Chelsea Handler White Privilege Documentary

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Jul 13, 2005
Closer to $30/hr. Good money in your early 20's. But, my skin color held me back due to systematic racist liberal policies.

Also, at what wage would you say racist hiring polices matter? I guess you're fine with racist hiring policies for jobs around $15/hr based on your response?
This rant is coming from somebody who believes that regardless of your color or race if you work hard and apply yoursrelf and make sound decisions that there is nothing holding you back from succeeding in America?? Did I get that right?? Inculding AA holding you back? Or just not getting the job because somebody else was better qualified?? Or not getting the job because you had a run in with the law that was still on your record regardless of if it was true or not?? Did I cover everything??Ohh I forgot -- it must be the shits to be you!! Hahahahaaaa


Jul 13, 2005
Snowball McMelty was gunning for the show but got passed over because of affirmative action.
Afirmative action is a bitch when it keeps you from living the American dream regardless of how many good decisions you make! Regardless of if you apply yourself and work hard!! AA == BITCH!! or in Spyders case -- AA = TRIGGERED!!


Aug 21, 2007

Evangelical leftist and self flagellation participant Chelsea Handler has created a documentary where she goes around apologizing and discussing her make believe white privilege. The liberal handlers have programmed people to only see one anther as different containers of victims and oppressors (straight white males). This is sad commentary on society, going around apologizing for something that does not even really exist. Some of us have avoided being dragged down by the left, today those that buy into leftism see those of us that stand proudly above them, self sufficient and capable, not looking for handouts, and only know how to claim "privilege" as the reason for us on the right doing so much better than them. Lefitsts claim some have privilege because in their pathetic liberal existence they cannot comprehend how anyone can succeed if they simply make responsible decisions and put effort into becoming a marketable and hireable.

This quote from her just shows how far the propaganda machine has gone. NPC's, everywhere. They don't know they're NPC's.

Want some real perspective on "white privilege" (LOL)? Listen to this racist Russian:

Brandon Tatum. Huh. Coulda sworn he was Deuce McAllister. Thanks for the link - gonna look him up.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006

Evangelical leftist and self flagellation participant Chelsea Handler has created a documentary where she goes around apologizing and discussing her make believe white privilege. The liberal handlers have programmed people to only see one anther as different containers of victims and oppressors (straight white males). This is sad commentary on society, going around apologizing for something that does not even really exist. Some of us have avoided being dragged down by the left, today those that buy into leftism see those of us that stand proudly above them, self sufficient and capable, not looking for handouts, and only know how to claim "privilege" as the reason for us on the right doing so much better than them. Lefitsts claim some have privilege because in their pathetic liberal existence they cannot comprehend how anyone can succeed if they simply make responsible decisions and put effort into becoming a marketable and hireable.

This quote from her just shows how far the propaganda machine has gone. NPC's, everywhere. They don't know they're NPC's.

Want some real perspective on "white privilege" (LOL)? Listen to this racist Russian:

Please keep your fake butt hurt posts to yourself.
Mar 11, 2004
Snowball McMelty was gunning for the show but got passed over because of affirmative action.

I'll just repost my response to a similar name you used in another thread.

Frothy the Slowman, was as outraged as he could be!
With a subsidized corn cob, brown nose, and two eyes made of coal.
Turmpety Turmp Turmp, Turmpety Turmp Turmp, look at Frothy go!

Please keep your fake butt hurt posts to yourself.

Oh I have no doubt he's suffering from very real butthurt. Now, I'm not sure if he has hemorrhoids, ass cancer with big painful colon polyps, or maybe Crohn's disease with mega-earthquake level fissures, that he's agitating by being passed around by right wingers that make him ride their dick (and then I guess blow smoke up his ass, hence his constant cries about second hand smoke).

He should stick to ball waxing. That seems to be his trolling area of expertise.

Hmm, maybe that's the issue. He has to get his asshair cut or else it gets so gummed up with whatever bile he's filling himself with that it blocks him being able to relieve himself, leading him to become full of shit.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I am 100% telling the truth. Someone mentioned to our CIO of the time that they noticed there weren't many women on the support teams. They created two positions and hired two women. I got the full story after. They were an affirmative action "diverse" company. Which for the record, I'm all for diversity. I like different viewpoints and stories. But, I think it has to happen organically. When it is forced, that's just bigotry. But, no one should not be hired due to bigotry either. But, in this case, I was indeed the victim of leftist AA bullshit for the sake of optics.

Lol. I love how you can’t even keep your own lies straight. Sometimes you were passed over because you were white. Sometimes you were passed over because you were a man.

Great job owning yourself.


Dec 11, 2000
Lol. I love how you can’t even keep your own lies straight. Sometimes you were passed over because you were white. Sometimes you were passed over because you were a man.

Great job owning yourself.
This thread is so fantastic. Posts a thread because he got triggered by Chelsea fucking Handler (who the fuck cares what she says?) and then self owns himself again. Slow, always good for a laugh.

Also, watched 5 mins of the Brandon Tatum video for giggles. Holy shit, I had to turn it off due to all the logic fail. Anecdote anecdote anecdote.... So obviously my opinion is fact. He even caught himself in a logic fail around minute 5 and then just said it doesn't matter. So damned stupid.
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Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
"but it’s a privilege to go into a grocery store and not be stared at, to get pulled over and not worry about whether it’s a life or death situation.”

More politically correct bs, find out the underlying causes behind the cop or the grocery store owner/employees reasons for acting the way they do and correct them, but as usual instead of trying to fix the root causes of the problem let's try to create a sort of shaming akin to the sins of the father which will create more resentment and prejudice and will eventually backfire.

The black person didn't choose to be black just like the white person didn't choose to be white, but it is much easier to knock someone down than fix the underlying issues in order to raise a person up.

NYC has a perfect example of the type of stupidity this mentality creates and rich progressive liberals have an over-abundance of it, just don't touch their little precious angels.

De Blasio Is Trying to Reduce the Number of Asians In Elite NYC Schools

A new report highlights New York City mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Bill de Blasio's effort to reduce the number of Asians in the city's top schools.

De Blasio and Democrats in the state legislature are waging a "progressive war" on the city's best schools, which are "now dominated by Asian-American students from largely poor and working-class immigrant backgrounds," according to City-Journal.Democratic state legislators are working to get rid of the law mandating a competitive exam as the only criterion for admission to the schools, while de Blasio is expanding a remedial-admissions program for disadvantaged students which is the one alternative to the test requirement. De Blasio and his schools chancellor Richard Carranza are "manipulating the admissions criteria so that many poor Asian kids no longer qualify."

De Blasio wants to phase out the test requirement over three years and replace it with "guaranteed admission for students in the top 5 percent to 7 percent of their eighth-grade classes (provided they were also in the top quarter of eighth-grade students citywide)." This group of students would be determined by "multiple measures of student achievement," instead of grades, and the measures would be determined by the chancellor. The chancellor would also have the exclusive right to determine "the weight of each such measure."

NYC's Independent Budget Office found that de Blasio's plan would increase black and Hispanic enrollment from 10 percent to 46 percent, while cutting Asian enrollment from 61 percent to 31 percent. 10 percent of the students at these schools would not meet basic math proficiency standards.

The remedial-admissions program, implemented in a nearly 50-year old law, permitted the top schools to "maintain a discovery program" for "disadvantaged students" who "score[d] below the cut-off" on the entrance exam. De Blasio and Carranza will expand the population of students in the Discovery program who are attending the schools from 4 percent to 20 percent next year. This will have the effect of raising "the cut-off scores for regular admission—due to the smaller number of slots available—and lowering the threshold for Discovery admission, due to the larger number of slots."

De Blasio's new rules redefine "disadvantaged" to exclude poor children attending schools in middle- or working-class neighborhoods. An Economic Needs Index will gauge eligibility by community, instead of family, poverty.

"A student living in a homeless shelter in a prosperous area would thus not count as disadvantaged for the purposes of the Discovery program. This new criterion will exclude students from 18 of 23 Asian-majority middle schools," the report notes.

If this devaluing of education and skills where “ everyone is a winner” type of mentality becomes the norm in America it deserves to be run over by other countries like China that prioritize high achievers over mediocrity and feelings.

"There's a confusion about China. The popular conception is that companies come to China because of low labor cost. I'm not sure what part of China they go to but the truth is China stopped being the low labor cost country many years ago. And that is not the reason to come to China from a supply point of view. The reason is because of the skill, and the quantity of skill in one location and the type of skill it is."
And China has an abundance of skilled labor unseen elsewhere, says Cook:

"The products we do require really advanced tooling, and the precision that you have to have, the tooling and working with the materials that we do are state of the art. And the tooling skill is very deep here. In the US you could have a meeting of tooling engineers and I'm not sure we could fill the room. In China you could fill multiple football fields."
Cook credits China's vast supply of highly skilled vocational talent:
"The vocational expertise is very very deep here, and I give the education system a lot of credit for continuing to push on that even when others were de-emphasizing vocational. Now I think many countries in the world have woke up and said this is a key thing and we've got to correct that. China called that right from the beginning."

Mar 11, 2004
Lol. I love how you can’t even keep your own lies straight. Sometimes you were passed over because you were white. Sometimes you were passed over because you were a man.

Great job owning yourself.

I hope no one actually believed him anyway.

The best part though is how he's doing exactly what he's tried to not only dismiss but denigrate others for doing but thinks we should feel bad for his fictional persecution.

Honestly he'd at least have some credibility if he claimed that liberals caused him to lose his job as a circus clown by getting circuses shutdown over their horrible treatment of animals.
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Reactions: Meghan54


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
"but it’s a privilege to go into a grocery store and not be stared at, to get pulled over and not worry about whether it’s a life or death situation.”

More politically correct bs, find out the underlying causes behind the cop or the grocery store owner/employees reasons for acting the way they do and correct them, but as usual instead of trying to fix the root causes of the problem let's try to create a sort of shaming akin to the sins of the father which will create more resentment and prejudice and will eventually backfire.

The black person didn't choose to be black just like the white person didn't choose to be white, but it is much easier to knock someone down than fix the underlying issues in order to raise a person up.

NYC has a perfect example of the type of stupidity this mentality creates and rich progressive liberals have an over-abundance of it, just don't touch their little precious angels.

De Blasio Is Trying to Reduce the Number of Asians In Elite NYC Schools

If this devaluing of education and skills where “ everyone is a winner” type of mentality becomes the norm in America it deserves to be run over by other countries like China that prioritize high achievers over mediocrity and feelings.

Yeah why not instead of complaining about it we just solve racism? Lol.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Yeah why not instead of complaining about it we just solve racism? Lol.

But it clearly won't? Some of the biggest gaps are in liberal bastions and all the evidence points to the students themselves making a school "elite". Liberals love to do feel good solutions. Even worse is his baffingly stupid idea of eliminating gifted programs for everyone.
Reactions: Starbuck1975


May 30, 2008
The only time I heard of Chelsea Handler before was years and years ago when she made what seemed to me like a borderline-racist 'joke' mocking the name of some random black woman in the news for having a 'made up' name. I just remember thinking that was a bit rich coming from a woman named after a football club. Has she since seen the error of her ways and seen the PC light?

The only issue I have with the idea of 'white privilege', outside the US anyway, is it just that to me that terminology doesn't really fit contexts where the vast majority of the population are white - in that context it surely makes more sense to speak of 'black/minority ethnic disadvantage'? Having a leg-up over 5% of the population doesn't seem like that useful a privilege (especially if you are working class and thus already up against it compared to a much larger proportion of the population), but having 95% of the population advantaged over you is certainly a disadvantage.
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Nov 11, 1999
Well, yeh, guys, but Slow overcame all the adversity of AA to have a great job today, one that gives him plenty of time to troll the internet expressing his outrage about imagined liberal outrage. Maybe it *is* his job or just something he does on the side for extra cash.
Reactions: Meghan54


Jul 13, 2005
The only issue I have with the idea of 'white privilege', outside the US anyway, is it just that to me that terminology doesn't really fit contexts where the vast majority of the population are white - in that context it surely makes more sense to speak of 'black/minority ethnic disadvantage'? Having a leg-up over 5% of the population doesn't seem like that useful a privilege (especially if you are working class and thus already up against it compared to a much larger proportion of the population), but having 95% of the population advantaged over you is certainly a disadvantage.
Don`t say that too loud!! Slow actually believes that anybody in this day and age regardless of race if they apply themselves and work hard and make good decisions will be able to live the American dream...
But you have to remember that Slow is TRUMP supporter and people like Trump use slows favorite saying to put and hold the disadvantaged down!!


Oct 15, 1999
Who is Chelsea Handler?
Well, yeh, guys, but Slow overcame all the adversity of AA to have a great job today, one that gives him plenty of time to troll the internet expressing his outrage about imagined liberal outrage. Maybe it *is* his job or just something he does on the side for extra cash.
Or maybe he just has a different opinion than you. He's entitled to that.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Yet another slow thread where he claims racism doesn't exist and blacks just are poorer because they're lazy and stupid and not as good as whites. That's all.

Every racism denial thread you make ironically exposes your racism for all to see.
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