Canon Powershot S3 IS or Panazonic FZ7?


Dec 17, 1999
I'm looking for a compact mega-zoom digital camera for vacations......... which one would you buy?



Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2002
neither are compact, atleast I know s2/s3 IS isnt particularly compact, its a good camera though. People seem to prefer the canon in a lot of reviews.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2000
I bought the Fuji s5200 for the best bang-for-buck feature and love it.

edit: If money wasn't an issue, I'd have went straight to a DSLR.

I agree the Canon S3 IS is a nicer camera, but I decided to save my $ and buy something that would satisfy my needs until DSLR prices drop.


Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
The S3 IS. I think the Panasonic's images are just too noisey.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2000
I am deciding between exactly these 2 cameras as well, so I would love some opinions!

For me, the fact that the S3 uses 4xAA batteries is a big draw back... makes the camera heavier and I will have to spend some more money to buy 1-2 sets of good NiMH batteries...

However the FZ7 does have more noise, and doesnt have as many shooting modes or the adjustable LCD screen...

FZ7 IS cheaper by quite a bit though...

As you can tell, i havent made my decision yet neither


Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
Panasonic. But I've never liked the ergonomics of the Canons. Will you really use all those shooting modes on the Canon? For a P&S camera, the thing is to think of how you will be using it in most cases. If you're mainly going to be taking snapshots or not viewing the images full-size, you'll probably never notice the noise.



Elite Member
May 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Panasonic. But I've never liked the ergonomics of the Canons. Will you really use all those shooting modes on the Canon? For a P&S camera, the thing is to think of how you will be using it in most cases. If you're mainly going to be taking snapshots or not viewing the images full-size, you'll probably never notice the noise.


That's an interesting argument for buying an inferior camera...

As someone else said, consider the S2 IS as well..down below $300 at some places...


Jan 3, 2006
Avoid the small credit card sized ones with the mega zooms. They suck at the long end of the focal length.
the Canon S2/S3 are really nice cameras. They can handle high ISO's better then any other brand.


Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Panasonic. But I've never liked the ergonomics of the Canons. Will you really use all those shooting modes on the Canon? For a P&S camera, the thing is to think of how you will be using it in most cases. If you're mainly going to be taking snapshots or not viewing the images full-size, you'll probably never notice the noise.

That's an interesting argument for buying an inferior camera...

As someone else said, coonsider the S2 IS as well..down below $300 at some places...
I swear, everyone here gets a hard-on for anything that has "Canon" plastered on the front of it. Even if it's out-dated like the S2 IS.

Dollar-for-dollar, I'll take the Panasonic and its Leica lens any day. I can't stand how the S3 IS feels in my hand; it just wouldn't be a useful photographic tool for me.

As far as high ISO shooting, I've never shot a digital above ISO 200. If I'm shooting indoors and handheld, I just use a flash. If I can't use flash, I use a tripod. Outdoors, I shoot ISO 50 or ISO 100, just as I do with film.



Dec 17, 1999
Originally posted by: kalster
neither are compact, atleast I know s2/s3 IS isnt particularly compact, its a good camera though. People seem to prefer the canon in a lot of reviews.

well ...... compact compared to a DSLR.

I'd love to get a DSLR but it's just too bulk and It think these megazoom "Compact" cameras are a good compromise between size & function



Jan 3, 2006
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Panasonic. But I've never liked the ergonomics of the Canons. Will you really use all those shooting modes on the Canon? For a P&S camera, the thing is to think of how you will be using it in most cases. If you're mainly going to be taking snapshots or not viewing the images full-size, you'll probably never notice the noise.

That's an interesting argument for buying an inferior camera...

As someone else said, coonsider the S2 IS as well..down below $300 at some places...
I swear, everyone here gets a hard-on for anything that has "Canon" plastered on the front of it. Even if it's out-dated like the S2 IS.

Dollar-for-dollar, I'll take the Panasonic and its Leica lens any day. I can't stand how the S3 IS feels in my hand; it just wouldn't be a useful photographic tool for me.

As far as high ISO shooting, I've never shot a digital above ISO 200. If I'm shooting indoors and handheld, I just use a flash. If I can't use flash, I use a tripod. Outdoors, I shoot ISO 50 or ISO 100, just as I do with film.


Glass quality seems equal between the two of them. Behold the power of marketing brand recognition. The same reason you are sucked into a Leica lens is the same reason people flock to Canon.


Dec 17, 1999
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Panasonic. But I've never liked the ergonomics of the Canons. Will you really use all those shooting modes on the Canon? For a P&S camera, the thing is to think of how you will be using it in most cases. If you're mainly going to be taking snapshots or not viewing the images full-size, you'll probably never notice the noise.

That's an interesting argument for buying an inferior camera...

As someone else said, coonsider the S2 IS as well..down below $300 at some places...
I swear, everyone here gets a hard-on for anything that has "Canon" plastered on the front of it. Even if it's out-dated like the S2 IS.

Dollar-for-dollar, I'll take the Panasonic and its Leica lens any day. I can't stand how the S3 IS feels in my hand; it just wouldn't be a useful photographic tool for me.

As far as high ISO shooting, I've never shot a digital above ISO 200. If I'm shooting indoors and handheld, I just use a flash. If I can't use flash, I use a tripod. Outdoors, I shoot ISO 50 or ISO 100, just as I do with film.

I am actually a Nikon fanboi.......... but I don't like what they have to offer in this segment. The only Canons I've used are the 30D and the SD700. I liked them but they are not what I need.



Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Originally posted by: Baked
Originally posted by: fuzzybabybunny
The S3 IS. I think the Panasonic's images are just too noisey.

Bunny FTW!


*stands on tippy toes and pats Baked on the head*

I guess it would depend on the type of shooting. I WISH I didn't have to use high ISOs, but often the work that I do requires it. Obviously Zenmervolt's work does not, which is fine. This is why I go with Canon because generally their noise is better handled (in fact I feel that my XT's ISO 1600 is too noisey - my standards are high).

I've seen incredible pictures taken with both cameras, especially macro pictures taken with the Panasonic. Despite the fact that I use a Canon, I'm completely impartial to brands. I just go with whatever brand offers the best for the needed situation.

I also second the S2 IS. If you're strapped for cash that's a great way to go.


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Panasonic. But I've never liked the ergonomics of the Canons. Will you really use all those shooting modes on the Canon? For a P&S camera, the thing is to think of how you will be using it in most cases. If you're mainly going to be taking snapshots or not viewing the images full-size, you'll probably never notice the noise.

That's an interesting argument for buying an inferior camera...

As someone else said, coonsider the S2 IS as well..down below $300 at some places...
I swear, everyone here gets a hard-on for anything that has "Canon" plastered on the front of it. Even if it's out-dated like the S2 IS.

Dollar-for-dollar, I'll take the Panasonic and its Leica lens any day. I can't stand how the S3 IS feels in my hand; it just wouldn't be a useful photographic tool for me.

As far as high ISO shooting, I've never shot a digital above ISO 200. If I'm shooting indoors and handheld, I just use a flash. If I can't use flash, I use a tripod. Outdoors, I shoot ISO 50 or ISO 100, just as I do with film.


So you like the Panasonic better...that's fine. However, your argument was essentialy the Canon has more features, and has lower noise, but who cares about all that because you like the Panasonic better. You pretty much just argued for the Panasonic because who would use those modes anyway, and when you view pictures like you think they should be viewed, you don't notice the noise.

I wouldn't say I'm a Canon "fanboy". I do have a S2 IS and love it, but it's my first digital camera. When I was looking to buy, I looked at Panasonic's competitor to the S2 at the time, and I picked the Canon after researching both and trying both. If that makes me a "fanboy" in your world...I can live with that.



Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2001
Originally posted by: BCYL
I am deciding between exactly these 2 cameras as well, so I would love some opinions!

For me, the fact that the S3 uses 4xAA batteries is a big draw back... makes the camera heavier and I will have to spend some more money to buy 1-2 sets of good NiMH batteries...

However the FZ7 does have more noise, and doesnt have as many shooting modes or the adjustable LCD screen...

FZ7 IS cheaper by quite a bit though...

As you can tell, i havent made my decision yet neither

I completely disagree with this. I only buy digital cameras with AA batteries. When you get past the size of a pocket cam, the additional weight is insignificant. Yes, you do have to buy the AAs, but the cost of a decent set is $10 from Walmart. Besides, you have to have another spare battery and good luck finding one for less than the price of 2 sets of NiMH AAs. The other thing is that you will always find AA batteries if a store sell batteries. Good luck finding your specific battery in a small shop in a foreign country, but you will find AAs. This would be pretty important if you're traveling a lot.


Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Panasonic. But I've never liked the ergonomics of the Canons. Will you really use all those shooting modes on the Canon? For a P&S camera, the thing is to think of how you will be using it in most cases. If you're mainly going to be taking snapshots or not viewing the images full-size, you'll probably never notice the noise.

That's an interesting argument for buying an inferior camera...

As someone else said, coonsider the S2 IS as well..down below $300 at some places...
I swear, everyone here gets a hard-on for anything that has "Canon" plastered on the front of it. Even if it's out-dated like the S2 IS.

Dollar-for-dollar, I'll take the Panasonic and its Leica lens any day. I can't stand how the S3 IS feels in my hand; it just wouldn't be a useful photographic tool for me.

As far as high ISO shooting, I've never shot a digital above ISO 200. If I'm shooting indoors and handheld, I just use a flash. If I can't use flash, I use a tripod. Outdoors, I shoot ISO 50 or ISO 100, just as I do with film.

So you like the Panasonic better...that's fine. However, your argument was essentialy the Canon has more features, and has lower noise, but who cares about all that because you like the Panasonic better. You pretty much just argued for the Panasonic because who would use those modes anyway, and when you view pictures like you think they should be viewed, you don't notice the noise.

I wouldn't say I'm a Canon "fanboy". I do have a S2 IS and love it, but it's my first digital camera. When I was looking to buy, I looked at Panasonic's competitor to the S2 at the time, and I picked the Canon after researching both and trying both. If that makes me a "fanboy" in your world...I can live with that.

Do you print 8x10 or larger from a dedicated, 8-ink photo printer? Do you have a monitor that can view your images full-screen at full resolution? If the answer to both of those is "no" then you'll never notice the additional noise and that's a fact.

The simple fact is that my 2mp Fuji FinePix is more than acceptable for printing a 4x6 image on any sub $500 printer. From a good dye-sublimation printer it produces images that are not distinguishable from 4x6 photos.

People spout noise specs because they're just about the only thing that's easy to measure in a comparison. The thing is, fast film is even noisier! People have been snapping up 400 (and even 800) film forever and haven't had any problems with the prints that produces. Heck, I've got some 11x14 prints from 400 film that look just fine, it's the limit for 400 speed, but it's not at all an issue at that size.

The fact is this: Most digicam users will take their photos and print out maybe 5% of them on 4x6 paper at a "Photo Station" in their local Walgreens and maybe another 5% on their $40 inkjet. The photos that aren't deleted are either viewed on their monitor (downsized to at most 2MP to fit their screen, more commonly something around 1.2 MP to fit in a non-fullscreen window) or are sized even smaller (1MP or less) to put onto a website. In those uses, there's no reason to worry over a small difference in sensor noise that is only detectable in a lab test.

Saying that I'm making an argument for an inferior camera is like saying that someone who argues that an Accord EX is perfectly fine transportation compared to a 5-Series BMW is favoring an inferior vehicle. The fact is that the Accord will not be functionally different from the BMW and will cost a lot less. Let's face it, someone looking for a point and shoot is not looking for the ultimate camera and will almost certainly not notice the differences. For the amount of money that the Panasonic will save him, it seems silly to spend extra on the Canon. Paying for features that you don't use is stupid, so if he's not going to use the extra features of the Canon, why should he pay more for that camera?

In short, he should buy the camera that will encourage him to take the most pictures. The greatest specs in the world are worthless if the camera isn't used. If the camera has more features than he needs and he gets sick of wandering through menus, then he'll stop using the camera. If he's frustrated because there aren't enough modes, he'll stop using the camera. I'm simply advocating the less expensive camera because I believe it aligns better with the intended use.



Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Originally posted by: rockyct
Originally posted by: BCYL
I am deciding between exactly these 2 cameras as well, so I would love some opinions!

For me, the fact that the S3 uses 4xAA batteries is a big draw back... makes the camera heavier and I will have to spend some more money to buy 1-2 sets of good NiMH batteries...

However the FZ7 does have more noise, and doesnt have as many shooting modes or the adjustable LCD screen...

FZ7 IS cheaper by quite a bit though...

As you can tell, i havent made my decision yet neither

I completely disagree with this. I only buy digital cameras with AA batteries. When you get past the size of a pocket cam, the additional weight is insignificant. Yes, you do have to buy the AAs, but the cost of a decent set is $10 from Walmart. Besides, you have to have another spare battery and good luck finding one for less than the price of 2 sets of NiMH AAs. The other thing is that you will always find AA batteries if a store sell batteries. Good luck finding your specific battery in a small shop in a foreign country, but you will find AAs. This would be pretty important if you're traveling a lot.

It truly depends on the type of battery. AA's are great because they can be found in emergencies. Some proprietary batteries are poopy because they are hard to find and they are expensive. Other proprietary batteries like the ones in my Rebel XT are great because they are light and dirt cheap if you buy them from 3rd party manufacturors, something like $7 each. And they last a long time, include a charger, and anywhere there's a power outlet, you can get a recharge. I'm assuming a place will have a power outlet before they have AA's for sale.
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