CCW will get you... killed?

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Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
It has come out that the guy who called the police on him was a homeless guy who was harassing him for money. He refused, flashed his gun at homeless guy, homeless guy calls police on him. Police don't know the full story, they see him and then this happens.



Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
It has come out that the guy who called the police on him was a homeless guy who was harassing him for money. He refused, flashed his gun at homeless guy, homeless guy calls police on him. Police don't know the full story, they see him and then this happens.

Wrong black person.

Philando Castile <> Alton Sterlin



Senior member
Nov 16, 2010
This one definitely is more "worthy" a cause than the guy down in Louisiana. The guy down in Louisiana was a sex offender, was carrying a gun, was reported he threatened someone with the gun, had like 5 kids, was resisting arrest.

This guy was none of that.

Sex offender - doesn't matter and the cops didn't know.
Carrying a gun - doesn't matter. Carrying a gun is legal.
Reportedly threatened people - doesn't matter
Had like 5 kids - WTF? you can't be serious that you think this is a valid reason.
Resisting arrest - I haven't seen evidence he was. And in any event - doesn't matter.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2010
I'm going to Monday morning quarterback this incident on the grounds that I've done law enforcement directly for 3+ years as a Military Policeman (21+ years of total Army Reserve time as an MP after that).

First, the officer seemed pretty damned agitated at the point that the video started. Why? He's got almost a complete tactical advantage in that situation. Driver has to make some pretty concerted efforts to draw weapon giving the officer plenty of reaction time to seek cover, etc. Why is he so fucking scared/intimidated of this one guy with girlfriend and child in the car who also disclosed that he was a concealed carry person?

Second, the driver's field of view/shot picture is almost exclusively in the area of the officer's body armor (assuming he's wearing it, which why wouldn't you be if you're this scared of a confrontation). Why wear fucking body armor if you're so afraid to use it that you just shoot first all the time? Yeah, I'm sure getting shot in the vest fucking hurts, but training and adrenaline are there for a reason.

Finally, what the fuck is up with these officers shooting people and then simply standing there watching these people bleed out and die? WTF?! You shoot someone to incapacitate them and control a deadly situation, then you should immediately transition to completely eliminating the threat (AKA, take the gun, knife, etc., away) and then treating the injured. This asshole literally appears to have just stood there, gun still pointing at the victim, the girlfriend, and the kid in the back seat watching this guy die. Fuck, even Soldiers are taught that if you shoot a bad guy and eliminate the threat, you do your best to save the life.

This shooting seems nonsensical, like many of them are lately, and callously idiotic. Even if he would have shot the guy and dragged him out of the car and begun medical aid he might have helped the situation not appear what it is now, total disregard for human life.

Guys like this police officer I suspect are the ones that go home and watch fucking YouTube videos over and over again of those shootouts on traffic stops and then just hope for their chance at glory. In fact, they should ask as part of the interview process "How many times on average do you think officers get into deadly altercations in this municipality?" and if the answer is grossly off from the real statistics, that should be an indicator of a problem right up front.


Aug 22, 2004
Sex offender - doesn't matter and the cops didn't know.
Carrying a gun - doesn't matter. Carrying a gun is legal.
Reportedly threatened people - doesn't matter
Had like 5 kids - WTF? you can't be serious that you think this is a valid reason.
Resisting arrest - I haven't seen evidence he was. And in any event - doesn't matter.

Let's see, sex offender? Yeah, probably doesn't matter if non-violent and non-child-related. Carrying a gun? Likely illegal due to the sex offense conviction. Threatening somebody WITH said probably illegal gun? DEFINITELY illegal. It's called brandishing, look it up. The kids thing probably doesn't matter, unless he was convicted of a sexual offense against a minor. Resisting arrest could be anything from squirming around as the cop cuffs you, to running, to assaulting an officer. Hell, he might have even flashed his piece at the cop.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2010
Let's see, sex offender? Yeah, probably doesn't matter if non-violent and non-child-related. Carrying a gun? Likely illegal due to the sex offense conviction. Threatening somebody WITH said probably illegal gun? DEFINITELY illegal. It's called brandishing, look it up. The kids thing probably doesn't matter, unless he was convicted of a sexual offense against a minor. Resisting arrest could be anything from squirming around as the cop cuffs you, to running, to assaulting an officer. Hell, he might have even flashed his piece at the cop.

So from what is available, his sex offense was that he was 20 and impregnated a 14-year old girl who continued to be in a relationship with him and actually appeared in a press conference after the fact with their shared son. He served his 2 year sentence and got out. Not condoning the original act, but doesn't appear to have been violent sex offender (AKA forcible rape, etc.).

Yes, perhaps he brandished a pistol at the homeless man that reported him and perhaps he illegally possessed said weapon, those aren't facts at this point, they are speculation at best. Felony offenses can be expunged and he can re-gain his right to possess a firearm legally in many circumstances. The real question is, did he threaten or engage the officers with the pistol and if so, when? Deadly force is met with deadly force. Mere possession of a pistol, even illegally, is not grounds for being met with deadly force. Even then, they appear to have shot him from multiple angles at point blank range during a ground struggle. Curious as to what point the officers thought he had a deadly sight picture against them that necessitated them shooting him mere inches away as he lay on his back on the pavement with two large police officers apparently pinning him down.


Sep 12, 2001
I'm going to Monday morning quarterback this incident on the grounds that I've done law enforcement directly for 3+ years as a Military Policeman (21+ years of total Army Reserve time as an MP after that).

First, the officer seemed pretty damned agitated at the point that the video started. Why? He's got almost a complete tactical advantage in that situation. Driver has to make some pretty concerted efforts to draw weapon giving the officer plenty of reaction time to seek cover, etc. Why is he so fucking scared/intimidated of this one guy with girlfriend and child in the car who also disclosed that he was a concealed carry person?

Second, the driver's field of view/shot picture is almost exclusively in the area of the officer's body armor (assuming he's wearing it, which why wouldn't you be if you're this scared of a confrontation). Why wear fucking body armor if you're so afraid to use it that you just shoot first all the time? Yeah, I'm sure getting shot in the vest fucking hurts, but training and adrenaline are there for a reason.

Finally, what the fuck is up with these officers shooting people and then simply standing there watching these people bleed out and die? WTF?! You shoot someone to incapacitate them and control a deadly situation, then you should immediately transition to completely eliminating the threat (AKA, take the gun, knife, etc., away) and then treating the injured. This asshole literally appears to have just stood there, gun still pointing at the victim, the girlfriend, and the kid in the back seat watching this guy die. Fuck, even Soldiers are taught that if you shoot a bad guy and eliminate the threat, you do your best to save the life.

This shooting seems nonsensical, like many of them are lately, and callously idiotic. Even if he would have shot the guy and dragged him out of the car and begun medical aid he might have helped the situation not appear what it is now, total disregard for human life.

Guys like this police officer I suspect are the ones that go home and watch fucking YouTube videos over and over again of those shootouts on traffic stops and then just hope for their chance at glory. In fact, they should ask as part of the interview process "How many times on average do you think officers get into deadly altercations in this municipality?" and if the answer is grossly off from the real statistics, that should be an indicator of a problem right up front.

I agree with most of your post, though the bolded portion is nothing short of absurd.

Everything else though, yeah...this is ridiculous.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2010
I agree with most of your post, though the bolded portion is nothing short of absurd.

Everything else though, yeah...this is ridiculous.

I've always taught my troops what I was taught, body armor is there to give you a tactical advantage and an extra moment to consider deadly force application over an assailant.

It's not like Level III armor can't absorb just about anything the average pistol is going to throw at it.

Maybe the language I used sucks, but the intent is there. Short of a head shot, you've got a great chance of survival in the event that the bad guy gets the drop on you.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Always disclose as you are handing your license and registration to the officer not before. your hands are in plain view in a non threatening way and his hands are busy with what you are handing him and you are complying with the law that requires you to disclose. At that point follow his directions to the letter. He may just look at your CPL and ask where the weapon is located in the vehicle. He may ask you to surrender your weapon for the duration of the traffic stop. Pay close attention and do exactly as you are told. Most cops are fine but some like apparently this one are so terrified while on the job they completely lose control. I certainly hope this department does the right thing and holds the officer responsible for his actions. That is assuming it did in fact go down as was represented in the linked article.

sounds like a lot of nonsense rules that need to be followed simply to not be killed for want of earning that little merit badge that many around here seem so proud to carry.

I don't get it.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
For years cop friends have told me that if you have CCW or legally have a gun in the car that they do not want to be told because "paperwork".
However, these are old timers.

I don't think it's about telling them because of what the cops don't want to deal with--it's about telling them because you hope the cops don't kill you when they discover a "surprise gun."


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
For years cop friends have told me that if you have CCW or legally have a gun in the car that they do not want to be told because "paperwork".
However, these are old timers.

It is a legal requirement to disclose in the state of Texas.


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2005
Sex offender - doesn't matter and the cops didn't know.
Carrying a gun - doesn't matter. Carrying a gun is legal.
Reportedly threatened people - doesn't matter
Had like 5 kids - WTF? you can't be serious that you think this is a valid reason.
Resisting arrest - I haven't seen evidence he was. And in any event - doesn't matter.

carrying a gun while being a sex offender and having been convicted of a felony is not legal. just to be clear.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2010
It is a legal requirement to disclose in the state of Texas.

Which is stupid in my opinion. Why write a law to make a cleared, concealed carry person disclose their possession of a registered, legal firearm when a bad guy certainly isn't going to.

In my opinion it needlessly elevates routine police work. If an officer asks for their own safety, sure, the concealed carry person should agree to disclose. But a law REQUIRING them to disclose without being requested to do so is stupid.


Jul 13, 2005
It has come out that the guy who called the police on him was a homeless guy who was harassing him for money. He refused, flashed his gun at homeless guy, homeless guy calls police on him. Police don't know the full story, they see him and then this happens.
are you a paid police apologist>>????


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
You know, I grew up pre video, pre cell phone, imagine how flipping afraid of the police we were.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
It is a legal requirement to disclose in the state of Texas.

It's probably same in NY.
In my area guns are not wide spread and the only people who are carrying are either LE, ex-LE, friends or family of LE or people who brought cupcakes and a cop friend when they went to go to get their pistol permit.

I don't think their is the same level of paranoia in my area among officers when it comes to guns as it is in other parts of the US.
There are some towns where individual precincts might have a bit more concern.

Who knows...could be changing.
I wouldn't know.
Most of the guys I know are retirement age and I haven't been pulled over in years. Last one was a motorcycle checkpoint over a decade ago so that doesn't really count.

Reading about Castille being asked to put hands in the air for an equipment violation stop is completely foreign to me.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
I was pulled over a few years ago. The officer asked for my registration. I told him it was in my glove box with my pistol and asked if he would like to secure it. He said something like "Why do I care where your gun is, mine is right here" patting his holster. I reached in, got out my registration and handed it to him.

If I wasn't white I probably would be dead.

I think the last time I had lights and sirens in the rear view was back in the 90's.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
I think the last time I had lights and sirens in the rear view was back in the 90's.
I'm not sure I've ever had the siren treatment. Last time I had lights in my rear view was last year. I had a brake light out.


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2010
I've clicked on about 5 different outlets, and I can't find the unedited video. Every one is cut to pieces with some useless ass hole giving me play by play, making it impossible to hear anyone in the car. I just want to watch the god damn video and make up my own mind.

Link please?


Jul 15, 2000
carrying a gun while being a sex offender and having been convicted of a felony is not legal. just to be clear.

This is true, but he appeared to be restrained fairly well at that point, plus if they thought more force is needed to get him cuffed a taser could have been used vs pumping 5-6 bullets into him. I don't imagine the job as an LEO is an easy one at all, but if you can't maintain composure in the many different scenarios that will arise maybe you should find another line of employment.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2003

Guys like this police officer I suspect are the ones that go home and watch fucking YouTube videos over and over again of those shootouts on traffic stops and then just hope for their chance at glory...

Or obsess over them in fear that it's going to happen.
The officer was so frantic I just wonder what led up to it. It's to the point that you should do exactly what the officer says when he says to do it. I wouldn't move an inch without permission. And I'd be happy to let the cop take the gun off me so I didn't have to touch it.

I don't want to hack on cops because they have to deal with trash all day every day. But they are paid professionals and I think you'd have to at least SEE a gun before firing.

In Ohio...(my bold)
Traffic Stops and Other Law Enforcement Encounters
If a person is stopped for a law enforcement purpose and is carrying
a concealed handgun as a CCW licensee, whether in a motor vehicle
or not, he shall promptly inform the law enforcement officer that he
is carrying a concealed handgun. If in a vehicle, the licensee
shall remain in the vehicle and keep his hands in plain sight at all times.
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2000
Many years ago I remember getting pulled over on my motorcycle by a motorcycle cop for speeding. I was going 45 in a 45 zone but it was a school zone (with no children present) and every single vehicle around me was going the same speed as I was... but I digress.

He pulled me over, I turned the motor off and put the bike on the side stand and got off and as he walks up I'm fumbling with my jacket trying to turn off my ipod so I can hear the guy and I'm thinking afterward that that probably wasn't the brightest thing to do but he just stood there and waited for me to finish and remove my helmet so we could converse.

He was cordial and I was polite. He gave me a ticket and sent me on my way. Probably could have been worse though if he was the paranoid type.

Did you have earphone in both ears?
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