Civilization VI: Performance Analysis (Techpowerup)

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Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
DX12 is not going to fix AMD's performance of this game at 4k and 8X AA.

Since when do we need 8xMSAA at 4K. I remember once you got your 1440p monitor, the first thing you said is you can play games with 0-2xMSAA. Now we need 4-8x MSAA at 4K? Talk about shifting goal posts. Also, what are the chances a gamer with a 4K monitor is using RX 480/GTX1060 level card? In that case, it's automatically an NV-built system with a 980Ti/SLI, GTX1070/SLI, 1080/SLI or Titan XP/SLI. As far as 1080p and 1440p performance is concerned, anything at the RX480/1060 level is more than capable for this style of game.

This is simply an Nvidia favored game right now.

Yes, but with 2 major caveats:

1. In the real world with most PC gamers having CPUs far below i5-6600/i7 4770K, the game's performance will dip well below 50 fps even on a GTX1080, even at 1080p. In other words, the extra GPU performance, whether on the AMD or NV side, will not always show up due to the CPU bottleneck. How many gamers are still using i3/i5 from Sandy/Ivy/Haswell era? I bet a lot.

2. Even with sub-60 fps performance, we are talking about a 3rd turn-based board game. Once again, the usual suspects are making a BIG deal about one of the most obvious AAA games of 2016 that absolutely does not require 60 fps to enjoy it unless you are the most hardcore CIV player out there. In that case you better be ready to upgrade to an i7 7700K and hope it hits 5-5.1Ghz because that's what it sounds like the game will need to maintain smooth 60 fps even on a 1080.

I'm sure drivers and game optimizations can help AMD out, but DX12 performance at 1440p and 4k is going to be largely close to DX11 performance even a year from now unless Firaxis gets some deep AOTS type optimizations, in which case would benefit both camps.

How do you know this? You aren't a programmer so I am stunned that you are making such claims with such confidence. The fact of the matter is, unless a PC gamer has an i5 6600K/i7 6700K @ 4.7-4.8Ghz, there should be almost no discussion about "AMD or NV winning" in this title because the real world benchmarks under CPU limited scenarios show sub-50 fps performance even on a GTX1070 with still high-end i7 4770K and i5-6600. To say that NV is winning in this title is a Pyrrhic victory because the performance given the CPU bottleneck and the level of graphics leaves a sour taste in the mouth. Thankfully this is a title that runs well even at a locked 30 fps. The game's engine is completely broken for a strategy game as can be seen from this:

That's some horrible, horrible CPU optimization for a 2016 strategy title that millions will purchase. Not only is the game CPU bottlenecked across threads because there is no efficient multi-threading in place, but even the single CPU core isn't efficiently utilized because the i7 5960X is only loaded to 70% on that one core.

Here is Total War Warhammer DX11



Night and Day difference. DX11 is simply outdated for modern strategy games and AoTS, Total War Warhammer are two obvious examples that are proving it. DX11 is literally holding back modern GPUs by gimping modern AMD/Intel CPUs. As a result, we end up with CPU & GPU under-utilization which is insane for a 2016 title that was years in the making and will be targeting tens of millions of PCs bought in the last 5-6 years. The ONLY aspects that save Firaxis' face are the hope that DX12 will fix these issues and that in a turn-based strategy, almost no one cares about the FPS as long as it's not choppy. Otherwise, this is some shoddy level of optimization.

It's still too early to judge this game until we find out more clarity about the DX12 patch for this title. Mantle in Civ BE, DX12 in AoTS and Total War Warhammer made the performance of those games under DX11 irrelevant for GPUs that could take advantage of DX12.

The amount of anti-DX12 posts in the last 1-2 years is mind-boggling. I would much rather developers abandon DX9-DX11 entirely, and as a result obsolete my Hawaii and Pascal rigs, than continue to see 2016-2017 AAA games be gimped by DX11. This game clearly shows that DX11 neuters modern i7s and gimps 1080/1070 SLI/Tiatn XP GPU level of performance due to the DX11 draw-call bottlenecks and lack of ability to support future Async capable GPU architectures. I get why the developer had to target DX11 because so many PC gamers still use older GPUs and CPUs but come on it's 2016, at least provide a proper DX12/Vulkan code-path for those of us with modern modern systems that can take advantage of it, especially after seeing how Mantle benefited Civ BE.

Not only that, but at some point I really want to be able to take advantage of a 6-10 core CPU and until the serial and legacy in nature DX11 is in place, we simply cannot move forward towards efficient CPU multi-core utilization. I cannot wait for AMD/NV to go all-in on Async Compute and DX12 with their 2018 architectures so that DX9-11 GPUs get obsoleted as fast as possible and developers move away from those ancient game engines. Raja is right that with Moore's Law even though GPU hardware continues to get faster every year, the software inefficiency is simply out of this world and it has got to change. I am hoping that by the time PS5/XB2 launch in 2020, DX9-11 is buried completely as by then we should be able to purchase a 8-core CPU for $350 and as GPUs become even more complex, there will be even more underutilized CUDA/Stream Processors that could be used for parallel compute tasks.
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Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
Since when do we need 8xMSAA at 4K. I remember once you got your 1440p monitor, the first thing you said is you can play games with 0-2xMSAA.

Easy there, save your breath. The benchmark in question is done at 4k with 8x AA. That's all I was responding to. I never said "need" or "required" or "can't live without." And my statement still stands, DX12 will not change performance of this game on AMD hardware at 4k resolution + 8X MSAA. Nvidia will remain the superior choice for this game when putting heavy load on the GPU.

How do you know this? You aren't a programmer so I am stunned that you are making such claims with such confidence.

I'm stunned you would question common sense. Actually, I'm not. Not anymore. Everything you say is so full of hyperbole and agenda that you're as slanted and biased as everyone else you accuse.
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Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2004
Microsoft gave the software away for free for a year but now that the July 29th deadline has ended and it's still possible to upgrade, you are throwing the ethics card? They purposely left a loop-hole for those who didn't upgrade yet to still take advantage of the deal. It's a heck of a lot better than pirating Windows 10 for those who have legitimate W7/8/8.1 keys; and it's in MS's best interests to get everyone on-board anyway. It's funny how you would try to use any excuse to divert attention from DX12 and Windows 10 while all the future AAA PC games coming out in the next 10 years will be supporting this OS. What's the difference if MS allowed 12 months of free upgrades or 18 or 24 months. It's just an arbitrary time frame they chose. All the top tech sites are still reporting this as a legitimate way to upgrade to W10. If you don't like it, write a letter to MS.

I know you like making stuff up RS or bending it to suit yourself, but I haven't tried to excuse anything!, simply pointing out, you are incorrect.
The time extension is for people who use assistive technology ONLY, period. T&C are just that, terms and conditions of the license.
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Senior member
Sep 18, 2013
Ladies and Gentlemen,

iam introducing to you the so called "gameworks-effect" where games run like dogshit but its ok as long as nvidia cards are faster.

Trolling and profanity are not allowed
Anandtech Moderator
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Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2010
Have you watched the benchmark video? Can you honestly say that the video had great graphics worthy of bringing $600 cards to their knees?

It's not a graphics issue, it's a CPU issue. It's the draw calls on the CPU side that's causing the Radeons to choke..


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2016
It's not a graphics issue, it's a CPU issue. It's the draw calls on the CPU side that's causing the Radeons to choke..

If it was purely CPU then all cards would be much closer, like 1070 vs 1080. Its obvious that is where the CPU bottleneck is.


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
And my statement still stands, DX12 will not change performance of this game on AMD hardware at 4k resolution + 8X MSAA. Nvidia will remain the superior choice for this game when putting heavy load on the GPU.

Who cares what the benchmark shows if no one will run those stupid settings. Let's also ignore the CPU bottlenecks I spoke about. Typical of your posts.

I'm stunned you would question common sense. Actually, I'm not. Not anymore. Everything you say is so full of hyperbole and agenda that you're as slanted and biased as everyone else you accuse.

No, it's not common sense to me that AMD's performance would not improve under DX12 in this title after seeing AMD have superior DX12 performance, often beating the NV competitors (4870/480> 1060, 390/390X> 980, Fury X > 1070/980Ti) in AAA titles under DX12. Are you willing to bet any game on Steam that AMD's performance under 4K will not improve under DX12 over their DX11 performance for the entire Polaris and Fury stack?

Your other call out against me is pathetic and laughable. Since 2007, I bought 8800GTS, 3x GTX470s, GT620, GTX750, and this generation I have 3xGTX1070s. That doesn't include all my ATI/AMD cards. Unlike you, I actually do buy both AMD and NV products, but I like to skip all the overpriced and inferior NV garbage (that's Kepler and Maxwell) when AMD simply has superior products.

It's not my fault the NV attached consumers are too blind to realize that $0 7970 CF and $0 Hawaii Tri-Fire were miles superior to $1000 680 SLI and $1650 980 Tri-SLI. If that's being biased, I'll take it. I'd rather not waste my money on the colour green over red when I don't have to. It's not my fault I am tech savvy to NOT spend thousands of dollars on often inferior Green hardware when the competitor sells me cards that make me $ and are just as fast or the performance difference isn't discernible without benchmark scores.

My 1070s are paid off from AMD hardware and the 1070s themselves will make $ too, along with my other AMD cards. Next time I buy Volta/Navi, etc. those will be free too. Every time I get free GPUs, and you pay for yours, I am biased?! Thanks for the laugh.

Before calling someone biased, maybe you should look in the mirror since the last time I checked you bought a GTX780 and then a 980, both horrendously overpriced trash compared to the 290 and 290X/295X2, respectively. But it's pointless to argue with a brand-attached loyalist since you'll never get it. If Vega cost $500 and had 85% of $750-800 1080Ti's performance, you would still find a way to justify NV. The same way you bought the VRAM gimped 570 over the $100 cheaper 6950 2GB that unlocked into a 6970. The same way you bought the inferior 670 over the far superior 7950/7970, the same way you bought the inferior 780 over the superior 290/290X. In your mind, as if by pure magic, it was never worth waiting for an ATi/AMD cards or finding a time when ATI/AMD has superior products? Like what that's there to discuss when you at least bought bought GeForce 3, 4, 5, 6 and/OR 7 and ALL 5 of those NV series had absolute garbage 2D IQ and garbage MSAA quality. Please, tell me now how GeForce 7 was better than X1900/1950 series and you won't find 1 credible review in the world showing that. During that generation, ATI literally destroyed NV in performance AND IQ and by pure magic you still didn't own an ATI card.

Get over yourself. Somehow in the last 8 years not once did AMD/ATI have a better card? BS. I even remember your constant pro-NV posts back in the days because even during GTX260 216/275 and HD4870/4890 era, you still managed to buy the 275 over the 4890 despite 4890 costing less. Every single generation, you are the one who always makes all kinds of excuses for NV's trash products and why it made sense to buy them. I don't make excuses for overpriced and underperforming AMD/NV cards. I easily recommended 980Ti over Fury X but I will also call it out when something like a $169 RX 470 absolutely wipes the floor with a $139 1050Ti. Do you? Your last 8 years of posting clearly shows you not only not buy AMD/ATI products, but you never go out of your way to recommend AMD not do you go out of your way to critize NV.

Do I really need to go out of my way to pull up all the threads where regardless of market positioning or updated performance, you defended or recommended GeForce 7, Kepler and low-end/mid-range Maxwell? I mean you yourself haven't owned an ATI/AMD card in what 10 years? 10 years!

Let's see now, the $550 980 you bought is now barely hanging with the $280-300 R9 290X/$330 390, $650 780 you bought is barely beating the $300 280X, while the $400 670 is barely as fast as a $250-300 7850/7870. Results speak for themselves. With such an impeccable track record, I guess we should trust your "unbiased" judgement for GPU picks for the future, huh?

Please explain again why we should care if a turn-based strategy game "feels better" at 59 FPS vs. 49 FPS, and then reconcile how does the GTX1080 owner feel when his i7 6700 still forces the game to drop below 45 FPS? You come off as very intelligent so I really want to know how is it that in one case 59 FPS is "far superior" to 49 FPS, but yet the game still drops to 41-45 FPS in other scenes even with a $600 1080? If 41-45 FPS drops are somehow acceptable in some scenes on a GTX1080, then why is 48-49 FPS on an RX 480 not good enough when the GTX1060 gets 58-59 FPS? The argument is inconsistent in nature.
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Reactions: Final8ty and Bacon1


Senior member
Jul 27, 2016
Who cares what the benchmark shows if no one will run those stupid settings. Let's also ignore the CPU bottlenecks I spoke about. Typical of your posts.

No, it's not common sense to me that AMD's performance would not improve under DX12 in this title after seeing AMD have superior DX12 performance, often beating the NV competitors (4870/480> 1060, 390/390X> 980, Fury X > 1070/980Ti) in AAA titles under DX12. Are you willing to be any game on Steam that AMD's performance under 4K will not improve under DX12 over their DX11 performance for the entire Polaris and Fury stack?

Your other call out against me is pathetic and laughable. Since 2007, I bought 8800GTS, 3x GTX470s, GT620, GTX750, and this generation I have 3xGTX1070s. That doesn't include all my ATI/AMD cards. Unlike you, I actually do buy both AMD and NV products, but I like to skip all the overpriced and inferior NV garbage (that's Kepler and Maxwell) when AMD simply has superior products. Like it's not my fault the NV fanboys are too blind to realize that $0 7970 CF and $0 Hawaii Tri-Fire were miles superior to $1000 680 SLI and $1650 980 Tri-SLI. If that's being biased, I'll take it. It's not my fault I am tech savvy to NOT spend thousands of dollars on Green hardware when the competitor sells me cards that make me $. All my 1070s are paid off from AMD hardware and the 1070s themselves will make $ too. Next one I buy Volta/Navi, etc. those will be free too. Before calling someone biased, maybe you should look in the mirror since last time I checked you bought a GTX780 and then a 980, both horrendously overpriced trash compared to the 290 and 290X/295X2. But it's pointless to argue with a loyalist since you'll never get it. If Vega cost $500 and had 85% of $750-800 1080Ti's performance, you would still find a way to justify NV. The same way you bought the VRAM gimped 570 over the $100 cheaper 6950 2GB that unlocked into a 6970. The same way you bought the inferior 680 over the far superior 7970, the same way you bought the inferior 780 over the superior 290/290X. Get over yourself. Somehow in the last 8 years not once did AMD/ATI have a better card? BS. I even remember you because even during GTX260 216/275 and HD4870/4890 era, you still managed to buy the 275 over the 4890 despite 4890 costing less. Every single generation, you are the one who always makes all kinds of excuses for NV's trash products and why it made sense to buy them. I don't make excuses for overpriced and underperforming AMD/NV cards. I easily recommended 980Ti over Fury X but I will also call it out when something like a $169 RX 470 absolutely wipes the floor with a $139 1050Ti. Do you? Your last 8 years of posting clearly shows you not only not buy AMD/ATI products, but you never go out of your way to recommend AMD while criticizing NV.

Totally wrong and baseless, post by you again. AMD has not beaten Nvidia performance on DX11 even AMD with DX12+Async cannot beat Nvidia DX11 performance.
DX12 performance
Gears of War Ultimate (GTX 1060 faster then Fury )
Forza Horizon 3гонки/forza-horizon-3-test-gpu

Gears of War 4

Game with DX11 and Dx12 option
QB (Nvidia is faster compare to AMD and even GTX 1060 is faster (Dx11) then Fury X on DX1 2

Battlefield 1 (GTX 1060 on DX11 is a only a bit faster then RX 480 on DX12 ,however, you GTX 980 Ti is beating fury X)

Total Warhammer (AMD on DX12+Async cannot beat Nvidia DX11 performance)

GTX 1060 beating Fury X on DX12 at max setting , which is the reason people buy high end cards.

Lastest benchmark of Deus EX Mankind divided
RX 480 vs GTX 1060

I am not posting CV 6 benchmark because their is no DX12 launch yet and we do not when it will be or maybe not.

RX 480 VR premium vs GTX 1060 VR.
Serious Sam VR (AMD liquid VR)

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance: H3VR

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance: Pool Nation VR

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance: Sword Master VR

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance: Trickster VR

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance: Space Pirate Trainer

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance: Onward Mil-Sim

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance: Island 359

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance: Project Cars

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance: Google's Tilt Brush

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance: Valve's Robot Repair

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance in Trials on Tatooine

AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Performance in Call of Starseed

AMD and NVIDIA GPU Vive VR Performance in Raw Data

GTX 1060 is faster then AMD RX 480 on VR as well with a good lead.

RS i do not why you always tend to post wrong information ,where as you can just relax and google it before posting any wrong info or you just want post baseless stuff.
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Reactions: Carfax83 and Sweepr


Aug 28, 2016
The GTX 1060 6GB is slightly faster than the RX 480 8GB in DX11, but it also costs $30 more on average. Most custom models are $300, this card was supposed to be $250. While some RX 480 sell for $290 or higher, the average price is around $270, also keep in mind than the 4GB version on average is $230, so $70 less for slightly less performance in DX11 and better performance in DX12.

Again you do get more performance in DX11 for $30 or $40 more from the 1060 6gb. On the other hand you get better performance from the 480 8gb in DX12 for $30 to $40 less or if you go for the 4gb version you get better DX12 performance for $70 less.
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Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2016
Anyone saying that the graphics in this game are worth the garbage GPU performance are nuts. The game seriously looks like it could have been done with sprites and run on integrated graphics, not killing $600 cards.

I mean seriously, take a hard look at the graphics:

And explain to me why this is bringing high end cards to their knees.

Here shows the actual CPU bottleneck

62/92 is cap for Nvidia and 53/82 is cap for AMD.

That means all of the single cards (minus 1080) aren't bottlenecked but just severely underperforming.

1070, 980 Ti and Fury X are all almost CPU bottlenecked and probably are part of the time, but not always.


Jul 21, 2010
Yeah the game's graphics aren't Battlefield 1 but it's a completely different type of game. For what it is, the graphics are pretty good, quite charming. After playing 15 hours of it over the weekend (one more turn syndrome is strong)... The FPS numbers in these graphs are pretty meaningless.

But for the actual thread context, by late game, with the world revealed, cities developed and armies littered throughout the map... you can see where a draw call limited API like DX11/OpenGL suffer. It is really sad there was no DX12/Vulkan support day 1 as this genre(4X), as well as RTS I feel would get the most immediate pay offs as their engines are more often then not, CPU limited from the get go.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2010
I'm glad you liked it! I have plenty more gems, you should take a look!

That's twice in a row you have threadcrapped.

Stay out of this thread.

Anandtech Forum Director
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Aug 28, 2016
Yeah I don't get it how a turn based game, one one a map with basically several 3D objects and no shadows, no lightning, no nothing of that can perform so terribly.

But then again Sid Meirs games have always had terrible performance issues and tons of bugs. Sid Meier's Railroads, people remember that game? Literally hundred different bugs. Amazing gameplay, very fun game, but terrible performance with massive performance issues. Every single game after that has been like that for them.
Worst thing is they need a year and an additional expansion to fix all the problems!


Senior member
Oct 14, 2014
If you guys are interested in what makes this game especially demanding, you can probably ask this guy.

Yeah I don't get it how a turn based game, one one a map with basically several 3D objects and no shadows, no lightning, no nothing of that can perform so terribly.

I'm watching a video of it now and I see tons of shadows all over the place. I mean, hundreds of trees and characters on the screen, all casting shadows. Also, looks like they have a dynamic time of day system, so I'm not sure where you're getting that it has no lighting either.

Depending on how they use batching or indirect draws, that many objects could add up to a lot of draw call overhead. And shadows are never really fast, given they're bottlenecked by one of the narrower parts of the gpu.
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Jul 21, 2010
I'm watching a video of it now and I see tons shadows all over the place. I mean, hundreds of trees and characters on the screen, all casting shadows. What are you talking about?

Depending on how they use batching and indirect draws, that many objects could add up to a lot of draw call overhead. And shadows are never really fast, given they're bottlenecked by one of the narrower parts of the gpu.

Yeah there are definitely shadows, even different time of days lots of nice little effects. When you build a Wonder, the time of day lighting kicks into a timelapse/accelerated mode going from day-sunset-magic-hour-night with the shadows swirling around. All being animated on the same map. Only thinking it's the same map cause I noticed when launching a 2nd space rocket and exiting the cut-scene quickly, the smoke trail showcased in the cut-scene was still present on the main view.


Golden Member
Apr 18, 2014
If you guys are interested in what makes this game especially demanding, you can probably ask this guy.

I'm watching a video of it now and I see tons of shadows all over the place. I mean, hundreds of trees and characters on the screen, all casting shadows. Also, looks like they have a dynamic time of day system, so I'm not sure where you're getting that it has no lighting either.

Depending on how they use batching or indirect draws, that many objects could add up to a lot of draw call overhead. And shadows are never really fast, given they're bottlenecked by one of the narrower parts of the gpu.




Senior member
Oct 14, 2014

Yeah, that makes sense. DX11 drivers have 7 years of work put into them by the people who make the hardware themselves.

It'll take a while for most developers to match or surpass that.

It won't take 7 years though. The game developer has the ability to do optimization that the driver obviously can't.
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