Captain Marvel

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Feb 25, 2011
This is true. However in these days, it would seem that an artist's political view can trump all else.

True, but IMO that's more an "eye of the beholder" issue, not because the artists are doing anything different.

Somehow people were able to enjoy the music of Beethoven or Woody Guthrie without demanding their heads on a platter.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
I enjoyed it through it wasn't as fresh as Thor Ragnarok - definitely felt more like a standard Marvel beginning story line.

I though the humor was enjoyable, there was actual character development, and the action was decent.

Not sure where all the SJW hate is coming from (or the hate on the scene where the family is reunited). There's nothing there beyond the fact that 2 of the 4 main characters in the movie are female.
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Oct 9, 2002
... but after the outrage at the fact that there were girls in Ghostbusters by self proclaimed right wingers, ...
You realize nearly all of that Ghostbusters 2016 "outrage" was trumped-up nonsense to get media buzz for a movie they knew was just all-around bad, right? The only actual outrage was over the manufactured outrage. I don't like how they glommed onto James Rolfe and excoriated him just because he said he wasn't interested in seeing Ghostbusters 2016. I think he had only seen the trailer or teaser. He was excoriated as a "misogynist" for simply not being interested in it or enthused about it. Sheesh! You should realize you were on the same bandwagon; eating up similar headlines; believing he and people like him were all "misogynist right-wingers."

From what I can tell, they started to promote this movie in a similar way -- but not to the same extent. Claiming "outrage" where there wasn't really any. Then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy because some people (understandably) get pissed off when you tell them "the only reason you're not excited for _____ is because you're a privileged white male MISOGYNIST!"

I'll probably watch when it hits streaming subscriptions. I haven't seen like half of the Marvel movies.
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Oct 9, 2002
I guess the author of this article didn’t see Terminator, Alien or watch an episode of Game of Thrones. Don’t understand why some insist on projecting politics on pop culture.
Alien is probably my favorite movie.

Aliens is pretty close and I can totally see why it would be the favorite for most people

Terminator kicked all kinds of ass.
"You're terminated, f*cker."

Terminator 2 is on par with Aliens for greatest action movie.

I absolutely love all those films.

Ghostbusters 2016?
I somehow got it in my digital library and I just don't think I'll ever watch it. The trailers were

I'm obviously a misogynist. Obviously.


Nov 27, 2001
From what I can tell, they started to promote this movie in a similar way -- but not to the same extent. Claiming "outrage" where there wasn't really any.

Honestly, I think this movie actually lasted for quite a while without any real outrage. I was genuinely a bit surprised when I saw a random YouTube video presented me to me maybe two weeks ago about how Brie Larson hates white dudes. While I knew I shouldn't click on it lest I'd start getting TheQuartering recommended to me, my curiosity was too strong! Apparently, it had to do with Brie Larson talking at some event where she started going on about film critics. I believe she touched on points like the lack of diversity amongst film critics, and how the films sometimes aren't designed for said critics. (The movie in question that she referenced for the latter was the panned Disney movie A Wrinkle in Time.)

While I can see how people would get annoyed with yet another Hollywood star trying to spout rhetoric in a somewhat caustic way -- Mike and Jay touched on this in the Red Letter Media review of Captain Marvel -- I don't think it was really worth making a big deal over. I mean... there's nothing wrong with more perspective, but you can certainly suggest that in better ways that don't come off as denouncing someone's opinion simply because of their race and gender.

But yeah... that two-ish weeks of controversy did end up as publicity for the movie. The RLM video even showed how people were raising money to send under-privileged girls to see the movie. The Mouse appreciates your patronage.

I'll probably watch when it hits streaming subscriptions. I haven't seen like half of the Marvel movies.

Keep in mind that Captain Marvel will be the first Marvel movie that is only streamed on Disney's upcoming Disney+ streaming service.


Oct 9, 2002
Honestly, I think this movie actually lasted for quite a while without any real outrage. I was genuinely a bit surprised when I saw a random YouTube video presented me to me maybe two weeks ago about how Brie Larson hates white dudes. While I knew I shouldn't click on it lest I'd start getting TheQuartering recommended to me, my curiosity was too strong! Apparently, it had to do with Brie Larson talking at some event where she started going on about film critics. I believe she touched on points like the lack of diversity amongst film critics, and how the films sometimes aren't designed for said critics. (The movie in question that she referenced for the latter was the panned Disney movie A Wrinkle in Time.)

While I can see how people would get annoyed with yet another Hollywood star trying to spout rhetoric in a somewhat caustic way -- Mike and Jay touched on this in the Red Letter Media review of Captain Marvel -- I don't think it was really worth making a big deal over. I mean... there's nothing wrong with more perspective, but you can certainly suggest that in better ways that don't come off as denouncing someone's opinion simply because of their race and gender.

But yeah... that two-ish weeks of controversy did end up as publicity for the movie. The RLM video even showed how people were raising money to send under-privileged girls to see the movie. The Mouse appreciates your patronage.

Keep in mind that Captain Marvel will be the first Marvel movie that is only streamed on Disney's upcoming Disney+ streaming service.
I watched the RedLetterMedia (Mike and Jay) review as soon as I received the subscription notification yesterday

I laughed in agreement when Mike emphasized that racial and gender diversity among film critics is "literally the LEAST important social 'issue' you could possibly imagine" (paraphrasing). Basically saying he doesn't feel there's much social and cultural significance in what he does. I enjoy watching them though

I tried to think of the names of any non-YouTube film critics (not dead) and the first name that came to mind is Armond White (a black man). Maybe because he's the only critic I agreed with on District 9 when it was released. If more women and ethnic men want to get into film criticism, there's really nothing stopping them from doing what Mike and Jay do on YouTube.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
This is a big part of my frustration with the SJW / left. Any disagreement from their world view paints you as a monster in their eyes. We had to like Ghostbusters 2016 because the cast was female. We have to like Captain Marvel because she's female. If we don't, we must hate strong women. Never mind the Alien / Terminator, WW movies that a large number of people liked. 'You can't like that performer! He said something potentially racist 20 years ago!' Some of them are every bit as reactionary as some of the people on the right. The tone they take in conversation is alienating many who, given the chance, might show themselves to be surprisingly sympathetic to their point of view.

Oh well.

You realize nearly all of that Ghostbusters 2016 "outrage" was trumped-up nonsense to get media buzz for a movie they knew was just all-around bad, right? The only actual outrage was over the manufactured outrage. I don't like how they glommed onto James Rolfe and excoriated him just because he said he wasn't interested in seeing Ghostbusters 2016. I think he had only seen the trailer or teaser. He was excoriated as a "misogynist" for simply not being interested in it or enthused about it. Sheesh! You should realize you were on the same bandwagon; eating up similar headlines; believing he and people like him were all "misogynist right-wingers."

From what I can tell, they started to promote this movie in a similar way -- but not to the same extent. Claiming "outrage" where there wasn't really any. Then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy because some people (understandably) get pissed off when you tell them "the only reason you're not excited for _____ is because you're a privileged white male MISOGYNIST!"

I'll probably watch when it hits streaming subscriptions. I haven't seen like half of the Marvel movies.


Jan 8, 2010
The extreme left are no different than the nosy old gossip lady portrayed in the 80's movies. Just more dangerous because people actually listen to them. The real problem these days is people ahve too much time on their hands to be mad about things they don't need to be mad about. Yes, there are wrongs in the world. All kinds of them. Some of us are too busy with our own lives to care about what some guy said 10 years ago as a joke on social media. Some of us are smart enough to know when a movie looks bad. Blame marketing since so much money is thrown at it. If you can't convince me to see your movie, blame them, not me. It's their job to convince me the movie looks good regardless of who the star is or how bad it may be.


Feb 3, 2005
This is a big part of my frustration with the SJW / left. Any disagreement from their world view paints you as a monster in their eyes. We had to like Ghostbusters 2016 because the cast was female. We have to like Captain Marvel because she's female. If we don't, we must hate strong women. Never mind the Alien / Terminator, WW movies that a large number of people liked. 'You can't like that performer! He said something potentially racist 20 years ago!' Some of them are every bit as reactionary as some of the people on the right. The tone they take in conversation is alienating many who, given the chance, might show themselves to be surprisingly sympathetic to their point of view.

Oh well.

You realize you're no better than those you denounce with your broad generalizations? Everyone just demonizes each other.


Oct 20, 2003
Clicked thread to see what ATOT'ers thought of Captain Marvell.

Left disappointed.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
My comments are due to frustration. I really have no desire to demonize anyone. I stated an opinion about AOC in ATPN and all a guy could do in response was claim that I didn't like prominent women. SMH. It's stuff like that that frustrates me. I've seen people raise legitimate concerns about the y'all come, open borders attitude and did it in a pretty neutral manner and all they got was accusations of hating brown people and was called a xenophobe.


You realize you're no better than those you denounce with your broad generalizations? Everyone just demonizes each other.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
I saw it Saturday and thought it was just above average for a Marvel film.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2007
so just my 2cents.

story/plot: ok, nothing amazing, fine for a modern updating the jumbled mishmash of the classic comic and various reboots.
(i kinda dislike the depowering of most of the cosmic races in the mcu.) they could have gone with a more traditional version of the Kree that would have added some depth to the interstellar politics in the mcu.

acting/casting: good performances, nobody does anything bad, but nothing that will stick in your mind later.
Larson is good, Jackson didnt bring his A game, but there weren't that many scenes to really go big on. the fury + danvers back and forth is probably the best of the dialogue bits but they needed more scenes in order to flesh out the relationship. all the supporting roles are fine, but the villains could have used a bit more development (this is partially due to time constraint and the semi-big plot twist.) i would like to see the cut scenes, as i suspect the theatrical edit really hurt this one.

music/sound: fine, but they tried really hard to shoehorn some of the 90's era songs into having some sort of thematic relevance.
[i follow the Countdown to Infinity podcast and one of their observations was pretty on point about missed opportunites: could have had the fight scene music cued with the jukebox hit and it would have been diegetic]

VFX/practicalFX: beginning and middle stuff is good, the final battle stuff was a bit cringeworthy(i used to work in features vfx).
this feels like a 2nd tier FX house job, the cg human was off model, the choreography and camerawork was forgettable, the lighting wasn't helping, and all i could think of as i was watching was this was like something we would have seen 15 years ago. her photon blasts vfx were about as uninspired as you can get. the quad jet fight scene had more drama and intensity and was way more compelling than the space stuff. [shows that go thru revisions and change of creative lead generally suffer in the end sequences. the lead up time required for good cg typically gets eaten away whenever a new creative team comes onboard. decisions need to be made early to get the level of polish needed for modern expectations. see scorpion king in the 2nd brendan frasier mummy movie for what happens when you give a good fx house not enough time]

general take: this was a kind of shallow slice at an origin, with most of the decisions falling to the god of "give me a popcorn movie" explosions and punches.
with the identity issues they could have done a more personal, taut, and gripping story about who you are and who you choose to be. treating it as a war story with soldiers doing questionable things could have added a lot more weight to the things that happened. the mcu movie aliens tend to lack any actual foreign quality, and the aliens just naturally slots in with a ton of familiarity with earth culture and sense of humor(except for Drax).
this movie went through a ton of rewrites and creative leads, and it shows. the end product is fine and fits in with the rest of the marvel movies, but they could have done more.

did i enjoy it?: i enjoyed enough of it.
should you watch it?: yes. maybe on cable, online, or borrow a friend's disc.
is it a good movie?: B- overall, B+ to A- in some of the parts.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
so just my 2cents.

story/plot: ok, nothing amazing, fine for a modern updating the jumbled mishmash of the classic comic and various reboots.
(i kinda dislike the depowering of most of the cosmic races in the mcu.) they could have gone with a more traditional version of the Kree that would have added some depth to the interstellar politics in the mcu.

acting/casting: good performances, nobody does anything bad, but nothing that will stick in your mind later.
Larson is good, Jackson didnt bring his A game, but there weren't that many scenes to really go big on. the fury + danvers back and forth is probably the best of the dialogue bits but they needed more scenes in order to flesh out the relationship. all the supporting roles are fine, but the villains could have used a bit more development (this is partially due to time constraint and the semi-big plot twist.) i would like to see the cut scenes, as i suspect the theatrical edit really hurt this one.

music/sound: fine, but they tried really hard to shoehorn some of the 90's era songs into having some sort of thematic relevance.
[i follow the Countdown to Infinity podcast and one of their observations was pretty on point about missed opportunites: could have had the fight scene music cued with the jukebox hit and it would have been diegetic]

VFX/practicalFX: beginning and middle stuff is good, the final battle stuff was a bit cringeworthy(i used to work in features vfx).
this feels like a 2nd tier FX house job, the cg human was off model, the choreography and camerawork was forgettable, the lighting wasn't helping, and all i could think of as i was watching was this was like something we would have seen 15 years ago. her photon blasts vfx were about as uninspired as you can get. the quad jet fight scene had more drama and intensity and was way more compelling than the space stuff. [shows that go thru revisions and change of creative lead generally suffer in the end sequences. the lead up time required for good cg typically gets eaten away whenever a new creative team comes onboard. decisions need to be made early to get the level of polish needed for modern expectations. see scorpion king in the 2nd brendan frasier mummy movie for what happens when you give a good fx house not enough time]

general take: this was a kind of shallow slice at an origin, with most of the decisions falling to the god of "give me a popcorn movie" explosions and punches.
with the identity issues they could have done a more personal, taut, and gripping story about who you are and who you choose to be. treating it as a war story with soldiers doing questionable things could have added a lot more weight to the things that happened. the mcu movie aliens tend to lack any actual foreign quality, and the aliens just naturally slots in with a ton of familiarity with earth culture and sense of humor(except for Drax).
this movie went through a ton of rewrites and creative leads, and it shows. the end product is fine and fits in with the rest of the marvel movies, but they could have done more.

did i enjoy it?: i enjoyed enough of it.
should you watch it?: yes. maybe on cable, online, or borrow a friend's disc.
is it a good movie?: B- overall, B+ to A- in some of the parts.

How did they depower the Kree?


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2007
How did they depower the Kree?
in the comics most of the kree warrior types are super strong/tough and the energy projection stuff is common. the nova corp seen in GotG are given powers in the comics making them equivalent to the green lantern corps knockoff that they are, rather than just volunteers flying ships. they are basically supposed to be able to go toe to toe with capt america/ironman armor type strength.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
in the comics most of the kree warrior types are super strong/tough and the energy projection stuff is common. the nova corp seen in GotG are given powers in the comics making them equivalent to the green lantern corps knockoff that they are, rather than just volunteers flying ships. they are basically supposed to be able to go toe to toe with capt america/ironman armor type strength.

Most of the Kree uses ray guns and are pretty much like the movie. The Accusers were able to do more, but the basic Kree grunt was just like the squad. As far as the Nova Corps, while they def were changed and depowered, they didn't have powers anything like the Lanterns. They were only really able to fly really fast and shoot energy blasts.. not create shapes and things from some green energy source.
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