Chick Fill Aye on same sex marry age

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No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Um - okay. From the article:

404 Emanuel banning chick fil a's not found.

On Thursday, a spokesman for Emanuel softened those remarks.

“The mayor simply said that Chick-fil-a’s CEO does not share Chicago’s values,” the spokesman said. “He did not say that he would block or play any role in the company opening a new restaurant here.

“If they meet all the usual requirements, then they can open their restaurant, but he does not believe the CEO’s values are reflective of our city.”
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Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
With sperm/egg donations and invitro fertilization, straight and gay society can be sustained.

Ignorance and bigotry, unfortunately, can't be weeded-out.

You people have a knack for labeling people ignorant and bigot when they disagree with you. Usually that's the first sign of ignorant and bigot...

The guy from Chick-Fill Aye is having an opinion on the institution of marriage, I am having an opinion on the institution of marriage. We are not having an opinion on gay people. I don't care how gay people want to live their life, I don't see them lessor people because they are gay. What I am pointing out is traditional marriage is not the SAME as gay marriage. If you need external means to sustain a society, is is not the SAME isn't it?

If they are not the same, why do you people insist on calling it the same, giving it the exact benefit, wanting people with specific believe to grant it the same treatment? Seems like you guys are the one who can't tolerate people who don't have the same belief in gay marriage, again I stress gay marriage and not gay people themselves. A belief the has nothing to do with religion, but the fundamental physical difference between traditional marriage a gay marriage, a fundamental difference based on the reason traditional marriage exist in a society and how society is sustained by traditional marriage.

Well have fun calling people names when they disagrees with you. I mean that's the easiest thing to do in a debt when you got nothing else to back your idea.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
explain how gay marriage threatens traditional marriage.

Do you believe that making gay marriage legal will somehow inspire all straight people to suddenly have a gay marriage?

This is the only thing you could possibly be inferring from this line of "reasoning."

No I don't think gay marriage threatens traditional marriage. I just think they are not the same. Call gay marriage civil union and grant appropriate benefits and right and call it a day. You people are the one insisting on calling gay union marriage when gay union is not the same as traditional marriage. I am just pointing out the difference between the two and tell you why they are not the same, from physical make up of the couple, from the roles and benefit to the society point of view. Nothing to do with how gays are lessor people or they deserve less rights.

But go ahead, call me bigot, call me racist cause that's what you guys do best.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
I am pro-gay marriage. But i think all this bullshit against the company is insane. NO way should the government be punishing the company for what they think (and that is what is happening). IF as a individual you don't like the stance the company has don't go.

the reaction by Chicago and such is worse then the stance of being against 2 guys or gals getting married.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
No I don't think gay marriage threatens traditional marriage. I just think they are not the same. Call gay marriage civil union and grant appropriate benefits and right and call it a day. You people are the one insisting on calling gay union marriage when gay union is not the same as traditional marriage. I am just pointing out the difference between the two and tell you why they are not the same, from physical make up of the couple, from the roles and benefit to the society point of view. Nothing to do with how gays are lessor people or they deserve less rights.

But go ahead, call me bigot, call me racist cause that's what you guys do best.

I don't care if they call it Jesus God's Holy Union of Marriage, just let them do it FFS. Nice that we gave everyone religious freedom so they can discriminate against people different from themselves in the name of a book of fairy tales. I mean seriously, talking to religious people is like talking to the aliens from Galaxy Quest.

"Those poor, poor people."


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
You people have a knack for labeling people ignorant and bigot when they disagree with you. Usually that's the first sign of ignorant and bigot...

The guy from Chick-Fill Aye is having an opinion on the institution of marriage, I am having an opinion on the institution of marriage. We are not having an opinion on gay people. I don't care how gay people want to live their life, I don't see them lessor people because they are gay. What I am pointing out is traditional marriage is not the SAME as gay marriage. If you need external means to sustain a society, is is not the SAME isn't it?

If they are not the same, why do you people insist on calling it the same, giving it the exact benefit, wanting people with specific believe to grant it the same treatment? Seems like you guys are the one who can't tolerate people who don't have the same belief in gay marriage, again I stress gay marriage and not gay people themselves. A belief the has nothing to do with religion, but the fundamental physical difference between traditional marriage a gay marriage, a fundamental difference based on the reason traditional marriage exist in a society and how society is sustained by traditional marriage.

Well have fun calling people names when they disagrees with you. I mean that's the easiest thing to do in a debt when you got nothing else to back your idea.

You might be called a Bigot, if you engage in Bigotry.

Just sayin.


May 24, 2004
Can you provide a link to Chicago and Boston attempts to shut down these restaurants?

Hi, troll, nice to meet you

Could have spent the two seconds on finding your own link:

Sorry this link is from a conservative activist media outlet, I know how much they rub you the wrong way.

This is Chicago, I suggest you take some time learning how the wards and the Alderman system works. After doing so, come back and maybe then you can try to pass yourself off as an educated person.
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Jun 12, 2005
Oh shit - I called this one.

pcgeek 60 years ago - "It's ok for blacks to use public bathrooms and water fountains, as long as they use the ones designated for blacks".

Not the same thing. Being black is not a genetic defect.


Jun 12, 2005

If you personally didn't care what they wanted to do, then you wouldn't have a bone in this argument.

clearly, you care a great deal. Just admit it.

No, I don't care what they do to or with one another. Accept for this. I just don't get why they insist on gays having a " marriage ". It would be fine to have their gay union and the rights etc that would go with a legal union. I have nothing against gay people.

I hate the fact that they feel that they must bastardize marriage into something that it isn't and shouldn't be. It has nothing to do with the " Separate but equal " argument as many want to lead it back to. A gay union plainly isn't the same thing as a marriage. About this I do care a great deal.
Feb 6, 2007
Not the same thing. Being black is not a genetic defect.

Of course being black isn't a genetic defect. Being white is. What possible benefit is there for having less melanin in your skin? It just makes you more susceptible to sunburns, and we all know how kickass the climates in California, Florida and Hawaii are. Clearly being white is a genetic defect, and they shouldn't be allowed to marry.

Or are you only against people marrying if they're of a certain genetic defect? Would it be OK if people with mental retardation got married? How about people who are genetically blind? Midgets? Which "genetic defects" are allowed into marriages in your view?


Oct 31, 2000
I don't really care. :|

The definition stands.

Earth to pcgeek - if it's ruled no longer stands. The SCOTUS is poised to take up the issue this fall - with the way the court is breaking, it will be ruled unconstitutional across every state.

It's getting more and more obvious that you dot care about using any sense when trying to justify your hatred. Your comments about homosexuality being a defect alone prove that you see your fellow gay citizens as lesser than yourself.

History will not be kind to people like yourself - you will be seen in the same light as racists before the civil rights era.


Jun 12, 2005
Of course being black isn't a genetic defect. Being white is. What possible benefit is there for having less melanin in your skin? It just makes you more susceptible to sunburns, and we all know how kickass the climates in California, Florida and Hawaii are. Clearly being white is a genetic defect, and they shouldn't be allowed to marry.

Or are you only against people marrying if they're of a certain genetic defect? Would it be OK if people with mental retardation got married? How about people who are genetically blind? Midgets? Which "genetic defects" are allowed into marriages in your view?

You can't twist my words into what you want. You just want to appear cute, but it isn't working.

I never said that I disagree with gays getting married due to their genetic defect. I am against them trying to change marriage into something that it wasn't meant to be.

What I have said and will say once more is that a gay civil union is not and can never be a marriage. Marriage is a legal union between a man and a woman. A legal union between two males or females is not a marriage.


Jun 12, 2005
Earth to pcgeek - if it's ruled no longer stands. The SCOTUS is poised to take up the issue this fall - with the way the court is breaking, it will be ruled unconstitutional across every state.

It's getting more and more obvious that you dot care about using any sense when trying to justify your hatred. Your comments about homosexuality being a defect alone prove that you see your fellow gay citizens as lesser than yourself.

History will not be kind to people like yourself - you will be seen in the same light as racists before the civil rights era.

What hate?


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
People that are intolerant of Christians or intolerant of gay marriage have much more in common with each other than they do with me.

My experience has been that intolerant people are pretty much interchangeable. That is, each of these groups seems to attract the same type of followers, behave in the same way and use the same tactics, even when their stated goals or values differ.

If you want to hate, or insult, or be otherwise intolerant of me or my views, that's your prerogative.

But if you expect your intolerance to be a problem for me, you're likely to be disappointed.


How am I being "intolerant of your views?" I'm saying you're LYING when you tell us that a company's position on an issue you deem important has no effect on your patronage. I couldn't care less whether YOUR issue is same-sex marriage or gun control or climate change or anything else. I'm talking about a principle here, but your comprehension skills are apparently too weak to understand the point.

That's not "hating" or "being intolerant" on ANY specific position - it's a statement of undeniable truth about human behavior.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Of course being black isn't a genetic defect. Being white is. What possible benefit is there for having less melanin in your skin? It just makes you more susceptible to sunburns, and we all know how kickass the climates in California, Florida and Hawaii are. Clearly being white is a genetic defect, and they shouldn't be allowed to marry.

Or are you only against people marrying if they're of a certain genetic defect? Would it be OK if people with mental retardation got married? How about people who are genetically blind? Midgets? Which "genetic defects" are allowed into marriages in your view?
Vitamin D production. Can't play basketball for shit, but we some Vitamin D producing mofos. Plus we're highly reflective, which is useful if you're walking at night on a dark, country road naked. And it's easy to find our veins to draw blood.

And damned near everything ever invented was invented because some white dude was lazy, horny or scared. Take those African tribes that hunt python by having one dude grease up his leg, put it down a python whole, letting the snake swallow it, then pulling the dude out with the giant snake wrapped around his leg. You tell a white dude it's his turn to be the bait and assuming he doesn't drop dead immediately, he'll take your society from digging sticks to steam shovel in one day.

Yep, we may be defective in melanin, but properly motivated we have our uses.

Charles Kozierok

Elite Member
May 14, 2012
Take those African tribes that hunt python by having one dude grease up his leg, put it down a python whole, letting the snake swallow it, then pulling the dude out with the giant snake wrapped around his leg. You tell a white dude it's his turn to be the bait and assuming he doesn't drop dead immediately, he'll take your society from digging sticks to steam shovel in one day.

Or maybe not.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006

And just for contrast:’s-support-in-crime-fight

In Chicago, believing that Jews are animals and whites are demons created to bedevil the superior black race is no biggie compared with opposition to gay marriage - the very same position Obama held before he evolved.

In Boston, government believes you have the right to gay marriage but not to a Coca-Cola.

I HATE when the I'm on the same side as the nuts.

you were doing so well in this thread...

bu to think that Rev White has anything ot do with Obama...sigh, might as well parrot out BILL AYERS! BILL AYERS! BILL AYERS! BILL AYERS BILL AYERS! and be done with it. sigh....

I mean, your trying to ascribe the rantings of an enraged lunatic who had only fringe relation to Obama, to the president's own sense of social justice, is as accurate as my summarily linking you to the value system of one Sarah Palin. You know....because.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The old motto of "Chicago - come for the murders, stay for the gang rape" evidently isn't working so well.

Dude, you got that all wrong (that is Newark's motto)

Here is the real motto:

Chicago--vote early, and vote often!



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I am pro-gay marriage. But i think all this bullshit against the company is insane. NO way should the government be punishing the company for what they think (and that is what is happening). IF as a individual you don't like the stance the company has don't go.

the reaction by Chicago and such is worse then the stance of being against 2 guys or gals getting married.

government = corporation = people = corporation these days.

essentially, a private company wants to do business in the public sector, under government/shareholder/public zoning laws.

if private company does not meet such standards, then why should they be entitled to build, regardless?

private company is perfectly with their right to "refuse service to anyone, for their own reason," just as public/corporation/government is perfectly within its right to let private company know just how they feel about those actions, and act accordingly.

simply put: local government distributes zoning permits. If a private entity or corp (remember--SCOTUS recently ruled that corporation = individual so...this really fucks over Chik Fil-A, don't you think? ) does not match the standards required by local government to obtain said permit, then they are SOL. Boo-fucking hoo. Continue selling your chicken to the trash that agrees with you.

(This pains me, you see. I grew up with Chik Fil-A. I love Chik is one of those destination when I return home, but no more. Whatever. There is plenty of food in life--and much of it is far better; and far cheaper than Chik Fil A)
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