Chinese income tax.


Sep 26, 2000

It's actually quite difficult to find the personal income tax rates in China, but this page seems consistent with what I have found on other sites.
Basically, if you make more than 100,000 yuan (about 14,000 US dollars) you pay 45 percent.

So, in many states in the US you pay less in income taxes than you do in China.

Hmmm..... I guess a high tax rate is not killing China's economy.


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2000
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?


Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?
I guess I'm suggesting people who claim we are being taxed to death and that "high" taxation is the problem with the US economy don't seem to recognize that its not true.
I also have not read about wealthy people leaving China to go to countries with lower taxes.



Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?

I like it when conservatives deny china is a communist country when talking about their red hot economy in general but when it comes to taxes we can't be like them 'commies'.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: techs

It's actually quite difficult to find the personal income tax rates in China, but this page seems consistent with what I have found on other sites.
Basically, if you make more than 100,000 yuan (about 14,000 US dollars) you pay 45 percent.

So, in many states in the US you pay less in income taxes than you do in China.

Hmmm..... I guess a high tax rate is not killing China's economy.

How about you send in 45% of your personal income to the federal gov't and let us know how that affects your personal economy? There's certainly no law against overpaying taxes, so feel free to lead by example.


Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?

I like it when conservatives deny china is a communist country when talking about their red hot economy in general but when it comes to taxes we can't be like them 'commies'.

hehe. I love it when the lies of the right wing wackos are exposed!
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?
I guess I'm suggesting people who claim we are being taxed to death and that "high" taxation is the problem with the US economy don't seem to recognize that its not true.
I also have not read about wealthy people leaving China to go to countries with lower taxes.

Because in China, just like the US, the rich know how to avoid paying those taxes.

If you're fine paying higher taxes, go ahead and pay my taxes for me.
High taxation is the problem. The government doesn't need more money to fund more bridges to nowhere. The government needs to be smaller and less obtrusive in our day to day lives.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
I suppose if the US' economy was anything like Chinas this may be a relevant point, but since it's not...


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?
I guess I'm suggesting people who claim we are being taxed to death and that "high" taxation is the problem with the US economy don't seem to recognize that its not true.
I also have not read about wealthy people leaving China to go to countries with lower taxes.

Because in China, just like the US, the rich know how to avoid paying those taxes.

If you're fine paying higher taxes, go ahead and pay my taxes for me.
High taxation is the problem. The government doesn't need more money to fund more bridges to nowhere. The government needs to be smaller and less obtrusive in our day to day lives.

Except for the defense budget and social issues.
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?

I like it when conservatives deny china is a communist country when talking about their red hot economy in general but when it comes to taxes we can't be like them 'commies'.

hehe. I love it when the lies of the right wing wackos are exposed!

Much like when debunking the outright bullshit of left wing nut jobs


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?

I like it when conservatives deny china is a communist country when talking about their red hot economy in general but when it comes to taxes we can't be like them 'commies'.

I think it's funny that people like you throw a label on someone when they know absolutely nothing about them.

Substitute "Communist Country" with "China" if it makes you feel better .... I really don't give a shit. My point is because a country mandates their people to pay almost half their earnings to the state doesn't mean we should. I wonder what the Chinese people think about their tax rate? I'm sure their not pleased about it.


Golden Member
May 15, 2009
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?
I guess I'm suggesting people who claim we are being taxed to death and that "high" taxation is the problem with the US economy don't seem to recognize that its not true.
I also have not read about wealthy people leaving China to go to countries with lower taxes.
I know many people who rightfully blame the combination of out-of-control excessive spending and high taxes for our economic woes, but only the daft would believe the problems are only due to one of the two factors.


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?

I like it when conservatives deny china is a communist country when talking about their red hot economy in general but when it comes to taxes we can't be like them 'commies'.

hehe. I love it when the lies of the right wing wackos are exposed!

Ok, I guess I don't get it. You are calling me a right wing wacko? And I lied about what?
This is rich ..... you are another hack in the same league as your buddy phokus.
I am not right wing by any stretch of the imagination ........ but then again I guess anyone would be to the right of you so I take it back.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?

I like it when conservatives deny china is a communist country when talking about their red hot economy in general but when it comes to taxes we can't be like them 'commies'.

hehe. I love it when the lies of the right wing wackos are exposed!

Much like when debunking the outright bullshit of left wing nut jobs

Wow, that graph is total ownage of tax and spend liberals. Even when the highest tax bracket was 91%!, the tax revenue as a % of GDP was almost exactly the same as now, when the highest tax bracket is 35%. In fact, tax revenue as a % of GDP has always remained pretty much the same, showing that higher taxes does not lead to more revenue.

The premise of this entire thread is garbage. techs just throws out troll posts to get people bickering. He takes one point (the fact that China's current top tax bracket is 10% higher than ours) and makes the fallacious correlation that higher taxes are a good thing or the only factor that affects an economy.

How many people in China fall into the highest tax bracket? That information is, of course, conspicuously absent from techs' post. I'd reckon that with the incredibly low wages paid to most workers in China, that most wouldn't even pull in $14,000 US.

Also, techs, why no information about the CORPORATE tax on China? He makes the false assumption (surprise) that the only tax that affects an economy is the personal income tax. What about import/export taxes, tariffs, trade laws, etc? Of course, not mentioned, just so he can try and falsely ram his typical liberal drivel.

The reason China's economy is booming is varied, but one of the main reasons why they are successful is because they are doing everything we used to do. Does China have a ridiculous cap and trade bill that cripples its economy for the myth of "global warming/climate change/whatever they change the name to this week once the 'science' has been debunked"? No.

Do they have powerful and tyrannical labor unions demanding $70,000 a year plus lifetime benefits for someone to push a broom? No.

Before the lefties try and put words in my mouth, I am NOT saying that how China treats its employees and the environment is completely right. The best way is in the middle of them and us. The point is that China has developed a very business-friendly economy, while ours is becoming more and more hostile for a business to grow and make money.


Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: rudder
I wonder what the average Chinese worker makes? I bet it is not $14,000 year. So basically it is just like the U.S.... the higher wage earners pay the bulk of the taxes.

But their economy is dying due to excessive taxation...wait, err..errr..



No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: rudder
I wonder what the average Chinese worker makes? I bet it is not $14,000 year. So basically it is just like the U.S.... the higher wage earners pay the bulk of the taxes.

But their economy is dying due to excessive taxation...wait, err..errr..
Would you say China's economy is good? I'd say it sucks sh*t and so would most of the people in that country. Magnitudes more people live there than in the US (4X) and it has a tiny fraction of the GDP (1/4th).



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: rudder
I wonder what the average Chinese worker makes? I bet it is not $14,000 year. So basically it is just like the U.S.... the higher wage earners pay the bulk of the taxes.

So the avg urban worker is making a quarter of Tech's basis of argument. I bet rural makes a fraction of that. Basically as usual Techs takes one meaningless number, fuses it with another, lets the information roll around in his brain for a fraction of second and spits out what ever comes to his mind first. No surprise Jokus joins in. I am beginning to believe Jokus is Techs son.


Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: rudder
I wonder what the average Chinese worker makes? I bet it is not $14,000 year. So basically it is just like the U.S.... the higher wage earners pay the bulk of the taxes.

So the avg urban worker is making a quarter of Tech's basis of argument. I bet rural makes a fraction of that. Basically as usual Techs takes one meaningless number, fuses it with another, lets the information roll around in his brain for a fraction of second and spits out what ever comes to his mind first. No surprise Jokus joins in. I am beginning to believe Jokus is Techs son.
So, you are saying that not only are the rich taxed at about US rates the poor are taxed even more?



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: rudder
I wonder what the average Chinese worker makes? I bet it is not $14,000 year. So basically it is just like the U.S.... the higher wage earners pay the bulk of the taxes.

So the avg urban worker is making a quarter of Tech's basis of argument. I bet rural makes a fraction of that. Basically as usual Techs takes one meaningless number, fuses it with another, lets the information roll around in his brain for a fraction of second and spits out what ever comes to his mind first. No surprise Jokus joins in. I am beginning to believe Jokus is Techs son.
So, you are saying that not only are the rich taxed at about US rates the poor are taxed even more?



Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2002
My Chinese friends told me that for white collar workers in China, some of them are given valuable non-taxable benefits to avoid income tax. So, in essence, their income tax rate isn't as high as you'd think.



Golden Member
Mar 29, 2006
Originally posted by: tk149
My Chinese friends told me that for white collar workers in China, some of them are given valuable non-taxable benefits to avoid income tax. So, in essence, their income tax rate isn't as high as you'd think.

Looks like Teck got powned again... I had a friend from china who owned a purse making company.. He never complained about his income taxes -- he told me there are ways around the "official income tax" rate.


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: RyanPaulShaffer
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Skitzer
So you're suggesting that we pay income tax comparable to a Communist Country?

I like it when conservatives deny china is a communist country when talking about their red hot economy in general but when it comes to taxes we can't be like them 'commies'.

hehe. I love it when the lies of the right wing wackos are exposed!

Much like when debunking the outright bullshit of left wing nut jobs

Wow, that graph is total ownage of tax and spend liberals. Even when the highest tax bracket was 91%!, the tax revenue as a % of GDP was almost exactly the same as now, when the highest tax bracket is 35%. In fact, tax revenue as a % of GDP has always remained pretty much the same, showing that higher taxes does not lead to more revenue.

The premise of this entire thread is garbage. techs just throws out troll posts to get people bickering. He takes one point (the fact that China's current top tax bracket is 10% higher than ours) and makes the fallacious correlation that higher taxes are a good thing or the only factor that affects an economy.

How many people in China fall into the highest tax bracket? That information is, of course, conspicuously absent from techs' post. I'd reckon that with the incredibly low wages paid to most workers in China, that most wouldn't even pull in $14,000 US.

Also, techs, why no information about the CORPORATE tax on China? He makes the false assumption (surprise) that the only tax that affects an economy is the personal income tax. What about import/export taxes, tariffs, trade laws, etc? Of course, not mentioned, just so he can try and falsely ram his typical liberal drivel.

The reason China's economy is booming is varied, but one of the main reasons why they are successful is because they are doing everything we used to do. Does China have a ridiculous cap and trade bill that cripples its economy for the myth of "global warming/climate change/whatever they change the name to this week once the 'science' has been debunked"? No.

Do they have powerful and tyrannical labor unions demanding $70,000 a year plus lifetime benefits for someone to push a broom? No.

Before the lefties try and put words in my mouth, I am NOT saying that how China treats its employees and the environment is completely right. The best way is in the middle of them and us. The point is that China has developed a very business-friendly economy, while ours is becoming more and more hostile for a business to grow and make money.

when the total share of income receive by people in the top bracket increases dramatically (as it has) you can dramatically cuts taxes and maintain the taxes as % of gdp paid by the top x% The WSJ is being very disingenuous in its argument there and its very easy refuted.

sorry you suck at basic math so much bro.

china is growing rapidly because the are in the stage where every country grows rapidly, just like japan in the 60's/70's/80's or korea in the 90's/00's.
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