Case of gaming frustration

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Dec 12, 2001
It is called growing up and valuing your time. When you had ample amounts of time dying wasnt a big deal. A puzzle was fun. But now you have so much going on dying over and over is now viewed as a waste of your precious time. A puzzle that has you stumped isnt fun, it is a waste of time.

I have gone through this. I keep away from FPS and stick to slower paced F2P games like World of Tanks or Warthunder. Games that dont require me to play 50 hours a week just to keep up or to not be cannon fodder for kids who have the time to master it.

So you prove my point. You want everything simple, no work but free rewards. You don't like puzzles because they make you think too hard.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
If I ever have to dumb my gaming experience down to enjoy it, i'll just find a new hobby. Challenging and engaging doesn't necessarily mean time consuming either. I don't know why anyone would say that. Some just prefer to be somewhat mentally engaged while enjoying a gaming hobby, rather than just playing a simplistic instant gratification - lowest common denominator game. If I ever wanted to be presented with a dumbed down game, I never would have completed system shock 2 years ago. Bioforge. Etc. lower myself to that level where I only play something simplistic, i'll start working on cars or something. It'll be time for a new hobby.
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Dec 12, 2001
Just to clarify. I am not saying your wrong to just wanna blow up something and don't want to be engaged in a story or any puzzle elements etc. I am simply saying that gaming as a whole has changed to the point where this is expected all the time. When there is a game that is heavy on story it gets critical praise but low sales. Gamers are a lot different these days. I suppose maybe part of it is that many people who are gamers today or call themselves such would not have been a gamer in the past. During the NES, Genesis and SNES days most gamers were pretty much the geeks and nerds. At least that's how I remember it. Today everyone accepts gaming and its more popular. Companies cater to the lowest common denominator sometimes in terms of difficulty. The internet for sure has a lot to do with that. With metacritic and all the forums, twitter, and Facebook chatter. Gamers today are much more vocal because of it. Developers need to make games that won't have a million posts online about a game being too hard and not fun.


Jun 23, 2004
OP, I definitely feel for ya. Getting older sucks, as it seems we become jaded to what we once enjoyed more easily.

So you prove my point. You want everything simple, no work but free rewards. You don't like puzzles because they make you think too hard.

Perhaps thinking becomes harder.


Apr 8, 2002
So you prove my point. You want everything simple, no work but free rewards. You don't like puzzles because they make you think too hard.

If the reward isnt there for my time why would I continue to play? Who said it needs to be overly simple? It needs to rewarding for the time played. Often times these more complex games dont have a reward that warrants the time put in. I have better things to do than devote time to something that isnt rewarding.

Just think about what you said "no work". When did playing games become a job?

Edit: I mean go try Warthunder and tell me if it is simple. There are actual aerial tactics that can be utilized to gain an advantage to shoot down an opponent. The matches last upto 30 mins. And it is hardly what I would call simple. Yet it is my favorite game at the moment. But for me it is highly rewarding. Where as a game like COD or BF3 is really simple but not rewarding at all for me. I dont play either anymore.
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Oct 9, 1999
i used to love video games. i only play quake 2 with a group of guys that i played it with 13 years ago.

bf3 was fun for about a month. dayz, same thing. just can't keep an interest as my age has increased. i remember i would play bf1942 for HOURS when i was younger. games just don't do it for me these days.


Elite Member <br>Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2005
Next up, we'll examine why kids like to play in the mud and adults don't.

So, what? Adults don't play games? They do, obviously, and some even play in the mud. Maybe they have regression issues.

I would put part of this overall trend down to shortening attention spans, and the dumbing down of every game genre. I find my own patience with "content" has decreased drastically. If a video doesn't get right to the point of whatever the title promised within a few seconds I find myself clicking on. I also find it harder to force myself to read long articles that I should read. It bothers me.

Game content is also a lot less challenging, imo, and that leads to less engagement. Most of the games I've played recently (PVE games) put you quickly into God mode, and make the interface and choices as shallow as possible. I'm enjoying FC3, for example, almost entirely because of the environment and the transient thrill of blowing crap up. Everything else about it is shallow as hell.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2003
When you're a kid, you don't see the big picture. Part of playing the game was actually understanding how to play the game. You didn't know about trigger events(have to do this specific thing to trigger the next thing)... it was all just this big world where anything could happen.

Now as an adult, you know how game mechanics work. If you see a linear pattern of trigger this, trigger that, trigger that then you are put down. When a kid, because the game seems more complex than what it is, you allow yourself to absorb into it. Every little puzzle or abnormal painting that is on the wall has your attention. While as an adult you know that that oddly colored panting is not unique because you understand that the mechanics for that specific game don't allow for that painting to mean anything.

Also, the last time I decided to play Chrono Trigger and Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past, I had a walkthrough pulled up on a second monitor because I've been there done that. I just wanted to enjoy the story and action without spending the hours of time that I don't have trying to figure out how to get ultimate sword x.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2009
I don't think it's the only reason, but I blame Steam sales for a large part of my gaming ADD.

Back in the day it took researching a game until you were sure about it, getting to the store somehow, spending hard-earned allowance money etc. Now a steam sale puts 5+ games in your pocket for the same price without batting an eye. All from the comfort of your PC chair.

There's no need to stick to anything that's the slightest bit frustrating. In the back of your mind you know you can switch to a new game with the click of a download button.

I can't even begin to list all of the games I would have made myself play longer before steam created an endless backlog.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
Good ol times they say.

I remember when my parents bought me a NES and asked me to choose 1 game. At that time I chose Mega Man 2. I had a effing blast with this game and died so many times I lost count. I remember calling friends on rainy days and playing all day, passing the controller to the next when we died or completed a level. We worked HARD on MM2 and it was so much fun. Then came the day we finished the game, we were so happy it was awesome.

Other game I remember and loved: Battletoads!!!!!!!!!! That f'ing level where you're on some kind of flying motorcycle and you have to dodge obstacle on the way. This was fantastic gaming times! In fact, we never managed to finish this game!

And the FF series where you actually have to explore to find your next stop. Loved it!


Senior member
Mar 9, 2005
For me its time.

Work, family. REAL life.
I play a game to escape. To be entertained.
NOT to get frustrated.
I am close to finishing ME3 (I know LATE to the show).
I find its a GREAT game (FOR ME) but I sit with my I pad right next to me.
So many of their fed-ex missions are deliver this to so and so at the Citadel.
Lots dont tell you where they are.

I usually forget where I first met them.
And with 5 levels..... DAMN, that could be 10 or 20 minutes of just running around changing levels.
Say HELLO Internet.
I had to debug 3 consoles. I DEEPLY searched the bottom 4 levels after finding the first one. Looking for another.
I figured one would be o the dock. Lots of "Stuff" happens on the dock.
Finally decided to head back to the Normandy.
BOOM red Circle. And I noticed something strange.
It read "Console number 2" or somethign like that.
To the internet...

You had to find the terminals in a certain order.
Hospital, Normandy Dock, Refugee Center.
That was BS in my opinion. But had I gone to the net after console one, I would have saved me 30 minutes of gaming.

And, there was one mission (Rememeber I be OLD, 55 this year) these 2 atlas's were OWNING my ass. MULTIPLE times.I could start over, back at squad level. Try two different teamies.


Go to casual mode just for this battle.
Which is what I did. And moved on.
I fully expect when I meet that Robin Look alike assasian, I will have to go casual again.
YUP, its all about being entertained. It becomes work..... I am outta here.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
OP, I definitely feel for ya. Getting older sucks, as it seems we become jaded to what we once enjoyed more easily.

Perhaps thinking becomes harder.

For me it depends on the game and its save system. If I'm repeatedly dying in hectic combat, then it's often fun and challenging. On the other hand, if I'm forced to repeat the same boring stretches because the game designers can't be bothered to code a non-shite save system, then my tolerance rapidly drops to zero.

American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
OP, have you tried to get more into co-op style games? I have been playing a lot of defiance, just because I can play it with friends if a fight gets too challenging. I don't have all the time in the world to game anymore, so when I do I like to enjoy what I am doing and have fun with some friends.


Golden Member
May 2, 2011
OP, have you tried to get more into co-op style games? I have been playing a lot of defiance, just because I can play it with friends if a fight gets too challenging. I don't have all the time in the world to game anymore, so when I do I like to enjoy what I am doing and have fun with some friends.

I don't really PC game that much as I got rid of my gaming desktop to subsidize finances that I had and I managed to get a very low end laptop. I do play a few games of League of Legends here and there but that game tops them all when it comes to stress. Lately, I have been playing casual games on the phone and finding them to be even more of a problem. I download a game play it for a few minutes, I judge it within that time. I either delete it right after or keep it on my phone and play it here and there. I download tons of games off the play store everyday, very little if any capture my attention.

In the past few years I have not really completed much games. The only games I remember completing from start to finish were; Bioshock 1 & 2, Dragon Age 2, The Witcher 2 and I am not sure what else. The only reason I ended up sticking with these games were for the story, art style, and solid game play mechanics. It seems my level of judgement is extremely high, if something is off within the first few minutes of playing I immediately get the red flag and stop playing. This becomes frustrating because there are many games that I truly want to play and beat but it becomes impossible for me to do so.

Like many of you said I guess this comes with age, our expectations are higher, we have limited "free" time, and overall our mental development has far surpassed that of the free spirited children that we use to be. We no longer play games out of sheer fun, not only that but we no longer see games as just games. We analyze every single thing that is presented to us, and if it doesn't correlate with our standards then it usually ends up not being "all that." It sucks because I reminisce about playing games out of sheer fun and love for gaming its self, there was no prejudice every game was welcome. However, I do realize that as our brains become more developed this type of thing was bound to occur, oh well.


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2005
I want to play and cannot even play. Not enough time, crappy computer and unopened BF3 premium just collecting dust since Jan. 2013.

Circumstances have forced me into a non-gamer

American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
OP, do you have any friends that play on consoles? I am just wondering, because now is a great time to jump in if they don't plan on moving on to the next gen right away. You could get a lot of games for pretty cheap.

I used to always say I didn't have time, but even with working, going to the gym, and taking care of my two kids I always seem to find dead time during the evenings. If I don't feel like gaming, I will just watch tv or some sports. But I've never not had any free time during the week to play something.


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2005
OP, do you have any friends that play on consoles? I am just wondering, because now is a great time to jump in if they don't plan on moving on to the next gen right away. You could get a lot of games for pretty cheap.

I used to always say I didn't have time, but even with working, going to the gym, and taking care of my two kids I always seem to find dead time during the evenings. If I don't feel like gaming, I will just watch tv or some sports. But I've never not had any free time during the week to play something.

Many times I just feel like a nap then rest my head down at 8pm more or less then suddenly wake up at around midnight or earlier. Eat a light snack then watch some TV and passed out again by 2am or soon after.

Or I take an early evening nap then wake up around 11pm more or less then do some paper work until I feel like sleeping again.

Weekends is another story. Have more free time but with a crappy computer I cannot play any good games and I have NEVER owned a PS or Xbox type system in my life.

Oh and when I have my gf over for the weekend then I rarely use my computer for extended periods for obvious reasons because I cannot divide my!


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
I'm 36, for games, like all my other hobbies, come and go repeatedly in cycles.

2 weeks ago I broke down and purchased Crysis 3, played it once and lost interest, but now i'm back into my car audio hobby atm, when the new system is finished it'll be some other hobby I'll get into, probably yard work once the rain stops, i'll get all into beautifying my place, maintenance my mower..etc then it's to some other one, like random annual cycles, when in one, I always neglect all the others.

Some of it is the side effect of adult life itself, some of it is just age.


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2002
Its called getting old.

I think as people get older our taste in gaming changes.

Not older, neccessarily, just more mature and discerning. Started feeling this way when I was about 30, now at 46, it's a rare game indeed that grabs my attention and holds it.


Dec 18, 2010
Not older, neccessarily, just more mature and discerning. Started feeling this way when I was about 30, now at 46, it's a rare game indeed that grabs my attention and holds it.

I am 45, and I feel the same way.

A lot of the games these days seem to be rather ho-hum. But then again, if I was 25 I would probably love those same games.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I still enjoy a good hard puzzle if it's done well. But something like picking up 100 flowers to progress in the puzzle is bullshit and I don't have time for that anymore.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
I have found that as I get older (43 now) I get much more enjoyment from the Indie gaming scene than I do with the big AAA titles. Borderlands 2 would be an exception for me, but almost every game I have played and enjoyed in the past few years seems to be something from small development teams. Games like Dungeons of Dredmor, SPAZ, even Super Meat Boy appeal to me more these days. There are still lots of good games out there, it is just a matter of digging a little and finding them.


Senior member
Apr 4, 2013
I'm 21 and I get pretty disillusioned with games too.

I usually play things just once and generally kind of speed through them - like Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Crysis 3, and others as of late. I run through them, beat it, and forget about it.

Years ago I used to love playing WoW all the time, now I subscribe for maybe 1-2 months out of the year, play the new content and quit.

I also find I have very little patience for most online games. CoD, BF3, any online shooter really I just get frustrated with. Always the same thing, run around shoot people get shot die respawn repeat. Battlefield I do like a bit more as I just like driving the vehicles though.

I really don't have much patience for RPG type games though. I've tried playing Witcher 2 many times because I hear it's great but I just can't get into it at all.


Jan 8, 2011
I am the exact same way as you OP. I used to get into games and get all immersed in the world, but now I get right into the action for a few hours and then i'm done. I tried RPG games and the instant I find myself trying to learn how to make a potion or searching around for a way around an obstacle, I tell myself that I don't have the time for this garbage, because its true.
I stick to BF3. Thats it. I can get in, Pwn ass and get the hell out whenever I want and there is no worries about dealing with puzzles or progressing etc.
Once in a while an exception like Far Cry 3 comes along that I enjoy, but that is very rare.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Hmmm, I wasn't gonna mention that I am 44.

But, I just built a new computer... A computer that doesn't suck down huge amounts of power and is somewhat game playing worthy. So... Anyway......

I was a far cry fan from the beginning ... But don't get me wrong, I started out with choplifter / load runner on apple 2's and before that I wasted millions of quarters on battle field/pacman etc...etc... I hated far cry 2, but I enjoyed for the most part far cry 3. Beat it twice ... and might redo the entire game on just stealth mode. Since I rushed through it with only the 2 weapon options. Never did any of the animal hunts or wanted poster stuff just unlocked all the radio towers and took over all the bases.

I think what impresses me the most is how "REAL" everything looks. I hope before I die, maybe in another 30-40 years we'll actually be plugged into games ...

I was kinda wondering if it was normal for a 44 year old to get hyped up on FPS such as FC3. Sigh... I remember how fun it was playing fc (1) in 04 almost 10 years ago! GASP. I had the a cutting edge video card to turn on all the eye candy ... It was a blast had the 800.00 dell 24" panel still got it in storage ... Ah well... FC3 just wasn't as fun ... maybe because I am older but hmmm... It's almost like chasing a high... and you hope every new game can give you that better HIGH feeling... L4D was a close second ... My problem now is... What game should I play next????? I should be happy that I am actually enjoying FC3.
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