CBS brings new meaning to the word "tasteless"

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Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Well come on CAD, let's hear some of the real juicy tidbits. The stuff on Drudges site seem rather mild and unoffending. BTW, wasn't Mike Reagan estranged from his father when he was in the White house?

You will get more detail when the script or audio is posted out on the intarweb. I'm not going to relisten to and transcribe them from the parts I heard.(you can subscribe to Rush Limbaugh's 24/7 though - then you'll be able to hear it) There is also the "drama" context which is laughable. Nancy going from a "mommy dearest" tone to a raging shrill Hillary Clinton like tone. So yes there is alot that gets missed by just seeing parts of the script. Drudge hasn't even posted the parts where Nixon was brought up - where the movie is trying to liken Reagan to Nixon. It's sad really, really sad and low.



No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
screw reagan. muslim terrorists bombed two hundred of our troops to death and he retreated. our troops there were defenseless and scared under this "great president". they weren't even allowed to keep their guns loaded. he said he'd never ever negotiate with terrorists, but he did just that.


Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: nowareman
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
This "film" is absolute BS. Drudge was talking about it yesterday and actually played clips of it. It is a steaming pile of leftist revisionism. Also Mike Reagan(Adopted son) has been talking about this on his radio program - from what he's read of the leaked script - it's inaccurate to put it very nicely.

This "movie" reads and sounds like a parody rather than real life. I hear some of the scenes - it's pure BS. According to drugde(who has the script and I assume some video or clips of it) they protray the Reagans as being nude when they learn of the election results! WTF!?

This is beyond "tasteless" X-man - it is utter trash. Now if CBS wanted to make a real movie - don't you think they'd interview and get the stories from <gasp> the Reagans? Nancy, Patti, and Mike hadn't been contacted - and are all very upset - especially now that they've seen the script(or atleast parts of it).

All I know is that I will NOT be watching this trash when it airs.


Edit - Link to Drudge

As I said earlier it's the same as the Bush movie about 9/11. I'm sure they didn't get Bush to verify the lines they claim he said. It's just the other side of the same coin but I don't remember any of you complaining about the lack of historical accuracy then.

No it isn't "the same"
The revisionist asshats who wrote this script had no intention of making a true to life story, and they admit that things they show in the movie didn't happen.

'Reagan' viewer warning

The 9/11 movie does not excuse this trash just because it may paint Bush in a good light. The 9/11 movie is about an event in history and the aftermath and how the Admin handled it. This Reagan "story" is just blatant and admitted slander. Oh, and I suppose you don't think Bush did handle 9/11 with great leadership since you claim the movie is "the other side of the same coin". A 9 day docu-drama vs a full out assult on Reagan and Family - yeah same coin


Yes, it is the same. When the media is allowed to use their power to show one side of an event (the Reagan years were a series of events in histroy) they must be allowed to use the same power to show the other side of another event. Just because you are a fanboy of one side and not the other and you don't agree with one view doesn't mean the other view can't be shown. If we allow only one side to make docudramas about how great their leaders are we are no better than the propaganda people in communist China. If they can make a movie about Bush and 9/11 that uses made up lines and events for dramatic effect they have every right to make a movie about Reagan that does the same. Your problem is you only want your side to be able to use the media to show itself in a good light. That is a very partisan attitude.


Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
It cracks me up that all of the Reagan worshippers are up in arms about a TV movie that hasn't even come out yet. Akin to all of the religious freaks that came out of the woodwork to protest Mel Gibson's new movie, "The Passion" - saying it's anti-semetic, etc., etc. At least wait until you've seen the movie - or it's released and Limbaugh tells you it's bad - before passing judgement.

I have to point out that the movie and Limbaugh will both have to be released before he can tell everyone it's bad.


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: nowareman
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
It cracks me up that all of the Reagan worshippers are up in arms about a TV movie that hasn't even come out yet. Akin to all of the religious freaks that came out of the woodwork to protest Mel Gibson's new movie, "The Passion" - saying it's anti-semetic, etc., etc. At least wait until you've seen the movie - or it's released and Limbaugh tells you it's bad - before passing judgement.

I have to point out that the movie and Limbaugh will both have to be released before he can tell everyone it's bad.

Right you are! I guess I assumed Limbaugh would be paroled from prison by then. Perhaps not?


Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: nowareman
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
It cracks me up that all of the Reagan worshippers are up in arms about a TV movie that hasn't even come out yet. Akin to all of the religious freaks that came out of the woodwork to protest Mel Gibson's new movie, "The Passion" - saying it's anti-semetic, etc., etc. At least wait until you've seen the movie - or it's released and Limbaugh tells you it's bad - before passing judgement.

I have to point out that the movie and Limbaugh will both have to be released before he can tell everyone it's bad.

Right you are! I guess I assumed Limbaugh would be paroled from prison by then. Perhaps not?

He's in rehab for 30 days to kick the drug habit but they may never be able to rid him of the resulting hypocrisy.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: CAD ("The Sky is Falling!!!") kindaGUY
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
OK, let's all rush to judgement based on the Drudge Report.

"Ketchup is a vegetable! It is not a meat, right? So IT IS a vegetable!"
Did you hear the movie clips? No - you didn't. All you have is the Drudge reporting the script. YOU are the only one rushing to judgement. I(and Drudge plus others) have heard them, read them, and heard commentary on them by <gasp> someone who lived it! - Mike Reagan. Yeah - lets rush to be CBS/Viacom apologists

Sir CAD, you've gone over the edge. YOU are the only one passing judgment on the movie -- a movie you have never seen. Others are making comments about Reagan (independent of the movie) or opining that the reporting about the movie don't seem that bad. No one is claiming that this movie as a whole is good or accurate. YOU, however, are the one rushing to judgment, condemning the whole movie based on the bits and pieces of information you're heard.

Chill, already. Your screeching partisanship is embarassing. You are rabidly attacking others for imagined behaviors, behaviors that you actually exhibit.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
No one is claiming that this movie as a whole is good or accurate.
Besides Amityville Horror has James Brolin ever been in a Decent Movie? I swear if it wasn't for all this controversy I probably wouldn't have the slightest interest in watching it, mainly because I think Brolin sucks as an Actor. But now I find myself wanting to see it because of this hubbub and I bet plenty of others will watch it just because of the controversy


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Mrburns2007
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: sbp The left has never gotten over the fact Reagan was a great president.
True ... if you like deficits & voodoo economics, latch-key families, unregulated monopolies, religious zealotry (& hypocrisy), unprecedented scandals, raping the environment, assaults on worker's rights, and government policy by astrology. Reagan certainly wasn't as bad as Bush the lesser, but he never rose above mediocre. His biggest strength was personal charisma.

Your a sad sad person ....
No, I'm in a pretty good mood today. Thanks for caring.

Do you have any content to accompany your statement, maybe specific examples of what you disagree with and why, or is an insipid personal attack the extent of your talents?


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
No one is claiming that this movie as a whole is good or accurate.
Besides Amityville Horror has James Brolin ever been in a Decent Movie? I swear if it wasn't for all this controversy I probably wouldn't have the slightest interest in watching it, mainly because I think Brolin sucks as an Actor. But now I find myself wanting to see it because of this hubbub and I bet plenty of others will watch it just because of the controversy
Kind of like O'Reilley attacking Franken's book. Best publicity in the world.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: CAD ("The Sky is Falling!!!") kindaGUY
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
OK, let's all rush to judgement based on the Drudge Report.

"Ketchup is a vegetable! It is not a meat, right? So IT IS a vegetable!"
Did you hear the movie clips? No - you didn't. All you have is the Drudge reporting the script. YOU are the only one rushing to judgement. I(and Drudge plus others) have heard them, read them, and heard commentary on them by <gasp> someone who lived it! - Mike Reagan. Yeah - lets rush to be CBS/Viacom apologists

Sir CAD, you've gone over the edge. YOU are the only one passing judgment on the movie -- a movie you have never seen. Others are making comments about Reagan (independent of the movie) or opining that the reporting about the movie don't seem that bad. No one is claiming that this movie as a whole is good or accurate. YOU, however, are the one rushing to judgment, condemning the whole movie based on the bits and pieces of information you're heard.

Chill, already. Your screeching partisanship is embarassing. You are rabidly attacking others for imagined behaviors, behaviors that you actually exhibit.


Right, try to pin it as "screeching partisanship". Right

There is no "imagined" behavior - you and the left have been trying to vilify Reagan for years - this is just another attempt - but this time it uses trash from hollywood to do it.

This is a blatant attempt to slander Reagan. Yes he wasn't a perfect President, but show me one that was. I've heard enough and read enough of the script to know that it is trash.
You claims of partisan screeching are absurd - you haven't heard ANY of it. I've heard and read enough to know that that is trash - even the producers admit that there are lies in it.

Your "partisanship" rant is quite hilarious coming from you Not as funny as if it had come from BOBDN or some of the others who take extreme sides. I've let this play out for over a week, Mike Reagan informed his listeners of what was taking place and I did some research and couldn't find much, so I waited until I could read/hear the script before casting judgment on it(or even posting about it). It has been developing for more than a week. Yeah "rush to judgment" indeed
You should be one of the LAST people who should start castigating people for jumping to conclusions or being partisan - you've more than proved your partisanship.

People need to know that this is NOT an accurate portrayal of Reagan and that NONE of the Reagans were consulted or interviewed, so people know before watching this that it is inaccurate. THAT is why it will receive the publicity it is/will get. It is trashy slander and must be announced as such.



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Is anything in the first paragraph of Bow's post that you quoted incorrect? (Except, of course, the 'over the edge' comment. )


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Gaard
Is anything in the first paragraph of Bow's post that you quoted incorrect? (Except, of course, the 'over the edge' comment. )

Yes, his claims of "rush to judgment" which I addressed.

People haven't heard the clips - I have. Yes it isn't the whole movie but it is enough of it to know that whoever wrote this has something against Reagan and is using this as a way to vilify him and slander his family.

DM tried to dismiss it as "nothing" based on little to not info - yet I get accused of rushing to judgement when I am actually MORE informed on it. I cast judgment on it based on what I've read, heard, and who is making/writing this. All three of them push the needle higher on the trash 'o meter.

It will be interesting as to how this movie is advertised because so far, it's billed as a story or the Reagans lives - when it should be advertised at best as a parody or a comedic spoof. It should be called "The Reagans - An untruthful story about the Reagan Presidency". IMO of course


PS - Bowfinger's adjustment of my name is quite funny(I got a chuckle out of it) - especially after reading his posts and comments about how "bad" Bush is and will be for the next 5 years.


Jul 25, 2002
Gosh !
Everyones flailing around like this is going to be like 'Springtime for Hitler - and Germany" - Mel Brooks type protrayal of the Reagans !
I don't think it's even going to be that good - maybe better though than his "Bedtime for Bozo" was.

I doubt that it will portray them as bad as . . . or as good as . . . they really were . . or are.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Gaard
Is anything in the first paragraph of Bow's post that you quoted incorrect? (Except, of course, the 'over the edge' comment. )

Yes, his claims of "rush to judgment" which I addressed.

People haven't heard the clips - I have. Yes it isn't the whole movie but it is enough of it to know that whoever wrote this has something against Reagan and is using this as a way to vilify him and slander his family.

DM tried to dismiss it as "nothing" based on little to not info - yet I get accused of rushing to judgement when I am actually MORE informed on it. I cast judgment on it based on what I've read, heard, and who is making/writing this. All three of them push the needle higher on the trash 'o meter.

It will be interesting as to how this movie is advertised because so far, it's billed as a story or the Reagans lives - when it should be advertised at best as a parody or a comedic spoof. It should be called "The Reagans - An untruthful story about the Reagan Presidency". IMO of course


PS - Bowfinger's adjustment of my name is quite funny(I got a chuckle out of it) - especially after reading his posts and comments about how "bad" Bush is and will be for the next 5 years.
I remember back during the Reagan years that many on his staff nicknamed Nancy as the Dragon Lady. It is also true that she consulted in an Astrologist and some on his staff wondered publucly whether or not that her Astrologist had a role in some of his policies, especially after he was shot. Reagans COS Donald Regan was not especially fond of her nor she of him. Now that would probably make for juicier TV than Ronnie and Nancy being in Bathrobes when the Elelction Results were Broadcast. Also another interesting episode would be when after Ron was shot Al Haig trying to pull off a Coup by assuming the role of the President. Then there was the time when unbeknown to Ron the Mic was still live and he jokingly said "in 30 seconds the Bombing of the Soviet Union would begin". The Russians failed to see the humor in it. Least we not forget the Iran Contra Scandal, the Bombing of 200+unarmed Marines in Beruit and the Storming of the Beaches in Greneda to save a bunch of Dope Smoking Medical Students from Cuban Engineers. And last but not least there is the Icelandic Conference with Gorby where Mikhail wanted to shelve the whole Arms race and Ronny had to be pulled out of the Summit by his aides because he was so unprepared to deal with such a profound proposal.

When you take all this under consideration why would anyone need to fabricate anything to make fun of the Reagan years? Sure he did a lot of good things but if they wanted to lampoon him there is plenty enough ammo that is true.



Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Gaard
Is anything in the first paragraph of Bow's post that you quoted incorrect? (Except, of course, the 'over the edge' comment. )

Yes, his claims of "rush to judgment" which I addressed.

People haven't heard the clips - I have. Yes it isn't the whole movie but it is enough of it to know that whoever wrote this has something against Reagan and is using this as a way to vilify him and slander his family.

DM tried to dismiss it as "nothing" based on little to not info - yet I get accused of rushing to judgement when I am actually MORE informed on it. I cast judgment on it based on what I've read, heard, and who is making/writing this. All three of them push the needle higher on the trash 'o meter.

It will be interesting as to how this movie is advertised because so far, it's billed as a story or the Reagans lives - when it should be advertised at best as a parody or a comedic spoof. It should be called "The Reagans - An untruthful story about the Reagan Presidency". IMO of course


PS - Bowfinger's adjustment of my name is quite funny(I got a chuckle out of it) - especially after reading his posts and comments about how "bad" Bush is and will be for the next 5 years.

So you base your judgement on the Drudge report, Michael Reagan and that none of the Reagans were consulted?
Drudge is about as partisan as you can get, Michael Reagan is obviously partisan since he is a Reagan and the same is true for the Reagan family. If the producers of the movie wanted to have the Reagan family tell it they might as well let the Reagan family produce it. Why not wait until you see it and decide instead of making partisan assumptions and partisan accusations before anyone sees it?


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Gaard
Is anything in the first paragraph of Bow's post that you quoted incorrect? (Except, of course, the 'over the edge' comment. )
Yes, his claims of "rush to judgment" which I addressed.

People haven't heard the clips - I have. Yes it isn't the whole movie but it is enough of it to know that whoever wrote this has something against Reagan and is using this as a way to vilify him and slander his family. [ ... ]
I'm sorry that phrase seems to give your heartburn Caddy, but a rush to judgment is exactly what you did. You have NOT seen the movie, yet you condemn it anyway. You dismiss the whole based on a few small parts -- and you have to know they picked the parts that their audience would find most objectionable, just to attract attention and get people riled up. You are judging a book by its cover. You are rushing to judgment. Your conclusion is based on your partisan support of Reagan, NOT the contents of a movie you haven't seen.

I'm perfectly willing to believe the movie is trash. I am not going to conclude it is trash unless and until I've seen it.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Gaard
Is anything in the first paragraph of Bow's post that you quoted incorrect? (Except, of course, the 'over the edge' comment. )
Yes, his claims of "rush to judgment" which I addressed.

People haven't heard the clips - I have. Yes it isn't the whole movie but it is enough of it to know that whoever wrote this has something against Reagan and is using this as a way to vilify him and slander his family. [ ... ]
I'm sorry that phrase seems to give your heartburn Caddy, but a rush to judgment is exactly what you did. You have NOT seen the movie, yet you condemn it anyway. You dismiss the whole based on a few small parts -- and you have to know they picked the parts that their audience would find most objectionable, just to attract attention and get people riled up. You are judging a book by its cover. You are rushing to judgment. Your conclusion is based on your partisan support of Reagan, NOT the contents of a movie you haven't seen.

I'm perfectly willing to believe the movie is trash. I am not going to conclude it is trash unless and until I've seen it.

No, I have not seen the movie - but I have heard many parts of it. Those parts are TRASH, and any movie that would have those parts in it would be trash too. No, I'm not judging it by it's cover - I've heard clips, read portions of the script, researched who wrote it, and directed it. Now jumping to conclusions would be if I just went off on a rant because Mike Reagan said this. He's been talking about it for a while - I've reserved judgement until I could hear what he was talking about. I've now heard parts and agree with him that it is trash. None of the Reagans were consulted - yet this movie is about them I wonder why? Yes, it is the contents of the movie that I'm judging it by along with many other things which i've said - your writing it off as "rushing to judgement" can't change that.

nowareman - you seem to miss the part where I HEARD the movie, or the part where I considered who wrote the movie, and who directed the movie. They all lead to one conclusion - trash.

If I may borrow from our good pal moonbeam - the duck test.

This movie is sladerous trash and should not be sold as being some "truthful" story about the Reagans.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Gaard
Is anything in the first paragraph of Bow's post that you quoted incorrect? (Except, of course, the 'over the edge' comment. )
Yes, his claims of "rush to judgment" which I addressed.

People haven't heard the clips - I have. Yes it isn't the whole movie but it is enough of it to know that whoever wrote this has something against Reagan and is using this as a way to vilify him and slander his family. [ ... ]
I'm sorry that phrase seems to give your heartburn Caddy, but a rush to judgment is exactly what you did. You have NOT seen the movie, yet you condemn it anyway. You dismiss the whole based on a few small parts -- and you have to know they picked the parts that their audience would find most objectionable, just to attract attention and get people riled up. You are judging a book by its cover. You are rushing to judgment. Your conclusion is based on your partisan support of Reagan, NOT the contents of a movie you haven't seen.

I'm perfectly willing to believe the movie is trash. I am not going to conclude it is trash unless and until I've seen it.

No, I have not seen the movie - but I have heard many parts of it. Those parts are TRASH, and any movie that would have those parts in it would be trash too. No, I'm not judging it by it's cover - I've heard clips, read portions of the script, researched who wrote it, and directed it. Now jumping to conclusions would be if I just went off on a rant because Mike Reagan said this. He's been talking about it for a while - I've reserved judgement until I could hear what he was talking about. I've now heard parts and agree with him that it is trash. None of the Reagans were consulted - yet this movie is about them I wonder why? Yes, it is the contents of the movie that I'm judging it by along with many other things which i've said - your writing it off as "rushing to judgement" can't change that.

nowareman - you seem to miss the part where I HEARD the movie, or the part where I considered who wrote the movie, and who directed the movie. They all lead to one conclusion - trash.

If I may borrow from our good pal moonbeam - the duck test.

This movie is sladerous trash and should not be sold as being some "truthful" story about the Reagans.

Man you act as if he is some American Icon. Hell when they made a Movie about Jesus called the Last Temptation the Fundies didn't make as big of a stink as you Reagan Idolizers are about this movie. If the Movie is BS I'm sure the American Public will know, hell most of us lived through his terms and wouold know what is BS and what isn't.

BTW, Michael Reagan has zero credibility and I believe that even though he is complaining like a whore with sand in her Vaseline about this I bet he relishes the attention he is getting which will boost his ratings and put more money in his pocket. Mike Reagan has been making a living off of his fathers name from the get go!


Nov 25, 2001
Awwwwwww Shed a tear for the Reaganites, for their deity is less god and more man. Yes, Cad <sigh> you've heard snippets of the movie and seen portions of the script - we heard you the first million times.

My point (and perhaps the point of others here) is that your rush to judgment is akin to reading the dustcover of a novel or the first page of a new book and concluding the whole thing is crap. I'm glad you feel you have the omniscience to know without a doubt that the movie is all slander and lies (Ms Coulter? Is that you?), but perhaps the rest of us feel a more objective approach is more appropriate. Meaning, at least wait until the thing plays on TV and then form an intelligent opinion.

Maybe you're right and it's total crap. Who knows? Maybe this whole pre-air hype is intentional? Make it seem scandalous enough and everyone will (for sure) watch it...


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Man you act as if he is some American Icon. Hell when they made a Movie about Jesus called the Last Temptation the Fundies didn't make as big of a stink as you Reagan Idolizers are about this movie. If the Movie is BS I'm sure the American Public will know, hell most of us lived through his terms and wouold know what is BS and what isn't.

BTW, Michael Reagan has zero credibility and I believe that even though he is complaining like a whore with sand in her Vaseline about this I bet he relishes the attention he is getting which will boost his ratings and put more money in his pocket. Mike Reagan has been making a living off of his fathers name from the get go![/quote]

Yes, he is an icon and who cares if *some* people will be able to see through the BS - that isn't the point. The point is that he is being vilified and lied about - and many of the younger people won't have a clue if they aren't informed that it is BS. People believe what they see in movies - especially supposed "life story" type ones. This one is full of BS and people need to know that.

Your attack on Mike is based on? His credibility is zero why? What is your problem with Mike?


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Awwwwwww Shed a tear for the Reaganites, for their deity is less god and more man. Yes, Cad <sigh> you've heard snippets of the movie and seen portions of the script - we heard you the first million times.

My point (and perhaps the point of others here) is that your rush to judgment is akin to reading the dustcover of a novel or the first page of a new book and concluding the whole thing is crap. I'm glad you feel you have the omniscience to know without a doubt that the movie is all slander and lies (Ms Coulter? Is that you?), but perhaps the rest of us feel a more objective approach is more appropriate. Meaning, at least wait until the thing plays on TV and then form an intelligent opinion.

Maybe you're right and it's total crap. Who knows? Maybe this whole pre-air hype is intentional? Make it seem scandalous enough and everyone will (for sure) watch it...

Hey if Brolin plays the Gipper it must be full of crap. Hell Brolin is just a stiff Grade B Actor, what makes you think he could play a Character that is a stiff Grade B Act....hmmmm...DOH!!!!!


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Obviously CAD feels strongly about this movie. One has to wonder why?

<<People need to know that this is NOT an accurate portrayal of Reagan and that NONE of the Reagans were consulted or interviewed, so people know before watching this that it is inaccurate.>>

Seriously CAD, don't you wonder if whatever is making you so emotional about this film is affecting your viewpoint at all?

Maybe you should tell your wife to hide any sharp objects before this film airs. j/k


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Awwwwwww Shed a tear for the Reaganites, for their deity is less god and more man. Yes, Cad <sigh> you've heard snippets of the movie and seen portions of the script - we heard you the first million times.

My point (and perhaps the point of others here) is that your rush to judgment is akin to reading the dustcover of a novel or the first page of a new book and concluding the whole thing is crap. I'm glad you feel you have the omniscience to know without a doubt that the movie is all slander and lies (Ms Coulter? Is that you?), but perhaps the rest of us feel a more objective approach is more appropriate. Meaning, at least wait until the thing plays on TV and then form an intelligent opinion.

Maybe you're right and it's total crap. Who knows? Maybe this whole pre-air hype is intentional? Make it seem scandalous enough and everyone will (for sure) watch it...

Again - it is NOT a rush to judgement - can your read? I don't feel omniscience - and never said I did or that it was ALL slander and lies. I said that the movie was crap and trash.

I see the whole anti-Reagan crowd is in full apologist mode
You people on the left have tried to destroy Reagan for years, and this attempt is just another in the long list of attacks.

Meh - you'll understand ...someday...maybe.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Man you act as if he is some American Icon. Hell when they made a Movie about Jesus called the Last Temptation the Fundies didn't make as big of a stink as you Reagan Idolizers are about this movie. If the Movie is BS I'm sure the American Public will know, hell most of us lived through his terms and wouold know what is BS and what isn't.

BTW, Michael Reagan has zero credibility and I believe that even though he is complaining like a whore with sand in her Vaseline about this I bet he relishes the attention he is getting which will boost his ratings and put more money in his pocket. Mike Reagan has been making a living off of his fathers name from the get go!

Yes, he is an icon and who cares if *some* people will be able to see through the BS - that isn't the point. The point is that he is being vilified and lied about - and many of the younger people won't have a clue if they aren't informed that it is BS. People believe what they see in movies - especially supposed "life story" type ones. This one is full of BS and people need to know that.

Your attack on Mike is based on? His credibility is zero why? What is your problem with Mike?

Mike has made a career out of being Ronnies Adopted Son. He and his Father were estranged until his Father became President. His whole personna is based on his relationship to his father
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