Car dealer really getting on my nerves


Apr 5, 2005
Tried to buy a car yesterday, but car dealer gave me alot of unnecessary crap. I am going to put down payment on my amex credit card (I will pay off by end of month) and the rest i am financing through capitol one auto loans (awesome rate, my mom has a good credit rating and i have a good credit rating w/ limited history (4 years) ). I am having a factory spoiler/body kit put on my car, and they said it would be done by then. I come into the dealer prepared to walk out with the car, as we already negotiated price on the phone and all.

So I applied for financing through them anyways to see if i would get a better rate. they say my credit score is about 35-40 points lower than when i last checked ( which was when i applied to cap one auto loans) and their offered rate is about .2% higher than what i have.

First, she said that i could only put 1k down w/ my cc which i thought was bull, but after arguing for about 30 minutes she went to the back and finally said i could put my orig. amnt i wanted on the card.

After arguing, it was too late to call the insurance co and have them put the car on the policy, as they were closed. dealer says that my mom's name needs to be put first on the title, and mine second to be insured, which is fine by me (yes, i am living with my parents and am under their policy so all of us can save cash for more important things)

They said that the insurance company will have a problem that my capitol one check has my name first and my mom listed second, which is bull as i found out today when i called up both the bank and my insurance co. so basically they want me to finance through them for .2% more (not much, but it's the principal of the matter, and it still adds up).

When i come in today and they are still hassling me about my auto loan from cap one, i am going to walk and get another dealer to pricematch - $600. Right now, i don't want to deal with all the hassle of disputing the claim though.

I am afraid that, since i already signed a paper authorizing work on the car to put the spoiler and body kit on, that it will be harder for me to dispute with american express should i choose to do this. At this point, what do you guys think are my options?

- I have financing through bank already at a bbqpwnage rate, I have a check from bank (cap one auto finance) w/ my name, then my mom's name on it

- Insurance requires that in order for me to be insured under my mom's policy, my mom needs to be first on car title, me second

- Car Dealer says i can't use check because my name is listed first, instead wants me to finance through them w/ my mom's name first

- called up insurance company- they don't care how i pay, capitol one doesn't care as long as both my mom and i are on the title, so dealer is basically lying to me so i can finance through them

-going there again today, if they don't accept my capitol one check, i will walk

- BUT i already signed papers, gave them my amex card number and they are putting accessories on the car already, would i still be able to dispute?

UPDATE: They did a complete 180 turnaround with their attitude, and was I was able to drive out the door today. I guess they needed to meet their quota, and they knew I wasn't trying to pull anything dumb and I was gonna purchase. less hassles ftw!

i will post pics soon in the garage forum of my sweet ride
oh yeah i forgot to mention it's a black 2007 accord coupe ex-l w/ body kit, got it for $1500 below invoice

on a semi off topic note, driving home on the turnpike today, i was behind a SUV, where all of a sudden a random piece of wood comes flying off the roof of the SUV headed straight for my new car!!!! i was pissing my pants as i quickly maneuvered out of the way and into two lanes over. This car handled like a champ!


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Call up the dealer and state that you are cancelling the order because of ABC and are not authorizing work to be done on a vehicle that you are not purchasing.

If they want your business, they have to agree to XYZ.



Apr 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Common Courtesy
Call up the dealer and state that you are cancelling the order because of ABC and are not authorizing work to be done on a vehicle that you are not purchasing.

If they want your business, they have to agree to XYZ.

i already called them up to ask the status of the order, they said it's in progress right now.... what should i do?


Senior member
Jun 5, 2007
As long as you haven't signed anything you are good to go. Tell them you are through with their bull and are going elsewhere.


May 12, 2003
If there are no early payment penalties on their finance contract, tell them you will take their financing if they sweeten the pot a little bit - upgraded stereo, free scheduled maintenance - something small where they will still come out ahead with their interest payments over the life of the loan. Chances are that thy will be willing to make some small concession to secure the deal. Once the deal is done, pay off their financing with your Capitol One check.


Senior member
Jul 20, 2005
I'm surprised you're happy with what Capital One is offering you as far as rate, their financing is usually for people who don't have good credit.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
As stated above; what paperwork have you signed?


Apr 5, 2005
Originally posted by: slimrhcp
I'm surprised you're happy with what Capital One is offering you as far as rate, their financing is usually for people who don't have good credit.

check out and look at the avg rates for a 48 month finance, nat'l avg for prime is about 6.94%, we have 6.35

Unfortunately, we do not belong to any credit unions, I know we could probably do better if we did.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: slimrhcp
I'm surprised you're happy with what Capital One is offering you as far as rate, their financing is usually for people who don't have good credit.

Yup, Capital One is definitely sub-prime.

Car dealers are a pain, but I can't blame them for not wanting to take a large credit card payment. People bitch about PayPal taking fees but then want to drop a few grand on their credit card for the points & wonder why a dealership bitches.


Viper GTS
Jun 19, 2004
I'm not trying to sound bad ass here, and I'm not rich by any means, but the last time I bought a new car I saved up and paid cash.

I loved the look on the dealers face when he and I finished haggling and I pulled out a brown paper bag and sat it on his desk.

They do like cash, but they hate you for them not getting that financing on the back end.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
I'm not trying to sound bad ass here, and I'm not rich by any means, but the last time I bought a new car I saved up and paid cash.

I loved the look on the dealers face when he and I finished haggling and I pulled out a brown paper bag and sat it on his desk.

They do like cash, but they hate you for them not getting that financing on the back end.
They get a financing kickback


Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper

They get a financing kickback

You know, if they can give me a decent rate I'm OK with that. I financed my first vehicle a couple months ago & I gave them the opportunity to beat my pre-approved rate. They came back with a "$X for Y months" type offer that worked out to about 60% higher rate than my pre-approval.

If I'm decent enough to tell you the exact terms you're competing with, at least be decent enough to say "We can't beat it" and not offer me some BS rate concealed in a payment plan. Do I look stupid to you?

Viper GTS


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
I'm not trying to sound bad ass here, and I'm not rich by any means, but the last time I bought a new car I saved up and paid cash.

I loved the look on the dealers face when he and I finished haggling and I pulled out a brown paper bag and sat it on his desk.

They do like cash, but they hate you for them not getting that financing on the back end.

I hope it wasn't over $10,000. When it is, they are required to rat you out to the IRS. :laugh:

OP, if you don't like the way the deal is going, don't do business there. The sale is not final until you actually sign all paperwork and drive the car away.

As for the Cap One financing, most dealers hate them. The check they give you is not a check, but a sight draft, but there are usually tons of stipulations that need to be faxed over, before they will honor it. For that reason, we try and switch to other bank financing. Time is money, and screwing around with Cap One takes too long to get funded.



Apr 5, 2005
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
I'm not trying to sound bad ass here, and I'm not rich by any means, but the last time I bought a new car I saved up and paid cash.

I loved the look on the dealers face when he and I finished haggling and I pulled out a brown paper bag and sat it on his desk.

They do like cash, but they hate you for them not getting that financing on the back end.

I hope it wasn't over $10,000. When it is, they are required to rat you out to the IRS. :laugh:

OP, if you don't like the way the deal is going, don't do business there. The sale is not final until you actually sign all paperwork and drive the car away.

As for the Cap One financing, most dealers hate them. The check they give you is not a check, but a sight draft, but there are usually tons of stipulations that need to be faxed over, before they will honor it. For that reason, we try and switch to other bank financing. Time is money, and screwing around with Cap One takes too long to get funded.

I signed one paper, which has the VIN number of vehicle, price of car, all the other fees, and total. this is why i'm afraid to back out of the deal.


Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
I'm not trying to sound bad ass here, and I'm not rich by any means, but the last time I bought a new car I saved up and paid cash.

I loved the look on the dealers face when he and I finished haggling and I pulled out a brown paper bag and sat it on his desk.

They do like cash, but they hate you for them not getting that financing on the back end.

I hope it wasn't over $10,000. When it is, they are required to rat you out to the IRS. :laugh:

OP, if you don't like the way the deal is going, don't do business there. The sale is not final until you actually sign all paperwork and drive the car away.

As for the Cap One financing, most dealers hate them. The check they give you is not a check, but a sight draft, but there are usually tons of stipulations that need to be faxed over, before they will honor it. For that reason, we try and switch to other bank financing. Time is money, and screwing around with Cap One takes too long to get funded.

Yeah...I had to deal with that crap when I sold a car private-party. It worked out in the end but the buyer was driving around in a non-paid car for a couple weeks...definetly nerve-wracking.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: evident
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
I'm not trying to sound bad ass here, and I'm not rich by any means, but the last time I bought a new car I saved up and paid cash.

I loved the look on the dealers face when he and I finished haggling and I pulled out a brown paper bag and sat it on his desk.

They do like cash, but they hate you for them not getting that financing on the back end.

I hope it wasn't over $10,000. When it is, they are required to rat you out to the IRS. :laugh:

OP, if you don't like the way the deal is going, don't do business there. The sale is not final until you actually sign all paperwork and drive the car away.

As for the Cap One financing, most dealers hate them. The check they give you is not a check, but a sight draft, but there are usually tons of stipulations that need to be faxed over, before they will honor it. For that reason, we try and switch to other bank financing. Time is money, and screwing around with Cap One takes too long to get funded.

I signed one paper, which has the VIN number of vehicle, price of car, all the other fees, and total. this is why i'm afraid to back out of the deal.

Well, as the old saying goes, if your butt is not in the seat, you are NOT an owner, nor are you obligated.



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
If you try to walk on the deal, you can be sure the dealer will tell you that the mods are already done and you owe them a fortune for that work.

But if you are happy with the price of the car + mods, and you already have satisfactory financing in hand, what's the point of walking? Just tell the salesdroid that you have the financing arranged, the insurance is all taken care of, and as far as you are concerned, the deal is done. If he keeps hassling you, just smile and say nothing. He'll quickly get tired of it.

You think you've been hassled so far, just wait and see the hell you'll go through if you try to back out on the deal after telling them to install mods.


Aug 9, 2000
Originally posted by: evident
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
I'm not trying to sound bad ass here, and I'm not rich by any means, but the last time I bought a new car I saved up and paid cash.

I loved the look on the dealers face when he and I finished haggling and I pulled out a brown paper bag and sat it on his desk.

They do like cash, but they hate you for them not getting that financing on the back end.

I hope it wasn't over $10,000. When it is, they are required to rat you out to the IRS. :laugh:

OP, if you don't like the way the deal is going, don't do business there. The sale is not final until you actually sign all paperwork and drive the car away.

As for the Cap One financing, most dealers hate them. The check they give you is not a check, but a sight draft, but there are usually tons of stipulations that need to be faxed over, before they will honor it. For that reason, we try and switch to other bank financing. Time is money, and screwing around with Cap One takes too long to get funded.

I signed one paper, which has the VIN number of vehicle, price of car, all the other fees, and total. this is why i'm afraid to back out of the deal.

don't be. If the keys have not been handed to you, then you are not in any obligation. Just say no and put your foot down.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Just playing devil's advocate here: any dealer is going to complain about cap one. Like someone b/f said, that is NOT a check. The dealership has a butt load of hoops to jump through before they get paid. Cap one sucks, I've had to wait for over a month to get paid by them. So even if you go to another dealer they're going to complain about it too. As for your credit card, we too do not like to take large deposits or down payments on them. The fees cut into our margin by a fair amount. So from the dealer's point of view you're asking him to take a hit on your down payment AND deal w/ Cap one. Not a great deal for the dealer.

Not to mention, if they have actually installed the goodies on your car, they are now stuck w/ it and if you back out they have to try to find another fan boy to buy the car YOU had them dress up. Does that really sound fair? If you back out isn't it reasonable you cover at least the install costs? Just be sure to ask and see that the stuff is actually installed on your vehicle

On your side, ya, they may be pushing a bit hard for you to finance w/ them, but they're not trying to be d!cks. They're just trying to get things done quickly and keep in mind they deal w/ customers flip-flopping all the time and trust me it gets old. But I'll speak from experience here, simply go in, be polite and state your deal. Don't get all pissy about it and you will be surprised at how much more agreeable the sales person and manager will be. When a customer is calm and polite w/ me their deal ALWAYS gets better.

Another point: if they really want you to finance w/ them, ask them what their buy rate is. The difference between their buy rate and what they quote you for a rate is what they make on the financing. If there is a substantial difference between the buy rate and your quoted rate (if they tell you <wink>), POLITELY ask if there isn't anything they can do on the rate.

Just remember, us car guys are people too. I'm not trying to defend them, but it gets old having people treat us like crap based on reputations the industry earned ages ago. Be polite and courteous (as you expect to be treated) and your deal will be much better.


May 4, 2001
I would tell them to give you exactly what you talked about over the phone, and live with the fact that you're not going to finance with them. Otherwise they can kiss their sale goodbye. You can back out of the deal any time before you drive off the lot.


May 4, 2001
Originally posted by: StrangeRanger
...good points and tips...

Just remember, us car guys are people too. I'm not trying to defend them, but it gets old having people treat us like crap based on reputations the industry earned ages ago. Be polite and courteous (as you expect to be treated) and your deal will be much better.

And continues to earn today.

No doubt you have some good points there. Being polite and respectful certainly helps the deal go smoothly on all sides of the table.

But considering my own experiences at dealerships, my wife's stories from when she sold cars, and plenty of stories we've all read, there's no way I'm going to have faith that any car dealership even remotely approaches being an honest business. (especially when some of the more notorious dealerships at my last residence had their managers pushing coke on their salespeople to keep them on their feet and selling during their long days).


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
You have the $$$ and financing through Capital One. It is NO BUSINESS of the dealer as to who gives that check to them. Is SHOULD NOT matter as to your name comes first or Uncle John's name comes up on that financing check that capital one sent you.

Your mother's name needs to come first for Insurance and thats it. Go to the dealer, have mother's name first, yours second and GIVE THEM THE CHECK and WALK OUT WITH YOUR CAR. If they say NO, tell them the DEAL is OFF.

For the title, why dont you put the "OR" instead of "AND". Put Mother OR You instead of Mother AND You. Thats what I did when I bought my car last year (financial person suggested this himself as I was going to put the title under mine and fathers name). I bought the car with ME (first) OR Father(Second). Took the paperwork to Insurance (AAA) and they didnt care who came first on the title (yes, we have combined family car insurance through AAA like OP and my father is the primary for it). For the financing, It is my name First and my father's second. Clearly, Dealer should have no BUSINESS as to WHO pays for the car.

I got a great deal on my car also (price wise dealer beat everyone in the area by 1k) but he jacked up the financing rate. I said OK but had them put in the paperwork that I can refinance through anyone outside within 3 days with no penalty. Walked into my wells fargo branched, talked with the Loan manager (know him pretty well - just gave him my SSN and amount and he called me later in the evening to say everything is rdy...went in next day, signed paperwork, picked up the check). Went to Dealer's financing guy with the check and gave him the check, got payment receipt for it and walked out.
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