Case of gaming frustration


Golden Member
May 2, 2011
I don't know what it is, or whats going on. I remember back in the day when I would play games it would be the greatest thing in the world to finish a level no matter how many times i died trying I would keep going for hours. Or when I came across a hard puzzle I would sit there until I figured out the solution. Lately, its much different, the minute I die repeatedly in a game I instaquit. The moment i realize a puzzle is putting to much strain on me, I give up. I cant seem to complete a game not because I don't enjoy them but because i get frustrated REALLY easily. This is new to me, and it may just be because of all the stress I have going on in my life, but i thought games were a way to relax, instead they are becoming tedious and add to my frustration and stress. Anyone else going through something like this or am i alone?


Senior member
Apr 24, 2012
No, I'm with you.

With some 25 years of gaming experience and now being 32, i don't have the patience anymore. Or the time. I still buy all the games, but I never get down to getting into them. The only game that still gets me for hours at a time is Civilization...

Life got way too serious and hectic, stressful to deal with the frustrations from gaming after a full day at the office. besides, there are just too many games. Back in the days we'd have like 3-4 blockbusters a year and no money to buy them all.
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Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I'm the same way now. I used to be able to spend hours replaying the same level until I could progress, but now I just get fed up after two or three tries and move on. I guess it's just a result of having better things to do with my time now? Not sure, but I definitely hear you.



Dec 12, 2001
I like the challenge...i drive forward and don't give up. I think gamers today like things handed to them. I remember playing Ninja Gaiden and getting torn up so bad. I still managed to finish it.
Apr 22, 2013
No, I'm with you.

With some 25 years of gaming experience and now being 32, i don't have the patience anymore. Or the time. I still buy all the games, but I never get down to getting into them. The only game that still gets me for hours at a time is Civilization....

Dido - I also think that as Adults we deal with a lot more pressures and the point of being entertained, is exactly that!


Golden Member
May 2, 2011
Glad to hear that it wasn't just me, I was beginning to fear the onset of adult ADHD. I guess my time is better spent in other ways, such as socializing, spending time with the family, work, school etc... The stress that gaming puts on me is best avoided, with all that being said I still purchase and play games on the regular. I guess its the cycle of gaming addiction, I love it so much but in the end its really not that good for me.


Nov 27, 2001
I think it depends on the game. When a game feels cheap and unfair, it's just frustrating; however, if a game is really testing your mettle, it can actually be fun to play. For example, I'll play the hell out of Super Hexagon on my phone, and that game can be quite unforgiving. When I die, it's usually my own fault, and when I succeed, I know it's because I'm doing better. Although, I believe there has been an instance or two where the game screwed me over based on where it decided to randomly open a fully enclosed shape (on the opposite side of where I was).


Mar 4, 2011
It's also because you are smarter and harder to entertain as an adult.

I remember playing Zelda: Link to the Past and having a blast. Now it's all a never-ending transparent mechanic of 'unlock key to next stage'. Same goes for Metroid and alike.

Now you calculate the best course of action instead of enjoying the game. Playing Chrono Trigger? You only use top 3-5 spells, no point in anything else.

Most of JRPGs are boring, predictable and linear. The only way I can really enjoy a game is a true strategy game with real smart opponents - multiplayer. Dota is still fun.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
It's also because you are smarter and harder to entertain as an adult.

I remember playing Zelda: Link to the Past and having a blast. Now it's all a never-ending transparent mechanic of 'unlock key to next stage'. Same goes for Metroid and alike.

Now you calculate the best course of action instead of enjoying the game. Playing Chrono Trigger? You only use top 3-5 spells, no point in anything else.

Most of JRPGs are boring, predictable and linear. The only way I can really enjoy a game is a true strategy game with real smart opponents - multiplayer. Dota is still fun.

This is a very good point.

As adult gamers we probably understand the game-play mechanics much better than we used to when we were just easily-entertained kids. We see it crystal-clear when a mechanic is literally cheap or a useless grind, we sniff it from a light year when the game is rushed, or see it well when a story was as unclear and uninspired as a chimpanzee's attempt at writing. When we were younger chances are we simply sought entertainment without necessarily understanding its "skeleton", as long as we had fun we were fine.

Now we probably want fun and sense, is how I perceive it myself today. I can have fun, it's not like because I'm an adult that I don't know what "fun" is anymore. But it's definitely more selective. I pick up games or happen to like specific ones in which there's a precise met criteria of features and/or game-play mechanics which I subjectively happen to consider "fun" or "tolerable", regardless of the devs' own willingness to put effort or passion into it (and of course when they do chances are the game will be good, but it depends on the game genre nonetheless).

I often defend nostalgia, but sometimes it does remind you that you're just getting older, most likely more intelligent and obviously you and I don't have as much spare time for video games as we used to. We "wish for" and sometimes just demand "good entertainment" and not "just entertainment". To a comparable extent the same thing happened to me with movies. I used to enjoy almost any type of movies. I used to go to the theaters to "be entertained" (period), and barely ever (if ever, back then) analyzed movies too much and just told myself "man that was great!". Now I just don't bother going to theaters anymore (well last year I went one time), I wait for DVD releases and rent them.

Bottom line? Getting older, easily frustrated by "cheapness" in games and mechanics, can see it more clearly when a dev almost want to take us for idiots and expect us to just throw money at the screen like zombified consumers (unfortunately still happens to this day), less free time and not as easily entertained as before. I'd also like to add money in the equation, chances are as adults we have a job and not only value our money but understand said value and the importance to prioritize stuff you buy before you decide to shell out cash for games which might well disappoint you now that you'd be more picky than a decade ago.

With this said though I can plead "guilty" of still being relatively brain dead when it comes to specific franchises regardless of the devs working on it, such as Warhammer 40K (I think I could be entertained by a WH40K-based 2D Tetris-style puzzle game and would probably buy it on release day... and it's probably not exaggeration either). I can still have fun, I can still be amused and I can certainly recognize it when a game is not only entertaining but a work of art and can also see it clearly when devs put their heart and sleepless nights to it thanks to their passion. It still does happen, fortunately.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
I think this is part of the reason games have by and large gotten easier. Games used to be way harder back in the 90's. But game publishers know the audience has gotten older. If they are going to spend $100 million on a game, they want to be damn sure you have fun playing it, and that means taking out most/all of the frustrating/difficult parts.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
I like the challenge...i drive forward and don't give up. I think gamers today like things handed to them. I remember playing Ninja Gaiden and getting torn up so bad. I still managed to finish it.

Pretty much this. That and as folks get older, they tend to have less tolerance for anything requiring attention span. Generally I try to stay engaged while playing and enjoy myself, if I have no thought process investment in the game there is no point in even playing.

Games also cater to (and i'm NOT saying this facetiously...) short attention span these days, a lot of gamers are just used to instant gratification type of gameplay from simple shooters (ie call of duty). Sometimes I fall into this trap and I try not to, games are just catering to that mindset. I really try to avoid those games these days, I love games that require slight critical thinking and time investment. In the end those types of games are the most rewarding, I think.
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Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2010
I think there is a little maturity leaking into there also. We can talk all day about how games are different now, but the truth is that we are also. A 15 year old and a 35 year old see games in very different ways and we have to be careful to not let nostalgia cloud our judgment.

I used to think games were simply more boring these days, but the truth is that I'm more boring. The average RPG is extremely predictable, because I've read enough books, seen enough movies, and played enough games to recognize the core elements. Sure the gameplay will vary some and the stories will contain unique elements, but ultimately it's the standard who, what, where, when, why, and how and eventually all of these games become play by numbers.

What you consider easy today is less because of challenge and more because you have seen it all and can predict where the games are going. For every Ninja Gaiden from NES, we have Super Empire Strikes Back from SNES, Maximo from PS2, and Dark Souls from 360/PS3/PC. I don't think this generation of games is any less difficult than others. You just need to get past the mainstream titles.

Bottom line, you're still trying to game like you're a teenager but you are a different person now and while it's hard to fathom, you simply might not be into it like you used to. Maybe try out some other hobbies for awhile.


Senior member
Aug 15, 2003
For me, I feel guilty if I spend more than half an hour playing a game when I know I have other responsibilities to tend to. I miss the days when I could simply play games for hours and enjoy them without thinking about it. Now, I have things like work, self-improvement, cooking, cleaning, etc. breathing down my neck every time I sit down to play.

I think there was another thread where people bought all these games from Steam but never played them. The issues are probably related. I have a bunch of physical and Steam games that I bought and wanted to play, but it's always "haven't gotten around to it yet".


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2010
Shifting personal priorities

I blame it also on the lack of truly challenging and/or creative contents in current games. Bring on Ironman mode in games ala XCom!


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2012
Just to give a counter-example:
When I was young, Pokemon was, at best, a fun distraction. You raise your Pokemon, try to catch them all, and get to level 100. It's pretty mundane and easy, all things considered.

Now, there's competitive PvP Pokemon online. There are intricacies I never dealt with just screwing around. Everyone's Pokemon are at level 100, and they all have the best moves and have powerful abilities and items you never bother with in-game. There are subtle nuances that are not obvious: the Pokemon you defeat give "EV" points which make a specific stat stronger, but only 252 points can go into each stat and your Pokemon can only earn 510 total, so even what Pokemon you fight while raising them is important. The moveset, the nature (not just flavor-text, as it turns out, but an important stat modifier), everything about the Pokemon need to be perfectly engineered before even entering battle.

Even the Pokemon choice matters: not all Pokemon are equally powerful, and not all of them are powerful in the same way. Many are good at setting up with buffs first, and then taking out the competition. Others specialize in stalling and forcing the opponent to switch, wasting a turn. Others provide a supportive role, setting down health-reducing obstacles on the opponent's side or creating favorable conditions. Your Pokemon choices have to mesh, each one covering weaknesses of the others while also potentially opening holes in the enemy defense.

Battle itself is a lesson in game theory. Which choice has the best chance of getting me ahead? What are the biggest threats? How can I play around them or defeat them? Who on my team is not relevant to this particular battle and can be sacrificed to create an opening? These questions are always being answered and re-asked throughout a battle.

Anyway, your point of view is valid too. Pokemon is just a rare game in which it actually becomes more involved and complicated as you try to pursue the most efficient strategies and get smarter.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Just google it... I know it's lame but I resort to using google or even utube for a video solution.

Sometimes it's a bug in the game ... Sometimes it's just really lame... But yes...

I think games are much more enjoyable to play till the sun comes up ... you know when you actually had summer vacations and didn't have to worry about making car and house payments or rent payments. Etc...etc...

I get the feeling I am growing out of games myself but maybe I should be.

But it's still fun to play left for dead and shoot mindless zombies.


Senior member
Mar 25, 2013
The only thing I even get into anymore is Black Ops Ii zombies. Old games were way better. I've been gaming for 14 years. It was so much fun to beat games on the N64 now it's kinda like meh ok I paid $60.


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2011
Pretty much this. That and as folks get older, they tend to have less tolerance for anything requiring attention span. Generally I try to stay engaged while playing and enjoy myself, if I have no thought process investment in the game there is no point in even playing.

Games also cater to (and i'm NOT saying this facetiously...) short attention span these days, a lot of gamers are just used to instant gratification type of gameplay from simple shooters (ie call of duty). Sometimes I fall into this trap and I try not to, games are just catering to that mindset. I really try to avoid those games these days, I love games that require slight critical thinking and time investment. In the end those types of games are the most rewarding, I think.

^ Very much how I see it.

Lately I've been enjoying the simple challenges of doing very difficult things that push my limits and familiarity with the game play and mechanics. It's been almost 2 years now, but I keep going back to Deus Ex: HR and continuing my saga playing through on the hardest difficulty without killing anyone and without setting off any alarms.

Needless to say a lot of reloads are required, which reminds me of the good 'ole days of failing over and over on NES games.

Finding the best way through situations in games seems to be my latest passion. Accepting a simple passing grade isn't as satisfying to me. I want to explore everything, every possible way. If there's a secret somewhere or some hidden trick to something, I want to find it! :awe:

Either way, if thats the evolution of my gaming or my general OCD, it's fun for me.

The one thing that definitely has remained important to me, is storyline and music. Both have to be good to me for it to remain memorable and have a higher replay value.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
Shifting personal priorities

I blame it also on the lack of truly challenging and/or creative contents in current games. Bring on Ironman mode in games ala XCom!

If you're not finding challenge you're not trying IMO There are easy games (such as AC3) but i've found nearly every game I own to offer significant challenge on the hardest difficulty. I'm actually re-playing Dead Space 1 on the highest difficulty on a fresh run (not a cleared run with upgrades) and let me is incredibly tough in the later levels. Ammo conservation and smart usage is critical. Crysis 3 as well is not engaging on easy difficulties, but is actually very difficult on the highest difficulty - and way more fun. Crysis 3 overall is just a pretty game on medium difficulties, but once you play on hard it becomes much, much more fun and rewarding IMO.

I don't really buy the argument that games are easier. Most games these days are very scalable in terms of difficulty, of course most players simply play the easiest difficulty. Of course it's easy if you do that - but most games CAN be challenging if you make it so.
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Dec 12, 2001
I think at least a small part of it stems from trophies and achievements. At first it was a way to compare how good you were against your friends. Then they started giving you trophies for things you normally do in a game anyway. Beat the first boss? Get a trophy. Later they had to make up ridiculous trophies to somewhat artificially make the game hard. A game with limited challenge gets hard when you want to get a trophy for something like 1000 hits without taking damage or similar. Sometimes I really believe they put it there to create a "fake" challenge to the game. I guess its like back in the day my friend and I would sit up all night trying to beat some level in whatever game. We were so stoked to finally do it we didn't need a trophy for it. These days everyone expects a pat on the back for simply working their way through a game normally.


Dec 18, 2010
I don't know what it is, or whats going on. I remember back in the day when I would play games it would be the greatest thing in the world to finish a level no matter how many times i died trying

No, I'm with you.

I'm the same way now.

Its called getting old.

I think as people get older our taste in gaming changes.

Back in the 1990s I would play Quakeworld death match for hours,,, I am talking 12, 14, 16 hours straight.

Now I prefer team based games such as the left 4 dead series, and other games that are less dependent on twitch reflexes.


Nov 18, 2007
Just google it... I know it's lame but I resort to using google or even utube for a video solution.

Sometimes it's a bug in the game ... Sometimes it's just really lame... But yes...

I think games are much more enjoyable to play till the sun comes up ... you know when you actually had summer vacations and didn't have to worry about making car and house payments or rent payments. Etc...etc...

I get the feeling I am growing out of games myself but maybe I should be.

But it's still fun to play left for dead and shoot mindless zombies.

Yea I tend to turn to gamefaqs much quicker now. For most puzzles, you would get eventually anyway, why waste the time unless it is something unique.


Apr 8, 2002
I don't know what it is, or whats going on. I remember back in the day when I would play games it would be the greatest thing in the world to finish a level no matter how many times i died trying I would keep going for hours. Or when I came across a hard puzzle I would sit there until I figured out the solution. Lately, its much different, the minute I die repeatedly in a game I instaquit. The moment i realize a puzzle is putting to much strain on me, I give up. I cant seem to complete a game not because I don't enjoy them but because i get frustrated REALLY easily. This is new to me, and it may just be because of all the stress I have going on in my life, but i thought games were a way to relax, instead they are becoming tedious and add to my frustration and stress. Anyone else going through something like this or am i alone?

It is called growing up and valuing your time. When you had ample amounts of time dying wasnt a big deal. A puzzle was fun. But now you have so much going on dying over and over is now viewed as a waste of your precious time. A puzzle that has you stumped isnt fun, it is a waste of time.

I have gone through this. I keep away from FPS and stick to slower paced F2P games like World of Tanks or Warthunder. Games that dont require me to play 50 hours a week just to keep up or to not be cannon fodder for kids who have the time to master it.
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