Chorus of Islamic followers freak out about Pope's comments

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Nov 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: tvarad
Aimster writes:

"Israel acted too harsh and used excessive force."

Well, it's time that you figured out that war is not a beauty contest.

There are rules to war.
of course you do not know that.

You do not go around bombing apartment buildings .....

Funny you speak of rules to war, when those you defend play by no rules. What rule of war allows suicide bombing of women and children in public places like reasturants and train stations? Then hide amongst women and children in hospitals and schools and places of worship to protect themselves from retaliation.



Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Aimster
After about an hour nobody has shown me any religious Muslim leader speaking out against non-Muslims

After about an hour nobody has shown me any religious Muslim leader speaking out against non-Muslims

After about an hour nobody has shown me any religious Muslim leader speaking out against non-Muslims

After about an hour nobody has shown me any religious Muslim leader speaking out against non-Muslims

All I get instead are .. blah blah blah .. inventions.. blah blah blah.. Israel-U.S relations .. blah blah ... oil... blah blah .. suicide bombings...blah blah blah....Arab world.. blah blah..

The thread topic is the Pope saying something against Muslims. Therefore, I am trying to link a major religious Muslim leader in saying the same thing. Yet, people have decided to twist things around because they are filled with hate and misinformation-knowledge

Sorry I'm late, just got here.

I believe this qualifies as "speaking out against" and the source is from a "religious Mulsim leader"...

"Christian Zionists are a group who adopted Satan as god who drives their crazy nature. They have praised depravity and cursed virtue, they have turned the moral scale upside down and have reached [a point] in which forgery, deception and lying have turned into descriptions of world policy, which is led by the Zionism on both its branches ? the Jewish and the Christian." - Cleric Hamed Al-Tamimi, director of inter-religious dialogue for the Palestenian Authority's Judicial Council.

Taken from:

In your retort you are of course welcome to discredit the above quote for whatever reason but rest assured it was not a difficult google and there are plenty more. I'm sort of surpised that it was even necessary to go find a quote to demonstrate this. Also know that I am already aware of equally horrindous quotes that can be found coming Christians regarding Muslims.

The Pope's sermon when taken as a whole is not actually even about Muslims let alone against them. Nobody is, of course looking at the entire Sermon. I also think his sermon only qualifies as inflamatory rhetoric when reduced to it's single out of context quote who's words are not even his own:

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached"

These words were said by Emperor Manual II Paleologos of the Byzantine Empire (1391-1425). Although ~600 years old do these words still sting even today? Is it because the words are so far from the truth or because they are uncomfortably close to the truth?

Let's ask Abdul Rahman what he thinks..

As a trivial side topic regarding the (quite silly) ?invention argument? you found yourself caught in earlier...
Originally posted by: Aimster
I want to know what invention "Christians" made that was so significant that it blew the rest of the world away."

How about: The Automobile.
Invented by Henry Ford, a Christian (and some say anti-semite?). Actually another Christian disputes Ford's claim as the original inventor but since both were Christian it doesn't really matter for the purposes of answering your question.

I'm being ignored.

Do I have to say something hateful and ignorant to get a response around here???

Youre not being ignored.

A Muslim cleric is not a religious leader.

the Pope is comparable to an Ayatollah.

The Palestinian clerics are ... not religious leaders but rather Palestinian "speakers" who create BS. They dont represent anyone in the Muslim world. The only people they represent are the people in their villages.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: GuitarDaddy
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: tvarad
Aimster writes:

"Israel acted too harsh and used excessive force."

Well, it's time that you figured out that war is not a beauty contest.

There are rules to war.
of course you do not know that.

You do not go around bombing apartment buildings .....

Funny you speak of rules to war, when those you defend play by no rules. What rule of war allows suicide bombing of women and children in public places like reasturants and train stations? Then hide amongst women and children in hospitals and schools and places of worship to protect themselves from retaliation.

& that has what to do with Hezbollah??

I'm waiting for your response.


Nov 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: dna
Originally posted by: Aimster
Israel acted too harsh and used excessive force. If you are denying this then you are obviously biased towards your own country which is fine .. but when the hell do you ever disagree with Israel?

Hezbollah had more than 14,000 rockets; it fired more than 4,000; it had built many bunkers; it had built many tunnels and some of them were to go under the border.

After the month-long war many of the rocket stockpiles have been destroyed, the bunkers and tunnels TNTed.

Excessive reponse? Methinks not.

Given more time, Hezbollah would've only been in a better position.

Hezbollah is not weakened. They still have thousands of rockets able to hit Israel. Even on the last days they were launching 200-500 missiles a day. The same as the first days of the war.

There is no evidence they are weakened. If anything they are now stronger.

What are the people in the South going to do now that they are out of jobs and need to feed their families? Only option is to turn to Hezbollah.

Oh you mean the poor people who supported Hezbollah and their ideals and elected them to positions of power in Lebanon? They deserve what they get


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: GuitarDaddy
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: dna
Originally posted by: Aimster
Israel acted too harsh and used excessive force. If you are denying this then you are obviously biased towards your own country which is fine .. but when the hell do you ever disagree with Israel?

Hezbollah had more than 14,000 rockets; it fired more than 4,000; it had built many bunkers; it had built many tunnels and some of them were to go under the border.

After the month-long war many of the rocket stockpiles have been destroyed, the bunkers and tunnels TNTed.

Excessive reponse? Methinks not.

Given more time, Hezbollah would've only been in a better position.

Hezbollah is not weakened. They still have thousands of rockets able to hit Israel. Even on the last days they were launching 200-500 missiles a day. The same as the first days of the war.

There is no evidence they are weakened. If anything they are now stronger.

What are the people in the South going to do now that they are out of jobs and need to feed their families? Only option is to turn to Hezbollah.

Oh you mean the poor people who supported Hezbollah and their ideals and elected them to positions of power in Lebanon? They deserve what they get

They didnt even get the majority of the vote or hold enough seats in the govt to make a difference so lets bomb all of them, right?


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: raildogg
Originally posted by: dna
Originally posted by: raildogg
Or when Israel dropped bombs and killed countless people in Lebanon, or how America has killed thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Please, lets not try to toss out these things that serve no purpose.

No purpose indeed......

In Lebanon there was no reporting of Hezbollah's dead, so they must not have lost any, while Afghanistan was the training ground for many Jihadists.

In Lebanon, hezbollah is healing wounds while Israel is creating new wounds and opening up old ones. Ask yourself why Afghanistan was the training ground for many Jihadists. There has to be a reason ...

Hezbollah is healing woulds??? Thats a new twist on mis--information...sad


Sep 28, 2002

Scientific progress has little to do with religion, and more with logisitics of food production and the ability to be able to sit and "think".


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Aimster
After about an hour nobody has shown me any religious Muslim leader speaking out against non-Muslims

After about an hour nobody has shown me any religious Muslim leader speaking out against non-Muslims

After about an hour nobody has shown me any religious Muslim leader speaking out against non-Muslims

After about an hour nobody has shown me any religious Muslim leader speaking out against non-Muslims

All I get instead are .. blah blah blah .. inventions.. blah blah blah.. Israel-U.S relations .. blah blah ... oil... blah blah .. suicide bombings...blah blah blah....Arab world.. blah blah..

The thread topic is the Pope saying something against Muslims. Therefore, I am trying to link a major religious Muslim leader in saying the same thing. Yet, people have decided to twist things around because they are filled with hate and misinformation-knowledge

Sorry I'm late, just got here.

I believe this qualifies as "speaking out against" and the source is from a "religious Mulsim leader"...

"Christian Zionists are a group who adopted Satan as god who drives their crazy nature. They have praised depravity and cursed virtue, they have turned the moral scale upside down and have reached [a point] in which forgery, deception and lying have turned into descriptions of world policy, which is led by the Zionism on both its branches ? the Jewish and the Christian." - Cleric Hamed Al-Tamimi, director of inter-religious dialogue for the Palestenian Authority's Judicial Council.

Taken from:

In your retort you are of course welcome to discredit the above quote for whatever reason but rest assured it was not a difficult google and there are plenty more. I'm sort of surpised that it was even necessary to go find a quote to demonstrate this. Also know that I am already aware of equally horrindous quotes that can be found coming Christians regarding Muslims.

The Pope's sermon when taken as a whole is not actually even about Muslims let alone against them. Nobody is, of course looking at the entire Sermon. I also think his sermon only qualifies as inflamatory rhetoric when reduced to it's single out of context quote who's words are not even his own:

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached"

These words were said by Emperor Manual II Paleologos of the Byzantine Empire (1391-1425). Although ~600 years old do these words still sting even today? Is it because the words are so far from the truth or because they are uncomfortably close to the truth?

Let's ask Abdul Rahman what he thinks..

As a trivial side topic regarding the (quite silly) ?invention argument? you found yourself caught in earlier...
Originally posted by: Aimster
I want to know what invention "Christians" made that was so significant that it blew the rest of the world away."

How about: The Automobile.
Invented by Henry Ford, a Christian (and some say anti-semite?). Actually another Christian disputes Ford's claim as the original inventor but since both were Christian it doesn't really matter for the purposes of answering your question.

I'm being ignored.

Do I have to say something hateful and ignorant to get a response around here???

Youre not being ignored.

A Muslim cleric is not a religious leader.

the Pope is comparable to an Ayatollah.

The Palestinian clerics are ... not religious leaders but rather Palestinian "speakers" who create BS. They dont represent anyone in the Muslim world. The only people they represent are the people in their villages.

Hm. A Muslim cleric is not a religious leader? I suppose that would be like saying a Priest is not a religious leader. I?m not sure I totally agree but in the case of a particularly obnoxious Palestenian Cleric I will concede that he may only be representing a small portion of his faith in much the same way Pat Roberts does.

I think, however, that you are merely changing the rules of the game after realizing you lost. You spent a great deal of effort (or spam) throwing down the challenge to find a ?religious Muslim leader? speaking against non-Muslims and only after a response was given have decided to be more specific with ?an Ayatollah?. If you meant ?Ayatollah? in the first place why didn?t you say so?

No matter.

Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati was quoted as saying, ?"Humans who follow anything but Islam are the same as those animals who wander about and graze on the earth and commit corruption." Another translation of the quote reads, "sinful animals who roam the earth and engage in corruption?

Those were his own words and not quoted from some long dead Byzantine Emperor. They are also words that would likely spark worldwide protest and violence if said against Islam by a Jewish or Christian leader of similar stature.

I believe I have now satisfied your demand for an example of a religious Muslim leader speaking out against non-Muslims. As I feel you bent the rules of your challenge once already if you wish to further dispute this point I would ask for more than a casual dismissal of well documented facts.

In return for my acquiescence to your request would you now answer my earlier question that you ignored?

Do the words the Pope quote sting because the words are so far from the truth or because they are uncomfortably close to the truth? Is the death penalty for apostasy issued in modern times not a method to ?spread by the sword the faith he preached??

I myself strongly agree with a quote written by Ravi Zacharias,
?The freedom to believe?or not?is one of the most sacred privileges of the human mind.?

Christians painfully learned the value of this freedom during the Inquisition. It seems modern Islam has not yet embraced the idea. Muslims becoming outraged (or even violent) when someone does not believe as they do demonstrates this.

If God did not want you to have free will he would not have given it. Do not attempt to steal from another man one of God?s greatest gifts.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: magomago

Scientific progress has little to do with religion, and more with logisitics of food production and the ability to be able to sit and "think".

Uh, beavis what the hell are you talking about?

If you are referring to that retarded "invention" discussion earlier, please leave me out of it. I answered someone's question but have no interest in debating what religion has more inventive people. Let the people who decided to make the latest season of "Survivor" into a contest between races engage in such negative and counter productive discussion.

hehe besides, the inventions in the last 500 years that would most likely "blow us away" do not belong to either Christians or Muslims. Just ask Edward Teller or Robert Oppenheimer.

but seriously...leave me out of that crap.

Buck Armstrong

Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: tvarad
Aimster writes:

"Israel acted too harsh and used excessive force."

Well, it's time that you figured out that war is not a beauty contest.

There are rules to war.
of course you do not know that.

You do not go around bombing apartment buildings .....

No, there are rules of war for the West, but they do not apply to the Arab Muslim world. We are expected to avoid civilian casualties, while they specifically target civilians. We possess the power to easily wipe out their major cities in a matter of hours; if they had the same capability, Israel and half of America would not exist. Now what does that tell you?

I've read your posts for the past year, and you're too smart to play the ignorant hypocrite.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: tvarad
Aimster writes:

"Israel acted too harsh and used excessive force."

Well, it's time that you figured out that war is not a beauty contest.

There are rules to war.
of course you do not know that.

You do not go around bombing apartment buildings .....

No, there are rules of war for the West, but they do not apply to the Arab Muslim world. We are expected to avoid civilian casualties, while they specifically target civilians. We possess the power to easily wipe out their major cities in a matter of hours; if they had the same capability, Israel and half of America would not exist. Now what does that tell you?

I've read your posts for the past year, and you're too smart to play the ignorant hypocrite.

I'm convinced he's trolling on purpose, and doesn't actually believe most of the vomit he's spewing all over us.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: magomago

Scientific progress has little to do with religion, and more with logisitics of food production and the ability to be able to sit and "think".

Uh, beavis what the hell are you talking about?

If you are referring to that retarded "invention" discussion earlier, please leave me out of it. I answered someone's question but have no interest in debating what religion has more inventive people. Let the people who decided to make the latest season of "Survivor" into a contest between races engage in such negative and counter productive discussion.

hehe besides, the inventions in the last 500 years that would most likely "blow us away" do not belong to either Christians or Muslims. Just ask Edward Teller or Robert Oppenheimer.

but seriously...leave me out of that crap.

Ug, daggumit I can't leave your quote above alone.

As a general rule I almost totally agree with you. Religion has little to do with scientific progress. But there have been times in history when religion has gotten in the way of scientific progress regarding very specific topics that overlapped with religious beliefs. Heliocentrism is a classic example. I think science is getting a bit of payback these days by getting in the way of religious progress. It almost seems science will revoke your "smart" card if you succumb to the belief that the Universe might actually exist because a being decided to create it.

But again let me bow out of that "invention" discussion. It is interesting to me to discuss differences between races, religions, sexes, you name it. What I don't like to engage in is a "who's better" discussion. Different doesn't mean better and that discussion was heading towards some "what religion has the smartest people" argument.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
I'm convinced he's trolling on purpose, and doesn't actually believe most of the vomit he's spewing all over us.

I'm suspicious of this as well.

I've given my quota of thought to the discussion. Unless I get some thoughtful and meaningful response to my last post I'll likely just bow out.

This thread is my first trip back to P&N in a long time and I've quickly remembered why I left. Anand should just create a "Ignorant Flame" forum and just let people duke it out.



Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
I'm convinced he's trolling on purpose, and doesn't actually believe most of the vomit he's spewing all over us.

I'm suspicious of this as well.

I've given my quota of thought to the discussion. Unless I get some thoughtful and meaningful response to my last post I'll likely just bow out.

This thread is my first trip back to P&N in a long time and I've quickly remembered why I left. Anand should just create a "Ignorant Flame" forum and just let people duke it out.

Heh, its amazing how people will bring up the same thing 100000x...even if you argue it to death it still comes back.

As for what you said - I think we agree pretty much

Usually when religion gets in the way though...its not the religion itself that has a ban on someting. Rather it is a specific group within that religion that believes their religion prohibits something. I guess recent examples like stem cell research comes to mind, but for every Bush we have in opposing it, there are Christians in South Korea who actively pursue it.
Even with issues like evolution, the Christians that do hold their hand on their ears and scream la la during highschool (I actually know a girl who failed a course in college because she would not read a peice on evolution for an ENGLSH analysis class. This was a year ago btw, and she just wrote about how God created everything and she school shouldn't teach this "evolution" stuff) STILL use the products there were developed using concepts of evolution, and they aren't preventing those who ARE interesting in evolution from pursuing it....

The other example off the top of my head would be the "dark ages" -- when the Papal authority literally called people heretics for stating the center of the solar system was the sun....
But even in the dark ages we had the "musselmens" carry science on And the Chinese, with all what they invented and progressed in, were no slouch!

but honestly outside of that i can't think of how religion within its doctorine says "science j00 suck!"

Usually it is close minded people afraid of progress - and when we do hit touchy topics such as human expiramentation or superficial gene modifacaton (ie: grow taller, be smarter, etc) it will be primarily the ETHICAL POV rather than a religious POV that will drive the debate....because ethics and morals can and have existed w/o religion


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: tvarad
Aimster writes:

"Israel acted too harsh and used excessive force."

Well, it's time that you figured out that war is not a beauty contest.

There are rules to war.
of course you do not know that.

You do not go around bombing apartment buildings .....

No, there are rules of war for the West, but they do not apply to the Arab Muslim world. We are expected to avoid civilian casualties, while they specifically target civilians. We possess the power to easily wipe out their major cities in a matter of hours; if they had the same capability, Israel and half of America would not exist. Now what does that tell you?

I've read your posts for the past year, and you're too smart to play the ignorant hypocrite.

I'm convinced he's trolling on purpose, and doesn't actually believe most of the vomit he's spewing all over us.

Yes I am bored, but I wouldn't call it trolling :-\


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
I'm convinced he's trolling on purpose, and doesn't actually believe most of the vomit he's spewing all over us.

I'm suspicious of this as well.

I've given my quota of thought to the discussion. Unless I get some thoughtful and meaningful response to my last post I'll likely just bow out.

This thread is my first trip back to P&N in a long time and I've quickly remembered why I left. Anand should just create a "Ignorant Flame" forum and just let people duke it out.

Please provide links of the religious leader "Ayatollah" from a credibe source.

When I say religious leader I mean someone with a lot of power.

People in Churches talk smack about Muslims/Jews/etc on a daily basis. Nobody cares because their voices are small.

People in Mosques talk crap about Christians/Jews/etc on a daily basis. Nobody cares because their voices are small.

The Pope's voice is huge and that is why he made a huge impact. I was asking for a comparable voice to go up against his. Not some random not heard of guy who runs a Mosque in Palestine.


Senior member
Apr 26, 2005
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Alaa
1- But you don't see Muslims saying Christianity is the religion of evil! This happens with Islam! We believe that the crusades were not a result of Christianity. but now everyone is just blaming Islam for everything.

Ouch dude. I just got done posting a quote from a Mulsim Cleric who said that exact thing, BEFORE you posted this. You might want to go back and read it.

And btw. No, not everyone is blaming Islam for everything. That is a silly statement to make. Anyone with rational thought (Christian, Muslim or otherwise) knows that.

I have no true idea what the hell anyone was thinking during the Crusades. Whatever drove it, it was not rational thought. The same applies to the inquisition (The Christian "crusade" against themselves). Why do the Crusades constantly come up in debates with Muslims and Christians? No one alive today had anything to do with it and you can ask ANY (really, truly, ANY) Christian if they think the Crusades were in line with the teachings of Jesus and they will say no. Let it go already. Move on, grow up. You KNOW the people of today had nothing to do with what happened back then.

Instead go focus your energies on stopping the irrational behavior being done by members of your own religion that are not in line with it's own teachings. You've got your own Crusade to stop. Don't let your offspring look back at you generations from now with the same embarassment that Christians who failed to stop the Crusades or the Inquisition. Go stomp out this cancerous extremism before it spreads. It has to happen from the inside. If it is done from the outside it can only be seen as an attack.

It's up to you.

The people who did it were Christian!! but we didn't treat our heads like Rocks and we didn't believe that it was coming out of Christianity and so should you!
people are saying Muslims countries are backward. well, the surprise is we don't follow Islam teachings!! ouch!? If you want to know more then go and read Islamic books about Islam teachings and then go to any Arabic country and see the HUGE difference!


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Alaa
The people who did it were Christian!! but we didn't treat our heads like Rocks and we didn't believe that it was coming out of Christianity and so should you!
people are saying Muslims countries are backward. well, the surprise is we don't follow Islam teachings!! ouch!? If you want to know more then go and read Islamic books about Islam teachings and then go to any Arabic country and see the HUGE difference!

Looks like someone needs a history lesson. I suggest you read up more before you continue on that line of reasoning. Both Christians and Muslims participated in "crusades", or perhaps you just forgot that part.

The thing is, it happened 1,000 years ago and nobody denies it was wrong. What radical muslims are doing is happening TODAY!


Golden Member
Aug 14, 2006
Originally posted by: Aimster
The Pope's voice is huge and that is why he made a huge impact. I was asking for a comparable voice to go up against his. Not some random not heard of guy who runs a Mosque in Palestine.

Let me know when some Christian fanatic blows himslef up in Mecca because of what the Pope said.

So far, those voices you refer to as insignificant have managed to get plenty of people to commit suicide attacks, and are most probably responsible for the fresh supply of suicide bombers in Iraq.

Keep it in perspective.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: dna
Originally posted by: Aimster
The Pope's voice is huge and that is why he made a huge impact. I was asking for a comparable voice to go up against his. Not some random not heard of guy who runs a Mosque in Palestine.

Let me know when some Christian fanatic blows himslef up in Mecca because of what the Pope said.

So far, those voices you refer to as insignificant have managed to get plenty of people to commit suicide attacks, and are most probably responsible for the fresh supply of suicide bombers in Iraq.

Keep it in perspective.

plenty of people?
You mean the Palestinians? LOL.

oh you must mean the Saudis?

Just to be fair.. You must mean the Arabs?

Cause either way you look at it.. 99.9% of suicide bombings are done by Arabs. Yet you continue to link it to Islam when 12% of the Arab population is Muslim.



Senior member
Apr 26, 2005
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Alaa
The people who did it were Christian!! but we didn't treat our heads like Rocks and we didn't believe that it was coming out of Christianity and so should you!
people are saying Muslims countries are backward. well, the surprise is we don't follow Islam teachings!! ouch!? If you want to know more then go and read Islamic books about Islam teachings and then go to any Arabic country and see the HUGE difference!

Looks like someone needs a history lesson. I suggest you read up more before you continue on that line of reasoning. Both Christians and Muslims participated in "crusades", or perhaps you just forgot that part.

The thing is, it happened 1,000 years ago and nobody denies it was wrong. What radical muslims are doing is happening TODAY!

All the non-sense killing was coming from Christians..anyway this is Muslims extremists era but I am sure it will end soon.


Golden Member
Aug 14, 2006
Originally posted by: Aimster
Cause either way you look at it.. 99.9% of suicide bombings are done by Arabs. Yet you continue to link it to Islam when 12% of the Arab population is Muslim.

Bali Bombings

Indonesian Muslim Cleric Bashir's Re-Arrest Sparks Riots

More Muslim Riots over Cartoons, Fatwa Issued for Cartoonist
Pakistan banned the protests after riots killed five people in two cities last week. Meanwhile, demonstrators were unsuccessful in their attempt to storm the U.S. embassy in Indonesia.

In Nigeria, thousands of Muslims attacked Christians and burned churches on Saturday, killing at least 15 people.

Yep... only Arabs....

Oh, wait -- Israel is known to be opressing Muslims in Nigeria and Indonesia.... my bad...
It's everyone's else fault, and we need to understand that..


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: dna
Originally posted by: Aimster
Cause either way you look at it.. 99.9% of suicide bombings are done by Arabs. Yet you continue to link it to Islam when 12% of the Arab population is Muslim.

Bali Bombings

Indonesian Muslim Cleric Bashir's Re-Arrest Sparks Riots

More Muslim Riots over Cartoons, Fatwa Issued for Cartoonist
Pakistan banned the protests after riots killed five people in two cities last week. Meanwhile, demonstrators were unsuccessful in their attempt to storm the U.S. embassy in Indonesia.

In Nigeria, thousands of Muslims attacked Christians and burned churches on Saturday, killing at least 15 people.

Yep... only Arabs....

Oh, wait -- Israel is known to be opressing Muslims in Nigeria and Indonesia.... my bad...
It's everyone's else fault, and we need to understand that..

I said 99.9%

You gave me one bombing in Indonesia.
I can give you thousands in the past couple years from Arabs

This .1% come from non-Arabs.
I didn't say 100% so my figure is not wrong.

& the main suspect in the Bali bombing had connections to a Saudi terrorist (who planned it).. who is an Arab ... so.....


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: raildogg
Originally posted by: tvarad
Let's not forget that the genius of the Muslim mind came up with the first revolutionary invention of the 21st century:

Flying commercial jetliners into commercial buildings.

Or when Israel dropped bombs and killed countless people in Lebanon, or how America has killed thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Please, lets not try to toss out these things that serve no purpose.

Do you not recognize or admit to the difference between your examples and 9/11? here, let me spell it out for you so that you can rid yourself of all that shame and regret: WE DO NOT INTENTIONALLY TARGET CIVILIANS, BUT OUR ENEMY DOES!

Ok, see, you feel better already, dont ya? The civilian victims in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon who were directly killed by US or Israeli munitions were NOT intentional, and WE regret every single one of those deaths.

The complete opposite was true on 9/11. THEY intentionally targetted civilians and CELEBRATED their deaths.

get that through your thick "blame America first" skull.

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