Cheney's deception in WSJ op-ed piece is met with numerous scathing retorts


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2012
Link to the Op-Ed piece:

Links to some retorts and rebukes:




My own response:

"Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many."
Mr. Cheney, this is only an opinion, not a fact. And coming from the man who was the architect and prime instigator of the Iraq war itself, started under false pretenses no less, the gall it takes to make such a statement is incomprehensible.

"The fall of the Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul and Tel Afar, and the establishment of terrorist safe havens across a large swath of the Arab world, present a strategic threat to the security of the United States."
Mr. Cheney, rather than cynically using the secretarian violence and instability in Iraq to stoke fear among ordinary Americans, why don't you present a solution that doesn't involve American troops occupying Middle Eastern countries indefinitely and your business partners profiting billions of dollars off costly wars?

Perhaps the reason is because, as your past administration demonstrates, you have no solution. Neither do you have any credibility on this subject with Americans who once trusted you - they should be wise and not trust you again.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
Taking shots at Obama's foreign policy is shooting fish in a barrell. What is occuring under Obama's watch is a disaster, Cheney would be right about that if he framed his point differently. This isn't about Obama though, Iraq 2 wasn't about Bush. Both Pres were involved, but it took/takes a lot more than these single identities.

Cheney is of course going to do as he pleases, but it's an odd place to start taking it to the pres on Iraq after what Cheney was involved in. There are a lot of folks in the country who think similar to Cheney, that's a bigger issue than Cheney.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Truth does not reach conservatives if it threatens their egos, like the notion they fucked up. They simply can't see it. They are defective. Thos is another fact that hurts their feelings and causes them to attack me. They have a brain defect that causes the truth to look like the messenger. Isn't that incredibly silly? Sadly this defect, because it is denied, can't be fixed. They are stuck with looking like idiots. But it's just the defect they can't help having bEcause you can't fix stuff in a state of denial.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
These people corrupted CIA and made them manufacture evidence. Lied to congress and Americans. Tore up Constitution. Legalized torture, extrajudicial killings, ditched 900 yr old habeus corpus among other things. Should be in prison not writing articles. Sadly Obama is just as bad if not worse. March on fascist soldiers but you wont get me or mine involved.

I say obama is worse because not only continued and expanded policies he actually says it's all wrong in some speeches so he knows it's fucked up but does it anyway.
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Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Truth does not reach conservatives if it threatens their egos, like the notion they fucked up. They simply can't see it. They are defective. Thos is another fact that hurts their feelings and causes them to attack me. They have a brain defect that causes the truth to look like the messenger. Isn't that incredibly silly? Sadly this defect, because it is denied, can't be fixed. They are stuck with looking like idiots. But it's just the defect they can't help having bEcause you can't fix stuff in a state of denial.

No politician admits they were wrong. Has nothing to do with ego but preserving the lie and maintaining their and their parties reputation and power. Look at all the right wing fools still lapping up their leaders bullshit like good little dogs. If cheney et al came out and told truth it would destroy republican party for a long time.

But Cheney told truth at one time.

For these neo-cons they already know they were wrong. After all they manufactured everything in the first place to make war happen and sustain it.. so how can it be ego?
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Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
These people corrupted CIA and made them manufacture evidence. Lied to congress and Americans. Tore up Constitution. Legalized torture, extrajudicial killings, ditched 900 yr old habeus corpus among other things. Should be in prison not writing articles. Sadly Obama is just as bad if not worse. March on fascist soldiers but you wont get me or mine involved.

I say obama is worse because not only continued and expanded policies he actually says it's all wrong in some speeches so he knows it's fucked up but does it anyway.

Well said. From Cheney of all people to be running his mouth on this D:


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2012
Taking shots at Obama's foreign policy is shooting fish in a barrell. What is occuring under Obama's watch is a disaster, Cheney would be right about that if he framed his point differently. This isn't about Obama though, Iraq 2 wasn't about Bush. Both Pres were involved, but it took/takes a lot more than these single identities.

Cheney is of course going to do as he pleases, but it's an odd place to start taking it to the pres on Iraq after what Cheney was involved in. There are a lot of folks in the country who think similar to Cheney, that's a bigger issue than Cheney.

I'm no one to paint a rosy picture about Obama's foreign policy, and I would have no qualms about Cheney, or any Bush ex-admin, to go after Obama for his numerous blunders and fuck-ups. But the very last person to criticize on the Iraq war should be Dick Cheney. That war was a titanic failure and mistake from the start, and Cheney was behind the wheel for most of it.
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Jul 2, 2005
There are only a few people that are in no position to be critical of obummer for his numerous failures and his terrible foreign policies. Cheney is one of them.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I have no problem with Cheney criticizing Obama on Iraq in principle, but in order to do so he should have at least acknowledged how wrong he was in the past and offered us a reason why he isn't wrong now.

Instead, we get the same stubborn insistence that he was always right despite the obvious catastrophic results of his policies. His sheer contempt for our intelligence is pretty hilarious.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
I have no problem with Cheney criticizing Obama on Iraq in principle, but in order to do so he should have at least acknowledged how wrong he was in the past and offered us a reason why he isn't wrong now.

Agreed. Failures of the post Iraq war are just to numerous to mention. And Cheney was instrumental in those failures. With that said, Obama's policy is nothing short of idiotic. While I do not support a large scale intervention with ground troops, we need to ensure we keep Iran out of Iraq and that may mean some limited involvement similar to Bosnia twenty years ago or so. However, I do not see the international community supporting that at all leaving the US to either go it alone or withdraw completely. Obamas lack of leadership has led us to this.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Agreed. Failures of the post Iraq war are just to numerous to mention. And Cheney was instrumental in those failures. With that said, Obama's policy is nothing short of idiotic. While I do not support a large scale intervention with ground troops, we need to ensure we keep Iran out of Iraq and that may mean some limited involvement similar to Bosnia twenty years ago or so. However, I do not see the international community supporting that at all leaving the US to either go it alone or withdraw completely. Obamas lack of leadership has led us to this.

Lack of leadership how? Do you mean the US should be bombing ISIS troops? How do you square that with reports that distinguishing them from civilians is very difficult?

I imagine the 'advisers' we are sending to Iraq are actually people who will facilitate US air strikes in the future, if ISIS continues to gain ground.


Mar 19, 2007
Lack of leadership how? Do you mean the US should be bombing ISIS troops? How do you square that with reports that distinguishing them from civilians is very difficult?

I imagine the 'advisers' we are sending to Iraq are actually people who will facilitate US air strikes in the future, if ISIS continues to gain ground.

No, this is the type of misinformation the left ends up with when they spread the lie that Obama pulled us out of Iraq. It makes people think he pulled them out too quickly when in fact we didn't pull them out at all. They asked us to leave so we did. What is happening there is no more Obama's fault as it is Mickey Mouse's.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2012
No, this is the type of misinformation the left ends up with when they spread the lie that Obama pulled us out of Iraq. It makes people think he pulled them out too quickly when in fact we didn't pull them out at all. They asked us to leave so we did. What is happening there is no more Obama's fault as it is Mickey Mouse's.

This is the thing people keep forgetting. Bush had a exit plan set. Obama came in and asked Iraq if they wanted to sign an agreement and stay longer, Iraq said no. So we left, for the most part. That is not on Bush or Obama but the idiots in charge of Iraq.

They thought they were big stuff and blocked out the others in Iraq and now want us back when the sh1t hits the fan. F__k that, either fight for your own land or lose it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
No, this is the type of misinformation the left ends up with when they spread the lie that Obama pulled us out of Iraq. It makes people think he pulled them out too quickly when in fact we didn't pull them out at all. They asked us to leave so we did. What is happening there is no more Obama's fault as it is Mickey Mouse's.

There are other things you can do besides have troops on the ground. I find it when people fault 'leadership' they are usually just using a non-specific term that doesn't actually mean anything.


Mar 19, 2007
There are other things you can do besides have troops on the ground. I find it when people fault 'leadership' they are usually just using a non-specific term that doesn't actually mean anything.

Well certainly in this case it doesn't.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
Lack of leadership how?

In too many ways to document. And I am referring to Obama's history as President and his inability to accomplish much of anything outside by fiat directive -- which actually is a form of leadership albeit not one most people care for except those who directly benefit.

"Leadership is the ability to influence other people to act in line with your expectations willingly or otherwise."


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
In too many ways to document. And I am referring to Obama's history as President and his inability to accomplish much of anything outside by fiat directive -- which actually is a form of leadership albeit not one most people care for except those who directly benefit.

"Leadership is the ability to influence other people to act in line with your expectations willingly or otherwise."

I'd be interested to hear some of those countless examples. For example, I am curious to know what you think Obama could have done to make Republicans more interested in passing legislation with him when their clear and obvious political incentives were to do no such thing.

I frequently find that people complaining about 'leadership' use that as a generic term that sounds serious but means that they don't actually need to back it up.

ie: can you do this:

1. Describe to me a specific problem/situation,
2. Describe what Obama did that was wrong,
3. Describe what he could have done instead that would have been better.


Oct 17, 2002
Truth does not reach conservatives if it threatens their egos, like the notion they fucked up. They simply can't see it. They are defective. Thos is another fact that hurts their feelings and causes them to attack me. They have a brain defect that causes the truth to look like the messenger. Isn't that incredibly silly? Sadly this defect, because it is denied, can't be fixed. They are stuck with looking like idiots. But it's just the defect they can't help having bEcause you can't fix stuff in a state of denial.

I know plenty of liberals, libertarians, democrats, independents, etc. that your statements fits with.

Your statement is so broad that I can't take it seriously. You might as well add in a 'you people' for good measure.

I'm not really conservative either. I just don't see the point in your post other than to spam hateful messages about a group so big doing so allows you to feel like a better person.


Jan 31, 2010
Truth does not reach conservatives if it threatens their egos, like the notion they fucked up. They simply can't see it. They are defective. Thos is another fact that hurts their feelings and causes them to attack me. They have a brain defect that causes the truth to look like the messenger. Isn't that incredibly silly? Sadly this defect, because it is denied, can't be fixed. They are stuck with looking like idiots. But it's just the defect they can't help having bEcause you can't fix stuff in a state of denial.

I really have to wonder if you're being truthful. After reviewing your posting (frequency and time of day) for the past month or so, I have to wonder if you either planned your vacation around being able to post during your normal time frame in here or you never went on vacation at all.


Jun 19, 2006
I really have to wonder if you're being truthful. After reviewing your posting (frequency and time of day) for the past month or so, I have to wonder if you either planned your vacation around being able to post during your normal time frame in here or you never went on vacation at all.

Inspector Jowo is on the search for post fraud!


Jan 31, 2010
Just seems odd that a person would go on an European vacation and continue to post in forum daily (throughout the day no less). Maybe he should get Capt Obvious to help him plan out his next vacation.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
ABC News had the gall to bring him on THIS WEEK W/GEORGE STEPHANOPOLUS yesterday. Man did that make my stomach turn.

And they didn't even mention that farce of a dying-neocon's last gasp, "Alliance for a Strong America"; Dick & Liz's amateur, feeble attempt at wooing those old neocon warhorses.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Agreed. Failures of the post Iraq war are just to numerous to mention. And Cheney was instrumental in those failures. With that said, Obama's policy is nothing short of idiotic. While I do not support a large scale intervention with ground troops, we need to ensure we keep Iran out of Iraq and that may mean some limited involvement similar to Bosnia twenty years ago or so. However, I do not see the international community supporting that at all leaving the US to either go it alone or withdraw completely. Obamas lack of leadership has led us to this.

Jihadis are not serbs. They will send thier men with bombs strapped to them till end of time at American outposts if they run out of men they send their children.

Yes Obama is to blame for making jihadi playgrounds in Libya and Syria. Over throwing strongmen and supporting terrorists so they can grow. But not staying out of iraq. Bush done screwed pooch there.

Whole ME is now fucked. Terror groups everywhere and we are possibly looking at our oil allies being done in too. That was Bush/Cheney doing opening the gates of hell as Arab league president said they would do with false flag invasion.
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Diamond Member
Nov 8, 1999
Why doesn't Cheney just come out and say what he is really thinking: Haliburtons earnings aren't as high as he would like and we need to invade for more profits to his buddies.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
Jihadis are not serbs. They will send thier men with bombs strapped to them till end of time at American outposts if they run out of men they send their children.

Yes Obama is to blame for making jihadi playgrounds in Libya and Syria. Over throwing strongmen and supporting terrorists so they can grow. But not staying out of iraq. Bush done screwed pooch there.

I was not comparing Bosnia and the Islamists, just making use of it as an example albeit rather poorly.

And I agree Bush messed up in Iraq as Obama has in Libya, Syria and appears to now be doing in Iraq.
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