Charlie Brown, you dirty racist, you.

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May 30, 2008
Red Squirrel is Canadian.

Though that doesn't change the fact that I genuinely coudn't tell if the post was intended as satire or not. A Canadian might still want to satirize Americans. It is supposed to be a society more familiar with diversity, though, so all the more surprising it wasn't satire.


Oct 6, 2009


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
The story ran on the liberal leaning The Hill [bolding mine] almost 10 hours BEFORE Fox news picked up the New York Post story and repeated it. (notice how the story has the byline of New York Post)
Liberal leaning? Sez you.

AllSides rates The Hill’s coverage of Washington news as center biased. This rating is consistent with the website’s aim of offering non-partisan and objective coverage of the capitol. Out of more than 300 community members, a slim majority agreed with our center AllSides Bias Rating™. Among 11 of those who disagreed, The Hill received an average bias rating of 40.9, barely inside the boundary between a center and a lean right bias.

Hell, even Conservapedia, a safe space for conservatives who think Wikipedia is somehow a libruhl infested den of iniquity, disagrees:

While not necessarily conservative, The Hill is generally more balanced compared to other mainstream media sources, although the comment sections for its online stories tend to get overwhelmed with liberal posters who make vulgar, immature and grossly misinformed comments that deliberately mischaracterize and libel conservative public figures and anyone who supports them. In 2018, it announced it would no longer attend the White House Correspondents Dinner minus "major reforms" after the event featured vulgar anti-Trump speakers.[1]

Conservapedia's Mission Statement in full [highlighting mine]:

"Conservapedia is a clean and concise resource for those seeking the truth. We do not allow liberal bias to deceive and distort here. Founded initially in November 2006 as a way to educate advanced, college-bound homeschoolers, this resource has grown into a marvelous source of information for students, adults and teachers alike. Our courses are ongoing and open to all here: Conservapedia:Index. We have received over 500 million page views!

A conservative approach to education is powerful and helpful in many ways. It equips students and adults to overcome inevitable obstacles, such as addiction and depression, and it guides learners to lasting insights. There are few, if any, conservative schools, and Conservapedia freely provides this unique approach for the benefit you and those around you. Conservapedia was on the Colbert Report on December 8, 2009.

The starting point for increasing your knowledge, your faith and the well-being of you and those around you is to understand concepts better. Conservapedia enables you to do that, and to impart what you have learned to others by editing here. The truth shall set you free. For the fundamental differences between Conservapedia and the hearsay society at Wikipedia, see Conservapedia:How Conservapedia Differs from Wikipedia.

No other encyclopedic resource on the internet is free of corruption by liberal untruths. Please look around while you're here, share this with others, edit your favorite entries, and enjoy the benefits of new insights that you never realized before. For example, do you know why pretzels have their shape? Click it to find out!

^^^ So, ummm, hey there Jon-T! Care to tell the class how you ended up more biased and fearful of supposed liberal leaning sites than the right wing safe-space culture warriors who founded Conservapedia?


Nov 4, 1999
oh, look! Another stupid thing for stupid "conservatives" to be upset over... lol.

Must be a day ending with 'y'.
Mar 11, 2004
Wow, it's ridiculous how far the SJW movement is going, and it's ruining everything. What pisses me off is that because they make the most noise, they actually get listened to and sometimes ridiculous laws get passed because of them.

It's kinda how Muslims get all sorts of special treatment that other religions don't, such as not having to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. Anybody else would get charged.

Wow, its ridiculous that at this point you still 100% fall for every dumb shit conservative take on everything. Ditto for the other usual idiots.

I gotta laugh at people like the OP whining about PC shit when you're doing exactly the thing you're complaining about (making a fuss about non-issues). Even better is when you do it over people intentionally making up "outrage" shit on Twitter, yet you constantly say how you don't give a shit about what people say on Twitter. But hey, there's news blogs about it so its legit news now!
Mar 11, 2004
Its funny because South Park refers to its one-off as Token. How is that not racist? BTW, Wall-E was a stalker. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

Because people realize that's satire? I mean, WTF? Reminds me of the idiots on here going "Always Sunny had people in black face!" because they couldn't understand the difference between that and those old time racist fucks doing the crazy black face routines.
Feb 4, 2009
Guys this faux controversy has been around since the late 70s-early 80s. I remember people saying stuff about it then.
Calm the fuck down

I know Schultz had a reason for it but I forgot. I think it was something like Schultz wanted to show a black kid playing with white kids and it was most effective to give him the most screen area for that scene.
Feb 4, 2009
I could argue the specific point about motorcycle helmets but this isn't P&N. But, really, does the turban exemption actually make any difference to your life? (There _are_ possible situations where I'd object to special rules for the religious - this isn't one of them, it's inconcequential).

Edit - ha, as this now _is_ in P&N, I'll expand on the point. The motorbike helmet law is a law intended to protect people from their own behaviour, by limiting their freedom to take risks. As such its a much more tricky-to-justify law than one that is to prevent people harming others. And so it depends far more on consent. Such laws only really work if those subject to them are already half-inclined to undertake the mandated action (because they know it's for their own good, ultimately).

So it's a law that is likely to have problems if it comes up against a deeply-held religious belief.

I'm actually not that bothered about that particular law either way. Just as I don't care that much about compulsory seat-belt use by drivers.

But it's very different from giving religous-based exemptions to laws that are not about benefiting the very people whose freedom the law is reducing. I don't think religious beliefs should give you special rights to do things that directly affect others.

So a bakery can’t refuse a gay cake in your world?
Hobby Lobby should have no ACA exemptions?

Seems like everyone just picks the side they like and roll with it.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
The turban thing was just an example. There is lot of shit like this that goes on because of special snow flakes who wan things to be different just for 1 group. Most cartoons that we grew up with are now suddenly too offensive and get sensored if they air. It's illegal to wish someone a Merry Christmas in certain settings because people get offended at the word Christ being in Christmas, I could go on. This stuff comes up all the time, and it's getting out of hand. SJWs need to be sent to summer camp in North Korea for a week so they can have something real to complain about.

Out of all places I would not have figured people on this forum would be vouching for the SJWs and disagreeing with me that they are ridiculous. I'm not even die hard conservative either, being die hard on any side is ridiculous, they both have their positives but also both have their negatives if too extreme.

But I guess that's a bit off topic, but was just an example of how ridiculous things are getting with the SJW movement.
Reactions: NesuD


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
The turban thing was just an example. There is lot of shit like this that goes on because of special snow flakes who wan things to be different just for 1 group. Most cartoons that we grew up with are now suddenly too offensive and get sensored if they air. It's illegal to wish someone a Merry Christmas in certain settings because people get offended at the word Christ being in Christmas, I could go on. This stuff comes up all the time, and it's getting out of hand. SJWs need to be sent to summer camp in North Korea for a week so they can have something real to complain about.

Out of all places I would not have figured people on this forum would be vouching for the SJWs and disagreeing with me that they are ridiculous. I'm not even die hard conservative either, being die hard on any side is ridiculous, they both have their positives but also both have their negatives if too extreme.

But I guess that's a bit off topic, but was just an example of how ridiculous things are getting with the SJW movement.
Why don't you name some of those super special rights that "SJWs" have created that make your life worse.

I'll wait here.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
Reactions: NesuD and pmv


Senior member
Jan 6, 2014
The turban thing was just an example. There is lot of shit like this that goes on because of special snow flakes who wan things to be different just for 1 group. Most cartoons that we grew up with are now suddenly too offensive and get sensored if they air. It's illegal to wish someone a Merry Christmas in certain settings because people get offended at the word Christ being in Christmas, I could go on. This stuff comes up all the time, and it's getting out of hand. SJWs need to be sent to summer camp in North Korea for a week so they can have something real to complain about.

Out of all places I would not have figured people on this forum would be vouching for the SJWs and disagreeing with me that they are ridiculous. I'm not even die hard conservative either, being die hard on any side is ridiculous, they both have their positives but also both have their negatives if too extreme.

But I guess that's a bit off topic, but was just an example of how ridiculous things are getting with the SJW movement.

You took the FWD'ed emails from grandma (read:conservative lies) at face value. Never did I think anybody that stupid would exist, yet here I am being proven wrong. By all means list some more totally-real SJW transgressions, so we can laugh at you some more.


Elite Member
Dec 23, 2000
Guys this faux controversy has been around since the late 70s-early 80s. I remember people saying stuff about it then.
Calm the fuck down

I know Schultz had a reason for it but I forgot. I think it was something like Schultz wanted to show a black kid playing with white kids and it was most effective to give him the most screen area for that scene.

There was no interwebz late 70s - early 80s or social media. Nobody knew anything back then unless they read it in the newspaper.


Elite Member
Dec 23, 2000
The turban thing was just an example. There is lot of shit like this that goes on because of special snow flakes who wan things to be different just for 1 group. Most cartoons that we grew up with are now suddenly too offensive and get sensored if they air. It's illegal to wish someone a Merry Christmas in certain settings because people get offended at the word Christ being in Christmas, I could go on. This stuff comes up all the time, and it's getting out of hand. SJWs need to be sent to summer camp in North Korea for a week so they can have something real to complain about.

Out of all places I would not have figured people on this forum would be vouching for the SJWs and disagreeing with me that they are ridiculous. I'm not even die hard conservative either, being die hard on any side is ridiculous, they both have their positives but also both have their negatives if too extreme.

But I guess that's a bit off topic, but was just an example of how ridiculous things are getting with the SJW movement.

I tell everybody Merry Fvcking Christmas during the holidays and they don’t give me any crap.


Oct 18, 2009
It's illegal to wish someone a Merry Christmas in certain settings because people get offended at the word Christ being in Christmas, I could go on.

Please, do go on. Please link the law that makes it illegal to say "Merry Christmas" anywhere, any time. I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath......I hate passing out like that.


May 30, 2008
So a bakery can’t refuse a gay cake in your world?
Hobby Lobby should have no ACA exemptions?

Seems like everyone just picks the side they like and roll with it.

Huh? Since when were rules about businesses choosing who they served, in place to protect the safety of the business-owners themselves? What's the relevance of that incident? At least _try_ to make a logical argument. Did you not notice the bit where I said '....if it affects others'?

(Actually I'm not 100% sure about the bakery incident - it seems to me that bakeries are rarely a monopoly, nor are they specially licenced providers of critical services, so I wouldn't put it in the same class as, say, a pharmacist refusing to provide the morning-after could argue its still a form of discrimination, but either way it has little in common with the motorbike helmet law).

The Hobby Lobby thing was one of those bizarre 'only in America' cases. "Corporations are people", er, OK, if you say so, it's not that American conservatives are crazy (even compared to other conservatives), and the US system of government deeeply flawed. Not at all, who could possibly think that?


May 30, 2008
You haven't heard of the decade-long and still ongoing War on Christmas? *tsk*tsk*

I just wish people a happy war on Christmas.

Christmas has nothing to do with religion. The name is just an unfortunate coincidence. It's about eating a lot and distracting yourself from the fact there are still several miserable months of winter left to get through even as your capacity to endure the cold and dark has reached it's limit already, as may your capacity to pay the heating bills. The pagans invented it for that reason.

(What the hell it means in Australia is another matter...Christmas on the beach is just perverse)
Last edited:


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The turban thing was just an example. There is lot of shit like this that goes on because of special snow flakes who wan things to be different just for 1 group. Most cartoons that we grew up with are now suddenly too offensive and get sensored if they air. It's illegal to wish someone a Merry Christmas in certain settings because people get offended at the word Christ being in Christmas, I could go on. This stuff comes up all the time, and it's getting out of hand. SJWs need to be sent to summer camp in North Korea for a week so they can have something real to complain about.

Out of all places I would not have figured people on this forum would be vouching for the SJWs and disagreeing with me that they are ridiculous. I'm not even die hard conservative either, being die hard on any side is ridiculous, they both have their positives but also both have their negatives if too extreme.

But I guess that's a bit off topic, but was just an example of how ridiculous things are getting with the SJW movement.
I provided a link demonstrating that only one religion gets special privilege under the Canadian Constitution and that religion is Christianity. Check your privilege.


Oct 6, 2009
Please, do go on. Please link the law that makes it illegal to say "Merry Christmas" anywhere, any time. I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath......I hate passing out like that.
He is probably thinking of laws preventing government employees from saying Merry Christmas in an official capacity or something like that.


Oct 18, 2009
He is probably thinking of laws preventing government employees from saying Merry Christmas in an official capacity or something like that.

Still want to see the LAW that states such. Haven't yet seen anything even suggesting such. Please inform me with links to actual codified law. Thanks.
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