Capitol bill aims to control ?leftist? profs (Florida)


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003

TALLAHASSEE ? Republicans on the House Choice and Innovation Committee voted along party lines Tuesday to pass a bill that aims to stamp out ?leftist totalitarianism? by ?dictator professors? in the classrooms of Florida?s universities.

According to a legislative staff analysis of the bill, the law would give students who think their beliefs are not being respected legal standing to sue professors and universities

Similar suits could be filed by students who don?t believe astronauts landed on the moon, who believe teaching birth control is a sin or even by Shands medical students who refuse to perform blood transfusions and believe prayer is the only way to heal the body, Gelber added.

Here is another effort to control as much as possible by, guess who, the Republicans. Seems to be quite a trend lately.

I was pretty much under the impression that college was a learning institution, not a soapbox for students (well, maybe Berkeley).

Students who believe their professor is singling them out for ?public ridicule? ? for instance, when professors use the Socratic method to force students to explain their theories in class ? would also be given the right to sue.

Maybe if you can't explain your theories you should be able to sue because you were not sent to remedial classes.

I'm getting pretty sick of this crap myself.


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2003
I see the Repuglicans are hypocritcal about trial lawyers as well. They are the party of slime.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Shands medical students who refuse to perform blood transfusions and believe prayer is the only way to heal the body

Republicans reason to go through Medical school is to wear a Doctors Robe, collect $200 for an Office visit and just tell the patient to pray.


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Shands medical students who refuse to perform blood transfusions and believe prayer is the only way to heal the body

Republicans reason to go through Medical school is to wear a Doctors Robe, collect $200 for an Office visit and just tell the patient to pray.

And to make sure to diagnose brain dead people as having a possibilty of recovery if people pray.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Shands medical students who refuse to perform blood transfusions and believe prayer is the only way to heal the body

Republicans reason to go through Medical school is to wear a Doctors Robe, collect $200 for an Office visit and just tell the patient to pray.

And to make sure to diagnose brain dead people as having a possibilty of recovery if people pray.

More from the Florida Republicans:

The Academic Freedom Bill of Rights, sponsored by Rep. Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, passed 8-to-2 despite strenuous objections from the only two Democrats on the committee.

During the committee hearing, Baxley cast opposition to his bill as ?leftists? struggling against ?mainstream society.?

Rep. Eleanor Sobel, D-Hollywood, argued universities and the state Board of Governors already have policies in place to protect academic freedom.

?The big hand of state government is going into the universities telling them how to teach,? she said. ?This bill is the antithesis of academic freedom.?


Nov 11, 1999
Hey, all you leftist-pinko-commie-f@ggotlovers who hate America! We're serving notice that the Socratic method is a denial of Faith, a heresy of the worst sort. We'll give you all the "freedom" you need, and we don't have to explain or justify it in a logical manner. We create Reality, dontcha know? Just part and parcel of our Faith-based love of Jebus, and GWB...


Oct 19, 2001
:roll: way to misrepresent the legislation.

The Academic bill of rights has been discussed here before - this piece of legislation isn't much different than the others. It however is not directed only at the left as the OP is trying to suggest.
You all might try getting some FACTS before just lapping up this drivel...but alas, that's probably too much work and wouldn't give you your "Republicans are teh EVAL" fix. :roll:



Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
:roll: way to misrepresent the legislation.

The Academic bill of rights has been discussed here before - this piece of legislation isn't much different than the others. It however is not directed only at the left as the OP is trying to suggest.
You all might try getting some FACTS before just lapping up this drivel...but alas, that's probably too much work and wouldn't give you your "Republicans are teh EVAL" fix. :roll:


What's your spin on the bill?


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
:roll: way to misrepresent the legislation.

The Academic bill of rights has been discussed here before - this piece of legislation isn't much different than the others. It however is not directed only at the left as the OP is trying to suggest.
You all might try getting some FACTS before just lapping up this drivel...but alas, that's probably too much work and wouldn't give you your "Republicans are teh EVAL" fix. :roll:


What's your spin on the bill?

I don't have a spin on the bill. I will however state that the legislation is not to "control 'leftist' profs". Try reading the legislation and coming to your own conclusions.




Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
:roll: way to misrepresent the legislation.

The Academic bill of rights has been discussed here before - this piece of legislation isn't much different than the others. It however is not directed only at the left as the OP is trying to suggest.
You all might try getting some FACTS before just lapping up this drivel...but alas, that's probably too much work and wouldn't give you your "Republicans are teh EVAL" fix. :roll:


What's your spin on the bill?

I don't have a spin on the bill. I will however state that the legislation is not to "control 'leftist' profs". Try reading the legislation and coming to your own conclusions.



Sounds like they're intruding into the classroom, trying to limit what profs. can do. How about they let students decide which college they want to go to? If someone wants to start a school where nothing "dangerous" is taught, go for it. Then you can let the market decide how much that degree is worth. (Hint: the top universities aren't scared of teaching whatever the heck they want to teach about.)


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
:roll: way to misrepresent the legislation.

The Academic bill of rights has been discussed here before - this piece of legislation isn't much different than the others. It however is not directed only at the left as the OP is trying to suggest.
You all might try getting some FACTS before just lapping up this drivel...but alas, that's probably too much work and wouldn't give you your "Republicans are teh EVAL" fix. :roll:


What's your spin on the bill?

I don't have a spin on the bill. I will however state that the legislation is not to "control 'leftist' profs". Try reading the legislation and coming to your own conclusions.



Sounds like they're intruding into the classroom, trying to limit what profs. can do. How about they let students decide which college they want to go to? If someone wants to start a school where nothing "dangerous" is taught, go for it. Then you can let the market decide how much that degree is worth. (Hint: the top universities aren't scared of teaching whatever the heck they want to teach about.)

How about giving students a classroom free from unrelated indoctrination?(yes that goes both ways). The Universities have had ample opportunity to do it themselves but have chosen to not heed the calls for self-reform. This sort of legislation will provide students with some backing when/if they are in such a situation. Remember -the students are paying for an education - not the off-subject opinions of the professor.



Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
:roll: way to misrepresent the legislation.

The Academic bill of rights has been discussed here before - this piece of legislation isn't much different than the others. It however is not directed only at the left as the OP is trying to suggest.
You all might try getting some FACTS before just lapping up this drivel...but alas, that's probably too much work and wouldn't give you your "Republicans are teh EVAL" fix. :roll:


What's your spin on the bill?

I don't have a spin on the bill. I will however state that the legislation is not to "control 'leftist' profs". Try reading the legislation and coming to your own conclusions.



Sounds like they're intruding into the classroom, trying to limit what profs. can do. How about they let students decide which college they want to go to? If someone wants to start a school where nothing "dangerous" is taught, go for it. Then you can let the market decide how much that degree is worth. (Hint: the top universities aren't scared of teaching whatever the heck they want to teach about.)

How about giving students a classroom free from unrelated indoctrination?(yes that goes both ways). The Universities have had ample opportunity to do it themselves but have chosen to not heed the calls for self-reform. This sort of legislation will provide students with some backing when/if they are in such a situation. Remember -the students are paying for an education - not the off-subject opinions of the professor.


Wow. I thought you were into free markets. I guess not. I guess the government should decide how universities should be run. Personally, I think schools, including idiotic ones like Bob Jones Unviersity, should be able to teach whatever the fvck they want and let students and the population at large decide which is the best and which is deserving of tuition and attendance.

Not surprised given as you're deep down a big government Republican.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
:roll: way to misrepresent the legislation.

The Academic bill of rights has been discussed here before - this piece of legislation isn't much different than the others. It however is not directed only at the left as the OP is trying to suggest.
You all might try getting some FACTS before just lapping up this drivel...but alas, that's probably too much work and wouldn't give you your "Republicans are teh EVAL" fix. :roll:


What's your spin on the bill?

I don't have a spin on the bill. I will however state that the legislation is not to "control 'leftist' profs". Try reading the legislation and coming to your own conclusions.



Sounds like they're intruding into the classroom, trying to limit what profs. can do. How about they let students decide which college they want to go to? If someone wants to start a school where nothing "dangerous" is taught, go for it. Then you can let the market decide how much that degree is worth. (Hint: the top universities aren't scared of teaching whatever the heck they want to teach about.)

How about giving students a classroom free from unrelated indoctrination?(yes that goes both ways). The Universities have had ample opportunity to do it themselves but have chosen to not heed the calls for self-reform. This sort of legislation will provide students with some backing when/if they are in such a situation. Remember -the students are paying for an education - not the off-subject opinions of the professor.


Two points here. First of all, is there any evidence to suggest this is a big enough problem to warrent legislation? I have never had experience with anything like what is being discussed, nor do I know anyone who has. The only things I've heard are from groups with an agenda to promote. Call me "conservative", but I'm not really convinced this is the huge problem anyone is making it out to be.

Actually, forget my second point, legislating for problems we don't have will ALWAYS cause more problems. A law that makes it easy to sue professors you disagree with (even if that isn't a good enough reason) seems like the opposite of what we want kids to get out of college. So we better be sure we're solving some huge, far reaching problem before we go stomping off into the legislative weeds. I thought that was the whole Republican platform...


Feb 7, 2004
They need to stay out of professors classrooms. Let the students/university decide. Why would I want a politician with limited experience in a field decide what is to be taught.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
:roll: way to misrepresent the legislation.

The Academic bill of rights has been discussed here before - this piece of legislation isn't much different than the others. It however is not directed only at the left as the OP is trying to suggest.
You all might try getting some FACTS before just lapping up this drivel...but alas, that's probably too much work and wouldn't give you your "Republicans are teh EVAL" fix. :roll:


What's your spin on the bill?

I don't have a spin on the bill. I will however state that the legislation is not to "control 'leftist' profs". Try reading the legislation and coming to your own conclusions.



Sounds like they're intruding into the classroom, trying to limit what profs. can do. How about they let students decide which college they want to go to? If someone wants to start a school where nothing "dangerous" is taught, go for it. Then you can let the market decide how much that degree is worth. (Hint: the top universities aren't scared of teaching whatever the heck they want to teach about.)

How about giving students a classroom free from unrelated indoctrination?(yes that goes both ways). The Universities have had ample opportunity to do it themselves but have chosen to not heed the calls for self-reform. This sort of legislation will provide students with some backing when/if they are in such a situation. Remember -the students are paying for an education - not the off-subject opinions of the professor.


Wow. I thought you were into free markets. I guess not. I guess the government should decide how universities should be run. Personally, I think schools, including idiotic ones like Bob Jones Unviersity, should be able to teach whatever the fvck they want and let students and the population at large decide which is the best and which is deserving of tuition and attendance.

Not surprised given as you're deep down a big government Republican.

Nice try, but you again wildly missed the board.

Free markets are fine - and people spending their money on education is definitely somewhere where it should be free too - however, that doesn't mean they have free reign over indoctrination. If a class is about X - then the professor is supposed to teach X and that related to X. The professor is not to "teach" on D, E, or F - nor grade based on them. It's a truth in advertising type thing. If a student signs up for X - should he not expect that the prof will teach and grade on X?
As I stated, the University system has known about these sorts of problems for quite alot of years and have failed to implement standards/proceedures to properly address it. I don't want the gov't to involve themselves if at all possible, but it is clear the University systems won't do it on their own.



Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
:roll: way to misrepresent the legislation.

The Academic bill of rights has been discussed here before - this piece of legislation isn't much different than the others. It however is not directed only at the left as the OP is trying to suggest.
You all might try getting some FACTS before just lapping up this drivel...but alas, that's probably too much work and wouldn't give you your "Republicans are teh EVAL" fix. :roll:


What's your spin on the bill?

I don't have a spin on the bill. I will however state that the legislation is not to "control 'leftist' profs". Try reading the legislation and coming to your own conclusions.



Sounds like they're intruding into the classroom, trying to limit what profs. can do. How about they let students decide which college they want to go to? If someone wants to start a school where nothing "dangerous" is taught, go for it. Then you can let the market decide how much that degree is worth. (Hint: the top universities aren't scared of teaching whatever the heck they want to teach about.)

How about giving students a classroom free from unrelated indoctrination?(yes that goes both ways). The Universities have had ample opportunity to do it themselves but have chosen to not heed the calls for self-reform. This sort of legislation will provide students with some backing when/if they are in such a situation. Remember -the students are paying for an education - not the off-subject opinions of the professor.


Wow. I thought you were into free markets. I guess not. I guess the government should decide how universities should be run. Personally, I think schools, including idiotic ones like Bob Jones Unviersity, should be able to teach whatever the fvck they want and let students and the population at large decide which is the best and which is deserving of tuition and attendance.

Not surprised given as you're deep down a big government Republican.

Nice try, but you again wildly missed the board.

Free markets are fine - and people spending their money on education is definitely somewhere where it should be free too - however, that doesn't mean they have free reign over indoctrination. If a class is about X - then the professor is supposed to teach X and that related to X. The professor is not to "teach" on D, E, or F - nor grade based on them. It's a truth in advertising type thing. If a student signs up for X - should he not expect that the prof will teach and grade on X?
As I stated, the University system has known about these sorts of problems for quite alot of years and have failed to implement standards/proceedures to properly address it. I don't want the gov't to involve themselves if at all possible, but it is clear the University systems won't do it on their own.


Not surprised you are resorting to repeating yourself. As also Rainsford pointed out, your position is inconsistent with conservative (well at least traditional ones ) ideals. You state you support free markets, but subsequently support legislation that is opposed to free markets. I'm not going to buy your claim that you support free markets-- it's baloney. This is the worst kind of regulation in that it is essentially limiting speech in a place where free speech has always been been very protected. Let me guess, your next post you will once again bleat that you really truly do support free markets and small government. Of course, we all know now that that's not the case.


Jan 12, 2002
In an interview before the meeting, Baxley said ?arrogant, elitist academics are swarming? to oppose the bill, and media reports misrepresented his intentions.

Doesn't that sound like some of the ignorant nuts on this board? The last thing we need is them telling people what they can teach and be taught.

This is truly the most disburbing legislation I've heard of in a long time...


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
:roll: way to misrepresent the legislation.

The Academic bill of rights has been discussed here before - this piece of legislation isn't much different than the others. It however is not directed only at the left as the OP is trying to suggest.
You all might try getting some FACTS before just lapping up this drivel...but alas, that's probably too much work and wouldn't give you your "Republicans are teh EVAL" fix. :roll:


What's your spin on the bill?

I don't have a spin on the bill. I will however state that the legislation is not to "control 'leftist' profs". Try reading the legislation and coming to your own conclusions.



Sounds like they're intruding into the classroom, trying to limit what profs. can do. How about they let students decide which college they want to go to? If someone wants to start a school where nothing "dangerous" is taught, go for it. Then you can let the market decide how much that degree is worth. (Hint: the top universities aren't scared of teaching whatever the heck they want to teach about.)

How about giving students a classroom free from unrelated indoctrination?(yes that goes both ways). The Universities have had ample opportunity to do it themselves but have chosen to not heed the calls for self-reform. This sort of legislation will provide students with some backing when/if they are in such a situation. Remember -the students are paying for an education - not the off-subject opinions of the professor.


Wow. I thought you were into free markets. I guess not. I guess the government should decide how universities should be run. Personally, I think schools, including idiotic ones like Bob Jones Unviersity, should be able to teach whatever the fvck they want and let students and the population at large decide which is the best and which is deserving of tuition and attendance.

Not surprised given as you're deep down a big government Republican.

Nice try, but you again wildly missed the board.

Free markets are fine - and people spending their money on education is definitely somewhere where it should be free too - however, that doesn't mean they have free reign over indoctrination. If a class is about X - then the professor is supposed to teach X and that related to X. The professor is not to "teach" on D, E, or F - nor grade based on them. It's a truth in advertising type thing. If a student signs up for X - should he not expect that the prof will teach and grade on X?
As I stated, the University system has known about these sorts of problems for quite alot of years and have failed to implement standards/proceedures to properly address it. I don't want the gov't to involve themselves if at all possible, but it is clear the University systems won't do it on their own.


Not surprised you are resorting to repeating yourself. As also Rainsford pointed out, your position is inconsistent with conservative (well at least traditional ones ) ideals. You state you support free markets, but subsequently support legislation that is opposed to free markets. I'm not going to buy your claim that you support free markets-- it's baloney. This is the worst kind of regulation in that it is essentially limiting speech in a place where free speech has always been been very protected. Let me guess, your next post you will once again bleat that you really truly do support free markets and small government. Of course, we all know now that that's not the case.

Sorry, but it is you who is repeating - you keep blubbering about free-markets and I already addressed that. You are wrong about my position. I support the free-market, even in higher(paid for) education, even though you wish to distort my position and the issue. You can continue to misrepresent my position and the issue at hand if you wish, but it doesn't change my ideals nor the ideals of Conservatism as a whole.
There is no limiting of free-speech either and I challenge you to point out where in the legislation that limit takes place. You have bought into the irrational tripe of the OP.



Sep 11, 2003
Originally posted by: Infohawk
In an interview before the meeting, Baxley said ?arrogant, elitist academics are swarming? to oppose the bill, and media reports misrepresented his intentions.

Doesn't that sound like some of the ignorant nuts on this board? The last thing we need is them telling people what they can teach and be taught.

This is truly the most disburbing legislation I've heard of in a long time...

I look at it like this:

How 'bout we leave what is taught to professor's/teacher's/educator's discretion?

Let the conservative educators point out their view, let the liberal educators point out their view, and let the students choose.

Now, granted, this doesn't really work for lower grades, but at that point there shouldn't be any disagreements on subject matter - whether you're liberal or conservative, basic addition/subtraction is pretty much the same.

I've had both liberal and conservative professors here at school, and I've gained a lot of perspective and knowledge from both sides. Quashing either voice is stupid, and anyone with a shred of rationality should realize that.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Infohawk
In an interview before the meeting, Baxley said ?arrogant, elitist academics are swarming? to oppose the bill, and media reports misrepresented his intentions.

Doesn't that sound like some of the ignorant nuts on this board? The last thing we need is them telling people what they can teach and be taught.

This is truly the most disburbing legislation I've heard of in a long time...

Ever think they should teach the subject of the class? OH TEH NOEEESSS!!!!:roll: How dare students actually expect to be taught the subject matter of the class they are paying for - those free-speech hating students! :roll:



Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
Hey, all you leftist-pinko-commie-f@ggotlovers who hate America! We're serving notice that the Socratic method is a denial of Faith, a heresy of the worst sort. We'll give you all the "freedom" you need, and we don't have to explain or justify it in a logical manner. We create Reality, dontcha know? Just part and parcel of our Faith-based love of Jebus, and GWB...


Should correct slight misspelling Jebus should be Jebebus!:Q


Jan 25, 2000
Ah yes, :roll: we need state lawmakers to decide :roll: if professors are teaching on :roll: subject or not. God forbid they say :roll: something that deviates from the lesson plan :roll:, they should be :roll: purged. Let's setup a :roll: USSR style system of snitches :roll: and minders to :roll: make sure they don't deviate from :roll: state approved curriculum. :roll: We can't have professors teaching :roll: students things they didn't :roll: expect to learn.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
In an interview before the meeting, Baxley said ?arrogant, elitist academics are swarming? to oppose the bill, and media reports misrepresented his intentions.

Doesn't that sound like some of the ignorant nuts on this board? The last thing we need is them telling people what they can teach and be taught.

This is truly the most disburbing legislation I've heard of in a long time...

Ever think they should teach the subject of the class? OH TEH NOEEESSS!!!!:roll: How dare students actually expect to be taught the subject matter of the class they are paying for - those free-speech hating students! :roll:


Who say's they're not?
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