Cena vs Lesnar who wins at Summerslam

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Mar 11, 2004
You've got to be a life long fan, the comprehension fail and predicted defensiveness was exactly what I was expecting. I wasn't attempting to emphasize the obvious at all, everyone knows it's fake idiot, I was addressing the lame denial you boobs are in over your much hyped "sport."

Either you want competition, or you want fake, you can't have both. I don't hate Lesnar, but I do think he comes across as a pompous asshole more often than not. I seem to recall him being quite confidant when entering MMA, telling everyone he's not intimidated at all because 'he's twice the athlete any of them are.' Gets his ass handed to him a few times, then it's back to the rope opera to make easy money off easily amused people.

And btw, I do think acrobatics and flips take skill. I've been doing somersaults out of throws and jumping over my own shoulder to get out of elbow/shoulder locks since I was 13. I don't care much for back flips honestly, by my wife can do everything (11 years of gymnastics). She took to dirty fighting like a duck to water.

Useful tumbling and rolling is a far cry from the rope opera bullshit. You won't see the anyone with a brain getting as high in the air as they can to deliver a blow with their abdomen. The skill involved in your "wrestling" is as much putting up with pain and injuries as it is technique, not to mention fooling the crowd.

Also, please don't double down on your previous misunderstanding and convince yourself that the "wrestling" in the OP is in any way shape or form similar to college wrestling or any of the others flavors that have anything to do with showmanship or a script.

My point was if you're going to admire and enjoy watching dressed up and bronzed sweaty men engaging in hilariously elaborate feats of gravity and abuse, fine. Get worked up about the frothy shit talking and politics that revolve around it like it matters somehow, go hogwild when your "wrestler" of choice spends as much time in the air as he does in contact with the mat - I really don't care. What I do care about is when people look down at others for not sharing their delusions over that stupid rope opera.

Er, what?!? You mean I can only stick with fiction or nonfiction? Your reasoning here is straight dogshit. I take it you took one too many tumbles on your head.

Wow, you're the first person to make us realize how wrestling is. Hey everybody, did you know that these guys are really just beating the shit out of themselves and not actually trying to hurt their opponents? Wow, none of us were aware of that at all!

Next up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f_DPrSEOEo

For someone that doesn't care, you seem to be getting awfully frothy and hogwild over people that in no way suffer from the delusions that you're projecting on them. The only delusions are your own and I find it hilarious that you don't see your fandom of "real" sports is every bit as silly (and also homoerotic and super duper gay, not that there's anything wrong with that!).


Jul 17, 2003
But you've got no problems looking down on those that have delusions about mat opera. You obviously care quite a lot judging by the great lengths you went through to write these posts.

Live and let live, BROTHER!

1. It's rope opera. If you're going to use someone's phrase, get it right.
2. Correct. Calling a spade a spade (in this case, delusion) is something I'm fine with.
3. Great lengths? That's not a flattering comment on your standards given that what I posted is hardly long or complex. You really think posting a few responses constitutes "great lengths"? That's just sad.

Trust me, my amusement over "wrestling" fans getting all frothy in their defense of that silliness threatens no one's life or livelihood. This has a lot less to do with the living, and a hell of a lot more to do with laughing. Thanks for pitchin in.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
Er, what?!? You mean I can only stick with fiction or nonfiction? Your reasoning here is straight dogshit. I take it you took one too many tumbles on your head.

Wow, you're the first person to make us realize how wrestling is. Hey everybody, did you know that these guys are really just beating the shit out of themselves and not actually trying to hurt their opponents? Wow, none of us were aware of that at all!

Next up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f_DPrSEOEo

For someone that doesn't care, you seem to be getting awfully frothy and hogwild over people that in no way suffer from the delusions that you're projecting on them. The only delusions are your own and I find it hilarious that you don't see your fandom of "real" sports is every bit as silly (and also homoerotic and super duper gay, not that there's anything wrong with that!).

I tried to let him know but unfortunately, he did not get the hint.


Jul 17, 2003

lifelong fan? not really. i did watch it when young. then in college got out of it. just didn't have time to watch for roughly 19 years. got back into it on occasion. the story's now just suck and so do the "wrestlers"

No its not competition. IT'S FAKE. we know that. we don't care. it still entertains me.

when i want fighting competition i watch K1,UFC, boxing or such even bellator if i'm hard up.. IF i want a good sport i watch teh NFL or hockey and in the rare time its on collegiate wrestling.

oh don't worry about me confusing it with collegiate wrestling. i wrestled from 6-25. I think i got it down pretty good.

I put WWE in the same catagory as i put Agents of Shield, Big bank Theory, and the blacklist (the few TV shows i watch) that is ENTERTAINMENT. There are times its great and times it sucks (such as now the wwe has gotten really stale with the stories).

though i am shocked there is betting on it. that just seems lame. but meh whatever people want to waste money on.

*whew* Ok good, I was worried for a minute, your surprise on the betting is reassuring too. I do agree with your earlier movie analogy too btw. It's just there is a pretty wide variety of entertainment in movies. Some of it's great, some of it's meh, and some it sucks ass to the point you want your time and money back. I guess maybe I don't understand how someone who appreciates real competition like UFC and others, can watch this "wrestling" afterwards and not laugh their ass off at it.

It's like someone really liking hockey, but instead of watching a hockey game or seeing one in person, they go watch Disney's The Mighty Ducks. Just saying.


Jul 17, 2003
Er, what?!? You mean I can only stick with fiction or nonfiction?

Not at all. I'm not telling anyone what they can or can't do. I am saying that hardcore WWE fans shouldn't expect to be taken seriously when they launch into their various defenses of their beloved rope opera when they hear people snicker.

Your reasoning here is straight dogshit. I take it you took one too many tumbles on your head.

Nah, I think your comprehension is more to blame, that and maybe a little butthurt over someone poo pooing something you like?

Wow, you're the first person to make us realize how wrestling is. Hey everybody, did you know that these guys are really just beating the shit out of themselves and not actually trying to hurt their opponents? Wow, none of us were aware of that at all!

...and there's the comprehension fail I mentioned. Yes, that's exactly what I did. I came in here to expose the groundbreaking news about the WWE to you layman. Yup. Such a tactful use of sarcasm, you must do this posting stuff a lot.

For someone that doesn't care, you seem to be getting awfully frothy and hogwild over people that in no way suffer from the delusions that you're projecting on them.

Right, because making a few quick posts in a forum is clearly an act of self-righteous outrage. lol It's like your mimicking the drama queen bullshit of the very topic, how fitting! For what's it worth, I used to live down the street from some 'wrestling' fanatics, and calling them delusional might be a bit of an understatement. I guess you have to see what these poor saps went through in high school to know what I'm talking about. Do you know how sad it is to watch a guy pick a fight with someone because he thinks years of dedicated WWF viewing and mimicry have made him a force to be reckoned with? I won't go into what happened on that particular occasion, use your imagination. Believe me when I say some suffering was involved. Or don't, I really couldn't care less.

The only delusions are your own and I find it hilarious that you don't see your fandom of "real" sports is every bit as silly (and also homoerotic and super duper gay, not that there's anything wrong with that!).

Jesus you're not even trying now. Has some butthurt confused you into thinking I've been advocating "real sports" here (I haven't) and that I didn't specifically address a common position that I've literally heard hundreds of times (I did). If you want to attach some homo-eroticism to the "sport," that's your prerogative - not that there's anything wrong with it, of course. As I said, fans just need to be honest with themselves. I happen to find "wrestling" fans speaking in terms of competition to be pretty amusing, and explained why. You can agree or disagree with me, but I'd appreciate you not trying to put words in my mouth.
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Jul 17, 2003
I tried to let him know but unfortunately, he did not get the hint.

Well the hint I got from it was that you were following along with his missing my point.

So, kudos for that. Unnecessary, but ultimately correct and appreciated all the same.


Jan 18, 2000

In the main event, John Cena defended his WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Brock Lesnar. After an initial offensive burst from Cena, Lesnar hit his signature F-5 maneuver within the first 30 seconds of the match. Cena kicked out, but from then on the match was a one-sided beatdown, with Cena managing only brief and ineffectual spurts of offense while Lesnar continued to throw Cena to the mat over and over again. In total, Lesnar performed 16 release German suplexes to Cena, with commentators questioning whether referee Charles Robinson should step in and end the match. Eventually Cena rallied and applied his signature STF hold to Lesnar, but Lesnar easily escaped and hit a second F-5 to win the match and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship for a fourth time.[12]


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2011

Cena got owned with 16 German suplexes. The beast we should of gotten since day 1 of his return is finally here.


Oct 30, 2008
Will Hulk Hogan fight at this event?

It happened this past weekend, and no.

I am actually stunned it was so one sided for Lesner. Cena is the golden boy of the WWE. I'd never thought they'd give him a clean loss. Maybe he has fallen out of fan favor in terms of merch sales and they want him to make a big comeback / redemption type thing?


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
It happened this past weekend, and no.

I am actually stunned it was so one sided for Lesner. Cena is the golden boy of the WWE. I'd never thought they'd give him a clean loss. Maybe he has fallen out of fan favor in terms of merch sales and they want him to make a big comeback / redemption type thing?

It was actually Hulk in a Lesner suit. That is why Lesner's performance was so much better than in the past.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
It was actually Hulk in a Lesner suit. That is why Lesner's performance was so much better than in the past.


From what i been reading last night's lesner performance is how people wanted to see him. a real monster.

I figured he would win but to squash cena? i'm shocked.

kinda wish i ordered it.
Mar 11, 2004
It happened this past weekend, and no.

I am actually stunned it was so one sided for Lesner. Cena is the golden boy of the WWE. I'd never thought they'd give him a clean loss. Maybe he has fallen out of fan favor in terms of merch sales and they want him to make a big comeback / redemption type thing?


From what i been reading last night's lesner performance is how people wanted to see him. a real monster.

I figured he would win but to squash cena? i'm shocked.

kinda wish i ordered it.

I don't think it should be too surprising, as they do that from time to time to put over a certain character. Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, and there's tons of others (I think they did that with Goldberg when he finally came over, and WCW had done that with him for quite a while, it was a crux of the character, and Lesnar was always supposed to be similar).

I thought Cena was pretty hated for several years now? I know a lot of people that blame him specifically for how shitty its become. I don't think that's fair, but he makes an easy target as he falls right in line with a lot of the changes to the company that people really hate now.

I think at this point they need to start offering more than one main promotion. They need a more adult targeted one, or they need to go back to being over the top silly like in the 80s.


Oct 30, 2008
I don't think it should be too surprising, as they do that from time to time to put over a certain character. Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, and there's tons of others (I think they did that with Goldberg when he finally came over, and WCW had done that with him for quite a while, it was a crux of the character, and Lesnar was always supposed to be similar).
I remember Goldberg's big loss (streak ender against Kevin Nash) and it wasn't a clean loss. Nash didn't beat Goldberg like Lesner did Cena. Scott Hall "tasered" Goldberg without Nash seeing and he proceeded to power bomb him and win.

I thought Cena was pretty hated for several years now? I know a lot of people that blame him specifically for how shitty its become. I don't think that's fair, but he makes an easy target as he falls right in line with a lot of the changes to the company that people really hate now.

I think at this point they need to start offering more than one main promotion. They need a more adult targeted one, or they need to go back to being over the top silly like in the 80s.

I think Cena isn't liked by a lot of the older crowd, but kids love him. Nothing against him, but the WWE is messing up having him try and be the new giant face. He will never be Hulk Hogan. He just won't be. The WWE has been slipping in their promotion of big names anyway. Look at how they have handled Daniel Bryan. I mean, this guy gets entire crowds to shout with him. He should be one of the biggest stars, not some jobber the fans love.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2007
With this being so one sided I can't imagine a rematch, this is being set-up perfectly for Roman Reigns to be the next champ, with Rollins cashing in on him shortly afterwords. He's big enough to take him on and the crowd loves him as a baby face.


Senior member
Jan 28, 2007
With this being so one sided I can't imagine a rematch, this is being set-up perfectly for Roman Reigns to be the next champ, with Rollins cashing in on him shortly afterwords. He's big enough to take him on and the crowd loves him as a baby face.

Roman Reigns is not ready for Brock. His moveset is limited and it will rear its ugly head in a main event singles match where he is not being carried by Randy Orton. Seriously, what can Roman Reigns do to Brock Lesnar? He will kick out of the Superman punch and his weak looking Spear for days. It's not realistic in the "Reality Era" for Brock to lose to somebody so green. The truth is, nobody poses a legitimate threat to the Beast Incarnate. It will require a herculean effort from a talented individual, somebody like Daniel Bryan. I can see him putting on a match similar to Lesnar vs Punk at Summerslam 2013.

Also, some dirtsheets were reporting Vince wants Rock vs Brock at WM31 while Triple H wants Reigns vs Brock.
Mar 11, 2004
I remember Goldberg's big loss (streak ender against Kevin Nash) and it wasn't a clean loss. Nash didn't beat Goldberg like Lesner did Cena. Scott Hall "tasered" Goldberg without Nash seeing and he proceeded to power bomb him and win.

I think Cena isn't liked by a lot of the older crowd, but kids love him. Nothing against him, but the WWE is messing up having him try and be the new giant face. He will never be Hulk Hogan. He just won't be. The WWE has been slipping in their promotion of big names anyway. Look at how they have handled Daniel Bryan. I mean, this guy gets entire crowds to shout with him. He should be one of the biggest stars, not some jobber the fans love.

I think you're misunderstanding, I'm not comparing that farce to this match. Lesnar is Goldberg. They had Goldberg beat the shit out of a lot of people so decisively. When Goldberg showed up in WWwhatever they had him beating the shit out of the Rock. Granted Lesnar has been there before so its not like its a guy that finally showed up there, but I thought Lesnar was always supposed to be that sort.

Speaking of which, they really need to get Sting involved. Only thing is, other than Undertaker, I can't think of anyone that would be a good fit. Then again, I haven't paid much attention to any of this for years and years (honestly barely ever did other than when I was a lot younger) so I have no idea who else is even there.

I don't buy too much into crowd reaction (don't they even tell people when and what to chant?).

I don't really know who is even there any more so I don't know. Cena I think was chosen just because his stuff was popular and they had like no one else to push as they tried to re-image themselves. I think what it comes down to is, no competition has made them languish and it shows as they try to stay relevant. I think they should go back to the over the top 80s style of stuff myself as that's what built the popularity/name of them and fits in with more with the modern kid friendly changes. Trotting out Hogan every few years doesn't count either. They need new people that have actual character.

Oh and speaking of Hogan, from recent stuff about him getting involved again (and he claims he's actually in better shape than he's been in in like a decade as he had a bunch of back surgeries that he says finally has gotten his back healthy), I'm guessing they're going to send Hogan out on a big Wresltmania match against Cena (a lot like the one between him and Rock) because Hogan specifically named him as the one guy he'd like to go against now. He said he's basically gearing up for his final hurrah (but then he's probably said that before, kinda like Flair).


Oct 30, 2008
I would love to see David vs Goliath and Daniel Bryan take down Lesner. That would be a phenomenal match.

I don't think it would ever happen though, mostly because my faith in the WWE booking committee is nonexistent.

I suppose the Rock vs Lesner would be a good match, but I'd hate that because the Rock would have to lose or make a full time return (which I don't see happening with his movie career being so hot).


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
I would love to see David vs Goliath and Daniel Bryan take down Lesner. That would be a phenomenal match.

I don't think it would ever happen though, mostly because my faith in the WWE booking committee is nonexistent.

I suppose the Rock vs Lesner would be a good match, but I'd hate that because the Rock would have to lose or make a full time return (which I don't see happening with his movie career being so hot).

DB won't win. though yes i would like to see that. the WWE just does not think DB is over with the fans.

so what i guess is going to happen is they will bring in the rock to win it off lesner at WM then the rock will lose it in a few weeks to someone (most likely reigns).


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2011
Somehow they see something different backstage. Forget they indy vanilla midget the fans really want to see an over the hill Batista. Even Batista said that wasn't going to work.
Roman Reigns is not ready for Brock.
Also, some dirtsheets were reporting Vince wants Rock vs Brock at WM31 while Triple H wants Reigns vs Brock.
Rock vs Brock sounds like a trainwreck. He got winded before he got huge it will much worse now.
There is still time for "the Roman empire" to improve, but he will need to step up his game fast. Too much on the line to play it safe.
Here's Hogan 5 star match against Sting 3 years ago if you want a preview of the slobberknocker that will be Hogan Cena.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
how would you gauge that? i thought he was incredibly over; receiving some of the biggest pops in the past year


I didn't say that he wasn't over. he is hugely. i said the WWE does not think he is or they didn't.

they fucked up with him. then finally when they figure it out and give him the title. they strip it from him fast.

no i don't think the WWE knows what the fuck they are doing with DB at all.
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