Cheerleaders Ambush, Beat Girl on Video

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Oct 27, 2006
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
One of the parents of the attackers says that only two teens took place in the beating.

If that is true I would try them two as adults and I am guessing they would be looking at a year or two at most.

For the other 4 I would just leave them in Juvi hall until August when school starts again and then put them on a probation that requires them to stay in school until they graduate. I would also not allow them to participate in sports, cheerleading or other school activities.

It may not seem very harsh to us adults, but at that age 5 months locked in the house is going to seem like an eternity.

That sounds pretty reasonable. I think the ones who directly participated in the beating should maybe spend a week sharing cells with convicted murderers in a supermax facility. I doubt they'd come out alive, but it'd probably be pretty decent justice. See how they like being on the receiving end of unbridled evil.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Arkaign
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
One of the parents of the attackers says that only two teens took place in the beating.

If that is true I would try them two as adults and I am guessing they would be looking at a year or two at most.

For the other 4 I would just leave them in Juvi hall until August when school starts again and then put them on a probation that requires them to stay in school until they graduate. I would also not allow them to participate in sports, cheerleading or other school activities.

It may not seem very harsh to us adults, but at that age 5 months locked in the house is going to seem like an eternity.

That sounds pretty reasonable. I think the ones who directly participated in the beating should maybe spend a week sharing cells with convicted murderers in a supermax facility. I doubt they'd come out alive, but it'd probably be pretty decent justice. See how they like being on the receiving end of unbridled evil.
That is a little harsh... but put them in their own cells in the mens wing for a few days and let them listen to the other men insult and verbally abuse them all day would certainly teach them a lesson.

Some time in a real prison would be good for all of these girls. Would wake them up to the harsh reality of life beyond cheerleading and Myspace.


Senior member
Oct 3, 2002
They should punish the parents of these kids as well and I don't mean civil suits, which I'm sure will occur, just due to the publicity this has gotten. If these kids get probation and community service, give the parents it as well. Parents need to take more responsibility for the actions of their kids. I'm sure some of the kids involved where just caught up in the mob mentality and are normally good kids. Good parenting would of taught these kids to think for themselves and not be a part of something this stupid.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Kids like these are a powerful argument in favor of publicly funded abortions.

Of course, one of these kids MIGHT turn out to be a little Einstein . . . .


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2001
Most people would be concerned with someone having proof that you did something wrong. Putting a video on the web to boast gives the authorities all they need to come after you.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: spittledip
This isn't anything new if you think about it. Remember how the blacks and gays used to get beaten for hours and then hung back in the day? People don't change much it seems.

umm no I dont remember that.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Robor
They should be treated as adults and have the book thrown at them. I'm normally not a 'sue happy' person but I hope the parents of the beaten girl sue the other parents.

yip i agree, If that was one of my daughters or my son the patents of the attackers would be getting a visit from my lawyer.



Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2007
Sad as sh*t. I think the mother who defended her daughter should be invited into a house full of other mothers to teach her a similar lesson. :|

I think the best punishment is something similar to what happened in the MySpace suicide case, turn the perps and their families into complete and utter pirahias both in their community and on their internet. If they think what one HS girl posted is bad, imagine what an internet full of vigilante photo shop experts could do!


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2004
If the girl suffered permanent sight/hearing damage, they should sue the shit out of those kids and their parents, in addition to their prison time, which shouldn't be anything less than 3 years. This was a horribly vicious pre-meditated and carefully planned attack. I wonder why the victim didn't pick up a blunt object and bash one of those little whore's head in. If I was in that situation I would go absolutely ape. Eight against 1, what do you have to lose?


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: Socio
These idiots need to do some time in prison so they can find out just how tough they are not.

What is the purpose behind that? Punishment could drive their desire for vengeance just as easily as it might drive atonement. How can we be sure which it is they find in jail - lest we intend to ensure they have more victims to prey on once released?

How do we salvage such beasts as to swear by society?s safety? To promise this will be their last victim? I do not know, but certainly jail doesn?t promise anything.

It is a liberal fallacy that the justice system in this country is only in place for rehabilitation -- retribution has and always will be a component of justice (the other two elements being incapacitation and deterrence). Perhaps jailing these juvenile miscreants will not rehabilitate them, but it would certainly satisfy the other three goals of the justice system.

They should all be tried as adults and punished as such. The premeditation involved is enough to show maliciousness. If anyone wants to argue they didn't know what they were doing was wrong, I'd love to hear it.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Such violent brutality on another might be grounds for execution by my book. I am a little conflicted on how I?d proceed with that but it?s the first thing that springs to mind.

If you throw them in jail it merely hardens the hatred against others. If you ever release them I have serious doubts as to whether they?d seek redemption or vengeance.

Just give them to the dad, one at a time, in a dark and isolated room, for 30 minutes a piece.
I don't want to know what "Dad" is going to do to them in a dark isolated room, in your story



Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Dissipate
If the girl suffered permanent sight/hearing damage, they should sue the shit out of those kids and their parents, in addition to their prison time, which shouldn't be anything less than 3 years. This was a horribly vicious pre-meditated and carefully planned attack. I wonder why the victim didn't pick up a blunt object and bash one of those little whore's head in. If I was in that situation I would go absolutely ape. Eight against 1, what do you have to lose?

considering all she got was a beating, she calculated that picking up a brick or escalating the situation from fists to objects might result in her death. she probably figured punching back would just piss off the other girl and not do any real damage. it was a calculated move, and it seems to have paid off.

If it was 6 guys beating up a guy, the victim would probably have fought back, and I suppose I would have too, probably would have tried to snap someone's neck or grab out an eyeball or two. definitely go for some junktwising. look for the toughest of the group and try to get him 1 on 1 and then do something painful to him. let the rest know that you might not be able to get all of them, but the ones you do get will regret it.

/end fantasy vandamn sequence
Oct 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Such violent brutality on another might be grounds for execution by my book. I am a little conflicted on how I?d proceed with that but it?s the first thing that springs to mind.

Originally posted by: Slew Foot
Kill em all.

Originally posted by: BoomerD
"Girls, come on in and take a SEAT right here."

Originally posted by: Genx87
Where are those Eugenics laws when you need them? These chicks are perfect examples of why forced sterilization should still be around. Worthless pieces of shit.

WTF Yeah, this is pretty damn screwed up, but seriously, WTF? I don't think I'm the only one here who can say I did some stupid shit when I was a teenager (nothing as bad as this, but still stupid). I'm not even the same person anymore. Killing a teenager for assault? Wow.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Such violent brutality on another might be grounds for execution by my book. I am a little conflicted on how I?d proceed with that but it?s the first thing that springs to mind.

Originally posted by: Slew Foot
Kill em all.

Originally posted by: BoomerD
"Girls, come on in and take a SEAT right here."

Originally posted by: Genx87
Where are those Eugenics laws when you need them? These chicks are perfect examples of why forced sterilization should still be around. Worthless pieces of shit.

WTF Yeah, this is pretty damn screwed up, but seriously, WTF? I don't nm the only one here who lI did some stupid shit when I was a teenager (nothing as bad as this, but still stupid). I'm not even the same person anymore. Killing a teenager for assault? Wow.

Uh I clearly did not say they should be put to death. Re-read what I wrote.
Oct 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Such violent brutality on another might be grounds for execution by my book. I am a little conflicted on how I?d proceed with that but it?s the first thing that springs to mind.

Originally posted by: Slew Foot
Kill em all.

Originally posted by: BoomerD
"Girls, come on in and take a SEAT right here."

Originally posted by: Genx87
Where are those Eugenics laws when you need them? These chicks are perfect examples of why forced sterilization should still be around. Worthless pieces of shit.

WTF Yeah, this is pretty damn screwed up, but seriously, WTF? I don't nm the only one here who lI did some stupid shit when I was a teenager (nothing as bad as this, but still stupid). I'm not even the same person anymore. Killing a teenager for assault? Wow.

Uh I clearly did not say they should be put to death. Re-read what I wrote.

No but your suggestion is just as messed up. Forced sterilisation? Jesus H soda-pop Christ.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Such violent brutality on another might be grounds for execution by my book. I am a little conflicted on how I?d proceed with that but it?s the first thing that springs to mind.

Originally posted by: Slew Foot
Kill em all.

Originally posted by: BoomerD
"Girls, come on in and take a SEAT right here."

Originally posted by: Genx87
Where are those Eugenics laws when you need them? These chicks are perfect examples of why forced sterilization should still be around. Worthless pieces of shit.

WTF Yeah, this is pretty damn screwed up, but seriously, WTF? I don't nm the only one here who lI did some stupid shit when I was a teenager (nothing as bad as this, but still stupid). I'm not even the same person anymore. Killing a teenager for assault? Wow.

Uh I clearly did not say they should be put to death. Re-read what I wrote.

No but your suggestion is just as messed up. Forced sterilisation? Jesus H soda-pop Christ.

You think people this pyschotic should pass their defective genes on?
Oct 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Such violent brutality on another might be grounds for execution by my book. I am a little conflicted on how I?d proceed with that but it?s the first thing that springs to mind.

Originally posted by: Slew Foot
Kill em all.

Originally posted by: BoomerD
"Girls, come on in and take a SEAT right here."

Originally posted by: Genx87
Where are those Eugenics laws when you need them? These chicks are perfect examples of why forced sterilization should still be around. Worthless pieces of shit.

WTF Yeah, this is pretty damn screwed up, but seriously, WTF? I don't nm the only one here who lI did some stupid shit when I was a teenager (nothing as bad as this, but still stupid). I'm not even the same person anymore. Killing a teenager for assault? Wow.

Uh I clearly did not say they should be put to death. Re-read what I wrote.

No but your suggestion is just as messed up. Forced sterilisation? Jesus H soda-pop Christ.

You think people this pyschotic should pass their defective genes on?

As soon as you can prove that it's a genetic problem then maybe I'll consider your (psychotic) suggestion. Plenty of good, honest people on this very forum will have ancestors somewhere along the line who committed horrible acts of violence against other human beings (black lynchings, witch killings, religious crusades, etc.). Do these people all have defective, psychotic genes?

Put up some evidence that this poor behaviour is genetic and not learned from dipshit parents. Otherwise keep your dumbass, knee-jerk "solutions" to yourself.

Edit: For the record I think ProfJon has put forward the most sensible suggestions in this thread, void of emotion and pragmatic.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Such violent brutality on another might be grounds for execution by my book. I am a little conflicted on how I?d proceed with that but it?s the first thing that springs to mind.

Originally posted by: Slew Foot
Kill em all.

Originally posted by: BoomerD
"Girls, come on in and take a SEAT right here."

Originally posted by: Genx87
Where are those Eugenics laws when you need them? These chicks are perfect examples of why forced sterilization should still be around. Worthless pieces of shit.

WTF Yeah, this is pretty damn screwed up, but seriously, WTF? I don't nm the only one here who lI did some stupid shit when I was a teenager (nothing as bad as this, but still stupid). I'm not even the same person anymore. Killing a teenager for assault? Wow.

Uh I clearly did not say they should be put to death. Re-read what I wrote.

No but your suggestion is just as messed up. Forced sterilisation? Jesus H soda-pop Christ.

You think people this pyschotic should pass their defective genes on?

As soon as you can prove that it's a genetic problem then maybe I'll consider your (psychotic) suggestion. Plenty of good, honest people on this very forum will have ancestors somewhere along the line who committed horrible acts of violence against other human beings (black lynchings, witch killings, religious crusades, etc.). Do these people all have defective, psychotic genes?

Put up some evidence that this poor behaviour is genetic and not learned from dipshit parents. Otherwise keep your dumbass, knee-jerk "solutions" to yourself.

If these people go ahead and do the same they sure do!
What we have are 6 pyscho's who are clearly worthless. In this situation we are lucky enough to get them before they reproduce(usually at a much higher rate than the general population no doubt).


Diamond Member
May 18, 2007
It's genetic, all the perpatrators involved in the beating (the ones doing the hitting) had two X chromosomes!

Seriously, this is pretty horrific. They need to be tried as adults and punished as adults. The charges should be bumped up, this is nothing short of attempted murder.
Oct 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Such violent brutality on another might be grounds for execution by my book. I am a little conflicted on how I?d proceed with that but it?s the first thing that springs to mind.

Originally posted by: Slew Foot
Kill em all.

Originally posted by: BoomerD
"Girls, come on in and take a SEAT right here."

Originally posted by: Genx87
Where are those Eugenics laws when you need them? These chicks are perfect examples of why forced sterilization should still be around. Worthless pieces of shit.

WTF Yeah, this is pretty damn screwed up, but seriously, WTF? I don't nm the only one here who lI did some stupid shit when I was a teenager (nothing as bad as this, but still stupid). I'm not even the same person anymore. Killing a teenager for assault? Wow.

Uh I clearly did not say they should be put to death. Re-read what I wrote.

No but your suggestion is just as messed up. Forced sterilisation? Jesus H soda-pop Christ.

You think people this pyschotic should pass their defective genes on?

As soon as you can prove that it's a genetic problem then maybe I'll consider your (psychotic) suggestion. Plenty of good, honest people on this very forum will have ancestors somewhere along the line who committed horrible acts of violence against other human beings (black lynchings, witch killings, religious crusades, etc.). Do these people all have defective, psychotic genes?

Put up some evidence that this poor behaviour is genetic and not learned from dipshit parents. Otherwise keep your dumbass, knee-jerk "solutions" to yourself.

If these people go ahead and do the same they sure do!
What we have are 6 pyscho's who are clearly worthless. In this situation we are lucky enough to get them before they reproduce(usually at a much higher rate than the general population no doubt).

I must have missed the post where you provided evidence that this type of behaviour is genetically inherited and not learned from idiot parents. Please link or repeat the post so I can read it. I await with interest.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: Genx87
Wait little one, wait.

Oh I see, this is your way of backing out of the conversation to save face? Just grow up and admit you were wrong.

Heh one thing we do know is 99% certain. Behavior learned is usually behavior taught. These kids will teach their kids the same. Lets cut them off at the pass I say.
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