Celeron 1100 or Duron 1000 from Santa?!


Junior Member
Jan 18, 2001
My mom said she would "get santa" to bring me a new mobo & cpu. Which one should I get? The celeron 1100 or Duron 1000? I will be using it for some gaming & internet. I will be using a 3dfx voodoo3 3000 graphics card. Since "santa" will buy this, I want the better one. Everyone says that intel makes the best & fastest, but I want to make sure before I decide. Please do not suggest a P4 or Athalon, my mom is broke & I need the lowest price. I currently am using a cyrix MII 300 so anything is faster.



Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
Take the Duron. And down the road when you want to upgrade the CPU you don't nessasarily have to buy a new motherboard.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 1999
The Duron is probably of equivalent performance or even higher than an equivalent speed PIII so your advice,

<< Everyone says that intel makes the best & fastest >>

is not very accurate in the current market.

I would recommend getting a Socket A motherboard which will allow you to use either the Duron on Athlon CPU's.

Goto a site such as Newegg and compare the prices of Durons and Athlons - you will find that there is very little difference between the price of the higher speed Durons and the same speed Athlons. See if you can get a cheap Althlon 950Mhz or 1.2GHz which might not be very different in price to a Duron 1.0Ghz. The Athlon 950Mhz will actually outperform the Duron 1.0Ghz in some instances although it may be cheaper
You can also overclock the AMD CPU's very easily but that is something else to talk about altogether

Do some reading on the Motherboard forum to see what people consider the best Socket A motherboard for your needs/budget.

I would not recommend choosing the Intel route at this point in time as your final costs will be higher for less performance with a MUCH shorter upgrade path.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2001
The Duron is just about 10-15% slower than the equivalent clocked P3. U decide.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 1999
<<Everyone says that intel makes the best & fastest>>

Careful about those "everyone" statements, especially around here, and ESPECIALLY when it concerns intel and their cpus. The last time i checked, the durons smoked the celerons. Check out Anandtech.com, i think they've done some sort of comparison before.

Edit - Here is Anand's article on the Duron with benchmarks between it and the Celeron

The Duron 600 is roughly equivalent to the Celeron 800 in most cases, as seen in those examples. I think the information speaks for itself.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2000
Don't forget that the Duron 1000 core is the SAME core being used on the new XP and MP chips. I would go with a Duron 1Ghz over a Celeron or Athlon at a similar speed.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2000

<< Don't forget that the Duron 1000 core is the SAME core being used on the new XP and MP chips. I would go with a Duron 1Ghz over a Celeron or Athlon at a similar speed. >>

Duron 1 GHz over the Athlon 1 GHz, The Duron 1 Ghz has improved core on it compared to the Duron's under 1 GHz.

Go for the Duron, much better deal and down the road when the Athlon XP's get cheaper you can upgrade to those when the get below $100


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 1999
I have no real idea of the actual "real life" differences between a Duron and a PIII but from Sisoft Sandra my systems (Duron Based)always produced higher benchmarks than the listed PIII benchmarks.

Of course I always have my stuff well "tweaked up" with the fastest memory timings and usually overclocked too


Senior member
Aug 8, 2001
Funny no one mentioned the celery 1.2 which has been proven to smoke up the MHz OC'n scale to ~1600MHz without much effort on the right board. The ST6 to be exact. I f you can't hit 1600MHz you should hit 1500+MHz. The 1.2 is not that much more than the 1.1celery too and this chip will smoke a duron as the fastest they can generally hit is 1200MHz.

At pcprogress I found the ST6+celery1.2 for around $200 total. The celery 1.2 is a piii on .13u design and actually has a faster IPC than the PIII cumine. The chip is also normally around $110 while the st6 is around $90. I have ran the celery + st6 combo @ 1600MHz. It is a smokin' machine.

So far the TUSL-2 and the Iwill BD133u have been having problems with their boards and the ST6 offers much more leniency as you can run 1/4 dividers under 133fsb.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
The 1.2 is not that much more than the 1.1celery too and this chip will smoke a duron as the fastest they can generally hit is 1200MHz.

A 1.2GHz Duron will certainly beat a 1.2GHz Celery, no question. Read up here.

However, don't even think about getting a 1.2, 1.1, or even 1.0GHz Duron because they're all more expensive than much more powerful 1.2GHz Thunderbird processor, which is just $93 shipped at newegg.

A 1.2GHz Celery can't compete with a 1.2GHz Duron, and certainly doesn't stand a chance against a 1.2GHz T-bird.

Besides, unless you wanna go through the trouble that this guy is going through, a motherboard for a 1.2GHz Celeron is up to twice as expensive as a comparable motherboard for a 1.2GHz T-bird or Duron.

Btw, who says a 1.2GHz Celery will overclock better than a 1.2GHz Duron. The Duron's multiplier isn't locked like the 1.2 GHz Celeron is. So if anything, it would be easier to overclock a 1.2GHz Duron.

Just to recap, you can get a 1.2GHz T-bird for $93 shipped at Newegg. The cheapest price for a 1.2GHz Celeron on pricewatch is $118 shipped. The T-bird will nicely take apart that 1.2GHz Celeron, so the 1.2GHz T-bird is your obvious choice. Not to mention you can get a bunch of very inexpensive motherboards for that 1.2GHz T-bird.

EDIT: I found a 1.33GHz Athlon XP (enhanced Palomino core, which is better than T-bird core btw) for the exact same $118 shipped that the 1.2GHz Celeron was priced at on pricewatch. A 1.33GHz will tear apart a 1.2GHz Celeron in every way imaginable.


Senior member
Aug 8, 2001

<< The 1.2 is not that much more than the 1.1celery too and this chip will smoke a duron as the fastest they can generally hit is 1200MHz.

A 1.2GHz Duron will certainly beat a 1.2GHz Celery, no question. Read up here.

However, don't even think about getting a 1.2, 1.1, or even 1.0GHz Duron because they're all more expensive than much more powerful 1.2GHz Thunderbird processor, which is just $93 shipped at newegg.

A 1.2GHz Celery can't compete with a 1.2GHz Duron, and certainly doesn't stand a chance against a 1.2GHz T-bird.

Besides, unless you wanna go through the trouble that this guy is going through, a motherboard for a 1.2GHz Celeron is up to twice as expensive as a comparable motherboard for a 1.2GHz T-bird or Duron.

Btw, who says a 1.2GHz Celery will overclock better than a 1.2GHz Duron. The Duron's multiplier isn't locked like the 1.2 GHz Celeron is. So if anything, it would be easier to overclock a 1.2GHz Duron.

Just to recap, you can get a 1.2GHz T-bird for $93 shipped at Newegg. The cheapest price for a 1.2GHz Celeron on pricewatch is $118 shipped. The T-bird will nicely take apart that 1.2GHz Celeron, so the 1.2GHz T-bird is your obvious choice. Not to mention you can get a bunch of very inexpensive motherboards for that 1.2GHz T-bird.

EDIT: I found a 1.33GHz Athlon XP (enhanced Palomino core, which is better than T-bird core btw) for the exact same $118 shipped that the 1.2GHz Celeron was priced at on pricewatch. A 1.33GHz will tear apart a 1.2GHz Celeron in every way imaginable.

Haha I will let you live in that dream world.

Most 1.2GHz celeries will do at least 1500MHz on the right board and their IPC is about the same as a t-bird. In fact at 133fsb their IPC is better than the PIII. Uh didn't I already say that

Here are some links to how much they cost. You can get a celery and ST6 bundle from pccprogree for a little over $200 and you are also guarenteed to hit 1500MHz with a good HS. These celeries have 256k cache and prefetch logic.

ABIT ST6 @ $90

1.2GHz celery @ $112

Who says the duron will not OC good. Hmmm, seems everyone that pretty much owns one? You are not going to see 1500MHz with one.

Of all the entries the average OC for the .18u 1GHz duron at OC.com data base is 1165MHz whilr the average for the .13u celery is 1535MHz. It will give any 1500MHz tbird a run for its money guarenteed. Even the older PIII's did.


Dec 2, 1999

<< Besides, unless you wanna go through the trouble that this guy is going through, a motherboard for a 1.2GHz Celeron is up to twice as expensive as a comparable motherboard for a 1.2GHz T-bird or Duron. >>

How is a guy putting a Celeron 1.2 on an old BX board with a Powerleap adapter relevant? I thought he was looking for a new CPU/mobo combo?


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
Most 1.2GHz celeries will do at least 1500MHz on the right board and their IPC is about the same as a t-bird. In fact at 133fsb their IPC is better than the PIII.

Haha, where did you get this information. You're just spouting stuff without backing it up. Your argument sounds good, but it just isn't true. At least I gave some links to prove my points, you're just making statements.

ABIT ST6 @ $90

Haha, the i815 chipset, alright, I go along with this.

Anyway, at least go to the website and check out the prices for yourself. All the prices I gave included shipping costs and were rounded to the nearest dollar (one dollar). So it's actually $95, not $90 (shipped). No point in leaving out a shipping cost that you're going to pay anyway.

1.2GHz celery @ $112

Again, I don't know where you're getting your prices. Shipped, the 1.2Ghz Celeron is $118, like I said before (plus or minus some cents).

$118 1.2GHz Celeron + $95 ABIT ST6 Motherboard = $213 Shipped

$118 1.33GHz Athlon XP + $67 ECS K7S5A Motherboard = $185 Shipped

The Socket A system will completely own your setup for $28 less (plus or minus some cents).

End of argument.


Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000
As for the Duron vs. P3 debate @ the same clock speeds......

from my experience all I am going to say is its close between them..... very close .
I'm pretty sure it will come down to program optimisation as which one looks better for which CPU.

But yeah, the Duron route is the best really. You have no real need to go DDR as it will save a little money on the motherboard and a very small saving on the cost of memory also. In which case a good all-round motherboard like the Asus A7V133 (without raid just makes it even more cheaper) which is stable and fast (sorry the K7S5A just doesn't seem all that good when you take into account the amount of complaints by a few people).


Dec 2, 1999
With the amount of complaints that ECS board has, I think $28 is not too much extra to spend for a stable system.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
Chem, did you have to disable on-board audio to get to 1600?

<< It will give any 1500MHz tbird a run for its money guarenteed. >>

Maybe an Athlon 1500+ (1.33GHz)


Senior member
Oct 16, 2001
Flames.... fire..... some one get the fire extinguisher!!!

Every one here knows that for value + performance you can't go past a Duron over a Celeron processor. There is no argument that could possibly change this.... it is fact.

All this guy wants to know is "Should he get a Duron or a Celeron." The answer is clear... Duron. He is not interested in anything else.... so go for it and have a very merry Christams and I am sure your new year will be great!


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
Yeah, Durons make great stocking stuffers. In a new sealed retail box with a heatsink/fan, warranty, and a Cool sticker!


Senior member
Aug 8, 2001

<< Most 1.2GHz celeries will do at least 1500MHz on the right board and their IPC is about the same as a t-bird. In fact at 133fsb their IPC is better than the PIII.

Haha, where did you get this information. You're just spouting stuff without backing it up. Your argument sounds good, but it just isn't true. At least I gave some links to prove my points, you're just making statements.

ABIT ST6 @ $90

Haha, the i815 chipset, alright, I go along with this.

Anyway, at least go to the website and check out the prices for yourself. All the prices I gave included shipping costs and were rounded to the nearest dollar (one dollar). So it's actually $95, not $90 (shipped). No point in leaving out a shipping cost that you're going to pay anyway.

1.2GHz celery @ $112

Again, I don't know where you're getting your prices. Shipped, the 1.2Ghz Celeron is $118, like I said before (plus or minus some cents).

$118 1.2GHz Celeron + $95 ABIT ST6 Motherboard = $213 Shipped

$118 1.33GHz Athlon XP + $67 ECS K7S5A Motherboard = $185 Shipped

The Socket A system will completely own your setup for $28 less (plus or minus some cents).

End of argument.

As for owning, yeah a 1600MHz XP will outperform slightly in some benchies but in others the 1600MHz tualatin/celery will. Why don't you check overclockers.com's data base to get the figures I threw at ya. I hit 1600MHz it is not that hard with this celery.

After 52 entries the 1333XP has a average 1549MHz OC while after 16 entries the 1.2GHz celery is at 1535MHz. Not much difference in performence either. They are close in most benchies.

This is not the celeron of old.

Also I have given references many times to this chip and its OC'n goodness.

Here is one for ya.

celery @ 1680MHz

Mine has done 1840MHz cryo cooled. 1600MHz is the norm though on air.

And if you want a link to the OC.com data base this is as far as I can get ya.

data base

You will have to do the rest from there

Chem, did you have to disable on-board audio to get to 1600?

Nope at 1600MHz I run everything in spec 133MHz fsb/33MHz PCI/66MHz agp. Even with the ST6 you can run your system at 1550MHz and still keep everything in spec PCI would be at 32MHz. Not bad This is the only board that will do this though. All the others available will only offer a 1/4 divider over 133fsb.


Golden Member
Jan 10, 2001

<< In a new sealed retail box with a heatsink/fan, warranty, and a Cool sticker! >>

Dang good point, my 1.2 Celly didn't have a sticker.... :|


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
Yes, and you do not have to go through the hassle to unlock the XP. Unlocking the T-Bird was simple, but the Palamino core is just a step above, with Full SSE instruction optimization (Not as fast as Intel's) So I guess the T-Bird is out of the question, though one can be had for a nice price. Anyway the THG unlocking video guide is full of flaws, very concise and misleading. In their retail non-overclocked states, yes, the Athlon XP would beat the pants off the 100MHz bus 1200MHz Celeron. But when overclocked, the Celeron puts up quite a fight.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
Originally posted by: KpocAlypse

<< Dang good point, my 1.2 Celly didn't have a sticker.... :| >>

Did you buy the Retail version? Or is there a retail version floating out there for that matter?


Senior member
Aug 8, 2001
I just happen to have two snap shots of my rig at 1840MHz and a athy XP at 1840MHz. I found the athy on OC.com reviews where they cryo cooled the athy XP same as what I did with my celery.

You will notice that celery takes some and the athy takes some. They are very close. I think they had to use the XP 1900+ though to achieve 1840MHz. I did it with the lesser expensive 1.2 @ $115 which is what I paid for it. They are somewhat cheaper now.

Here is the link and 56k beware, it is big

1840MHz pepsi challenge



Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000
Must keep in mind that the Celeron 1.2GHz (Tualatin) chip is not the same as the 1.1GHz (Coppermine) chip. The Tualatin's have a few core enhancements also which means clock-per-clock performance should be a bit better than the coppermine chip at the same speeds.
Also, that test is not respective of bus bandwidth constraints or cache architecture limitations. I mean, the numbers are close, but we all know the Athlon XP will leave the celeron behind at identical clock speeds.


Senior member
Aug 8, 2001

<< Must keep in mind that the Celeron 1.2GHz (Tualatin) chip is not the same as the 1.1GHz (Coppermine) chip. The Tualatin's have a few core enhancements also which means clock-per-clock performance should be a bit better than the coppermine chip at the same speeds.
Also, that test is not respective of bus bandwidth constraints or cache architecture limitations. I mean, the numbers are close, but we all know the Athlon XP will leave the celeron behind at identical clock speeds.

Check the synthetic 1840 challenge above

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