China to 'boost' military spending


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 1999
Big deal, they raised their budget from a pathetic amount to a laughable amount.



Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Sing it with me!

The world today seems absolutely crackers,
With nuclear bombs to blow us all sky high.
There's fools and idiots sitting on the trigger.
It's depressing and it's senseless, and that's why...
I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
They only come up to your knees,
Yet they're always friendly, and they're ready to please.

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
There's nine hundred million of them in the world today.
You'd better learn to like them; that's what I say.

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
They come from a long way overseas,
But they're cute and they're cuddly, and they're ready to please.

I like Chinese food.
The waiters never are rude.
Think of the many things they've done to impress.
There's Maoism, Taoism, I Ching, and Chess.

So I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
I like their tiny little trees,
Their Zen, their ping-pong, their yin, and yang-ese.

I like Chinese thought,
The wisdom that Confucious taught.
If Darwin is anything to shout about,
The Chinese will survive us all without any doubt.

So, I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
They only come up to your knees,
Yet they're wise and they're witty, and they're ready to please.

All together.

[verse in Chinese]
Wo ai zhongguo ren. (I like Chinese.)
Wo ai zhongguo ren. (I like Chinese.)
Wo ai zhongguo ren. (I like Chinese.)
Ni hao ma; ni hao ma; ni hao ma; zaijien! (How are you; how are you; how are you; goodbye!)

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
Their food is guaranteed to please,
A fourteen, a seven, a nine, and lychees.

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
I like their tiny little trees,
Their Zen, their ping-pong, their yin, and yang-ese.

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
They only come up to your knees...


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Tame the tiger? America'll never need to. China will never modernize and come up with the ambition to expand beyond their own borders in time. That ambition will be completely cancelled out by their financial interests as they continue to integrate into the world economy.


Jul 21, 2000
China really doesnt need to boost defense spending. In my china world power senario, china will take over the world by out manufacturing all the other companies, esp the USA. We dont make anthing anymore.. other than , Grains, Pharmacutical drugs, worlds best tobacco, a few cars and lots of WEAPONS. As for general consumer items, i dont know of anything that i own or use on a daily basis that's made in the US, other than my 93 honda accord.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2002
Originally posted by: yllus
Tame the tiger? America'll never need to. China will never modernize and come up with the ambition to expand beyond their own borders in time. That ambition will be completely cancelled out by their financial interests as they continue to integrate into the world economy.

They're modern enough for space exploration and the technological improvements needed to modernize the military is only a stones throw away. You have to consider that with China's manufacturing capability, the technology and engineering know-how is being thrown at them in terms of global information exchange.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Grizybaer
China really doesnt need to boost defense spending. In my china world power senario, china will take over the world by out manufacturing all the other companies, esp the USA. We dont make anthing anymore.. other than , Grains, Pharmacutical drugs, worlds best tobacco, a few cars and lots of WEAPONS. As for general consumer items, i dont know of anything that i own or use on a daily basis that's made in the US, other than my 93 honda accord.
Your China world power scenario is incredibly flawed.

China will take over the world by out-manufacturing? Good luck to them if they try! Manufacturing is outsourced because those jobs and technology is easily exportable - these aren't typically high paying jobs that require much skill. But guess where all the design houses for companies like Intel and AMD still are?

What is China going to do if they absorb all manufacturing jobs everywhere, try to increase their profit margin by inflating prices? Again, good luck to them if they try! Those jobs are exported to China solely because it's cheap. What do you think will happen when it's no longer cheap? Those jobs move on and China dries up.

In today's economy, brains are far more important than sheer brawn. Your scenario needs serious work.
Originally posted by: J0hnny
They're modern enough for space exploration and the technological improvements needed to modernize the military is only a stones throw away. You have to consider that with China's manufacturing capability, the technology and engineering know-how is being thrown at them in terms of global information exchange.
Space exploration technology is 1960s fare. While China's manufacturing capability is undisputed, lemme know when they come anywhere close to being a market leader in technology or engineering. IMO they aren't anywhere close.

Furthermore, as I said, as those professionals do start to stay home in China instead of flock to America for employment and status, they'll require a global outlook and access to world communications equipment to keep up. Sort of the antithesis of a state able to wage war on its neighbours and key trading partners.


Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: Grizybaer
China really doesnt need to boost defense spending. In my china world power senario, china will take over the world by out manufacturing all the other companies, esp the USA. We dont make anthing anymore.. other than , Grains, Pharmacutical drugs, worlds best tobacco, a few cars and lots of WEAPONS. As for general consumer items, i dont know of anything that i own or use on a daily basis that's made in the US, other than my 93 honda accord.
Your China world power scenario is incredibly flawed.

China will take over the world by out-manufacturing? Good luck to them if they try! Manufacturing is outsourced because those jobs and technology is easily exportable - these aren't typically high paying jobs that require much skill. But guess where all the design houses for companies like Intel and AMD still are?

What is China going to do if they absorb all manufacturing jobs everywhere, try to increase their profit margin by inflating prices? Again, good luck to them if they try! Those jobs are exported to China solely because it's cheap. What do you think will happen when it's no longer cheap? Those jobs move on and China dries up.

In today's economy, brains are far more important than sheer brawn. Your scenario needs serious work.

So China absorbs most manufacturing jobs. Economy and quality-of-life improves. Middle class and white collar jobs develop. Manufacturing jobs move to cheaper areas (possibly Africa). That is how many developing economies work. Why would China be any different?


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: MrChad
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: Grizybaer
China really doesnt need to boost defense spending. In my china world power senario, china will take over the world by out manufacturing all the other companies, esp the USA. We dont make anthing anymore.. other than , Grains, Pharmacutical drugs, worlds best tobacco, a few cars and lots of WEAPONS. As for general consumer items, i dont know of anything that i own or use on a daily basis that's made in the US, other than my 93 honda accord.
Your China world power scenario is incredibly flawed.

China will take over the world by out-manufacturing? Good luck to them if they try! Manufacturing is outsourced because those jobs and technology is easily exportable - these aren't typically high paying jobs that require much skill. But guess where all the design houses for companies like Intel and AMD still are?

What is China going to do if they absorb all manufacturing jobs everywhere, try to increase their profit margin by inflating prices? Again, good luck to them if they try! Those jobs are exported to China solely because it's cheap. What do you think will happen when it's no longer cheap? Those jobs move on and China dries up.

In today's economy, brains are far more important than sheer brawn. Your scenario needs serious work.

So China absorbs most manufacturing jobs. Economy and quality-of-life improves. Middle class and white collar jobs develop. Manufacturing jobs move to cheaper areas (possibly Africa). That is how many developing economies work. Why would China be any different?
When did I say it would be any different? The point is China would never have the chance to leverage manufacturing capability into any nefarious purposes. In short: If they play their game, they get left behind and we have no reason to fear them. If they play our game, they become like us and we have no reason to fear them. This "take over the world" crap is completely faulty.


Jul 8, 2000
I'm not going to wast my breath here because yllus obviously has a firm grasp on reality and the truth of the situation so my ramblings would be redundant anyway.


Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: yllus
When did I say it would be any different? The point is China would never have the chance to leverage manufacturing capability into any nefarious purposes. In short: If they play their game, they get left behind and we have no reason to fear them. If they play our game, they become like us and we have no reason to fear them. This "take over the world" crap is completely faulty.

What do mean by "their game" versus "our game"? China's economy is growing at blistering speeds. They are already powerful on the global market because of their enormous consumer population. Add wealth to the equation and they will be a force to be reckoned with.

The U.S. is the economic and military powerhouse in the world and wants to keep it that way. While we may have good relations with China now, our ideologies still differ vastly, and we should be wary of any increase in their military arsenal.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Said it in P&N, I'll say it here
We dont need to tame them. Their playing technology catchup, and for the most part always will be. Especially if we get the Raptors off the production lines and onto the tarmacs, we'll be decades ahead of the Chinese in air power, our submarines are already the best the world has ever seen. Our surface fleets are probably our weakest link, but even those are very advanced as well.
Nothing to worry about really.


Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Said it in P&N, I'll say it here
We dont need to tame them. Their playing technology catchup, and for the most part always will be. Especially if we get the Raptors off the production lines and onto the tarmacs, we'll be decades ahead of the Chinese in air power, our submarines are already the best the world has ever seen. Our surface fleets are probably our weakest link, but even those are very advanced as well.
Nothing to worry about really.

At the very least, we should leverage China's desire for additional military power to help push a human rights agenda and other beefs we have with them.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2002
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Said it in P&N, I'll say it here
We dont need to tame them. Their playing technology catchup, and for the most part always will be. Especially if we get the Raptors off the production lines and onto the tarmacs, we'll be decades ahead of the Chinese in air power, our submarines are already the best the world has ever seen. Our surface fleets are probably our weakest link, but even those are very advanced as well.
Nothing to worry about really.

That is until China builds supercarriers and mobile missile launching platforms! Anyone ever read "Invasion"?


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Grey
Big deal, they raised their budget from a pathetic amount to a laughable amount.

Their spending is large,

From what I've learned in a class about Chinese foreign policy just this semester, their military is still quite far behind ours. Hell, they can't even defend their own commercial ships (this is largely done by the US).

They're an economic giant, not a military giant. Their policy is peaceful development and cooperation, though they aren't very friendly to Taiwan. Their highest priority is making money, you could say they are more capitalist than the US. Economic success keeps the CCP regime afloat and they know this.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: J0hnny
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Said it in P&N, I'll say it here
We dont need to tame them. Their playing technology catchup, and for the most part always will be. Especially if we get the Raptors off the production lines and onto the tarmacs, we'll be decades ahead of the Chinese in air power, our submarines are already the best the world has ever seen. Our surface fleets are probably our weakest link, but even those are very advanced as well.
Nothing to worry about really.

That is until China builds supercarriers and mobile missile launching platforms! Anyone ever read "Invasion"?

Still wont matter. Our Raptors can target, fire and leave before they even know their in the area. Our Raptors will have the capability to supercruise at Mach 1.5, faster then any other jet at Supercruise as far as I know. Our Raptors will have the ability to hand weapons control over to AWACS to have the AWACS target and fire all missles at individual targets, and can also slave another Raptor to their own radar control such that 1 raptor can target and fire 2 Raptors weapons loadouts at 16 unique targets.

The Chinese have NOTHING that can counter the Raptor, in fact no nation on Earth does. America is the defacto leader in stealth technology, both in the air and under the sea. If our Air Force cant knock out anything China has in the water (Because it CAN knock out anything they have in the air barring missles) then our subs will make quick coral reefs out of the Chinese Navy.

No to toot the Raptor horn but its going to give America such an edge in battle as to be nearly invincible.


Jul 21, 2000
It may be so that all the design is done here but more and more, our engineering and tech jobs are being out sourced too. Tech jobs here are eh, not looking as good as it use to, link to article

Meanwhile, government leaders say " we're moving into a services oriented workforce"
While that sounds great, americans arent getting any smarter, relative to the rest of the world. Yes college attendence is up and more people are graduating, but in other countries, their educational progress is much greater. Talking to international students, i find that while they consider our houses of higher education superior, they learn alot more in their high schools and middle schools, realms of basic public education.

I love my country although i may not always like its leaders, i love its fundamentals. Investments in our nations education yields returns like no other. An well educated young adult is less likely to be involved in violent crimes and more likely to hold a job where he would pay taxes. Lower crime means fewer jails and fewer cases in criminal courts, fewer ER visits for stabbings, shootings, all saving the government and incuring returns through his taxable income.

oh, i went to RPI and studied Computer Engineering and Comp Sci. The International students from india and china are insanely hard workers. they'd spank all of us.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2002
Originally posted by: Grizybaer
The International students from india and china are insanely hard workers. they'd spank all of us.

Agree with you 100% there. Their work and study ethics seem to be at another level compared to the majority of home-bred Americans.
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