Clinton is Suck.......

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Jan 2, 2001
i'd rather have clinton in office than have bush. i dont know, but something about him just screams horrible president. a few guys on my floor are betting bush will be shot. think it will happen??


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
For anyone who decides to keep whining about the 800k a year office Clinton wants, what about Reagan? He has a 300k a year office, but he does NOTHING, the man doesnt even know his own damn birthdate. At least Clinton will be using his office.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
<< For anyone who decides to keep whining about the 800k a year office Clinton wants >>

After pressure from all sides he relented to a new dive in Harlem. It's a more reasonable 400K per year. He said that was his first choice all along.

Perhaps nobody's talking about Reagan's office monies because he was president 20 years ago amd he was actually a good and largely ethical president? If it were up to me I would cut off whatever old presidents no longer needed. I'm all for perks but lets use common sense here -- our presidents aren't kings after all.


Dec 18, 2000
I was supposed to go to bed's past midnight.

Anyway, I think both parties suck. Both parties have heads and people &quot;above&quot; everyone else who totally waste their money.

Our young people (and poor people...who for some reason....spend all the money they earn) look up to these &quot;leaders of our country&quot; and everyone wonders why everyone is poor?

No more example setters in our world today I guess

We might as well vote a hamster in for president...put him on the him lots of peanuts (or whatever hamsters eat, I dunno), and give him nice big couches. We just gotta teach it how to talk first.

The truth is, the President of the United States doesn't have much say in our world today. The power is more spread out, which is supposed to be a good thing, I guess. But there is lots of &quot;under the table&quot; money involved, and that's why everything is screwed up.

Both parties suck....republicans and democrats, elephants and donkeys, whatever....I am and always will be independant.

Only problem is, I dunno which &quot;independent party&quot; to be in



Golden Member
Jan 6, 2001

I don't know if Clinton is the best president but I would say he is pretty good in managing the country, except that his dIcK got $ucked by .......

As for Bush Jr, he can go to hell......
It's only a few weeks and he already raised the electricity bills here in Seattle, WA.



Diamond Member
May 4, 2000
limdandy, where in the hell do you get your info. What makes you think bush raised you electricity bill? I live in the Seattle area too and AFAIK he doesn't work for Puget Power. If you like Slick Willy so much mabye you can be the next one to play hide the cigar with him.
Feb 9, 2001
Haha, I see that besides Corn, now Tiger and Andrew have resorted to calling me a foreigner because they saw that I temporarily live in Japan. I guess when you have nothing with any validity to say, and are lost and blinded by Republican lies, you resort to those kind of cheap and cowardly tactics. Typical Republicans, nothing new here!

For the record, I am American. I guess Republicans, (who are used to being led around and told what to do by their cowardly and dishonest party) have a hard time understanding that some people actually have free will to travel to other great lands, and meet new &amp; interesting people, without killing them. Hah! Enuff said!

I never said Clinton was a &quot;Holy&quot; person, or a &quot;Saint&quot;. In fact, I didn't even comment on his personal life, and that's the whole point. That's all the Republicans can do is try to attack him because he got a little pleasure from a bimbo. He is a real person like anybody else. He did nothing any different in his personal life than any of the others. Republicans are still angry for the way that Clinton not only beat them soundly, but humiliated their candidate 2 elections in a row. They are still angry that Papa Bush (like the loser he is) got BOOTED out after only one term. Of course, the same will happen to Junior. They are still angry because the entire world knows they didn't even win this election. LOL!!! They are angry that around the world in most other countries, Clinton is regarded as a great president, and Bush is regarded as a dumbass. Hehe!!!

The bottom line is Clinton won two terms and would have won 3 if it was allowed. There is no question about it. The bottom line is Papa Bush got BOOTED after only one term, and Junior will too. Any questions? Didn't think so!

Most (not all) Republicans are two-faced scumbags. They are violent ruthless cowards. They point the finger at others yet hide from the facts when the finger is pointed at them. They preach about &quot;Character&quot; when they have none. BTW, when people mention that Bush is not only an admitted Alchoholic but also a former Cocaine user, they seem to get kinda quiet. Interesting!

LOL!!!! I'm thru with this thread. You can't argue logic with people so ignorant they think a woman should not have the right to choose. Enuff said. End of story!



Senior member
Dec 30, 2000
and i though Monica was suck??

damn, i guess being married to Hillary and having a monkey faced daughter would turn any man gay....


Diamond Member
May 4, 2000
TheTrueEqualizer, So you don't care about Clintons personal life ,then why do you give a rats ass what Bush did in his personal life? You need to get over yourself.

He not only got pleasure from a bimbo but 2 or 3 and it looks like quite a few people close to him have died by gunshot wound to the head. He has stolen furniture from the WH, is rapeing the US for a &quot;office&quot; ,pardoned some know militants so his old lady could get a few votes, pardoned that Marc bum . Yet you seem to think the whole World loves him? I have friends fron accross the Sea also and &quot;Great President&quot; isn't quite what they call him.

You are a very misguided person.


Oct 9, 1999

<< Haha, I see that besides Corn, now Tiger and Andrew have resorted to calling me a foreigner... >>

TheTrollEqualizer, where do you see that I called you a foreigner? Please quote me the text from my post. Now you manufacture facts to attack people here? Nice job.

<< He is a real person like anybody else. >>

Sure, every president pardons one of the most wanted international fugitives, through deliberate deceit (remember, he said he pardoned Rich &quot;on the merits&quot. Just a normal, real guy like everyone else who happens to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars and then hands out pardons like candy. Real upstanding citizen there.

<< They are still angry because the entire world knows they didn't even win this election. >>

Well, gee, that's funny. Maybe your time spent eating kelp has warped your reading of the Constitution, but Bush won the election based on that document. You might want to reread it -- you know, the part about the Electoral College. It's over -- move on. If the rest of the world is too stupid to realize that, is that our problem? Hardly. However, maybe it's the world's perception which caused Clinton to steal the fscking furniture, eh? LOL!

People will call you a troll when you blather on and make statements like the one quoted at the start of this post, not to mention the &quot;greatest President ever&quot; zinger.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

Your about as American as my parents Shi-tzu. A very good approximation but definitely not Yankee. It's the stiff writing style that gives you away indicatiing your not totally comfortable with the language.

If Clinton is such a wonderful man, the second coming of Ghandi, I want you to stand here and try to manufacture a lucid argument supporting the Pardons he sold. You and the rest of the yipping little pit Yorky's on the left won't or can't do that. Rather than logically support Clinton's actions you attack the other guy. We've seen it in this country for the last 8 years, can't support the man's actions so we'll go attack someone else to draw the fire off of poor misunderstood Billy. Pathetic.

If Clinton had been able to run again this time he'd have had his ass handed to him on a platter. We Americans rejected Gore because he was to close to Clinton. BTW, both Gore and Bush had a larger percentage of the vote than Clinton ever had in either of his wins. People wouldn't have bought the bullsh*t for a third time.

The cocaine charge against GW is an old one, nothing more than political inuendo sturred up by poor, bitter, Molly Ivens. Funny how entire news organizations spent 2+ years trying to find any credible evidence that GW ever used cocaine, never found any. It's just another one of those little firecrackers that get thrown when the the little yipping dogs have to try and defend the convict.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Haha, I see that [edit] everyone [/edit] besides Corn, now Tiger and Andrew [edit] are just a bunch of sniveling whiners because the golden boy Bore couldn?t break the rules and steal the election [/edit] and have resorted to calling [edit] TheTrueEqualizer [/edit] a foreigner because we saw that he is full of sh1t and claims to temporarily live in Japan. I guess when you have nothing with any validity to say, and are lost and blinded by Demoncratic lies, you resort to those kind of cheap and cowardly tactics. Typical Demoncrats, nothing new here!

For the record, I am American. I guess Demoncrats, (who are used to being led around and told what to do by their cowardly and dishonest party) have a hard time understanding that some people actually have free will to not suck slick big Willy?s thingie every time he drops them trousers. Hah! Enuff said!

I never said Clinton was a &quot;Holy&quot; person (obviously), or a &quot;Saint&quot; (obviously). In fact, I didn't even comment on his personal life, and that's the whole point. That's all the Demoncrats can do is try to attack the Republicans because he got a little pleasure from a bimbo and got caught with his spooge in her dress. He is a real person like anybody else (except for RoboGore). He did nothing any different in his personal life than any of the other sleeze ball Demoncrats. Demoncrats are still angry for the way that Bush not only beat them soundly at their own pathetic little game of promises promises, but humiliated their candidate 3 debates in a row causing him to lie badly to try to save face. They are still angry that Gore (like the sore loser he is) got BOOTED out after trying to count only ?some? votes while trying to disallow ?other? votes. They are still angry because the entire world knows they didn't even win this election. LOL!!! They are angry that around the world in most other countries, Clinton is regarded as a boob who can?t even ?spit? it in Monica?s hair cuz then it would have got washed out for sure!!! What a dumbass. Hehe!!!

The bottom line is Gore lost because the American people were tired of Clintonesque behavior and were ready for a change. There is no question about it. The bottom line is Bush got elected after 4 selective recounts. Any questions? Didn't think so!

Most (not all) Demoncrats are two-faced scumbags. They are sniveling cowards. They point the finger at others yet hide from the facts when the finger is pointed at them. They have no &quot;Character&quot; when they are the ones that need it the most!! BTW, when people mention that Bush is not only an admitted Alchoholic but also a former Cocaine user, and see that he?s had the guts and resolve to kick those habits and stay clean and sober they realize that ?Character? can overcome the greatest obsticles. Interesting!

LOL!!!! I'm not thru with this thread. You can't argue logic with people so ignorant they think a tax cut means the government is giving away ?it?s? money. Enuff said. End of story!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Some of you still haven't gotten over it. Gore won! Bush is there because of the Supreme Coup. The Presidency was stolen. It doesn't get any worse than that. Now before you rupture a spleen remember, the votes are being counted.


Apr 21, 2000
&quot;and i though Monica was suck??

damn, i guess being married to Hillary and having a monkey faced daughter would turn any man gay....

Oh yea thats right lets use personal attacks when you have nothing else to say. Republicans do nothing but demonize the man. As equalizer said, he's not perfect, but he did his job well enough. We are the laughing stock of the world in the way we treated this president over issues that had nothing to do with his job. And now we are laughed at for having a illigitimate simpleton president.


Senior member
Jan 9, 2001
Clinton, love him or hate him, is old news.

Everyone would best be served just ignoring him. I was mad as hell when he pardoned Rich, and it seems it was purchased (bribed). But watching an interview with Bob Dole really summed it up, Bob said &quot;nothing we can do about it, the power of the president regarding pardons is absolute&quot;. Even Bush said give it a rest. But, one party trouncing the other is part of the game these days, and old habits are hard to break.

Actually, with all the attention focused on Clinton, very little is focused on Bush. That can be advantageous at times, except for when starting out like he is now. Both political parties should just ostracize Clinton.

That's the best thing now, and it can start here. Just ignore him.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999

<< Now before you rupture a spleen remember, the votes are being counted. >>

LOL, Ummm, it's already been 3.5 months since the election and they still haven't counted enough votes for Bore to win. As a matter of fact, a complete recount of the &quot;undervotes&quot; in Miami-Dade county (which were not included into the &quot;official&quot; tally) shows Bush gaining additional votes. LOL at the pathetic whiny Demoncrats that just can't accept the reality that they lost. :Q

Calling the sky &quot;green&quot; often enough doesn't mean it is....


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
I can't wait to see if Marc Rich really did fund the money to the Demo's. Bet he did. If not, I bet we can link them together!!!


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
<< I can't wait to see if Marc Rich really did fund the money to the Demo's. Bet he did. If not, I bet we can link them together!!! >>

To me it doesn't even matter. Clinton pardoned a fugitive-on-the-run. A fugitive, remember kids, is someone running from the law. He's in the act of committing a crime in the here-and-now. To pardon Rich was unpardonable. Just because his were white collar crimes doesn't excuse him from the long arm of the law.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Just think, the 48 million dollar tax evasion by Rich could have increased the surpluses that much more.

48 million that low income earners would not have to make up.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Clinton's tax cut for the &quot;Rich&quot; is far more generous than what Bush proposed.


Jan 25, 2000
Just think, the 48 million dollar tax evasion by Rich could have paid for the Monica Lewinsky investigation.
Instead, we are going to spend another 48 million investigating this scandal
With these kind of figures wasted investigating Clinton for the purpose of this vandetta that the Republicans have against him, I find the outrage over the 700K/year office a little hypocritical on the part of the Republicans.



Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Since when is justice equated to a vendetta? If that was the case, many more criminals would be walking around free.
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