Canadian Federal Election? - With Poll


Mar 24, 2002
Regarding: Text

Canadians: What is your stand?

I've never voted before (I'm 27), but if an election is forced, I would be motivated to vote, and to vote Liberal for the follwoing reason:

Martin has promised to call an election 30 days after the next Gomery report. An opposition forced election would only possibly bring down the Liberals 2-4 months earlier... Is that worth it? I want to see the Liberal response to the report before the next election campaings begin. If the gov't lasts until then and Mr. Martin does not call an election, then I would not be against the opposition for forcing an election.

My thoughts... What are your thoughts?

Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie

A spoiled ballot is just that - one that can't be counted; the term JonBarillari is looking for is 'protest ballot' in which you go to the polling station, take the ballot, and immediately hand it back unfilled. Like many traditions and superstitions in every culture, this one isn't very well understood; you may simply confuse the pollster if you try it.
EDITED: Spoiled Ballot to Protest Ballot.. Thanks 3chordcharlie


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
I'd like to see Martin out of power only b/c he's hostile towards the USA. Otherwise, I could care less about Canadian politics.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Liberal/Martin--proven fiscal conservatism(arguable, but best in decades).

Conservatives want too much to be Republican North for my liking.

NDP, are the NDP. Not much to say other than they best serve the country as a Middle Power Opposition Party.

BQ, even if they ran MPs outside of Quebec and in the Riding I live, well, I wouldn't even bother paying attention to what they said

Beer or Marijuana Party, I'd cheer mightily, but never vote for them


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: ntdz
I'd like to see Martin out of power only b/c he's hostile towards the USA. Otherwise, I could care less about Canadian politics.

It was really more Chretien that was hostile, and even that was only over Iraq.

Of all the parties, I think the Bloc would do the best job governing, but as a regional party, there's no chance of that.

I really don't want to vote Liberal, but I want to vote NDP and Conservative even less
Jun 27, 2005
BQ = Burger Queen?

I hate to say it but none of those poll answers mean anything to me. What is NDP? And what is a spoiled ballot?


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
BQ = Burger Queen?

I hate to say it but none of those poll answers mean anything to me. What is NDP? And what is a spoiled ballot?

BQ is 'Bloq Quebecois' a regional party that purports to represent French Canadians from Quebec, at the national level.

Liberals and Conservatives are traditionally the mainstream parties, with the Conservative party currently representing something of a mild neo-Liberal platform (open markets and privatization, but not complete in either case), and the Liberal party being more supportive of some national programs like healthcare.

The NDP is a social democrat party whose 'vision' would be something like if non-corrupt union shops ran the government.

A spoiled ballot is just that - one that can't be counted; the term JonBarillari is looking for is 'protest ballot' in which you go to the polling station, take the ballot, and immediately hand it back unfilled. Like many traditions and superstitions in every culture, this one isn't very well understood; you may simply confuse the pollster if you try it.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2005
After hearing about, eading about and generally seeing how my life is being put to sh!t from the libs, I'm defintly against them. Problem is, who can I be 'for'? Conservs are a scary bunch, NDP is the only one I can consider and thats a stretch. Probably NDP, their goals suit how I think the country should be run better than the Libs or Cons.

Personally, I think the next PM should be even more hostile to the US. Softwood lumber comes to mind why I despise the US, another would be NAFTA, and oil another. I hope for a leader whom will do more relations with the EU and less with the US. Perhaps I am just wishing though, as most likely the next election will be liberal again.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2000
Unless you haven't been watching Caroline Parish and the Liberal culture of entitlement for the last 12 or so years.
Doesn't political corruption mean anything? I now need a firearms card, a boaters card , soon a national identity card. Taxes have increased, Liberal Pork rolls on, its time for a new hand at the helm. The NDP and Bloc are incapable of governing.
The conservatives will never be Republicans north, we are CANADIANS remember?
They won't go against any institutions currently embedded and there are many things that need fixin on a Federal Level that just isn't happening.

additionally, even though the polls say it would be a minority gov't again now doesn't mean squat almost 20% are undecided and campaigns tend to swing on momentum.
The last election had Harper with a MAJORITY government at one point in polling.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
Liberal -- I like Paul Martin's balance of economic conservatism and social liberalism.
Conservatives -- I don't want a hitler to be our next PM, Steven Harper should DIAF.
NDP -- I'm the son of a business owner, kthxbai
BQ -- Not an option


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Jimmah
After hearing about, eading about and generally seeing how my life is being put to sh!t from the libs, I'm defintly against them. Problem is, who can I be 'for'? Conservs are a scary bunch, NDP is the only one I can consider and thats a stretch. Probably NDP, their goals suit how I think the country should be run better than the Libs or Cons.

Personally, I think the next PM should be even more hostile to the US. Softwood lumber comes to mind why I despise the US, another would be NAFTA, and oil another. I hope for a leader whom will do more relations with the EU and less with the US. Perhaps I am just wishing though, as most likely the next election will be liberal again.

You are pretty much stupid for watching less relations with the US. We account for 85% of your trade...and you want less relations? Unbelievable...


Mar 29, 2004
As your are for supporting our foreign poilicys that make the world sick of dealing with us.


Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Jimmah
After hearing about, eading about and generally seeing how my life is being put to sh!t from the libs, I'm defintly against them. Problem is, who can I be 'for'? Conservs are a scary bunch, NDP is the only one I can consider and thats a stretch. Probably NDP, their goals suit how I think the country should be run better than the Libs or Cons.

Personally, I think the next PM should be even more hostile to the US. Softwood lumber comes to mind why I despise the US, another would be NAFTA, and oil another. I hope for a leader whom will do more relations with the EU and less with the US. Perhaps I am just wishing though, as most likely the next election will be liberal again.

You are pretty much stupid for watching less relations with the US. We account for 85% of your trade...and you want less relations? Unbelievable...

what's that old saying about putting all your eggs in one basket? Especially if that basket belongs to a psychopath...


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2000
The conservatives are not a scary bunch, quit reading the Toronto Star and watching CBC and you will eventually figure that out.
They have some idiots as MP's but no more so than any other party I so love how anybody East of Manitoba has totally bought into a predominanatly pro-liberal media outlet, Izzy Asper donates huge to the Lieberal party.
I felt when Harper got the nod it was a mistake but McKay made that stupid deal with Orchard that ruined his credibility. . . .


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Jimmah
After hearing about, eading about and generally seeing how my life is being put to sh!t from the libs, I'm defintly against them. Problem is, who can I be 'for'? Conservs are a scary bunch, NDP is the only one I can consider and thats a stretch. Probably NDP, their goals suit how I think the country should be run better than the Libs or Cons.

Personally, I think the next PM should be even more hostile to the US. Softwood lumber comes to mind why I despise the US, another would be NAFTA, and oil another. I hope for a leader whom will do more relations with the EU and less with the US. Perhaps I am just wishing though, as most likely the next election will be liberal again.

You are pretty much stupid for watching less relations with the US. We account for 85% of your trade...and you want less relations? Unbelievable...

what's that old saying about putting all your eggs in one basket? Especially if that basket belongs to a psychopath...

No offense, but the US is much more important to you than you are the US. Canada would only be a shadow of itself without the US.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Jimmah
After hearing about, eading about and generally seeing how my life is being put to sh!t from the libs, I'm defintly against them. Problem is, who can I be 'for'? Conservs are a scary bunch, NDP is the only one I can consider and thats a stretch. Probably NDP, their goals suit how I think the country should be run better than the Libs or Cons.

Personally, I think the next PM should be even more hostile to the US. Softwood lumber comes to mind why I despise the US, another would be NAFTA, and oil another. I hope for a leader whom will do more relations with the EU and less with the US. Perhaps I am just wishing though, as most likely the next election will be liberal again.

You are pretty much stupid for watching less relations with the US. We account for 85% of your trade...and you want less relations? Unbelievable...

what's that old saying about putting all your eggs in one basket? Especially if that basket belongs to a psychopath...

No offense, but the US is much more important to you than you are the US. Canada would only be a shadow of itself without the US.

With views like that no wonder Canada and Europe hates us.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2005
Originally posted by: Uhtrinity
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Jimmah
After hearing about, eading about and generally seeing how my life is being put to sh!t from the libs, I'm defintly against them. Problem is, who can I be 'for'? Conservs are a scary bunch, NDP is the only one I can consider and thats a stretch. Probably NDP, their goals suit how I think the country should be run better than the Libs or Cons.

Personally, I think the next PM should be even more hostile to the US. Softwood lumber comes to mind why I despise the US, another would be NAFTA, and oil another. I hope for a leader whom will do more relations with the EU and less with the US. Perhaps I am just wishing though, as most likely the next election will be liberal again.

You are pretty much stupid for watching less relations with the US. We account for 85% of your trade...and you want less relations? Unbelievable...

what's that old saying about putting all your eggs in one basket? Especially if that basket belongs to a psychopath...

No offense, but the US is much more important to you than you are the US. Canada would only be a shadow of itself without the US.

With views like that no wonder Canada and Europe hates us.

Well then we should just cut off your oil, lumber, electricity and cheaper labour. Sure you would find alternatives, but so can we, and the wolrd would be much better off if idiots like yourself would just be silent.


Golden Member
Jun 15, 2005
I like some of the conservative policies, but harper's willingness to sell us out to the US is fvcked!


Nov 1, 2005
I like PC, however, I like the Liberals decision not to enter the Iraq war (which I think the PCs would have supported).

Edit: PS - Shame on you if you are eligible to vote but do not.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by: sandorski
Liberal/Martin--proven fiscal conservatism(arguable, but best in decades).

Proven?...hah...give me a break, balanced budget means nothing compared to an excessive tax burden and bloated social programs. Since being PM, I want to know what fiscal conservative policies hes implemented...that's right...NONE. I can go on forever why the liberals should not be in power...we can discuss, but I'm going to keep it brief atm.

Conservatives want too much to be Republican North for my liking.

The conservatives have a good plan to clean up current liberal corruption, support abortion, support gay rights and entitlement, support publicly funded healthcare, support the kyoto agreement. Far from republicans, as much as those in power would like you to believe. I can't believe how much crap people are fed and how much they willingly take in. I cannot understand why people feel so comfortable in their tin foil hats and fear of something totally irrational.

NDP, are the NDP. Not much to say other than they best serve the country as a Middle
Power Opposition Party.

The most unreasonable party ever. These guys don't have one clue about governing a country, let alone successfully. I can get into their policies if you'd like but again, keeping it brief. All i can say is any man who bursts out crying over homeless people at a press conference a) shouldn't have a federal chequebook, b) isn't a realist.

BQ, even if they ran MPs outside of Quebec and in the Riding I live, well, I wouldn't even bother paying attention to what they said

Core of the party doesn't stand for what I do, but at least they have a common distaste for the current corrupt and unfit for power Liberal party. If quebecers are looking for a national alternative with good representation and provincial rights, vote conservative. The feds have been notorious for butting into provincial jurisdiction, at least conservatives have a hope of making a real change for quebec's power.

Beer or Marijuana Party, I'd cheer mightily, but never vote for them

Why include these guys? Greens are way more popular...although equally as stoned and messed up



Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Jimmah
After hearing about, eading about and generally seeing how my life is being put to sh!t from the libs, I'm defintly against them. Problem is, who can I be 'for'? Conservs are a scary bunch, NDP is the only one I can consider and thats a stretch. Probably NDP, their goals suit how I think the country should be run better than the Libs or Cons.

Personally, I think the next PM should be even more hostile to the US. Softwood lumber comes to mind why I despise the US, another would be NAFTA, and oil another. I hope for a leader whom will do more relations with the EU and less with the US. Perhaps I am just wishing though, as most likely the next election will be liberal again.

You are pretty much stupid for watching less relations with the US. We account for 85% of your trade...and you want less relations? Unbelievable...

what's that old saying about putting all your eggs in one basket? Especially if that basket belongs to a psychopath...

No offense, but the US is much more important to you than you are the US. Canada would only be a shadow of itself without the US.

Boy are you dense...

Let me explain to you, in very very simple terms.
1. People like you are arrogant, control freak assholes who hate us.
2. Because of people like you, we cannot get along.
3. Because we cannot get along, our politicians should find ways to lessen our dependence on people like you.
4. Ergo, they should pursue deeper relations with other countries in order to diminish the influence of people like you.
5. Electing politicians who won't be US poodles is the way to do that.


Golden Member
Jun 15, 2005
I would like to point out that though the Liberal governement did squader a huge amount of money with the adscam, they also have us sitting without a deficit and with healthcare and other public services.

However, it is time to put some money into the armed forces...and to strong arm of some political issues such as softwood lumber...US will not invade us, we dont have WMD's. (Oh wait, neither did Iraq, we are fvcked)


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Stunt
Originally posted by: sandorski
Liberal/Martin--proven fiscal conservatism(arguable, but best in decades).

Proven?...hah...give me a break, balanced budget means nothing compared to an excessive tax burden and bloated social programs. Since being PM, I want to know what fiscal conservative policies hes implemented...that's right...NONE. I can go on forever why the liberals should not be in power...we can discuss, but I'm going to keep it brief atm.

Conservatives want too much to be Republican North for my liking.

The conservatives have a good plan to clean up current liberal corruption, support abortion, support gay rights and entitlement, support publicly funded healthcare, support the kyoto agreement. Far from republicans, as much as those in power would like you to believe. I can't believe how much crap people are fed and how much they willingly take in. I cannot understand why people feel so comfortable in their tin foil hats and fear of something totally irrational.

NDP, are the NDP. Not much to say other than they best serve the country as a Middle
Power Opposition Party.

The most unreasonable party ever. These guys don't have one clue about governing a country, let alone successfully. I can get into their policies if you'd like but again, keeping it brief. All i can say is any man who bursts out crying over homeless people at a press conference a) shouldn't have a federal chequebook, b) isn't a realist.

BQ, even if they ran MPs outside of Quebec and in the Riding I live, well, I wouldn't even bother paying attention to what they said

Core of the party doesn't stand for what I do, but at least they have a common distaste for the current corrupt and unfit for power Liberal party. If quebecers are looking for a national alternative with good representation and provincial rights, vote conservative. The feds have been notorious for butting into provincial jurisdiction, at least conservatives have a hope of making a real change for quebec's power.

Beer or Marijuana Party, I'd cheer mightily, but never vote for them

Why include these guys? Greens are way more popular...although equally as stoned and messed up

You know my positions, we disagree on the Libs and I'll leave it at that.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by: GreyMittens
I like PC, however, I like the Liberals decision not to enter the Iraq war (which I think the PCs would have supported).

Edit: PS - Shame on you if you are eligible to vote but do not.

If Martin was in power at the time with David Pratt as his Defense Minister, we would be in Iraq right now.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by: sandorski
You know my positions, we disagree on the Libs and I'll leave it at that.
Everyone keeps talking about Martin's fiscal conservative side, several people above mentioned it.

Just asking for the fiscal conservative policies he has implemented while in power...maybe even something he has openly talked about or tried to push for.

He's not fiscal conservative at all...once you realize this, you will see he is nothign more than a power hungry, rich elitest. Martin is worth more than Bush and Cheney combined, his company is exceptional at tax avoidance, and he pays in Canada for medical services. The man is the biggest joke of a prime minister ever, maybe he was the shining light under Chetien (doesn't say much), but he has been a horrid leader.
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