CBS brings new meaning to the word "tasteless"

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Jul 25, 2002
As far as a 'Defensless' Reagan who can't defend himself - thats a crock.
He was a spokesman for a set of puppeteers who hid behind his chrisma.
Those are the ones who can defend him if they choose to,
or let him take the rap for thier early 'Neo-Con' activities.

They're still with us you know - The Ollie Norths, and many of the
participants in the Bush-Lite Machine, hiding behind uninformed
front men making deals and pulling strings - understand the history !


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
"They that live in sin shall die in sin"

Elizabeth Egloff, a playwright who wrote the final version of the script, acknowledged there was no evidence such a conversation took place. But, she said, "we know he ducked the issue over and over again, and we know she was the one who got him to deal with it." She added that other biographies noted that Reagan had trouble squaring homosexuality with the Bible.

What they left out is that Ms. Egloff also said that she wrote her script to fit her view of Reagans presidency. That in itself plus the particular lines from the script that are known to be fiction are indication enough that this is most definately not a historically accurate portayal but simply a dramatization written to reflect the views of the playwright not historical fact. Labeling it a docudrama is kind of misleading since the viewer has no way of discerning historical accuracy from artistic license. Hopefully most viewers will be able to recognize it for what it is and not simply assume everything portrayed is actually what in fact occurred. Reagans policies and political positions are pretty well known to most of america I don't see anything particularly earth shattering in what is reported to be in the series other than maybe some fabricated quotes to emphasize what the writer believes which probably aren't totally off the mark with what Reagan thought whether he actually said it or not. the omission of some of the more positive aspects of his presidency is well par for the course. We all tend to percieve things in a way that best fits our own preconceptions so I don't find it particularly surprising that a Liberal playwright would be any different than the rest of us.


Oct 19, 2001
This "film" is absolute BS. Drudge was talking about it yesterday and actually played clips of it. It is a steaming pile of leftist revisionism. Also Mike Reagan(Adopted son) has been talking about this on his radio program - from what he's read of the leaked script - it's inaccurate to put it very nicely.

This "movie" reads and sounds like a parody rather than real life. I hear some of the scenes - it's pure BS. According to drugde(who has the script and I assume some video or clips of it) they protray the Reagans as being nude when they learn of the election results! WTF!?

This is beyond "tasteless" X-man - it is utter trash. Now if CBS wanted to make a real movie - don't you think they'd interview and get the stories from <gasp> the Reagans? Nancy, Patti, and Mike hadn't been contacted - and are all very upset - especially now that they've seen the script(or atleast parts of it).

All I know is that I will NOT be watching this trash when it airs.


Edit - Link to Drudge


Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
This "film" is absolute BS. Drudge was talking about it yesterday and actually played clips of it. It is a steaming pile of leftist revisionism. Also Mike Reagan(Adopted son) has been talking about this on his radio program - from what he's read of the leaked script - it's inaccurate to put it very nicely.

This "movie" reads and sounds like a parody rather than real life. I hear some of the scenes - it's pure BS. According to drugde(who has the script and I assume some video or clips of it) they protray the Reagans as being nude when they learn of the election results! WTF!?

This is beyond "tasteless" X-man - it is utter trash. Now if CBS wanted to make a real movie - don't you think they'd interview and get the stories from <gasp> the Reagans? Nancy, Patti, and Mike hadn't been contacted - and are all very upset - especially now that they've seen the script(or atleast parts of it).

All I know is that I will NOT be watching this trash when it airs.


Edit - Link to Drudge

As I said earlier it's the same as the Bush movie about 9/11. I'm sure they didn't get Bush to verify the lines they claim he said. It's just the other side of the same coin but I don't remember any of you complaining about the lack of historical accuracy then.



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
I always thought that it'd be good policy to never do a biography without the consent of the subject...unless the person is dead of course. Isn't there an unauthorized movie about Pvt Lynch coming up? How about that movie (not the interview) about that little girl who got kidnapped last that another unauthorized?

As far as X-man's statement...I agree it is tasteless. However (and you knew there would be a however ), does this '...who can't even defend himself from outright lies'...have anything to do with your reaction? Is it the fact that an inaccurate and unflattering film was made about someone with PD that is so upsetting, or is it the inaccurate and unflattering film by itself? *note - 'inaccurate' and 'unflattering' are opinions.

Is there a line that needs to drawn somewhere? Or are we not advocating not producing unauthorized biographies, just reserving the right to critique those that are.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
This "film" is absolute BS. Drudge was talking about it yesterday and actually played clips of it. It is a steaming pile of leftist revisionism. Also Mike Reagan(Adopted son) has been talking about this on his radio program - from what he's read of the leaked script - it's inaccurate to put it very nicely.

This "movie" reads and sounds like a parody rather than real life. I hear some of the scenes - it's pure BS. According to drugde(who has the script and I assume some video or clips of it) they protray the Reagans as being nude when they learn of the election results! WTF!?

This is beyond "tasteless" X-man - it is utter trash. Now if CBS wanted to make a real movie - don't you think they'd interview and get the stories from <gasp> the Reagans? Nancy, Patti, and Mike hadn't been contacted - and are all very upset - especially now that they've seen the script(or atleast parts of it).

All I know is that I will NOT be watching this trash when it airs.


Edit - Link to Drudge
Hmm I read that report by Drudge and what was told there didn't seem that bad. So the Movie portays Reagan calling someone an SOB or has Nancy Slapping her brat daughter. Man compared to that movie about Nixon this seems like a walk in the park. It doesn't sound like something you guys should get your panties in a wad over. BTW, they did a pretty good job getting Brolin to look like The Gipper


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: nowareman
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
This "film" is absolute BS. Drudge was talking about it yesterday and actually played clips of it. It is a steaming pile of leftist revisionism. Also Mike Reagan(Adopted son) has been talking about this on his radio program - from what he's read of the leaked script - it's inaccurate to put it very nicely.

This "movie" reads and sounds like a parody rather than real life. I hear some of the scenes - it's pure BS. According to drugde(who has the script and I assume some video or clips of it) they protray the Reagans as being nude when they learn of the election results! WTF!?

This is beyond "tasteless" X-man - it is utter trash. Now if CBS wanted to make a real movie - don't you think they'd interview and get the stories from <gasp> the Reagans? Nancy, Patti, and Mike hadn't been contacted - and are all very upset - especially now that they've seen the script(or atleast parts of it).

All I know is that I will NOT be watching this trash when it airs.


Edit - Link to Drudge

As I said earlier it's the same as the Bush movie about 9/11. I'm sure they didn't get Bush to verify the lines they claim he said. It's just the other side of the same coin but I don't remember any of you complaining about the lack of historical accuracy then.

No it isn't "the same"
The revisionist asshats who wrote this script had no intention of making a true to life story, and they admit that things they show in the movie didn't happen.

'Reagan' viewer warning

The 9/11 movie does not excuse this trash just because it may paint Bush in a good light. The 9/11 movie is about an event in history and the aftermath and how the Admin handled it. This Reagan "story" is just blatant and admitted slander. Oh, and I suppose you don't think Bush did handle 9/11 with great leadership since you claim the movie is "the other side of the same coin". A 9 day docu-drama vs a full out assult on Reagan and Family - yeah same coin




Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
This "film" is absolute BS. Drudge was talking about it yesterday and actually played clips of it. It is a steaming pile of leftist revisionism. Also Mike Reagan(Adopted son) has been talking about this on his radio program - from what he's read of the leaked script - it's inaccurate to put it very nicely.

This "movie" reads and sounds like a parody rather than real life. I hear some of the scenes - it's pure BS. According to drugde(who has the script and I assume some video or clips of it) they protray the Reagans as being nude when they learn of the election results! WTF!?

This is beyond "tasteless" X-man - it is utter trash. Now if CBS wanted to make a real movie - don't you think they'd interview and get the stories from <gasp> the Reagans? Nancy, Patti, and Mike hadn't been contacted - and are all very upset - especially now that they've seen the script(or atleast parts of it).

All I know is that I will NOT be watching this trash when it airs.


Edit - Link to Drudge
Hmm I read that report by Drudge and what was told there didn't seem that bad. So the Movie portays Reagan calling someone an SOB or has Nancy Slapping her brat daughter. Man compared to that movie about Nixon this seems like a walk in the park. It doesn't sound like something you guys should get your panties in a wad over. BTW, they did a pretty good job getting Brolin to look like The Gipper

Ah, but there is stuff missing on the Drudge page He talked about the other stuff on the air - and I heard the clips of it. Just wait until the full script is out for us all to read - hopefully the whole movie or atleast audio is out before hand too. You'll see/hear the slants and inuendos. "Nixon" comes up more than a few times....I wonder why...Hmm...

This movie is utter trash.



Elite member
Apr 15, 2000

Why did you have to further debase this thread by dredging up Drudge? Why should that whacko be given any credibility? Is he still taking his anti-psychotic meds? Sheezh, I hope so.... Wouldn't want one of my kids anywhere near that guy....



Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: chess9

Why did you have to further debase this thread by dredging up Drudge? Why should that whacko be given any credibility? Is he still taking his anti-psychotic meds? Sheezh, I hope so.... Wouldn't want one of my kids anywhere near that guy....


Maybe because he has the script and such? Maybe because he played clips of the audio yesterday? Yeah - I guess the facts don't matter though, just attack Drudge.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Hmm I guess I better watch this movie to see all the inaccuracies they have in it. This kind of publicity can't hurt LOL


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
<< According to drugde(who has the script and I assume some video or clips of it) they protray the Reagans as being nude when they learn of the election results! WTF!? >>

Just curious CAD, this is so upsetting to you because it's inaccurate?


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
Dredge, er Drudge, reeled you in hook line and sinker.

So what if he has the script and clips? This flick, or docudrama, is not the entire truth. Not even close. She probably didn't know enough about him to truly hoist Reagan on his own petard. This is not Schlesinger on JFK! Some bonehead screen writer gets her script produced and the Right Wing all but falls on its sword. Good grief, do any of you guys have a sense of humor? Rupert Murdoch will be more than happy to provide you with all the real "TRUTH" about Reagan. Ring him up and get him on it right away. Sheezh....

Anyway, this film pales by comparison to what the media has done and will do to Clinton. I can see the headline now:

Or, words to that effect.




Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2002
Plus it a lie anyway Kennedy-Johnson expansion was longer: 106 months compared to Reagan's 92. Plus the tax cuts are a lie too Kennedy-Johnson had top rates of 71% and higher taxes accross the board for corps.

the real deal is both presidents inflated the economy by big government spending, whereas kennedy's was $300 billion (adj for inflation) into the space program to put a man on the moon plus nam, while reagan was cold war spending and tons of it. ultimately both strategies worked as it propped up the economy, killed off the USSR and got us to the moon first.

so all bush needs to due is spend that $87 billion over here instead of overseas and then we'll have a good president...

the great society program was a great failure. "public housing projects: lets put all the poor ppl in one place, they won't commit more crimes!!"


Oct 9, 1999
As far as X-man's statement...I agree it is tasteless. However (and you knew there would be a however ), does this '...who can't even defend himself from outright lies'...have anything to do with your reaction? Is it the fact that an inaccurate and unflattering film was made about someone with PD that is so upsetting, or is it the inaccurate and unflattering film by itself? *note - 'inaccurate' and 'unflattering' are opinions.

Yes, it has everything to do with my reaction, as a matter of fact. It's a cheap shot, in my opinion, to make a personal attack on a man who doesn't have the mental faculties to state his own side of things. If there were a similar movie made about Bush right now, I would have no problem with it - because Bush is still alive and could defend himself against any untruths as they were portrayed.

To do what they're doing to a man with Alzheimer's is cruel, heartless, and flat-out disgusting - not to mention cowardly. The great thing about this country is that you CAN say what you think, and you have the right to your own opinions - you just have to face the consequences from other people. In this case there will BE no consequences, cause President Reagan isn't able to stand up for himself.


Nov 25, 2001
It cracks me up that all of the Reagan worshippers are up in arms about a TV movie that hasn't even come out yet. Akin to all of the religious freaks that came out of the woodwork to protest Mel Gibson's new movie, "The Passion" - saying it's anti-semetic, etc., etc. At least wait until you've seen the movie - or it's released and Limbaugh tells you it's bad - before passing judgement.


Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: sbp The left has never gotten over the fact Reagan was a great president.
True ... if you like deficits & voodoo economics, latch-key families, unregulated monopolies, religious zealotry (& hypocrisy), unprecedented scandals, raping the environment, assaults on worker's rights, and government policy by astrology. Reagan certainly wasn't as bad as Bush the lesser, but he never rose above mediocre. His biggest strength was personal charisma.

Your a sad sad person ....


Oct 19, 2001
Yes, Gaard, it pisses me off because of the blatant misrepresentations of the Reagans.

Chess9 - No, I knew about this long before Drudge had it on his site or talked about it on the air yesterday. I listen to Mike Reagan at times(even though it is tape delayed:|) and he's been talking about this for a while. This isn't "humor" they are trying to protray - this movie was meant to be the Reagans story - but you are right - it is a comedy since it seems more like a parody than an actual accurate protrayal of their life - I just wonder how they'll advertise it - as a comedy or as reality. Hmmm... I know I will be laughing at its absurdity and slander - but I wonder how many people will eat this up as what really happened like CBS(et al) want them to?



Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
It cracks me up that all of the Reagan worshippers are up in arms about a TV movie that hasn't even come out yet. Akin to all of the religious freaks that came out of the woodwork to protest Mel Gibson's new movie, "The Passion" - saying it's anti-semetic, etc., etc. At least wait until you've seen the movie - or it's released and Limbaugh tells you it's bad - before passing judgement.

I heard the clips. It is trash.



Nov 25, 2001
OK, let's all rush to judgement based on the Drudge Report.

"Ketchup is a vegetable! It is not a meat, right? So IT IS a vegetable!"


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
OK, let's all rush to judgement based on the Drudge Report.

"Ketchup is a vegetable! It is not a meat, right? So IT IS a vegetable!"

Did you hear the movie clips? No - you didn't. All you have is the Drudge reporting the script. YOU are the only one rushing to judgement. I(and Drudge plus others) have heard them, read them, and heard commentary on them by <gasp> someone who lived it! - Mike Reagan. Yeah - lets rush to be CBS/Viacom apologists


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Well come on CAD, let's hear some of the real juicy tidbits. The stuff on Drudges site seem rather mild and unoffending. BTW, wasn't Mike Reagan estranged from his father when he was in the White house?


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
"the great society program was a great failure. "public housing projects: lets put all the poor ppl in one place, they won't commit more crimes!!"

The manner in which public housing was implemented was a failure. You paint with too broad a brush. FWIW, I once had a protracted argument with a black woman (ca 1968) over building 20-1000 units of public housing in one place. At the time I advocated no more than 5 units per neighborhood. The gravaman of my racist view from her vantage point was that I was trying to break up black families and turn them into oreos. Well, nothing was further from my mind, but her view prevailed and we've seen the consequences. There is nothing wrong with the vast majority of middle class values and only fear prevented the program from being a good one. Many of LBJ's social initiatives were worthwhile, but don't even get me started about his support the THE WAR. Anyway, good public housing is something a decent democracy will do for its citizens.



Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
OK, let's all rush to judgement based on the Drudge Report.

"Ketchup is a vegetable! It is not a meat, right? So IT IS a vegetable!"

Did you hear the movie clips? No - you didn't. All you have is the Drudge reporting the script. YOU are the only one rushing to judgement. I(and Drudge plus others) have heard them, read them, and heard commentary on them by <gasp> someone who lived it! - Mike Reagan. Yeah - lets rush to be CBS/Viacom apologists


No Cad, I'll reserve my judgement for when the TV movie is actually shown. Meanwhile, please continue flailing your arms around based on speculation and potentially false or sensationalistic rumors.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
So, the American Public believing an out of office American President was, to put it low, a turd, is bad, but it's ok for the American Public to believe that there is a link between Al Quada and Iraq or that SH possessed a nuclear capability that threatened the U.S.? Good grief, is there no logical absurdity you won't engage? Consistency, thou art a jewel....

Is this another example of fair and balanced thinking by the RIGHT WING?

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