Canada can't save you


Apr 25, 2000
John Leo

Canada can't save you

Some 10,000 to 20,000 Americans, unable to come to terms with the re-election of President Bush, are believed poised to leave the United States and become Canadians. Many, of course, will remain permanently in the poised position, just like Alec Baldwin, who has apparently been on the tarmac for four years awaiting a plane to some other country. But suppose the disaffected 10,000 to 20,000 actually depart. Will they find happiness? Will they achieve peace of mind north of the border? No, they won't. Instead they will find the following:

Strange and maddening football games. For reasons nobody can fathom, Canadian football is played on an enormous field, with 12 players on a side and only three downs, so every third play tends to be a punt. Canadian football alone is said to have driven an estimated 2 million Canadians across the border to become U.S. citizens. Many believe Bush could not have won without the disaffected Canadian football vote.

More Canadian music than you can imagine. Radio stations must play Canadian music at least 35 percent of the time. Strict rules determine what music is Canadian enough to fill the quota. Though Celine Dion is Canadian, her hit "My Heart Will Go On" was insufficiently Canadian, since the lyricist, the songwriter, and the recording were non-Canadian. As a result, thoroughly Canadian pop music stays on radio long enough to drive many Canadians to distraction, drink, and even Canadian football.

Except for murder, a rate of violent crime as disgraceful as that of the United States. Many U.S. newspapers salute Canada for its low crime rate. But according to the International Crime Victimization Survey, the rate of certain "contact" crimes (robbery, sexual assault, and assault with force) is over 1.5 times higher in Canada than in the United States.

A national political leader every bit as hard to look at as George Bush. People who detest President Bush's syntax or cocky gait must consider Prime Minister Paul Martin's disastrous smile. Martin's speechwriter said the PM's "fake smile leads one to assume that Martin's foot is being stepped on by an antelope."

Perplexing food decisions. Never ask a grocer in Canada for "American" cheese or "Canadian" bacon. Un-Canadian anger may ensue. Also, approach the famous national dessert, the Canadian butter tart, with extreme caution. It is made with brown sugar, eggs, flour, vanilla, and lead. Strong men have been known to eat two at a single sitting, though, because of the lead content, they are usually unable to move for several days afterward.

The customary problems of socialized medicine. A 2000 report from the Heritage Foundation found long waiting lists, government rationing, and substandard care in Canada's system. Drug spending is controlled, according to the report, by limiting the number of approved drugs and slowing down the approval process. In one four-year period, Canada approved only 24 of 400 new drugs. Keep coming down here for healthcare, Canadians.

A national infatuation with censorship. Canadians tend to be a benign people who value niceness. So they have a strong tendency to suppress speech that they see as lacking in niceness. Un-nice books and videos are seized at the border or banned from libraries. Any material cited for "undue exploitation of sex" or for being "degrading or dehumanizing" can be banned. Speech is illegal if it "promotes hatred" or spreads "false news." Advertising "directed at children" can be ruled illegal. If the recorded message on your answering machine is deemed discriminatory, you can be prosecuted for it. In Saskatchewan, a newspaper ad listing four biblical citations against homosexuality (just the listing, no text), accompanied by two hand-holding male stick figures with a line drawn across them, was ruled a human-rights offense, and the man who placed the ad was directed to pay $1,800 each to three gay men who were offended by the ad. "Canadians put up with an insane amount of crap that Americans might not," said David Sutherland, former director of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association.

Canada's trying to be European. Canada has been aping trends in Europe, from the obsession with multiculturalism to the rising contempt for religion, greater censorship, and even a declining birthrate. Canada's birthrate is 1.49 children per woman, well below the replacement level of 2.1. Canada's elites behave much like those of the United States, favoring judicially imposed decisions over democratic and legislative ones. In Canada, a smaller and less varied nation than the United States, the elites meet less resistance. But there are signs of a pushback. Though the Canadian and American press consistently give the impression that gay marriage is overwhelmingly favored in Canada, a February 2 National Post /Global National poll found that two thirds of Canadians oppose gay marriage and would most likely vote against it in a national plebiscite. The polls suggest that Canadians are close to Americans on this issue. It's elite opinion and judges that make Canada look different.


For you lefties who are thinking about fleeing the US, better think twice before heading north.

Of course, I won't shed any tears if any of you actually make good on your idle threats.

Perhaps, during your next two weeks off, you will reevaluate your level of compliance with our new cut and paste and run policy. You simply must contribute on a more substantial level, and you have had PLENTY of warning.

AnandTech Moderator


Nov 14, 2004
Can we ban this guy already?
This is the most insubstantial thread I have ever seen in P&N that attempted to be serious. Do you have anything to say, or are you going to hide behind opinion writers from biased sources to make the sweeping generalizations and misnomers for you?


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Canadian football is way more interesting... if only the quality of players were as high as in American football, 3-down ball would be the dominant entertainment version.


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Canadian football is way more interesting... if only the quality of players were as high as in American football, 3-down ball would be the dominant entertainment version.

Maybe if you are a big fan of the punt.


Jan 15, 2000
Don't you think that you've posted enough of your "Canadians are really just like us conservative evangelical nutjobs but they are oppressed by the ultra libral ruling elites" bullshit?

This particular piece of tripe sounds like some alcoholic wife beater trying to convince his fleeing wife to stay.



Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Canadian football is way more interesting... if only the quality of players were as high as in American football, 3-down ball would be the dominant entertainment version.

Maybe if you are a big fan of the punt.

The wider field, plus fewer players, makes the passing game more difficult to defend. I believe there's actually more scoring in the CFL than in the NFL


Apr 25, 2000
If there's 12 players on a side, that's actually one more than American football.

I've watched it a few times and it's really not that bad.

Most of Leo's article is obviously tongue in cheek, but we clearly have some humorless people here.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
If there's 12 players on a side, that's actually one more than American football.

I've watched it a few times and it's really not that bad.

Most of Leo's article is obviously tongue in cheek, but we clearly have some humorless people here.

I can let the rest of it go, but I have to stand up for the 'good' version of football.

Wait, that would be rugby


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Most of Leo's article is obviously tongue in cheek, but we clearly have some humorless people here.

I don't think I've seen anything funnier than a person who calls an ironic post humourless.


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Kibbo
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Most of Leo's article is obviously tongue in cheek, but we clearly have some humorless people here.

I don't think I've seen anything funnier than a person who calls an ironic post humourless.

Can we ban this guy already?

This is the most insubstantial thread I have ever seen in P&N that attempted to be serious. Do you have anything to say, or are you going to hide behind opinion writers from biased sources to make the sweeping generalizations and misnomers for you?

Don't you think that you've posted enough of your "Canadians are really just like us conservative evangelical nutjobs but they are oppressed by the ultra libral ruling elites" bullshit?

Honestly, wtf is wrong with you?

Real side-splitting stuff, eh?


Golden Member
Apr 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin

Real side-splitting stuff, eh?

Originally posted by: Riprorin

For you lefties who are thinking about fleeing the US, better think twice before heading north.

Of course, I won't shed any tears if any of you actually make good on your idle threats.

Hilarious :roll:


Apr 25, 2000
Except for murder, a rate of violent crime as disgraceful as that of the United States. Many U.S. newspapers salute Canada for its low crime rate. But according to the International Crime Victimization Survey, the rate of certain "contact" crimes (robbery, sexual assault, and assault with force) is over 1.5 times higher in Canada than in the United States.

And I really thought that there was less crime in Canada than the US. Silly me for believing the liberal media.


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Brackis
Can we ban this guy already?
This is the most insubstantial thread I have ever seen in P&N that attempted to be serious. Do you have anything to say, or are you going to hide behind opinion writers from biased sources to make the sweeping generalizations and misnomers for you?

Maybe we should ban morons like you.


Golden Member
Apr 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Except for murder, a rate of violent crime as disgraceful as that of the United States. Many U.S. newspapers salute Canada for its low crime rate. But according to the International Crime Victimization Survey, the rate of certain "contact" crimes (robbery, sexual assault, and assault with force) is over 1.5 times higher in Canada than in the United States.

And I really thought that there was less crime in Canada than the US. Silly me for believing the liberal media.

The population of Canada is similar to that of California. The 1.5 times therefore isn't a going to be as huge of a number.

Its like a small town that has 1 murder a year. If the next year 2 murders happen then the murder rate doubled.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Wouldn't worry, the libs will love it. They are just waiting for the thaw. They figure if they wait for Spring, with global warming and all, the next year will be nice and warm. It's just the way they think - like Canadians! Did you know that Canada is only three letters seperated by the Canadian Eh? C, Eh,N, Eh, D, Eh


Jul 3, 2001
Some things will be better, some things will be worse such as those specific crime statistics.

Canada's trying to be European. Canada has been aping trends in Europe, from the obsession with multiculturalism to the rising contempt for religion, greater censorship, and even a declining birthrate.

Europe has for the most part rejected multiculturalism. And why is it written in the article like it's a bad thing? Multiculturalism is a great benefit.

Canada's birthrate is 1.49 children per woman, well below the replacement level of 2.1.

So? They increase their population through immigration.

What they should have written in the article is that if you want to become a Canadian citizen, you must pledge yourself to the Queen. That would trouble people or even worse than having Bush.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Martin
Don't you think that you've posted enough of your "Canadians are really just like us conservative evangelical nutjobs but they are oppressed by the ultra libral ruling elites" bullshit?

This particular piece of tripe sounds like some alcoholic wife beater trying to convince his fleeing wife to stay.

I lived there four years and it sounds pretty on point to me. You only have to see a couple hundred Canadians at one Mall sale to understand why they aren't allowed to have guns. They drive with their headlights on during the day, by law. That must say something about either how well they see or how well they drive. Over and above that, I loved the four years there and thought Canadians were great people. Gotta love a place where you can get a good grilled brat on the street any day.


Apr 25, 2001
Hmm, I think a better system would be for all of US to stay here and all you Bush voters to go to Canada. That way we'd still be here, but you guys wouldn't. See, much better

Of course there is the problem of how to attract Bush voters to Canada. Perhaps we can encourage them to make their beer a little crappier, hold NASCAR events and stop voting for "leaders".

Just kidding At least as much as Rip is.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
If there's 12 players on a side, that's actually one more than American football.

I've watched it a few times and it's really not that bad.

Most of Leo's article is obviously tongue in cheek, but we clearly have some humorless people here.

Libs and humor? Can't put those two in the same cage! Canadian football is damxed boring, though. I used to go to some of the RR games. Way too much passing and not nearly enough contact.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: Riprorin
If there's 12 players on a side, that's actually one more than American football.

I've watched it a few times and it's really not that bad.

Most of Leo's article is obviously tongue in cheek, but we clearly have some humorless people here.

I can let the rest of it go, but I have to stand up for the 'good' version of football.

Wait, that would be rugby

Yeah, really love rugby.



Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Except for murder, a rate of violent crime as disgraceful as that of the United States. Many U.S. newspapers salute Canada for its low crime rate. But according to the International Crime Victimization Survey, the rate of certain "contact" crimes (robbery, sexual assault, and assault with force) is over 1.5 times higher in Canada than in the United States.

And I really thought that there was less crime in Canada than the US. Silly me for believing the liberal media.

Silly you for believing tripe from John Leo . . . why don't you actually look at the International Crime Victimization Survey
The ICVS is similar to most crime surveys of households with respect to the crimes it coveres. It is confined to counting crimes against clearly identifiable individuals, excluding children. Crime surveys cannot easely cover organisational crimes or victimless crimes such as drug abuse.
Overall, there is less crime in Canada than the US. But if you notice that since this a personal survey it omits a category for which America is arguably the world's authority . . . homicide. With the exception of 1989, the ICVS sampled twice as many rural as urban households in Canada. With the exception of 1992, the ICVS sample FOUR TIMES as many rural as urban households in the USA. I wonder if that would bias results . . .

It's hard to avoid the conclusion that people like yourself savor your ignorance. Granted, if you actually READ US News & World Report (but avoid OpEd crap like Leo) there's a semblance of hope for you.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Except for murder, a rate of violent crime as disgraceful as that of the United States. Many U.S. newspapers salute Canada for its low crime rate. But according to the International Crime Victimization Survey, the rate of certain "contact" crimes (robbery, sexual assault, and assault with force) is over 1.5 times higher in Canada than in the United States.

And I really thought that there was less crime in Canada than the US. Silly me for believing the liberal media.

Silly you for believing tripe from John Leo . . . why don't you actually look at the International Crime Victimization Survey
The ICVS is similar to most crime surveys of households with respect to the crimes it coveres. It is confined to counting crimes against clearly identifiable individuals, excluding children. Crime surveys cannot easely cover organisational crimes or victimless crimes such as drug abuse.
Overall, there is less crime in Canada than the US. But if you notice that since this a personal survey it omits a category for which America is arguably the world's authority . . . homicide. With the exception of 1989, the ICVS sampled twice as many rural as urban households in Canada. With the exception of 1992, the ICVS sample FOUR TIMES as many rural as urban households in the USA. I wonder if that would bias results . . .

It's hard to avoid the conclusion that people like yourself savor your ignorance. Granted, if you actually READ US News & World Report (but avoid OpEd crap like Leo) there's a semblance of hope for you.

I would agree that there is less crime in the rural areas of the US. My solution to crime is to go to the heart of the problem and eliminate the cities. They produce little other than accountants and lawyers anyway! Put all those well dressed dudes out in the fields of America and the immigrants couldn't find work! It would solve two problems and pollution too.
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