet' is not real.


Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Originally posted by: gorcorps
Hey, it's unlocked! Hooray

Unlocked after a Mod edit. The full feel of the original thread/post is no longer intact.
It's all there, I checked

Originally posted by: LtPage1
It's threads like this one that make me wish I'd been here when there was more of a community. I think there are too many members, and too few well-known posters for something like this to happen today.

I don't think it's just's the Internet in general. It's everywhere now...I can even browse the web from my cellphone while riding the bus into work. From the late-nineties to maybe the first year or two of this century, places like this were the domain of the early-adopters while everyone else was just trying to figure out what email really was. Hell, I went years without getting a single peice of spam because I never used my main email to sign up for anything. There really was a sense of community here and a lot of other places. I used to just assume people were being honest...certainly there were plenty of bullshitters, but they were easy to spot, and you could usually assume that anything major was genuine. NOWHEREMOM was my first lesson that things had changed, and these days I tend to [rightly] be suspicious of most everything I read online.

Once everyone and his mom started getting broadband accounts, I think, is when things really started to change. Certainly there are still places online where the members feel a sense of community, but you can't just click a link and expect to find one, and everyone's bullshit detectors are a lot more sensitive than they were ten years ago.

I like to write...not necessarily the act of writing, really...but the act of putting down my thoughts and putting them up for other people to read and respond. And I like to read detailed, well-though-out responses. A friend gave me the link to AT when I was a freshman in college (1997) and just starting with my new (and now long since retired) hobby of learning about computer hardware. Initially I just lurked in the General Hardware forum and read as much as I could, and eventually I clicked on the General Non-Hardware Discussion forum. The first topic I read was, "What do you look for in a woman?", and one of the first replies was from Red Dawn: arms, no legs, no teeth, and a flat head I can rest my beer on...
Instant thread-derail, and then the rest of it went on like that for another thirty posts. I laughed my ass off and was hooked. What I found here was an outlet where I could write something entertaining and/or thought-provoking, and receive a number of responses in kind. I'm a wordy SOB and certainly most other posts weren't as long as mine, but still there was plenty of quality discussion.

As I branched out across the Internet, I found similar forums all over the place. That's mostly changed, now. It's difficult to find a place where one can have a thoughtful, back-and-forth discussion. There are blogs, but those are mostly one person's thoughts with a bunch of one line responses. There are My Space and Facebook, but those also cater to the one-liners, and they're not really set up for written discussions. There are still web forums, but they tend to either be monstrously large with a very low signal:noise ratio, or very small, closed communities that aren't really looking for new people to show up and compose 1500 word posts. I don't really have an outlet to write anymore...and to be fair, I don't really have the time.

When NOWHEREMOM was becomming a part of Internet history, I shared an apartment with my best friend, had a job I didn't particularly care about, and had a ton of free time. Now I have a wife, eleven-month-old twins, a career, two cars to keep running, and a home rennovation project that's only about 80% completed...and a few new hobbies that consume what remains of my free time. I imagine that's probably part of why places like this went the direction they did: when it was still relatively new, and our hobbies were still fresh, it was easy to spend a lot of time online interracting with other people; and as our lives changed and old hobbies gave way to new, and as new users flooded the Internet with their own attitudes and expectations, we simply stopped putting the same amount of time and effort into writing and interracting as we once did.

It's maybe a shame, and I occasionally do miss having a place to log onto and read other people's thoughts and share some of my own, but things change...and they almost never go back to the way they used to be. I don't really have my outlet for the thoughts that bounce around in my head and still occasionally look for such a place, but now I generally tend to compose a long email to a friend I haven't talked to in a while (or post a 1500 word monstrosity here) when the itch strikes.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for reading and responding.

And since we're all taking a trip down memory lane, and since I'm really enjoying banging away on these keys, here's another unsolicited anecdote about AT from the mind of reitz:

I used to work for a [now defunct] company called Stargate in Pittsburgh. It was a regional ISP, with a small data center that I could see from my cubicle where we hosted servers for two dozen or so companies. One day on my way in, I noticed a brown kid and a few others - all my age or younger - putting together servers in one of the cubicles. The brown kid looked so familiar that I did a double-take...I had to know him from somewhere, but I couldn't figure out where. He and the others had taken over two cubes that would otherwise be occupied, so I figured they had to be big customers...but they were so young, and I didn't think I'd ever seen them in the office before.

I sat down at my desk and opened up the front page, and saw the news update that said, "In Pittsburgh for a Server Upgrade." I did a tracert to, and saw that it was two hops from my workstation. I looked through the window nearest my cube into the server room, and right there in front of me were the servers for Anandtech, with the hostnames and IPs taped to the front. I'd worked there nearly two years and this site was by far my number one stop on the Internet during that time, and I never realized that the servers I spent so much time on were less than fifteen feet away from where I sat at work every day.

Of course the brown kid was none other than Anand lal Shimpi himself. I went over to introduce myself to him and shook his hand...and I was actually a little nervous and stumbled on my first words. He was really nice and talked to me for a minute, and stopped by my desk to say hello when he came in to finish the build the next day. I've met a few other notable people in the years since, but no one that I was as interested in talking to as Anand.


Nov 21, 2001
Reitz, thank you for a great post. All that unfolded before my time and I never cared enough to dig into it. Hats off to the rest of you who fleshed out the story.


Oct 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Perknose
Originally posted by: SarcasticDwarf
The forums have changed a lot. Also consider that back then a large chunk of the people on AT were high schoolers. Now days most seem to be college or post-college.

You have that completely and utterly bass-ackwards. Back in the day, there was a FAR higher percentage of FAR more mature posters who were a) knowledgeable about hardware and b) had attention spans longer than that of a gnat.

Despite the many now here with "college degrees", the quality of the average poster these days has plummeted beyond belief. That tells me a lot about the worth of an average college degree these days, btw.

That's not to say that there aren't still a fair number of high quality posters, but, back in the day, AT was a serious hardware site that just happened to develop a side OT forum. We banned AOL addys, fer Chrissake, just to keep the brainless and immature out.

Nowadays, much of our new membership comes from the very same brainless and disposable culture demographic that would have all been AOL members back in the day, except today these same dumbo kiddies are covered in a thin veneer of high tech knowledge, simply because it's reached all the way through our current popular culture.

Back in the day, our members were a pioneering elite of the hardware savvy in an idiot world. These days, we are just another stop on the fail train FOR the idiot world.

Don't believe me? Just look at this thread! This is about unique AT history, that reached outside of AT and broke through into the wider world. And yet, look at the one brain celled IDIOTS who not only lack the intellectual curiosity AND the necessary two minute attention span to read an interesting post BUT take the time out of their busy and important lives to post TL;DR as if this were some sign of their coolness and NOT a sad admission that they're freaking mouth breathers.

They are not only sub 80 IQ ignorant, but so firmly and utterly encased in their ignorance that they proudly post it.

Yeah, AT has changed.

I am noticing this everywhere.

There are those who were born at time when computers/the Interweb were not ubiquitous and then GREW with the technology. They learned to appreciate the before, during, and after. These people include the likes of Anand himself and a lot of the "older timers" (including myself who will be 30 this year).

And then there are those who were born more recently in the early 90s or so who are now in their late teens. They take all these technology wonders for granted and think because they were typing at 2-years-old means they are smarter than Bill Gates. But as we know the reality is much different.

More technology = more ADD = less attention to detail = acting too fast = dumbing-down of many people. Lack of thoroughness?

The quality of high-school-aged kids I see keeps dropping. The same goes for college-aged.

I am reviewing resumes for a position that recently opened at my company, and I can't believe what I am seeing from new graduates, ivy-leaguers included!

Quite sad, really.


Oct 24, 2000
Originally posted by: LtPage1
It's threads like this one that make me wish I'd been here when there was more of a community. I think there are too many members, and too few well-known posters for something like this to happen today.

Yep. The community I use to feel here has by and large died over the years.

Miss it.

(Edit: Then again, we just all grew up and expanded our lives, making ATOT less and less important.)


Oct 24, 2000
Originally posted by: reitz
A friend gave me the link to AT when I was a freshman in college (1997) and just starting with my new (and now long since retired) hobby of learning about computer hardware. Initially I just lurked in the General Hardware forum and read as much as I could, and eventually I clicked on the General Non-Hardware Discussion forum. The first topic I read was, "What do you look for in a woman?", and one of the first replies was from Red Dawn: arms, no legs, no teeth, and a flat head I can rest my beer on...
Instant thread-derail, and then the rest of it went on like that for another thirty posts. I laughed my ass off and was hooked. What I found here was an outlet where I could write something entertaining and/or thought-provoking, and receive a number of responses in kind. I'm a wordy SOB and certainly most other posts weren't as long as mine, but still there was plenty of quality discussion.

As I branched out across the Internet, I found similar forums all over the place.

Wow. Pretty much mirrors my first experience here as well. I was a freshman at Georgia Tech in 1998 (aka, nerd heaven) and lurked on GH for ages, researching my first build.

It took me a while after registering to finally click on OT. Within seconds I was laughing at something, and then it became like crack.



Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2001
This thread delivers.

FBB, take a lesson from dennilfloss. This forum knows the truth but there are plenty others out there susceptible to your stories. Go get 'em tiger!


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: GTaudiophile
Originally posted by: reitz
A friend gave me the link to AT when I was a freshman in college (1997) and just starting with my new (and now long since retired) hobby of learning about computer hardware. Initially I just lurked in the General Hardware forum and read as much as I could, and eventually I clicked on the General Non-Hardware Discussion forum. The first topic I read was, "What do you look for in a woman?", and one of the first replies was from Red Dawn: arms, no legs, no teeth, and a flat head I can rest my beer on...
Instant thread-derail, and then the rest of it went on like that for another thirty posts. I laughed my ass off and was hooked. What I found here was an outlet where I could write something entertaining and/or thought-provoking, and receive a number of responses in kind. I'm a wordy SOB and certainly most other posts weren't as long as mine, but still there was plenty of quality discussion.

As I branched out across the Internet, I found similar forums all over the place.

Wow. Pretty much mirrors my first experience here as well. I was a freshman at Georgia Tech in 1998 (aka, nerd heaven) and lurked on GH for ages, researching my first build.

It took me a while after registering to finally click on OT. Within seconds I was laughing at something, and then it became like crack.

I was lurking but I was nervous to join because even then there were flame wars. I finally had a computer issue I couldn't fix by reading and had to post to get a fix. So I registered and almost didn't stick around becuse of the flaming. Got my computer fixed and have been here ever since.
Now, I am the flamer.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I was lurking but I was nervous to join because even then there were flame wars. I finally had a computer issue I couldn't fix by reading and had to post to get a fix. So I registered and almost didn't stick around becuse of the flaming. Got my computer fixed and have been here ever since. Now, I am the flamer. Wait......

Oh Oh :evil: let the confessions commence.

Know what you mean. Flaming has been a tradition here for the past decade. State the current weather? Get Flamed. Post almost anything and someone would flame you. Problem isn't the flaming itself, rather it is the quality of the flaming. Quality definately is not what it once was. In the past I always hated the anonymous mod policy. I thought it was poorly thought out and rife for abuse which eventually was proven out. That being said it certainly did lend itself to to some wildly humorous posts that were extremely entertaining and abounded with top shelf sig material. Just goes to show that there is always something good to be found even in bad situations if you only look for it. :laugh:


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: reitz
You could if it wasn't such a long ass post that no one would read.


fucking CLIFFS.

Good god, people...if you can't read something with fewer words than a typical newsmagazine sidebar, then maybe it's time to shut the computer off for a while and venture out into the world.

It's 1500 words, damn it! (I copied and pasted into Word and used the 'Word Count' function...I'm not that big of a dork...) That's about a typical front page newspaper article.

I'm intimately familiar with ADD and all, and even I can focus for the five minutes it takes to read less than two thousand words, and I have the attention span of a gnat...

Good truly frightens me that some day this generation is going to be in charge of things...

A random post on ATOT has 15 seconds to make me care about it, a test which this post failed as well.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hey since we are kind of running down memory lane here a bit. How many of you were here when we could actually post pictures in our posts. I know this is going way way back, even a couple different forum software incarnations before our current earliest member registration dates. I'm trying to remember who originally posted the let's say well endowed squirrel picture. Was that Kranky? My claim to fame picture post was the scary monkeygirl gif although I must confess I stole that one from someplace. Used to get visions of Russ doubled over in pain at his PC whenever I posted it. :evil: Ah the memories.

Anyway Dennil no guilt over Nowheremom from now on OK? It was masterful and my feelings weren't hurt by it. Only thing hurt on me was my sides from laughing so hard.


Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: DangerAardvark

A random post on ATOT has 15 seconds to make me care about it, a test which this post failed as well.

And yet you still feel the need to respond. Thank you for supporting my point


Jan 30, 2001
Originally posted by: DangerAardvark
Originally posted by: reitz
You could if it wasn't such a long ass post that no one would read.


fucking CLIFFS.

Good god, people...if you can't read something with fewer words than a typical newsmagazine sidebar, then maybe it's time to shut the computer off for a while and venture out into the world.

It's 1500 words, damn it! (I copied and pasted into Word and used the 'Word Count' function...I'm not that big of a dork...) That's about a typical front page newspaper article.

I'm intimately familiar with ADD and all, and even I can focus for the five minutes it takes to read less than two thousand words, and I have the attention span of a gnat...

Good truly frightens me that some day this generation is going to be in charge of things...

A random post on ATOT has 15 seconds to make me care about it, a test which this post failed as well.

Yet you seemingly went far enough into a thread in which the OP couldn't hook you in 15 seconds to find this followup post and respond to it...

I was not here for the NOWHEREMOM part of this but was here when the confession was posted. It was pretty easy back then with the search functioning correctly to find out what it was all about. Thanks reitz for adding some insight on what was happening behind the curtain when this all went down.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
i guess the lesson learned in this thread for some is that nothing stays the same. everything evolves or changes or it fades away.

Rio Rebel

Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Dennis, I don't speak for everyone, but the last thing I want to see is you feeling like you have to apologize yet again for this. It is history, and if anyone still feels bitterness toward you after this long, the problem is theirs, not yours.

As you probably are well aware, I always took one of the strictest positions against you on this. I was the last one to agree with letting you back. I say that to be transparent, not to restart any old animosities...because God knows, they are OLD. And they should stay that way - old and in the past.

As far as I'm concerned, you have made all the apologies necessary to this community long ago. You owe no more than that to us now - it is done.

I only defended the thread (and continue to do so) because it is interesting, and it is nice for people to know the story, since at the time we tried to control the situation and limit the information.

We should be able to talk about this now without raging emotions.
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