Catalyst 9.4 are out


Jun 8, 2008
The catalyst 9.4 drivers seem to be out early this month. Try them and post your experience and the usual oooh's and aaah's .


Aug 10, 2002
The number of the release isn't related to month, it's related to the sequence.
They normally have around one a month, but sometimes they might have 13 in a year (as in 2006). There is no early or late.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a></a>
Release notes.

Resolved Issues for the Windows Vista Operating System

This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst?
Software Suite for Windows Vista. These include:

z "World of Warcraft" or "World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King": Flickering no
longer occurs when Shadow is set to medium/high using CrossFire
z Google Sketchup no longer displays blank screen
z Resolutions above 10 x 7 will now full screen properly for specific HDMI displays
z Artifacts no longer visible while playing Age of Conan DX10
z VC-1 progressive disc playback no longer exhibits block corruption

Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Operating System

This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst?
Software Suite for Windows XP. These include:

z The Compute Abstraction Layer (CAL) driver now functions properly under
Windows XP
z Overlay Theatre Mode display no longer corrupt after enabling 3D screen saver
z OS Display Settings no longer shows extra resolutions for Component Video

Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System

This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst?
Software Suite for Windows 7. These include:

z City of Villains: Display now redraws correctly after changing graphics settings
z Catalyst Control Center: 1080i@30hz and 1080i@25hz Component Video modes
can now be applied via Component Video - Advanced aspect
z Custom formats modes can now be applied properly and will be available under "List
All Modes"
z Display profiles will now be restored when displays are swapped while the system
z WinDVD9 HD playback doesn't cause the desktop to jitter or flicker anymore
z Device Manager no longer displays error during express driver uninstall

Known Issues Under the Windows Vista Operating System

This section provides information on known issues that may be experienced under the
Windows Vista operating system with the latest version of Catalyst?. These include:

z AVIVO converter may fail to convert h.264 avi video to another format
z ?Unsupported file formats? error message dialog may occur when selecting H.264,
mp4 and VC1 file formats
z ?CCC Host application...? error message dialog may occur when cancelling a
transcoding process
z Output media file size differs after transcoding multiple times to the same format
z The ATI AVIVO video transcoder does not currently use GPU acceleration under
Windows Vista 64-bit edition
z Both LCD and CRT may go blank when hotplugging the CRT to the system, and will
not recover until it is switched to discrete GPU
z DVD playback may cause the system to stop responding after resume from S3/sleep
z Frames may be dropped when playing Blu-ray video with PowerDVD8
z "Fan Speed Control" may change to default settings when Crossfire is
z Audio Control Panel might show the HDTV entry even when unplugged
z Rotation may not work if Aero mode is turned off
z Call of Duty 5: Some corruption may be visible
z Audio Control Panel might not reflect configuration change from 7.1 Audio to Stereo
z Running OpenGL applications in windowed mode on extended desktop may cause
the secondary display to go blank for some ASICs
z Catalyst Control Center: On "Available Display Devices" detection page, when
selecting the secondary display, the radio button is not greyed out for the monitor
already chosen as the main display
z Corruption might be observed in some OGL games with Super Anti-Alias and "Show
CrossfireX" enabled on 3-4 display configurations
z Fallout 3 with QUAD Crossfire may flicker at specific resolutions
z Second adapter will run at custom GPU clock values instead of default mininum
clock values until a 3D game is launched and exited in full screen mode

Known Issues Under the Windows XP Operating System

The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under
the Windows XP operating system in the latest version of Catalyst?. These include:
z Transcoding a VOB DVD file (18min source file) results in 2.27min output file
z Transcoding falls back to CPU after transcoding to DVD/MPEG2 multiple times in
z Media files transcoded using CPU instead of GPU in XP MCE OS
z Garbled text may appears on resume splash screen after hibernation with some
z OS Display Settings shows extra resolutions for Component Video
z A performance drop may be observed on Enemy Territory Quake Wars, Doom3 and
z Fan Speed Control is missing in OverDrive5 aspect

Known Issues Under the Windows 7 Operating System

The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under
the Windows 7 operating system in the latest version of Catalyst?. These include:

z Moving a video clip file across an extended desktop may causes Windows Media
player to stop responding on ATI Radeon 31xx, 24xx devices
z Display configuration changes in extended desktop may take longer than normal to
z Catalyst Control Center: Advance Color page, when enabling the advanced color
settings the preview window may blank out
z Opening Catalyst Control Center may result in an error message when using Dual
Adapters with a non-ATI ASIC and ATI ASIC
z Switching amongst Virtual Desktops may cause certain applications on one virtual
desktop to move to another virtual desktop
z Catalyst Control Center: Enable dialog reposition does not show on proper monitor
when system is configured with 4 displays
z Catalyst Control Center page is missing under OS Display Properties
z Confirmation dialog box might not appear when applying HDTV 720p and 1080i
formats; the resolution will be applied automatically
z Catalyst Control Center: At the end of the auto-tuning, it might not report that the
process has completed successfully
z Power Cinema may have to be launched twice to start Blu-ray playback
z Moving a video clip across an extended desktop may cause the desktop to flicker or
the media player to stop functioning
z Component Video may be missing modes by default
z Device manager mistakenly identifies the adapter as Standard VGA Adapter for some
z Interlaced modes might not be listed in the "List All Modes" window with HDTV
supported DFP panels
z "Yes" and "No" buttons might disappear while moving confirmation windows on
desktop during driver installation
z Interlaced modes might not be applied on HDTV supported DFP panels even when
forced via Catalyst Control Center
z Restricting the maximum refresh rate and resolution via Catalyst Control Center may
fail to apply
z Changes to display resolutions may fail to apply for Component Video and S-Video
z Catalyst Control Center: Image Scaling settings might not be applied
z Avivo Video Converter option is not available for Windows 7



Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2007
Originally posted by: Lonyo
z Call of Duty 5: Some corruption may be visible

I bet that's the white line on the water. Stupid ATI isn't able to fix that after so much time had passed from the game release. :laugh:


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
Edit: Lonyo was faster.

Hmm, no mention of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky in these.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2007
The Clear Sky missing meshes bug will never be addressed by ATi. That for sure. If they don't fix the stuttering issues in FarCry2, which is much more important, why would they bother for that little bug!?


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
Originally posted by: error8

If they don't fix the stuttering issues in FarCry2, which is much more important, why would they bother for that little bug!?

Customer satisfaction.

I understand that the Clear Sky issue isn't a high priority, but I thought they would at least acknowledge it as a problem.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2007
Originally posted by: josh6079
Originally posted by: error8

If they don't fix the stuttering issues in FarCry2, which is much more important, why would they bother for that little bug!?

Customer satisfaction.

I understand that the Clear Sky issue isn't a high priority, but I thought they would at least acknowledge it as a problem.

As you can see, they don't acknowledge the FC2 issue too. What they can't fix, it's not there, if it is important. They mention about the COD5 rendering issue, since nobody dies about that and some others minor stuff, but nothing about the really important ones.

Maybe we'll hear about the FC2 problem, in some Catalyst release note, under the "resolved issues in Vista", that if, it will ever be solved.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Lonyo
The number of the release isn't related to month, it's related to the sequence.
They normally have around one a month, but sometimes they might have 13 in a year (as in 2006). There is no early or late.

ati has a monthly release schedule.



Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
Originally posted by: JonnyBlaze
Originally posted by: Lonyo
The number of the release isn't related to month, it's related to the sequence.
They normally have around one a month, but sometimes they might have 13 in a year (as in 2006). There is no early or late.

ati has a monthly release schedule.

they attempt to, but it's not set in stone....


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
Originally posted by: videogames101
Originally posted by: JonnyBlaze
Originally posted by: Lonyo
The number of the release isn't related to month, it's related to the sequence.
They normally have around one a month, but sometimes they might have 13 in a year (as in 2006). There is no early or late.

ati has a monthly release schedule.

they attempt to, but it's not set in stone....

For the most part it's very dependable. These drivers have come out much earlier than they normally do.

FarCry 2 is a pretty mediocre B game. I doubt it's their priority to fix, if it even is their responsibility and not Ubisoft's.


Jun 23, 2001
Downloaded, will hold off installing for a few days to make sure there's nothing nasty about them. Never had a problem with any prior Cats, but school is starting up again this week.


Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2004
Originally posted by: videogames101
Originally posted by: JonnyBlaze
Originally posted by: Lonyo
The number of the release isn't related to month, it's related to the sequence.
They normally have around one a month, but sometimes they might have 13 in a year (as in 2006). There is no early or late.

ati has a monthly release schedule.

they attempt to, but it's not set in stone....

Sure it is, every single month for the past however many years there has been an offical WHQL driver.

New Features

* ATI Catalyst 9.4 includes a new ATI Overdrive auto-tune application to estimate the over-clocked engine and memory values for ATI Overdrive supported ATI Radeon Graphics accelerators
Designed for the ATI Radeon HD 4000 Series


Jan 12, 2005
Played AoC for a few hours last night without any problems. Looking forward to doing some more 'testing over the next few days.

*edit - Vista 64.


Aug 14, 2000
FYI, these drivers help the new Riddick games run better. nVidia has a new beta driver too, so definitely upgrade your drivers if you?re playing the titles, regardless of which vendor you?re with.

Originally posted by: videogames101

they attempt to, but it's not set in stone....
Considering they haven't missed a monthly release since Catalyst started back in 2002, I'd say it's pretty much a given. The only (recent) exception to this rule is the relegation of driver support to quarterly updates for certain legacy parts.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2007
Originally posted by: dguy6789

FarCry 2 is a pretty mediocre B game. I doubt it's their priority to fix, if it even is their responsibility and not Ubisoft's.

It's mediocre indeed, but it's one of the titles with the biggest and loudest bells and whistles on the market, so they should have worked harder to fix it. People put side by side Crysis and FarCry2 when they think of buying a videocard. If they hear about FC2 being broken, ATi might loose one customer.

But, I agree, it might by Ubisoft responsibility , but still, even if it is, ATi should work with them side by side to fix it, if they care about their customers.


Mar 9, 2000
Cat 9-4 made Riddick's EfBB/Dark Athena playable

it would crash to desktop with Ambient Occlusion enabled very often; as soon as i installed the new cats, the issues resolved

i think i know what game the latest Nvidia and AMD graphic drivers are primarily for


Senior member
Apr 11, 2007
I'm afraid to move beyond 9.1 because anything higher than that gives my system the code 43 error, which is when one of the 4870 core in my 4870X2 gets disabled. 9.11 all the way to 9.2 had these problems. ATI really needs to resolves these issues...

Anyways, I'll give 9.4 a whirl this weekend, since I've got time to roll back to 9.1 if things don't go well (takes two hours of restarting, running driver sweeper and all that bull crap)


Senior member
Jan 28, 2008
Originally posted by: dflynchimp
I'm afraid to move beyond 9.1 because anything higher than that gives my system the code 43 error, which is when one of the 4870 core in my 4870X2 gets disabled. 9.11 all the way to 9.2 had these problems. ATI really needs to resolves these issues...

Anyways, I'll give 9.4 a whirl this weekend, since I've got time to roll back to 9.1 if things don't go well (takes two hours of restarting, running driver sweeper and all that bull crap)

There's your problem. When I ran driver sweeper on my pc i got that same code 43 error. I had to format and reinstall windows. Now all i do is install the new driver and restart. No problems since then.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
For people who are using ATI cards that are just upgrading to a newer driver, you do not have to use driver sweeper or any other 3rd party program. Download the driver, double click the installer, click next a few times, restart your pc. There is nothing else to it.


Senior member
Apr 11, 2007
Originally posted by: dguy6789
For people who are using ATI cards that are just upgrading to a newer driver, you do not have to use driver sweeper or any other 3rd party program. Download the driver, double click the installer, click next a few times, restart your pc. There is nothing else to it.

This is a reply to both of you. I didn't do the whole driver sweeper shebang at first. I just tried to install 9.2 over 9.1 and the code 43 thing popped up. The driver sweeper routine was actually the fix that I found on the internet.

And this is a problem seemingly exclusive to vista users running crossfire or an X2 card on a system with 4GB of ram. So judging by your system specs dguy you were excluded from this little bug by default.

In anycase, ATI has yet to release a statement on the problem, as far as I know, since it is admittedly a smaller demographic of their users (crossfire/X2, 4GB ram, vista) that have seen the problem.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2007
Originally posted by: dguy6789
For people who are using ATI cards that are just upgrading to a newer driver, you do not have to use driver sweeper or any other 3rd party program. Download the driver, double click the installer, click next a few times, restart your pc. There is nothing else to it.

This is the first time I did this and it works perfectly. I usually do the whole driver sweeper thing, but this time I got lazy.
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