Canada offers qualifed support for the US.

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Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
So you're saying YES, it is possible..

I said no such thing. While it might be possible to execute Saddam, the chances of executing him, his sons, and the rest of his associates border on the impossible.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2001
I don't think many possibilities were even considered.

SUCH AS...!?

This is what infuriates me about people like you. You're never satisfied. No matter what anyone says, or what evidence they present, you'll still disagree.

Why don't you have the guts to come right out and say what you really mean.
You're just anti-American. It's pretty clear from the tone of your posts anyway.
Be a man, step up to the plate and sound off like you've got a pair.

After all, our best and brightest have given thier lives for the better part of a century to maintain that right for you.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2000
Originally posted by: freakflag
I don't think many possibilities were even considered.

SUCH AS...!?

This is what infuriates me about people like you. You're never satisfied. No matter what anyone says, or what evidence they present, you'll still disagree.

Why don't you have the guts to come right out and say what you really mean.
You're just anti-American. It's pretty clear from the tone of your posts anyway.
Be a man, step up to the plate and sound off like you've got a pair.

After all, our best and brightest have given thier lives for the better part of a century to maintain that right for you.

haha.. oh boy, you've got my number. What does any of this have to do with satisfaction? What am I witholding? I've said what I want to say. lol.

I talk to Americans all day, every day at work. I take 40-50 calls a day, and the only people I talk to... are Americans. I deal with aggrivated, annoyed people, calling to have assistance fixing a service that always broken, overpriced... and makes you wait on hold for 20 minutes when you call.
I get yelled at, told off, etc on a daily basis. Understandably so, but anyway.. my point is, even after all of that, at the end of the day, I still like Americans just as much as I like Canadians. We're similar people. I don't have anything against Americans. Just you're goverment.

I love how you think you know everything about someone after discussing one paticular topic.


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Phuz
Originally posted by: freakflag
I don't think many possibilities were even considered.

SUCH AS...!?

This is what infuriates me about people like you. You're never satisfied. No matter what anyone says, or what evidence they present, you'll still disagree.

Why don't you have the guts to come right out and say what you really mean.
You're just anti-American. It's pretty clear from the tone of your posts anyway.
Be a man, step up to the plate and sound off like you've got a pair.

After all, our best and brightest have given thier lives for the better part of a century to maintain that right for you.

haha.. oh boy, you've got my number. What does any of this have to do with satisfaction? What am I witholding? I've said what I want to say. lol.

I talk to Americans all day, every day at work. I take 40-50 calls a day, and the only people I talk to... are Americans. I deal with aggrivated, annoyed people, calling to have assistance fixing a service that always broken, overpriced... and makes you wait on hold for 20 minutes when you call.
I get yelled at, told off, etc on a daily basis. Understandably so, but anyway.. my point is, even after all of that, at the end of the day, I still like Americans just as much as I like Canadians. We're similar people. I don't have anything against Americans. Just you're goverment.

I love how you think you know everything about someone after discussing one paticular topic.

My goodness that's alot of handwaving. freak must have been in the 10 ring.



Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2001
I love how you think you know everything about someone after discussing one paticular topic.

Please. Why must you be so obtuse? I can only assume it is by design. Any other possibility is just too disturbing.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Hold on a second desy where did you get that number anyway? According to this
The Ekos Research poll showed 41 per cent of Canadians are against an attack, while 40 per cent remain in favour.
. That was also a week ago. If anything Canadians support joining the US effort at this point more than before.
"The prime minister is being dangerously ambiguous as to what Canada's position would be... No one knows where Canada stands. Our allies don't know, our citizens don't know, (Chrétien's) own government doesn't know."

? Joe Clark, Conservative leader
Jan. 26, 2003
Yep, that's the guy Canada elected last election.


sounds to me like canadian sentiment is beginning to favor the US and Chretin (sp) is just following the polls.

i'd have a hard time respecting that kind of "leader".


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: AnitaPeterson
Skoorb, dude, you're amazing... unfortunately, not in a good sense. :|

First of all, I really believe that living in the States has twisted your mind. I moved FROM the States to Canada and I found it to be a breath of fresh air...

Second, I really think you are dreaming... Canadians are very much against this war, for two main reasons. One is that they are better informed (your liberal bubble theory is pitiable, you really don't know what you're saying! jeez!) and second because if you look at statistics, Canada has received more than 5 million immigrants since 1970 alone. That's at least a sixth of the total population. And these people have a totally different agenda than what people in Alberta will think. Including a hatred for all these foreign wars.

Also, please be aware that Ontario alone has almost one third of the total Canadian population, and Quebec is one of the most cosmopolitan places in the country (with all the baggage that comes with it). You know, Montreal is a much better place to live in than Toronto...

Dude, you are dangerously naive if you think that the Canadian foreign (and internal) policy should be the same as in the 50's... Think about the fact that a "too close" alliance between U.S. and Canada is smothering for us, Canadians. Your wife said in another thread that she prefers living in Canada to the U.S., and i suspect that it's only money that keeps you in the States. So despite your pro-Americanism, I think we'll see you back here in a couple of years.

And by the way, don't rely on companies like Ekos.... i know how their opinion polls are made, because i have friends who work there.
That was the dumbest argument yet. "You really don't know what you're saying!" "I know how their opinion polls are made, because I have friends who work there!" Even more laughable, you want to follow Quebec's lead of the example of what our foreign policy should be? Who here is living in the past again?

Maybe you should go ahead and try listening to those immigrants' voices about what they think of Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime. For a left-leaning newspaper, every single newswriter the Toronto Star has working for them has only repeated anti-Hussein comments from Iraqis both here and abroad. Let's take a look.

'I don't feel shame for surrendering' - "If we stay and fight, we die. If we run, we might die, but at least we have a chance," said (Moushraq Ahmed) Hashem, 19. Besides, he added, "Why would we fight the Americans if they are coming here to liberate us?

Exiles scorn 'infidel' rule - Iraqis will violently resist any bid by the United States to govern a post-Saddam Hussein Iraq with its "infidel" military administration, a powerful Islamic cleric has warned. Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim, the exiled Iraqi cleric who leads thousands of armed Shiite guerrillas opposed to Saddam, issued the warning ahead of a conference of Iraqi opposition groups.

Iraqi weeps for wife's pain - "In Iraq, no one will tell journalists the truth. They are too fearful for their lives. But Iraqis outside, like me, we are not afraid anymore. So that is why I say to the Americans: 'Come! Please come! Save us.' I swear to you, I would take even a Jewish leader over Saddam Hussein. So, tell your newspaper about my wife. Tell them what they did to her."

Iraqis on the run in Amman - "Do they not understand we want Saddam removed, we want him defeated? I am not ignorant. I know what war will mean for Iraqis. But better to suffer once than to suffer all of your life, without end. If President George Bush is an enemy of Saddam Hussein, then he is a friend to me."

The Jerusalem of Kurdistan - He believes Saddam Hussein's regime will fall and that the people of Kirkuk will welcome American troops as liberators. "They're afraid right now to say they want to be freed. Even the army will welcome them," he predicts.

Show me ONE ARTICLE telling us about an Iraqi interviewed in neutral ground who was not in favour of regime change. If you're going to try to discredit the Toronto Star as a pro-war puppet you're freaking insane.


Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Skoorb
That's a purely subjective argument. From what anti-war sentiment I've heard from Canadians they most definitely are not more informed - because they still think that the UN was going to get something done. You know what the UN would have done if anything? Approve a second resolution. Well the US is doing what that second resolution would have done.

The UN is a set body to govern world affairs. Granted, it's not perfect, but it does give us some order. It's analogous to either of the Canadian or American justice systems; it may be a bit slow and flawed, but it's the best we've got right now.

The US going ahead with this war without a second resolution is akin to me going over to someone's house and shooting up the place because I think he's got a weapon in his house that he's not allowed to have. It's vigilantism and it's illegal everywhere I know, and even illegal in Bush's home country.

I don't think Americans are out to have fun and play with their toys, and I would give the US President some leaway here, but I just plain don't trust Bush and that is casting some doubt on his reasons for war.


Jul 21, 2000
I don't care about Quebec so let's go with the other number.

Up yours you ignorant !@#$.

You're obviously a reformer/right-wing type. If you don't like our country, GET OUT.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: SickBeast
I don't care about Quebec so let's go with the other number.

Up yours you ignorant !@#$.

You're obviously a reformer/right-wing type. If you don't like our country, GET OUT.
Go go gadget free speech!

There is a very simple realization to be made when viewing statements about Quebec. Namely, the PQ is the most isolationist and out of touch with reality government in western civilization. A good number of their consitituents are the same way, but this is all slowly changing. The higher than average level of ignorance digusts many of us. Take it to mean nothing more.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: AnitaPeterson
Skoorb, dude, you're amazing... unfortunately, not in a good sense. :|

First of all, I really believe that living in the States has twisted your mind. I moved FROM the States to Canada and I found it to be a breath of fresh air...

Second, I really think you are dreaming... Canadians are very much against this war, for two main reasons. One is that they are better informed (your liberal bubble theory is pitiable, you really don't know what you're saying! jeez!) and second because if you look at statistics, Canada has received more than 5 million immigrants since 1970 alone. That's at least a sixth of the total population. And these people have a totally different agenda than what people in Alberta will think. Including a hatred for all these foreign wars.

Also, please be aware that Ontario alone has almost one third of the total Canadian population, and Quebec is one of the most cosmopolitan places in the country (with all the baggage that comes with it). You know, Montreal is a much better place to live in than Toronto...

Dude, you are dangerously naive if you think that the Canadian foreign (and internal) policy should be the same as in the 50's... Think about the fact that a "too close" alliance between U.S. and Canada is smothering for us, Canadians. Your wife said in another thread that she prefers living in Canada to the U.S., and i suspect that it's only money that keeps you in the States. So despite your pro-Americanism, I think we'll see you back here in a couple of years.

And by the way, don't rely on companies like Ekos.... i know how their opinion polls are made, because i have friends who work there.

Anita- I never read your posts and I didn't read that one! Hah!


Oct 10, 1999
Phuz- I just wanted to know what an alternative solution is. I don't have a problem with anybody's position on the war, but I would like to hear how their solution is better than mine...


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Millennium
Originally posted by: AnitaPeterson

Anita- I never read your posts and I didn't read that one! Hah!
haha. You made the right call, Anita just discredited Skoorb's post by telling him "he doesn't know anything" and that a long-standing member of the Canadian Association of Marketing Research Organizations doesn't conduct its polls properly because "a friend told him so."


Jul 21, 2000
Go go gadget free speech!
There is a very simple realization to be made when viewing statements about Quebec. Namely, the PQ is the most isolationist and out of touch with reality government in western civilization. A good number of their consitituents are the same way, but this is all slowly changing. The higher than average level of ignorance digusts many of us. Take it to mean nothing more.

If you guys knew anything about Canadian history, you would know why the Quebec people are so willing to seperate. I'm not saying that I agree with their cause. I am totally against seperation. I think that people like skoorb are only making matters worse though. If everyone in Canada were to say that they didn't care about the people in Alberta, I'm sure people there wouldn't react very well to it. Oh, and just to clear things up a bit, the Reform party here in Canada is much more out-of-touch than the Quebec government. Quality of life in Quebec is excellent compared to many parts of Canada. University tuition only costs $2000 a year there. Here in Toronto, it's $5500. The Quebec governement is very much in-touch with the people of Quebec...they wouldn't have been elected over the past 8 years if they weren't. Isolationist yes, out of touch no.

Ok this is going off topic...I just had to vent about the Quebec comments...


Jul 21, 2000
Skoorb, dude, you're amazing... unfortunately, not in a good sense.
First of all, I really believe that living in the States has twisted your mind. I moved FROM the States to Canada and I found it to be a breath of fresh air...
Second, I really think you are dreaming... Canadians are very much against this war, for two main reasons. One is that they are better informed (your liberal bubble theory is pitiable, you really don't know what you're saying! jeez!) and second because if you look at statistics, Canada has received more than 5 million immigrants since 1970 alone. That's at least a sixth of the total population. And these people have a totally different agenda than what people in Alberta will think. Including a hatred for all these foreign wars.
Also, please be aware that Ontario alone has almost one third of the total Canadian population, and Quebec is one of the most cosmopolitan places in the country (with all the baggage that comes with it). You know, Montreal is a much better place to live in than Toronto...
Dude, you are dangerously naive if you think that the Canadian foreign (and internal) policy should be the same as in the 50's... Think about the fact that a "too close" alliance between U.S. and Canada is smothering for us, Canadians. Your wife said in another thread that she prefers living in Canada to the U.S., and i suspect that it's only money that keeps you in the States. So despite your pro-Americanism, I think we'll see you back here in a couple of years.
And by the way, don't rely on companies like Ekos.... i know how their opinion polls are made, because i have friends who work there.



Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2002
Canadians don't want to go to war
Haven't you figured that out yet?
All polls excluding Quebec are 60% against without UN approval 80% in Quebec
Quit flogging a dead horse, we are out end of story.

Yep, maybe we should've had a vote for this.

edit- oops, just realized I was in Quebec, so I guess I shouldn't have posted. Never mind me and my opinion then...

edit2- oops again, just realized Skoorb lives in the states... At least I'm still in Canada, even though it's Quebec.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Millennium
Phuz- I just wanted to know what an alternative solution is. I don't have a problem with anybody's position on the war, but I would like to hear how their solution is better than mine...

I don't know. Any solution that doesn't entail making a country pay for its governments actions.


Oct 11, 1999
I'm begining to think there's room in US foreign policy for a "One Canada Policy".

Quick, someone put sugar in the tank's fuel...


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2000
If you mean get the French Separtists out I hope so.
Right now the Quebec gov't is so interested in creating new separtists they will forgive a large percentage of your student loans if you have a baby within 5 years of graduating university
IF say the Liberals get in and survive a couple of election cycles, the pure French population will continue to dilute to the point in a decade or two it won't be an issue.
Then we have to work on the next growing problem of settling Nativie land claim issues. Treaty Indians get a lot up here and are a growing population base.

BTW a lot of Canadians are fighting in the US armed forces
Treaty Indians have dual citizenship no matter where they are born and dozens have enlisted in the US military and are over there fighting.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Phuz
Originally posted by: Millennium
Phuz- I just wanted to know what an alternative solution is. I don't have a problem with anybody's position on the war, but I would like to hear how their solution is better than mine...

I don't know. Any solution that doesn't entail making a country pay for its governments actions.

How can you propose something that doesn't exist?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Oh yeah, and Iraq has already launched at least one missile that was banned (it went 190 km). Yeah the UN was making great progress

Good God! These were the missiles that the UN was supervising the destruction of. You expected that Iraq would continue destroying them after the UN left and the Coalition attacked? Nice nef.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2000
We can use Canada's tank. Though if it is knocked out, Canada will have suffered an incredible loss...


Jul 21, 2000
If you mean get the French Separtists out I hope so.
Right now the Quebec gov't is so interested in creating new separtists they will forgive a large percentage of your student loans if you have a baby within 5 years of graduating university
IF say the Liberals get in and survive a couple of election cycles, the pure French population will continue to dilute to the point in a decade or two it won't be an issue.
Then we have to work on the next growing problem of settling Nativie land claim issues. Treaty Indians get a lot up here and are a growing population base.
BTW a lot of Canadians are fighting in the US armed forces
Treaty Indians have dual citizenship no matter where they are born and dozens have enlisted in the US military and are over there fighting.

No, I mean that anyone who lives here in Canada should LEAVE if they hate it here so much. I'm sick of all the whining.

And your point about the baby money thing is retarded, I don't even see a point in rebutting it.

You sound very ignorant, talking about natives and French Canadians as though they're second-class citizens. Grow up.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: SickBeast
If you mean get the French Separtists out I hope so.
Right now the Quebec gov't is so interested in creating new separtists they will forgive a large percentage of your student loans if you have a baby within 5 years of graduating university
IF say the Liberals get in and survive a couple of election cycles, the pure French population will continue to dilute to the point in a decade or two it won't be an issue.
Then we have to work on the next growing problem of settling Nativie land claim issues. Treaty Indians get a lot up here and are a growing population base.
BTW a lot of Canadians are fighting in the US armed forces
Treaty Indians have dual citizenship no matter where they are born and dozens have enlisted in the US military and are over there fighting.

No, I mean that anyone who lives here in Canada should LEAVE if they hate it here so much. I'm sick of all the whining.

And your point about the baby money thing is retarded, I don't even see a point in rebutting it.

You sound very ignorant, talking about natives and French Canadians as though they're second-class citizens. Grow up.

Thats funny because I talked to a guy a hour from Toronto on the phone yesterday. He is ashamed of people like you. His word were "brutal undeserving morons." His words not mine. Funny that you suggest people who disagree with you to move out of the country. People here do it and they are flamed by Canadians and Anti-War folks.v The hypocrisy is downright stunning.

In all this anti-war talk, I have yet to see you make a cogent point. All you can do is reiterate what somes says or throw out a bunch of half-truths mingled with insults. I thought "serious" debate was needed here.
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