Circuit City employees are so fvcking braindead

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Sep 27, 2003
Originally posted by: bernse
A store is under no obligation whatsoever to give you a refund. It's only the stores policy if they wish too.
You are a fvcktard going in there thinking they owe you everything and otta kiss your ass.

Um, no. If it's tacked up on the store policy then they have to follow the procedures outlined to them, unless special circumstances are involved. If CC truly made an error on their part and rang him up for the wrong item then although neither can prove their side, they should be obligated to return it. From his story they fvcked up - why shouldn't they return it? Do they have to since it's the wrong item? Like you said, no, of course not. However, the rude skank of a CS rep should have gotten fired for being such a b1tch.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2001
After working in retail I figured I could throw my two cents in here. It shows up on the receipt as a 5 pack right? Well that means they probably had it in the system incorrectly if that's how it scanned. If so, then the sku code on your 25 pack should still match the sku on the receipt. If so then you've got proof their computers made an error and that is indeed the receipt for the item. Did you check this? Otherwise, you either grabbed the wrong receipt, or someone manually typed in the sku when you pricematched it and got a number or two wrong.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2000
Yea, but aren';t you the fvcktard that can't balance your own budget by buying items that you don't really need?

I'm guessing you're so efficient you've never made use of the return policy

I love dealing with people like you. They scream and curse, but in the end, i have all the power. "What alternative do i have?" You have none! "I want to speak to a manager." You can't, he doesn't handle issues like this, i do... and even if they leave and go looking for the manager, he just refers him back to me.

There's one thing I love about retail employees like you...some of you guys seem to have the "school bully" act down for life. Yeah, you're real cool for trying to get that computer engineer all flustered up yesterday...he got so angry, got into his BMW M5 and raced away, never shifting before 6k rpm's (yep, clearly pissed)...that made your day, so after you finished stacking the boxes of soup cans you got into your 1985 civic dx and kept thinking you're da man :beer:


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: wasssup
Yea, but aren';t you the fvcktard that can't balance your own budget by buying items that you don't really need?
I'm guessing you're so efficient you've never made use of the return policy
There's one thing I love about retail employees like you...some of you guys seem to have the "school bully" act down for life. Yeah, you're real cool for trying to get that computer engineer all flustered up yesterday...he got so angry, got into his BMW M5 and raced away, never shifting before 6k rpm's (yep, clearly pissed)...that made your day, so after you finished stacking the boxes of soup cans you got into your 1985 civic dx and kept thinking you're da man :beer:

Where did I say I was a retail employee?


Jul 25, 2001
Originally posted by: wasssup
Yea, but aren';t you the fvcktard that can't balance your own budget by buying items that you don't really need?

I'm guessing you're so efficient you've never made use of the return policy

I love dealing with people like you. They scream and curse, but in the end, i have all the power. "What alternative do i have?" You have none! "I want to speak to a manager." You can't, he doesn't handle issues like this, i do... and even if they leave and go looking for the manager, he just refers him back to me.

There's one thing I love about retail employees like you...some of you guys seem to have the "school bully" act down for life. Yeah, you're real cool for trying to get that computer engineer all flustered up yesterday...he got so angry, got into his BMW M5 and raced away, never shifting before 6k rpm's (yep, clearly pissed)...that made your day, so after you finished stacking the boxes of soup cans you got into your 1985 civic dx and kept thinking you're da man :beer:

No the difference is 1. You don?t drive an M5. 2. Generally people who are educated enough to drive an M5 and are computer engineers have more respect for people and a better handling of situations than to say "This is bullshit" and cuss out someone working a service desk.

Regardless if CC is wrong, you're an immature pompous ass for cussing a sales person and not acting calmly. Then you come on here posting this "fvck CC and fvck you and fvck this and fvck that". Seeing from your attitude and the way you talk I'd make the bet that you just in general acted like an total ass at CC And they refused your return on principle, not because they couldn't or wouldn't.

Two wrongs don't make a right. You aren't any better than them.

Now run along and get into your imaginary m5 and go pout some more



Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
I've returned stuff to CC multiple times, in the last year, and it's always been smooth sailing.

Mostly With, but once or twice in in the past without, a receipt.



Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2000
Now run along and get into your imaginary m5 and go pout some more

maybe if i head over to your mommas (in my M5, of course) and tell her this sad story she'll give me some nookie :Q


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: dman
I've returned stuff to CC multiple times, in the last year, and it's always been smooth sailing.

Mostly With, but once or twice in in the past without, a receipt.
That is because, for the most part, you are a gentleman, Dman.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
You sir are an assh0le.

First off anyone that deals with customer service, be it a retail employee or a CSR will tell you the motto is the customer always thinks he is right.Most are willing to help you remedy the situation until you become across as a tool.

First off you come in there with an attitude with a product significantly more expensive that what your reciept says. They dont know you, how do they know u didnt steal it from bestbuy and are trying to get one over on them. If you had coem to me and started with that cursing and that customer is right bs id have not helped you at all.

had you then asked for a regional managers number i would have explained to him when he called me how u berated and employee and did not have the proper reciept. No skin off my nose.

Lastly im not in retail now but i used to have to deal with asshats like u before.

You seem to have an condescending attitude towards employees you perhaps deem beneath you.
You then point our how u may or may not drive an M5 and how that makes you a better person than them...please tell me how this is so?



Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2000
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
Originally posted by: bernse
A store is under no obligation whatsoever to give you a refund. It's only the stores policy if they wish too.
You are a fvcktard going in there thinking they owe you everything and otta kiss your ass.

Um, no. If it's tacked up on the store policy then they have to follow the procedures outlined to them, unless special circumstances are involved.

A policy is that, its a policy. It is not binding. Of course, it isn't good business in general to go against your policy but there are times when you must. However, what makes you think this was not a "special circumstance" in the judgment of the staff/mgmt?

Personally, I'd like to see restocking charges for people that "decide they don't want it" anymore or repackaging charges for people that rip the boxes all to $hit and then return goods.

We're still only getting the one side of this story. I find it quite difficult to believe that a cashier "threw" his stuff back at him and all this other BS without provication.


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
You sir are an assh0le.

First off anyone that deals with customer service, be it a retail employee or a CSR will tell you the motto is the customer always thinks he is right.Most are willing to help you remedy the situation until you become across as a tool.

First off you come in there with an attitude with a product significantly more expensive that what your reciept says. They dont know you, how do they know u didnt steal it from bestbuy and are trying to get one over on them. If you had coem to me and started with that cursing and that customer is right bs id have not helped you at all.

had you then asked for a regional managers number i would have explained to him when he called me how u berated and employee and did not have the proper reciept. No skin off my nose.

Lastly im not in retail now but i used to have to deal with asshats like u before.

You seem to have an condescending attitude towards employees you perhaps deem beneath you.
You then point our how u may or may not drive an M5 and how that makes you a better person than them...please tell me how this is so?

Actually how I take it, is the reciept said 59 dollars for a 5 pack. If I was him, I'd buy a five pack and return the 5 pack to get $59 dollars back. Then he'd still have his 25 pack for the price of a 5 pack. I say stick it to CC..



Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: sygyzy
This is unusual since CC has been really pushing their "no hassle return" policy.

it's no hassle as long as you give us no hassle.

as a former CC CSA, i'd like to say:

1. if the receipt doesn't match, you can't return it. how did you pay for it? by credit card? do you have your card number? in theory the CSA can look it up to verify it was you but you can't return something that doesn't match the receipt because later when the items are moved, it HAS to match. if it doesn't match, the CSA will get in trouble.

2. if you were nice, and it was UNOPENED, and the CSA was nice, she could have returned it for you for store credit. i returned stuff that was purchased over a year ago but because the item was still sold in the store, we took it back. those are FEW AND FAR BETWEEN, so don't assume you'll always get it.

3. people who say anything rude at all automatically get a rise out of me, therefore you don't always get the nicest service you deserve.

also, if you don't fulfill the obligations of the return policy (i.e. bringing it back within the time period, with receipts, boxes, etc) you should never assume you will get a refund.
Dec 4, 2002
How nice of you to label all CC employees braindead, even though you continue to deal with the same employee. I don't know you personally, but from your short stories, you sound like some of the moronic customers I deal with on a weekly basis, just in the fact you like to make a scene to prove a point.

If you truly feel you have gotten the short end of a stick here, contact the store manager and/or district manager. Though, sounds like you have made disturbances a few other times. Yes, I work for CC, but I'm not going to defend every CC and every CC employee, but the second someone tells me they don't give a fvck what I have to say, there goes any courtesy I had for you right out the window.

The girl sounds like a bitch and manager didn't handle things right, but you don't sound like you're composed of very many manners either. Just take your return to another CC and stop going to the one you dislike. Their loss
, but I would bet you will continue to go, becuase you must prove that you, the customer, is always

Anyways, good luck with that, not going to defend them.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
I have had no problems returning anything with the proper social skills. Most employees may be lazy, but when presented a problem they will still usually try to help solve it.

I love watching the guys and girls in line ahead of me bitching about the line the whole time, making a scene calling for more CSR's need to be on the registers, then throwing the item and reciept at the CSR on the asking for their money back...never happens usually as they usually find some reason why no return can be given....then I get up there, no reciept and get my return processed no problem.


Jan 13, 2000
Originally posted by: AMCRambler
After working in retail I figured I could throw my two cents in here. It shows up on the receipt as a 5 pack right? Well that means they probably had it in the system incorrectly if that's how it scanned. If so, then the sku code on your 25 pack should still match the sku on the receipt. If so then you've got proof their computers made an error and that is indeed the receipt for the item. Did you check this? Otherwise, you either grabbed the wrong receipt, or someone manually typed in the sku when you pricematched it and got a number or two wrong.

He probably doesn't have a SKU on the DVD+Rs any longer........he rebated them and the UPC/SKU is probably missing, which means he cannot prove the DVD+Rs are the ones he bought.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2000
He probably doesn't have a SKU on the DVD+Rs any longer........he rebated them and the UPC/SKU is probably missing, which means he cannot prove the DVD+Rs are the ones he bought.

Actually, i'm quite familiar with the rebate game, thank you very much
, and I did no such thing.

Anyway, I went out to OfficeMax, picked up a 5 pack for $12.99, went to the other circuitcity and returned my 5 pack for $59.99

Someone else asked why I always go to the particular CC I hate, well, it's easy...I pass it by every day on the way to and from campus. The closest CC other than that is a good ~20 mile roundtrip, usually going through tons of traffic. Sooooo...i'm sure you're smart enough
to realize its much more efficient in every way to go to the CC I pass by daily.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: wasssup
He probably doesn't have a SKU on the DVD+Rs any longer........he rebated them and the UPC/SKU is probably missing, which means he cannot prove the DVD+Rs are the ones he bought.

Actually, i'm quite familiar with the rebate game, thank you very much
, and I did no such thing.

Anyway, I went out to OfficeMax, picked up a 5 pack for $12.99, went to the other circuitcity and returned my 5 pack for $59.99

Someone else asked why I always go to the particular CC I hate, well, it's easy...I pass it by every day on the way to and from campus. The closest CC other than that is a good ~20 mile roundtrip, usually going through tons of traffic. Sooooo...i'm sure you're smart enough
to realize its much more efficient in every way to go to the CC I pass by daily.

is this in your nice M5 mr. engineer?


Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2003
Originally posted by: wasssup
He probably doesn't have a SKU on the DVD+Rs any longer........he rebated them and the UPC/SKU is probably missing, which means he cannot prove the DVD+Rs are the ones he bought.

Actually, i'm quite familiar with the rebate game, thank you very much
, and I did no such thing.

Anyway, I went out to OfficeMax, picked up a 5 pack for $12.99, went to the other circuitcity and returned my 5 pack for $59.99

Someone else asked why I always go to the particular CC I hate, well, it's easy...I pass it by every day on the way to and from campus. The closest CC other than that is a good ~20 mile roundtrip, usually going through tons of traffic. Sooooo...i'm sure you're smart enough
to realize its much more efficient in every way to go to the CC I pass by daily.

great, now that that is all straightened out you can stop posting. :disgust:
Dec 4, 2002
Exactly, why would someone go to a store just so they can be in the presence of "braindead" poeple? They treat you so bad, and obviously
don't know how to formulate a complete why go there in the first place? Like I said, their loss...

Again, I don't know you, but I see people like this all the time, they love making a scene, overtly called here: attention whores. Of course you wont go accross town, why would you? You need those DVD's now, no need to plan ahead to go without traffic.

10 miles out there really isnt that far, but I can see how the one you pass everyday is more convenient, but who is more retarded? The csr that won't put up with a returning rude customer? OR... The rude customer that continues to return even though he knows what type of service he will receive. Oh wait, why should you jump through hurdles to shop right?

You're making excuses, efficient my ass, you like/want the attention, get over yourself already...



Dec 27, 2001
61 tried to return something after you had recieved the rebate on it, swore at the CSR, and acted like a total asshat....I am surprised that they didnt beat you while you were in their store.

You sir, are an idiot without manners, and coming from a rudeguy, thats a pretty bad insult

next time keep your ass at walmart where you can associate with other trailer trash without having to worry about respect or manners.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2000
is this in your nice M5 mr. engineer?

if someone can point out where *I* said I had an M5, i'll give them a cookie

incompetent people shouldn't be able to try and call other just doesn't have any effect
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