Chorus of Islamic followers freak out about Pope's comments

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Golden Member
Jun 25, 2001
magomago writes:

"But your last comment really hit it on and I think ultimately sums up everything. Islam tried to change the culture, and in many situations that culture persisted to where even "Clerics" would turn a blind eye to them."

This is a classic "pass the buck" argument for the failure of islam in the modern world. I wonder which culture you would blame for the manner in which Sunnis and Shias (both muslim) are slaughtering each other in Iraq (other than the Americans, of course).

The West became pre-eminent in the last 500 years because religion (especially organized religion) has receded from the daily life of people and life based on rationalism and reason came to the fore. The Islamic world will catch up only when Islamic rituals stop governing it's daily life.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: alchemize
I already addressed that. AFAIK, every single time civilians are verified as being inadvertently killed - "collateral damage", an apology is issued and compensation is offerred to the surviving family. Sure, it won't bring back the dead, but it's quite a bit better than what we're seeing from our enemy, who deliberately targets innocents and cheers their deaths.
Do you have a link to support that particular US policy? In fact, how could that even be our official policy when the Administration has said time and time again that they don't even plan to count civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq let alone give them free money.

Again your statements are taken out of context or just based on mis-information!!
They cited the reasons for not counting as you would call it give up on this mis-information --PLEASE???


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: tvarad
magomago writes:

"But your last comment really hit it on and I think ultimately sums up everything. Islam tried to change the culture, and in many situations that culture persisted to where even "Clerics" would turn a blind eye to them."

This is a classic "pass the buck" argument for the failure of islam in the modern world. I wonder which culture you would blame for the manner in which Sunnis and Shias (both muslim) are slaughtering each other in Iraq (other than the Americans, of course).

The West became pre-eminent in the last 500 years because religion (especially organized religion) has receded from the daily life of people and life based on rationalism and reason came to the fore. The Islamic world will catch up only when Islamic rituals stop governing it's daily life.

Largest Muslim Nation: Indonesia.

They are a democracy.

Just curious. What do they need to do to catch up?

Another large Muslim Nation: Turkey

What do they need to do to catch up to the Western world?

The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: tvarad
magomago writes:

"But your last comment really hit it on and I think ultimately sums up everything. Islam tried to change the culture, and in many situations that culture persisted to where even "Clerics" would turn a blind eye to them."

This is a classic "pass the buck" argument for the failure of islam in the modern world. I wonder which culture you would blame for the manner in which Sunnis and Shias (both muslim) are slaughtering each other in Iraq (other than the Americans, of course).

The West became pre-eminent in the last 500 years because religion (especially organized religion) has receded from the daily life of people and life based on rationalism and reason came to the fore. The Islamic world will catch up only when Islamic rituals stop governing it's daily life.

Largest Muslim Nation: Indonesia.

They are a democracy.

Just curious. What do they need to do to catch up?

Another large Muslim Nation: Turkey

What do they need to do to catch up to the Western world?

So according to what revelation is democracy more advanced than anything else?


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: AnitaPetersonWell, unless you're totally blind, deaf and illiterate, no matter where you live in the world, you would at least see that there is a strong public opposition to any government that does the aforementioned things, and the Western democratic system of debate and representation will eventually put an end to such governments.

When Sadat tried to use realpolitik and rationalism in the Arab/Muslim world, all he got was a hail of bullets. When Rushdie tried to use culture (literature) to question religious dogma, he almost got the same treatment. Notice a pattern here?
Riiiight. Look at what type of government that we keep moving towards~ and over history government has been getting more and more authoritarian and controlling.

Sadat, according to one of my Eygption friend's whose dad actually has a senior position back in the military at the time, was a smart thinker who understood that at some points you had to step back before you could move foreward. If Israel was to be dealt with militarily and diplomatically, you had to reorganize first to gain power other than attack randomly. Other than that though, the man was double faced who said what each party (America, Europe, or other Arab Coutnries) wanted to hear and its funny to sometimes watch absolutely contradicting statements. But he was there where others weren't. So maybe to you it was rationalism, but to him he was simply biding his time.
And Rushdie is so overplayed A large part of this was also pushed by Khomeini for potentially politicial reasons~ He comes out of a war which results in a stalement but tens of billions spent on each side with over 1 million dead and 3 steps backwards after the promise of the "revolution"...add to the fact that you are about to die soon; calling a "fatwa" is aimed totally to distract the situation at hand and what actually occured.
Notice how in these situations: Rushdie and even the "Mohammed Cartoons" they are government or people deflecting blame at what happened by taking advantage of the uneducated masses. Islam's fault? You can't be serious.

And I'll echo that opinion by Rainsford in that it seems like some here WANT holy war. Most Muslims aren't out to "Git ya" "kill ya" "convert ya" (thats right After we kill you, we will attempt to convert you). Those who are can be for a variety of reasons: they can TRY to use the Quran to justify their actions, and the sad part is they are sucessful because now we think it is Islam that is the fault for what is going on rather than the people themselves who are twisted

For the Pope...I believe it is out of line. As a Pope, I would think that beyond being an absolute expert in Christianity, he needs to know about other religions as well. And for Islam he should understand the basic concepts: Jihad is NOT an offensive war aimed at getting more Converts. It doesn't matter how much you wish to believe it, but read it in the Quran and there is never a description of offensive attack in order to spread the religion described as "Jihad". This is a myth created by those who have a clear bias against Islam in order to spread lies.
Of course he was only quoting an emporer from the past: not the person I'd look for the most "englightened" comments, but this is what I've been able to find:

Citing historic Christian commentary on holy war and forced conversion, the 79-year-old pontiff quoted from a 14th-century Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologos.

"The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war," the pope said. "He said, I quote, 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."'

Clearly aware of the sensitivity of the issue, Benedict added, "I quote," twice before pronouncing the phrases on Islam and described them as "brusque," while neither explicitly agreeing with nor repudiating them.

"The emperor goes on to explain in detail the reasons why spreading the faith through violence is something unreasonable," Benedict said. "Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul," the pope said, issuing an open invitation to dialogue among cultures.

Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said the pope was not giving an interpretation of Islam as "something violent," though he said the religion contains both violent and nonviolent strains.

Benedict did not touch directly on the current controversy over Islamic extremism, although it is an issue he follows with concern. Last year in Cologne, Germany, he urged Islamic leaders to take responsibility for their communities and teach their young to abhor violence.
So he called them "brusque"...there is one problem though: with sensitive inter religious issues like as these its best not to be subtle but to be explicit. Then again...if he knew the concepts he would have known that you can't spread faith in violence anyways with Islam.
In all seriousness--> unless you kill everyone and control them for hundreds of years you can't force them to believe in something. I still have friends that go to thePhillipines on a yearly basis to convert and bring back Filipinos to Christianity despite the fact that the Pope and Spain had a field day with the population there.

So the Pope was right.....whats the issue again???


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: AnitaPeterson
A few days ago, I listened to a radio interview of an Islamic scholar. He kept saying that once the West withdraws its presence from the Muslim world, all the violence would cease. As a journalist myself, I wanted to scream in frustration at the stupidity of the interviewer, who never tried even once to ask a couple of simple questions like "what about the threats against the existence of the State of Israel?" and "how is your demand for the West to completely withdraw from Muslim affairs compatible with the spread of Islam throughout the world, leading to events like those we've been seeing recently in various sub-Saharan African regions?"
Or, "Why would the warring between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq stop if America and Britain left the country?"

Or, "What did the Iran/Iraq war have to do with the West?" (Okay, you could argue that the West kept both sides equalized by feeding munitions, but we didn't tell them to go to war.)

Or, "How did the West factor into Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and threats against doing the same to Saudi Arabia?"

Or, "Are the attacks on Indian civilians by Islamic extremists caused by the West as well?"

Excellent points my young JEDI the force is strong in this one!!


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: Vertigo0176
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Do Americans condemn the killing done in our name by our government? You think the world is going to be sympathetic to us considering all of the innocent civilians, innocent Muslim civilians, who die by our laser-guided 500 pound smart bombs?

More innocent Muslim civilians die by indiscriminate homicide bombers in the name of jihad. Also the last time I checked, the Pope was from Germany.

Link please.

And who cares where the pope is from? You obviously missed my point - an American demanding the Muslim world apologize for terrorists when America doesn't apologize for the tens of thousands of innocent muslims killed during the prosecution of the latest two wars.

Actually thats not the point I gathered from all your ranting and raving.....



Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: AnitaPeterson
A few days ago, I listened to a radio interview of an Islamic scholar. He kept saying that once the West withdraws its presence from the Muslim world, all the violence would cease. As a journalist myself, I wanted to scream in frustration at the stupidity of the interviewer, who never tried even once to ask a couple of simple questions like "what about the threats against the existence of the State of Israel?" and "how is your demand for the West to completely withdraw from Muslim affairs compatible with the spread of Islam throughout the world, leading to events like those we've been seeing recently in various sub-Saharan African regions?"
Or, "Why would the warring between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq stop if America and Britain left the country?"

Or, "What did the Iran/Iraq war have to do with the West?" (Okay, you could argue that the West kept both sides equalized by feeding munitions, but we didn't tell them to go to war.)

Or, "How did the West factor into Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and threats against doing the same to Saudi Arabia?"

Or, "Are the attacks on Indian civilians by Islamic extremists caused by the West as well?"


A lot of these though are not the religion as much a POWER grab.

Although there is a lot of conflicting evidence on whether Saddam was ever going to invade Saudi Arabia Kuwait was a very focused incident, and much of the propaganda that we heard was just that: propaganda from the death of the little babies to the buildup of troops on the Saudi border (or ultimately...this is Russia vs US opinion; sad part is we can't see the photos either way...but considering the type of propaganda we DID see, it doesn't seem a strech at all to take this)

Are Sunnis really killing Shi'ites due to religion and vice versa? Do you know how many families are intermixed in Iraq? It looks more like unscrupulous characters wanted power...and how do they get power yylus? An appeal to god and religion is the easiest method. Al Sadr is one of the clearest example of this: He talks about liberating Iraq from the Americans, but he has no problem with high degrees of Irani infiltration because ultimately it brings him power.

But the point you bring up is interesting nonetheless: would all the crap that happens in the middle east (Where less than 20% of the Muslim population resides...) stop if the US left? Probably not. But are we fueling a good portion of it with bad policies? Oh hell yeah.
We talk about them waking up one day and realizing how stupid they are...when in reality we are both sleeping and need an alarm clock to throw us out of bed and come to grips with what is going on.

Thats also true!! Power equates wealth....


Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: alchemize
Pope dares to analyze Islam and Muhammed, concludes that "violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul."

Expect churches to be burned to prove that followers of Islam absolutely are not violent! Fatwa issuing a death warrant coming from Iran soon?

One of many stories

Too funny - the pope's official response should be "suck it".
That's right, we should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity!

Ann Coulter, is that you???


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: AnitaPeterson
Until the day comes when I see large masses of Muslims going in the streets, organizing protests, chanting "We are not terrorists, we don't want terrorists in our midsts, either", and until I see Muslim elites - especially religious figures with heavy followings and instantly recognizable names in the Arab/Muslim world - going on record with loud, outspoken denounciations of the jihadists, I will continue to consider this civilisation as a dangerous manifestation of religious extremism, and would urge everyone in the West to maintain relations to a minimum.

I am sick and tired of all the whiners who claim Islam is a peaceful religion. It badly needs reform and secularization, and as time goes by I am more and more concerned that an open war is unavoidable between "us" and "them".

Maybe the Christians should do that for invading a Muslim country that had nothing to do with terror?

My point is Muslims do speak out. You just don't see it.
Christians speak out aganst their BS too.

But why should masses go to the streets when the acts of violence committed by Muslims is not part of Islam? Why should Christians go to the streets in masses when the acts of violence committed by Christians is not part of Christianity?

If the world is uneducted then it is not the duty of the educated to educate the dumb. They can live just fine by having the dumb being dumb.

Thats also true!!! But hopefully those that are dumb would be receptive if somebody reached out to them in a caring way!!


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: tvarad
magomago writes:

"But your last comment really hit it on and I think ultimately sums up everything. Islam tried to change the culture, and in many situations that culture persisted to where even "Clerics" would turn a blind eye to them."

This is a classic "pass the buck" argument for the failure of islam in the modern world. I wonder which culture you would blame for the manner in which Sunnis and Shias (both muslim) are slaughtering each other in Iraq (other than the Americans, of course).

The West became pre-eminent in the last 500 years because religion (especially organized religion) has receded from the daily life of people and life based on rationalism and reason came to the fore. The Islamic world will catch up only when Islamic rituals stop governing it's daily life.
The culture to blame for Sunnis and Shias killing each other is the tribal one that's always existed in that region. It's really X number of tribes banded together under a Sunni banner slaughtering Y number of tribes who grouped together as Shiites, and vice versa. If the Shiites accomplish the wiping out of the Sunnis, next they'll start infighting as a few of the remaining tribes attempt domination over the others. Religion is just a helpful binding mechanism in this case.

The failure with Islam here is that it does seem to lend itself to continuing that violence. Christianity once failed to do this too, but for fscks sake, it's 2006 and we expect a little more out of humanity today. Get with the program, Middle East / Pakistan / Africa / etc.

Edit: Fixed some spelling errors.


Golden Member
Feb 25, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Aisengard
Islam insults everyone, the Pope insults Islam back, Islam complains of intolerance.

What else is new?

Islamic leaders dont go around insulting other religions.

Oh I'm sorry, the Middle Eastern ones just promise the destruction of all infidels. And the other ones around the world riot and destroy and kill when they think that their religion trumps all national law.

And since when have Middle Eastern Muslims not followed Islam or used it as their battle cry? Or am I missing something here? Have non-Middle Eastern Islamic leaders really gotten so irresponsible that they are declaring Middle Eastern Islam a completely separate religion? Until that happens, then yes, I can say Islamic leaders do much, much worse than simply insulting other religions.


Golden Member
Jun 25, 2001
Aimser wronte:

"Largest Muslim Nation: Indonesia.

They are a democracy.

Just curious. What do they need to do to catch up?

Another large Muslim Nation: Turkey

What do they need to do to catch up to the Western world?"

Conversely, may I ask:

What significant invention can be attributed to Muslims in the last 500 years?


Aug 17, 2006
Almost everyday you can read about some homicide bomber blowing himself and his fellow muslims up at some marketplace, police station or sporting event, all in hopes of getting to those 72 virgins. I'm not gonna waste my time looking for links, if you don't believe it, I can't change your mind. I thought that this was about the muslim world demanding apoligies from the pope for reciting some quotes. I don't want any apoligies for terrorism, but I'm glad I'm part of society that stands up to these folks instead of bending over and grabbing your own ankles. The muslim world can't take ANY crits about itself cause the truth hurts. Yes its only the extremist factions that do the bombing, but the rest of the islamic world is too scared to confront them for fear of being painted a colaborater with us western infidels.


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: alchemize
Pope dares to analyze Islam and Muhammed, concludes that "violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul."

Expect churches to be burned to prove that followers of Islam absolutely are not violent! Fatwa issuing a death warrant coming from Iran soon?

One of many stories

Too funny - the pope's official response should be "suck it".
That's right, we should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity!

I love the way you put words into peoples mouths.......thats way people speak who have no understanding of whats happening...

I assume you've never seen sarcasm?


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Do Americans condemn the killing done in our name by our government? You think the world is going to be sympathetic to us considering all of the innocent civilians, innocent Muslim civilians, who die by our laser-guided 500 pound smart bombs?

That has nothing to do with Muslims killing Muslims....

It has everything to do with hypocrisy though ...


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Aisengard
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Aisengard
Islam insults everyone, the Pope insults Islam back, Islam complains of intolerance.

What else is new?

Islamic leaders dont go around insulting other religions.

Oh I'm sorry, the Middle Eastern ones just promise the destruction of all infidels. And the other ones around the world riot and destroy and kill when they think that their religion trumps all national law.

And since when have Middle Eastern Muslims not followed Islam or used it as their battle cry? Or am I missing something here? Have non-Middle Eastern Islamic leaders really gotten so irresponsible that they are declaring Middle Eastern Islam a completely separate religion? Until that happens, then yes, I can say Islamic leaders do much, much worse than simply insulting other religions.

What does the M.E have to do with the Muslim world?
The majority of Muslims are from Asia and not the M.E

Most nations in the M.E have relations with the U.S and the big ones are "U.S's Friends".

& Religious leaders are not people who run mosques. They are not powerful.

A key example would be the Ayatollah in Iraq who told Iraqis not to fight the U.S troops and instead help them rebuild Iraq. OMG BLASPHEMY!


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: alchemize
I already addressed that. AFAIK, every single time civilians are verified as being inadvertently killed - "collateral damage", an apology is issued and compensation is offerred to the surviving family. Sure, it won't bring back the dead, but it's quite a bit better than what we're seeing from our enemy, who deliberately targets innocents and cheers their deaths.
Do you have a link to support that particular US policy? In fact, how could that even be our official policy when the Administration has said time and time again that they don't even plan to count civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq let alone give them free money.

Again your statements are taken out of context or just based on mis-information!!
They cited the reasons for not counting as you would call it give up on this mis-information --PLEASE???

WTF are you on about now? I simply asked for a link to back up his claim that the US government apologizes and pays restitution for Afhani or Iraqi civilian deaths.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: tvarad
Aimser wronte:

"Largest Muslim Nation: Indonesia.

They are a democracy.

Just curious. What do they need to do to catch up?

Another large Muslim Nation: Turkey

What do they need to do to catch up to the Western world?"

Conversely, may I ask:

What significant invention can be attributed to Muslims in the last 500 years?

What significant invention can be attributed to Christians in the last 500 years?
You forgot that a lot of people in the U.S are non-Christian and usually the immigrants hold better jobs than the majority. So I would like to see how you link invention to "Christian".


Senior member
Dec 21, 2005
Hmmm. Looks like the Jesuit General who controls the Pope, is going to have to decide which scam is going to go forward. The scam to unite all the world's religious into one, which is the Catholic Churche's role as the False Prophet in End Time's Bible Prophecy, does not seem to be going to well at the moment.


Golden Member
Jun 25, 2001
DealMonkey writes:

"Do Americans condemn the killing done in our name by our government? You think the world is going to be sympathetic to us considering all of the innocent civilians, innocent Muslim civilians, who die by our laser-guided 500 pound smart bombs?"

The laser-guided 500 pound smart bombs wouldn't have fallen on their heads if their leaders hadn't invaded member countries of the U.N. or harbored criminals ramming airliners into buildings. BTW, Muslims by an order of magnitude have been slaughtered by fellow Muslims in recent times than at the hands of non-Muslims (including the U.S.).


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
They aren't angry about what he might have been interpreted to say, they are angry about what he actually said.

He said what Muhammed has brought to his religion was "evil and inhuman".


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: tvarad
DealMonkey writes:

"Do Americans condemn the killing done in our name by our government? You think the world is going to be sympathetic to us considering all of the innocent civilians, innocent Muslim civilians, who die by our laser-guided 500 pound smart bombs?"

The laser-guided 500 pound smart bombs wouldn't have fallen on their heads if their leaders hadn't invaded member countries of the U.N. or harbored criminals ramming airliners into buildings. BTW, Muslims by an order of magnitude have been slaughtered by fellow Muslims in recent times than at the hands of non-Muslims (including the U.S.).

Operation Iraq Freedom had nothing to do with

a) their leader invading fellow countries of the U.N (yet the U.S did exactly that when it invaded Iraq in 2003. Thank you for telling it how it is: The U.S started an illegal war)

b) Iraq never harbored any criminals ramming airliners into buildings. Why? They all died when they rammed their airlines into buildings



Golden Member
Jun 25, 2001
Aimster writes:

"What significant invention can be attributed to Christians in the last 500 years?"

That's a trick question, right?
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