Child pornography investigation

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Aug 23, 2000
I've had the misfortune of seeing this crap many times a previous job. I, like most people here, worked as a tech and found all kinds of things on computers. Warez, disgusting pr0n between adults/animals, and kiddie pr0n. I've turned in several people to the FBI. Having 2 daughters, I want to kill the fvcking perverts that distribute this and make this sh!t.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: yukichigai
Originally posted by: SuperTool
What if someone has CG images of child porn?
Should they also go to jail?
How about sex stories about having sex with kids?
Stories are borderline illegal.

CG is borderline legal. Sometimes. Depends on where it's made, and if there's any out-and-out indication of age.

Still creepy.

I seem to recall cases on both. A guy was busted because he was writing FICTION of him having sex with underage girls. He was arrested for child molestation and child porno. He was found guilty but i think it was later overturned.

There was also a case that went to the SC about the CG images or maybe it was pictures where people took the heads of young girls and put it on womens bodies. Anyway the court found that it was NOT against the law to have such stuff.



Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2002
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: yukichigai
Originally posted by: SuperTool
What if someone has CG images of child porn?
Should they also go to jail?
How about sex stories about having sex with kids?
Stories are borderline illegal.

CG is borderline legal. Sometimes. Depends on where it's made, and if there's any out-and-out indication of age.

Still creepy.

I seem to recall cases on both. A guy was busted because he was writing FICTION of him having sex with underage girls. He was arrested for child molestation and child porno. He was found guilty but i think it was later overturned.

There was also a case that went to the SC about the CG images or maybe it was pictures where people took the heads of young girls and put it on womens bodies. Anyway the court found that it was NOT against the law to have such stuff.

The fine line becomes whether the crime of watching child porn is punishing support of the exploitation of children or punishing the mere idea of getting aroused by child porn. By those two cases above, it seems like child porn laws are made to discourage the exploitation of children, not the thought itself. Thankfully it hasn't become 1984 yet.


Platinum Member
Oct 6, 2004
thats what the devil does is destroys what is innocent, murders, mames, just destruction of life.

because no man could do that, you say that is man, i say that is a beast. a man restores life in that which is broken.

so if it isnt a man what is it?

Feb 10, 2000
I suspect I've seen more child pornography than anyone here, and perhaps more than all of you put together. I have prosecuted a number of child porn cases, and defended a couple, so I've seen thousands of images of various child porn. I've also prosecuted a number of child molestation cases, including this one, the worst in the history of the Air Force.

All I can say is that time heals all wounds. I was quite troubled by seeing child pornography the first few times, particularly since the first case involved some images of very small children (3-4 years old) having sex with adult men. I was FAR more troubled by getting to know some kids who'd been subjected to systematic, horrific abuse, some of which was so extreme that it's hard for a normal, decent person even to imagine.

Seeing things like this creates meaningful trauma, and certainly rage as well. I remember fantasizing about killing one offender in particular, and frankly the best consolation for me is knowing he'll probably never be a free man again. For better or worse, however, the mind helps us get past trauma like this by forgetting it. Talk to your friends and family for support, and if you are still struggling with it, consider talking to a professional or spiritual advisor.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: rudder
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: rudder
Originally posted by: waggy
depends on the kids in the porn under 15? the person should be shot. anything ehlse? shrug hard to say.

odd that they had you do this.

What the hell does it matter if they are under 15? Do you think that maybe some of the participants in this type of porn do it against their will even if they are over 15? There are adult women out there in the world that are forced to be used as sex toys. It doesn't matter what age.


I really do not know where to start on this. While there are women forced to be sex toys (Indonesia and such are bad for it) that is not the question at hand. Kiddie porn is.

There is a big difference in a person who looks and gets off on pictures of 4-12 yr old girls and one who gets off on 16-17 yr old girls (all fall in the kiddie porn law). I am all for castration (without pain blockers at that) for those that get off on 4-12yr olds. heck i have even turned one guy in for it and was the main reason he went to jail.

But 16+ is a different story. Men are hard wired in to look at them. that is the age where they start to "bloom" and usually the most beautiful. Over the last oh 100 years it has became taboo to marry kids that young even though it has been the norm for most of the time.

Hahaha funny topic here. You do make a valid point. However, the only difference I see that a 4-12 year child may not have the cognative reasoning to understand being exploited where as an older teenage does. A 16+ year old teenager is still a child in my book. They may seem so grown up nowadays but they stil have a lots of growing up to do whether they have "bloomed" or not.

All I would like to add is that if someone violated my daughter in that way if she is over 15 I would probably use 1 bullet on the perpetrator. If she is under 15, maybe I will shoot them in the nuts first.

Statistically speaking you do realize that at 15 your daughter will probably be having more sex than you do, right? Not trying to provoke, just a simple fact of the day. You can stress and blubber all you want, but odds are it's GOING to happen.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: Scarpozzi
As a Sys Admin, I know enough not to EVER VIEW anything that is Child Pornography. If we ever find anything (which we haven't) that is suspected CP on our servers, we would simply mark the location, get info on the user, and call the FBI. If you actually view more than the file names, you then become just as guilty as the person who owns the files. Just a word to the wise... It's extremely serious business.

And that's one of the biggest problems about this subject...there's no right for the government to prosecute someone who wasn't intentionally looking for it. You can type in any number of mundane search queries and get back a random pop-up of kiddie porn. If anyone tried to put me in jail for something like that I'd go out fighting you can be damn sure. Just because something is done doesn't mean it's right, or that we should follow/listen/obey it. Not encouraging viewing the stuff, just saying that at some point the people have to take control and let reason reign instead of tempers.


Golden Member
Mar 14, 2001
Originally posted by: DonVito
I suspect I've seen more child pornography than anyone here, and perhaps more than all of you put together. I have prosecuted a number of child porn cases, and defended a couple, so I've seen thousands of images of various child porn. I've also prosecuted a number of child molestation cases, including this one, the worst in the history of the Air Force.

All I can say is that time heals all wounds. I was quite troubled by seeing child pornography the first few times, particularly since the first case involved some images of very small children (3-4 years old) having sex with adult men. I was FAR more troubled by getting to know some kids who'd been subjected to systematic, horrific abuse, some of which was so extreme that it's hard for a normal, decent person even to imagine.

Seeing things like this creates meaningful trauma, and certainly rage as well. I remember fantasizing about killing one offender in particular, and frankly the best consolation for me is knowing he'll probably never be a free man again. For better or worse, however, the mind helps us get past trauma like this by forgetting it. Talk to your friends and family for support, and if you are still struggling with it, consider talking to a professional or spiritual advisor.

much respect to you for that donvito

you said you've defended some cases, what were they? i'd like a general idea of what someone like you with such sad experience would tolerate


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2003
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
You can type in any number of mundane search queries and get back a random pop-up of kiddie porn. If anyone tried to put me in jail for something like that I'd go out fighting you can be damn sure. Just because something is done doesn't mean it's right, or that we should follow/listen/obey it. Not encouraging viewing the stuff, just saying that at some point the people have to take control and let reason reign instead of tempers.
Odd you should mention that. I remember a case that was in the news a while ago; some guy was being charged with possession of child porn, and he was claiming that it was due to a virus on his computer that he couldn't get rid of. Now I can't remember the specifics, but his account seemed pretty convincing. I haven't heard anything about the case since, but regardless it raises a scary point.

May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: yukichigai
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
You can type in any number of mundane search queries and get back a random pop-up of kiddie porn. If anyone tried to put me in jail for something like that I'd go out fighting you can be damn sure. Just because something is done doesn't mean it's right, or that we should follow/listen/obey it. Not encouraging viewing the stuff, just saying that at some point the people have to take control and let reason reign instead of tempers.
Odd you should mention that. I remember a case that was in the news a while ago; some guy was being charged with possession of child porn, and he was claiming that it was due to a virus on his computer that he couldn't get rid of. Now I can't remember the specifics, but his account seemed pretty convincing. I haven't heard anything about the case since, but regardless it raises a scary point.

Exactly. My hope is that if I were ever hit with anything that since I've kept a record of reporting every instance (i think) to authorities that justice would prevail. If it didn't, I'd die before going to jail over something I didn't do, and I'd take the judge and the DA with me, I guarantee it.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2003
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Exactly. My hope is that if I were ever hit with anything that since I've kept a record of reporting every instance (i think) to authorities that justice would prevail. If it didn't, I'd die before going to jail over something I didn't do, and I'd take the judge and the DA with me, I guarantee it.
That, and I'm pretty sure if you called up the FBI and said "hey, there's this virus on my computer that keeps showing me child porn popups... you guys may want to take a look at this," I think it'd make you more believable. Letting them "catch" him was what got the gentleman in my example so deep in it, really.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands

Exactly. My hope is that if I were ever hit with anything that since I've kept a record of reporting every instance (i think) to authorities that justice would prevail. If it didn't, I'd die before going to jail over something I didn't do, and I'd take the judge and the DA with me, I guarantee it.

What are you implying - that you'd go on a murder/suicide spree rather than risk conviction on something you didn't do? No offense, but that sounds like madness to me. In that instance, the judge and DA would presumably just be doing their jobs, so I have a hard time seeing why they'd deserve to be killed.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2004
get your heads straight, there are far worse things in the world than pictures of children having sex. CP is morally wrong but is it really the governments place to be deciding people's morals and what they can and cannot view? It's a waste of taxpayer money to be honest...
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: DonVito
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands

Exactly. My hope is that if I were ever hit with anything that since I've kept a record of reporting every instance (i think) to authorities that justice would prevail. If it didn't, I'd die before going to jail over something I didn't do, and I'd take the judge and the DA with me, I guarantee it.

What are you implying - that you'd go on a murder/suicide spree rather than risk conviction on something you didn't do? No offense, but that sounds like madness to me. In that instance, the judge and DA would presumably just be doing their jobs, so I have a hard time seeing why they'd deserve to be killed.

*shrug* I will not go to prison for a crime I didn't commit. That's the absolute in this equation. I have a feeling that the authorities wouldn't want me to just walk away after the trial, that would result in a fight. My only option at that point is to kill or die. I'm willing to do either for what is right. If they managed to subdue me without killing me, I'd make it clear to them that for the rest of my life I would always be willing to kill anyone that stood between me and my freedom, so their only option is to kill me. I know 99.999999999999999% of the world would disagree with me, but that's how I feel about it. Unless I actually do something wrong, no one has the right to infringe on my freedoms. See, I have this issue with unjust confinement.


Dec 11, 2002
Somone going to prison for life is just too much, unless they're the one who took the pictures and made the pr0n, then that's totally wrong. They didn't harm anyone by downloading it. They're just fulfilling their uncontrollable sexual desires. To put them with the violent molestors is beyond cruel.

Originally posted by: slycat
in with minors 12-16 is nothing.

Where the hell did you get that from? :roll:


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: SuperTool
What if someone has CG images of child porn?
Should they also go to jail?
How about sex stories about having sex with kids?

no the supreme court ruled that CGI child porn is legal.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: virtualgames0
I think 2 years of prison per picture is too much, unless they're the one who took the pictures and made the pr0n, then that's totally wrong. They didn't harm anyone by downloading it. They're just fulfilling their uncontrollable sexual desires. To put them with the violent molestors is beyond cruel.

Originally posted by: slycat
in with minors 12-16 is nothing.

Where the hell did you get that from? :roll:

If you go to you'll find out that a huge number of countries allow sex down to 12-14. Trying to govern morality is largely a western/puritan thing.

Japan is 16-18 btw, not 12-16.


Nov 17, 2004
Originally posted by: DonVito
I suspect I've seen more child pornography than anyone here, and perhaps more than all of you put together. I have prosecuted a number of child porn cases, and defended a couple, so I've seen thousands of images of various child porn. I've also prosecuted a number of child molestation cases, including this one, the worst in the history of the Air Force.

All I can say is that time heals all wounds. I was quite troubled by seeing child pornography the first few times, particularly since the first case involved some images of very small children (3-4 years old) having sex with adult men. I was FAR more troubled by getting to know some kids who'd been subjected to systematic, horrific abuse, some of which was so extreme that it's hard for a normal, decent person even to imagine.

Seeing things like this creates meaningful trauma, and certainly rage as well. I remember fantasizing about killing one offender in particular, and frankly the best consolation for me is knowing he'll probably never be a free man again. For better or worse, however, the mind helps us get past trauma like this by forgetting it. Talk to your friends and family for support, and if you are still struggling with it, consider talking to a professional or spiritual advisor.

:thumbsup: I think I needed to hear 100% of that. Thanks dude.

- Melty
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands

*shrug* I will not go to prison for a crime I didn't commit. That's the absolute in this equation. I have a feeling that the authorities wouldn't want me to just walk away after the trial, that would result in a fight. My only option at that point is to kill or die. I'm willing to do either for what is right. If they managed to subdue me without killing me, I'd make it clear to them that for the rest of my life I would always be willing to kill anyone that stood between me and my freedom, so their only option is to kill me. I know 99.999999999999999% of the world would disagree with me, but that's how I feel about it. Unless I actually do something wrong, no one has the right to infringe on my freedoms. See, I have this issue with unjust confinement.

Ahem - this has got to be the dumbest thing I've read this week. You're being awfully melodramatic, but even if you're sincere about being unwilling to be subdued, killing a judge or DA would do you no good at all, except to the extent it would all but ensure you'd never be a free man again. All that would happen in this situation is you'd be forcefully (probably violently) subdued by bailiffs, and stand trial again for your acts of violence against the court. This is sheer silliness.

FWIW, it's not easy proving someone knowingly acquired or possessed computer pornography, and acquittals are not uncommon. Just last week, I watched my mother (a senior state district-court judge) acquit a man accused of manufacturing and distributing obscene material over a website. I find it almost wildly unlikely that anyone would be wrongfully convicted of possessing pornography by acquiring it through a virus, as long as his attorney was awake during the trial.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2003
Originally posted by: virtualgames0
Originally posted by: slycat
in with minors 12-16 is nothing.

Where the hell did you get that from? :roll:
Probably from glancing here. While the statement isn't exactly accurate, you can see the confusion.

For those of you too lazy to read the link: Japanese law says the sexual age of consent, nationally, is 13. However, the local governments can make "Welfare of Children" laws that can raise that age. In general the age at which they won't prosecute you is around 16-18, but that varies greatly from area to area.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2000
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: yukichigai
Originally posted by: SuperTool
What if someone has CG images of child porn?
Should they also go to jail?
How about sex stories about having sex with kids?
Stories are borderline illegal.

CG is borderline legal. Sometimes. Depends on where it's made, and if there's any out-and-out indication of age.

Still creepy.

I seem to recall cases on both. A guy was busted because he was writing FICTION of him having sex with underage girls. He was arrested for child molestation and child porno. He was found guilty but i think it was later overturned.

There was also a case that went to the SC about the CG images or maybe it was pictures where people took the heads of young girls and put it on womens bodies. Anyway the court found that it was NOT against the law to have such stuff.

On a related note to the CG issue...

There are numerous photobooks of nudists and nudist camps depicting children below the age of consent out there in the popular literature, probably sitting on the bookshelves of your local bookstore. It should be noted that these do not fall under the branch of pornography but rather something loosely equivocated to "erotica" because in themselves they are not pornographic in the sense they do not feature minors in sexual acts. I remember hearing about them a while back in the news - some B&N got protested or something.

Edit: Artistic nudity is more like it.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: DonVito
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands

*shrug* I will not go to prison for a crime I didn't commit. That's the absolute in this equation. I have a feeling that the authorities wouldn't want me to just walk away after the trial, that would result in a fight. My only option at that point is to kill or die. I'm willing to do either for what is right. If they managed to subdue me without killing me, I'd make it clear to them that for the rest of my life I would always be willing to kill anyone that stood between me and my freedom, so their only option is to kill me. I know 99.999999999999999% of the world would disagree with me, but that's how I feel about it. Unless I actually do something wrong, no one has the right to infringe on my freedoms. See, I have this issue with unjust confinement.

Ahem - this has got to be the dumbest thing I've read this week. You're being awfully melodramatic, but even if you're sincere about being unwilling to be subdued, killing a judge or DA would do you no good at all, except to the extent it would all but ensure you'd never be a free man again. All that would happen in this situation is you'd be forcefully (probably violently) subdued by bailiffs, and stand trial again for your acts of violence against the court. This is sheer silliness.

FWIW, it's not easy proving someone knowingly acquired or possessed computer pornography, and acquittals are not uncommon. Just last week, I watched my mother acquit a man accused of manufacturing and distributing obscene material over a website. I find it almost wildly unlikely that anyone would be wrongfully convicted of possessing pornography by acquiring it through a virus, as long as his attorney was awake during the trial.

That may be true, but in my experience the American justice system is so totally corrupted that I simply don't have that faith. It's morally reprehensible that I should be required to pay a man to keep myself out of prison for something I didn't do.

Furthermore, no one is FORCED to do something that's wrong. If a case is wrong, if a law unjust, a judge or attorney can simply choose not to take part in it. Yes, they'll likely lose their jobs over such actions, but a job is not more important than what's right or wrong. I have lost MANY jobs because I was told to do something I didn't believe in and refused. In my opinion, that is the only course of action for a good person to take. Should a lawyer/judge prosecute a case they don't believe in, they are in essence intentionally comitting the crime of wrongful prosecution. Wrongful not based on law, but on the justice and morality that law is supposed to represent. The system should never be allowed to become more than the intentions which created it.

It's really pretty fundamental.
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