Clinton: Most Truthful Candidate with Enthusiastic Supporters


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
As I suspected:

Trump and Clinton Supporters Lead in Enthusiasm

Gallup said:
Among Republicans and Republican leaners, voters who support Donald Trump are the most enthusiastic by far, with a combined 65% describing themselves as extremely or very enthusiastic. This is nearly twice the level of fervor expressed by Republicans backing Gov. John Kasich (33%), and well eclipses the enthusiasm from those backing Sen. Ted Cruz (39%).

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton's supporters are more enthusiastic than Sen. Bernie Sanders' supporters, 54% vs. 44%.
And we know that Clinton has amassed more popular votes than any other candidate this primary season. (approx. 1.5 M votes more than The Duck, and approx. 2.5 M votes more than Sanders) Talk about a "Silent Majority."

Fact checkers confirm Hillary Clinton is more honest than any of her 2016 opponents

Politifact said:
The trendy knock on Hillary Clinton, even among those who acknowledge that she’s the most capable and knowledgeable of the 2016 candidates for President, is the accusation that she’s just not honest. Her opponents keep insisting that she can’t be trusted, that she’s not telling the truth, and that there is therefore no telling what she might do while in office. But whenever fact checkers look at what Clinton and her opponents are saying during this election cycle, she rates out as the most honest of the bunch.

Clinton: 72% Truths (including half-truths)
Sanders: 70% Truths (including half-truths)
The Duck: 24% Truths (including half-truths)
Cruz: 35% Truths (including half-truths)

Finally, Clinton, who is often derided as "Wall Street shill" for taking donations/speech fees, was the 11th most liberal senator based on her voting record.

Those who pay some attention to all those "scandals" she was allegedly entangled with, know that there really have been no there there. It is easy for her detractors to throw out buzzwords like "Benghazi," "Whitewater," "Vince Foster," "Private e-mail server," but anyone who spends a few minutes of fact-checking on each allegation knows that they are far from being substantiated. That pisses off her detractors even more (many of them in the press) but to their dismay the voters seem to see through all these smears just fine.


May 15, 2000
It doesn't matter. This election season isn't about facts, it's about appealing to people's base instincts. For trump supporters it's about fear and hate (in world that's changing around them). For Bernie supporters it's about hope and big ideas and achieving what they thought Obama was going to give them when they voted for him. For hillary supporters it's about getting back to a functional government in Washington. For Cruz supporters it's about getting any republican elected besides trump.


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
It doesn't matter. This election season isn't about facts, it's about appealing to people's base instincts.
That is the data shows. Predominant media narrative notwithstanding ("Enthusiasm Gap," "Untrustworthiness,"), Clinton voters seem enthused enough.


Nov 20, 1999
Gallup oversamples landlines. Millennials mostly use cellphones only. Actually, now that i think of it, i don't know a single person who still uses a landline, Millenial or not. I'm sure 60 year old white women love Clinton.


Apr 8, 2013
I'm surprised there is more enthusiasm for Clinton than Sanders. I favor Clinton, but the Sanders supporters seem more...intense about it.

Not surprised by the rest of it. Clinton being any more dishonest than an average pol is a myth perpetrated by the right which has been absorbed by some Sanders supporters.


Apr 8, 2013
Gallup oversamples landlines. Millennials mostly use cellphones only. Actually, now that i think of it, i don't know a single person who still uses a landline, Millenial or not. I'm sure 60 year old white women love Clinton.

If they were oversampling landlines, it would diminish not only younger voters (Sanders) but also minorities (Clinton). So even if they were oversampling land lines, and it doesn't look like they are, it's not clear which way that would cut.
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Senior member
Dec 11, 2013
Gallup never called me. I consider Clinton the only candidate with a chance of losing to Trump no matter how small that chance. I think "almost" any other democrat would beat Trump by more. The only thing I find more strange is how Trump supporters think they have a squeak of a chance of him becoming president. I realized they think even less people will want to vote for Clinton. She is THE MOST objectionable and least liked democrat. But she will probably still win. Unless of course Bernie wins a bunch of the remaining primaries and the super delegates switch sides. Then we could have a democrat president instaid of a left leaning 80's republican. (clinton)


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
^ That is an interesting rebuttal. So the fact that Gallup did not call you delegitimize the data? I suppose you do not give any weight to most Gallup surveys, then? (except for the polls you participated in, whichever those might be)

The rest of your post is non sequitur. We all have our opinions, and you have yours. That is not the thrust of this thread, though. The gist of this thread is that data gathered by fact-checking groups and survey groups refute the common myths with regard to Clinton.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2016

I'm surprised that Hillary tops Bernie in enthusiasm. Bernie supporters comprise a vast youth segment, but I admit I may be biased as I support Bernie!

best regards,


Jun 23, 2005
How the hell are people more enthusiastic for Hillary than Bernie?

For that matter, how the hell is anyone enthusiastic for Hillarly? :hmm:


Apr 8, 2013
Yeah, the website where Trump can use misleading unemployment figures and receive a 'false' and a 'pants on fire', while Sanders can do the exact same and receive a 'half-true' and 'mostly true'.

I don't agree. Take this for example:

That is their evaluation of Sanders' remark: "We spend almost twice as much per capita on health care as do the people of any other country."

The actual truth according to Politifact is that there are two countries in the world we do not outspend by 2:1. All other countries we outspend by 2:1 or more. And those 2 counties we outspend by quite a lot.

For that they give Sanders a "false," not even "mostly false." Doesn't sound like they're cutting him much slack at all.


Apr 8, 2013
^ That is an interesting rebuttal. So the fact that Gallup did not call you delegitimize the data? I suppose you do not give any weight to most Gallup surveys, then? (except for the polls you participated in, whichever those might be)

The rest of your post is non sequitur. We all have our opinions, and you have yours. That is not the thrust of this thread, though. The gist of this thread is that data gathered by fact-checking groups and survey groups refute the common myths with regard to Clinton.

It's also easy to refute the myth propagated by some Sanders supporters that she is not really that liberal.

According to her voting record, she is near as liberal as Sanders and more liberal than the majority of Senate dems. Isn't it odd that a "left leaning 80's republican" would vote so far left?


Apr 8, 2013

I don't have the patience to read all 5 articles but I'll take your word on it that the degree of truth v. falsity is similar between Sanders' and Trumps' remarks. It still doesn't prove a systemic bias for or against a particular person. I think when politifact is wrong in its rating (IMO of course), it can cut either way. You'd have to show a larger sampling to prove the point.


Apr 12, 2004
The biggest problem with websites like Politifact (and it's an inherent flaw not easy to addres) is that any politician says thousands of things, and no matter how many times you quote them, you're never going to capture everything. The fair solution would be to pick select events (e.g. every odd-numbered debate, every first speech of the month, etc) in an arbitrary but relatively unbiased way, because even unconscious bias is possible in the form of hyper-focus on/sensitivity to one candidate.

Regardless of the cause of their anti-Trump bias, it shows in other areas too. Here's another I've seen posted online:

Then on the other side, there are some cases supporting Hillary that are blatantly half-truthful at best (more realistically lies in some cases). For example:

The "unarmed man" was literally armed with the officer's baton at the time he was shot.

Or maybe just what it takes for her to receive a pants on fire rating. The thing about Trump's face being used on ISIS videos was a flagrant lie and personal attack, yet it merely received a 'false'. She claimed healthcare costs were at a 50-year low since Obamacare, absurdly untrue, yet merely received a 'false'. Meanwhile, Trump throws on his usual hyperbole, and Politifact gobbles it up.


Feb 1, 2008
How the hell are people more enthusiastic for Hillary than Bernie?

For that matter, how the hell is anyone enthusiastic for Hillarly? :hmm:

I agree with that.
The thing with Bernie, his supporters love a rally but not so much the voting booth.

If Donald should become the nominated candidate up against Hillary, what you will see are those Hillary v Donald polls flipping.
Despite what the republicans fear or the democrats applaud, Trump will absolutely out poll Hillary easily, EASILY....
When the rubber meets the road, Trump will put Hillary away using the same tactics he used against Jeb.

No one thought Trump would go anywhere, but he has.
No one believed Trump would still be in the game, but he is.
And everyone thinks Hillary can trump Trump, and all the current polls show that, but that won't last.

I went to Easter with my huge extended family last Sunday and the subject of Trump came up.
And I almost lost my Easter eggs to find out almost everyone at that huge table either supported Trump or were Bernie fans leaning towards Trump.
Mostly well off upper middle class white men and women I dined with on Easter ham and turkey, they really loved Donald.
The very same group I had just assumed were turned off by Donald and all of his anti woman talk, they were all gun ho for Donald.

They simply don't hold all that nutty Donald Trump talk against Donald.
They actually relate to Donald.

My sister, in her 60's, feels Donald Trump is one of them.
She understands Donald as from the same era and same mindset she relates to.
Not so much his stupid rants, but what she relates to is Donald's disgust with everything establishment in politics.
Donald speaks a language that hits a cord with folks and especially women in that age group.
And the same women that relate to Donald absolutely hate and distrust Hillary.
I don't think they even consider Hillary a woman. They sure don't care that Hillary is a woman.

So don't believe what you hear.
As I see it, Trump would not lose to Hillary. Actually, quite the opposite would be true.
And I have had this deep down gut feeling that once it boils down to Hillary v Trump, the polls will flip and Hillary will be in the fight for her life.

The big bottom line everyone seems to be missing, especially the republican establishment, is that people are completely sick and tired of establishment politicians.
Democrat establishment, republican establishment, all establishment.
A lot of people feel cheated, lied to, and purposely screwed over by the establishment.
And they have totally had it with all that crap.

And along comes Donald.
Not Cruz, not Kasich, but Donald and only Donald.
One of their own. From their generation. Speaking their language.
Thinking and saying what they feel inside.
That might be ugly or divisive, but that is where we are.
Teddy isn't going to do it. Nor Bernie. Never Kasich. And certainly not Hillary.
Hillary's shortcomings going up against Bernie only proves her vulnerability when she goes up against Donald Trump.
And we haven't even started with Donald's Bill Clinton attacks.
That alone could prove the demise of Hillary.

John Kasich? God man... give it up.
10% is 10%. Don't make like 10% equals a win.
People just aren't buying. They never will.
Trump is right about Kasich, Kasich would be a failed governor if not for the oil.
Hell, if all that oil were discover in Flint, even Gov. Rick Snyde would be praised as a savior.
And even Flint Michigan would flourish.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
It doesn't matter. This election season isn't about facts, it's about appealing to people's base instincts. For trump supporters it's about a general loathing for establishment politics, along with some fear and hate (in world that's changing around them). For Bernie supporters it's about getting the free sh*t that they thought Obama was going to give them when they voted for him. For hillary supporters it's about voting for someone with a uterus to continue the historical trend started by voting for Obama and a willingness to completely ignore that she's fundamentally corrupt and a full-blown corporate whore. For Cruz supporters it's about getting any republican elected besides trump and for some a hope that he's the only candidate that has a remote clue about what the constitution actually says.



Golden Member
Jun 22, 2005
I agree with that.
The thing with Bernie, his supporters love a rally but not so much the voting booth.

If Donald should become the nominated candidate up against Hillary, what you will see are those Hillary v Donald polls flipping.
Despite what the republicans fear or the democrats applaud, Trump will absolutely out poll Hillary easily, EASILY....
When the rubber meets the road, Trump will put Hillary away using the same tactics he used against Jeb.

No one thought Trump would go anywhere, but he has.
No one believed Trump would still be in the game, but he is.
And everyone thinks Hillary can trump Trump, and all the current polls show that, but that won't last.

I went to Easter with my huge extended family last Sunday and the subject of Trump came up.
And I almost lost my Easter eggs to find out almost everyone at that huge table either supported Trump or were Bernie fans leaning towards Trump.
Mostly well off upper middle class white men and women I dined with on Easter ham and turkey, they really loved Donald.
The very same group I had just assumed were turned off by Donald and all of his anti woman talk, they were all gun ho for Donald.

They simply don't hold all that nutty Donald Trump talk against Donald.
They actually relate to Donald.

My sister, in her 60's, feels Donald Trump is one of them.
She understands Donald as from the same era and same mindset she relates to.
Not so much his stupid rants, but what she relates to is Donald's disgust with everything establishment in politics.
Donald speaks a language that hits a cord with folks and especially women in that age group.
And the same women that relate to Donald absolutely hate and distrust Hillary.
I don't think they even consider Hillary a woman. They sure don't care that Hillary is a woman.

So don't believe what you hear.
As I see it, Trump would not lose to Hillary. Actually, quite the opposite would be true.
And I have had this deep down gut feeling that once it boils down to Hillary v Trump, the polls will flip and Hillary will be in the fight for her life.

The big bottom line everyone seems to be missing, especially the republican establishment, is that people are completely sick and tired of establishment politicians.
Democrat establishment, republican establishment, all establishment.
A lot of people feel cheated, lied to, and purposely screwed over by the establishment.
And they have totally had it with all that crap.

And along comes Donald.
Not Cruz, not Kasich, but Donald and only Donald.
One of their own. From their generation. Speaking their language.
Thinking and saying what they feel inside.
That might be ugly or divisive, but that is where we are.
Teddy isn't going to do it. Nor Bernie. Never Kasich. And certainly not Hillary.
Hillary's shortcomings going up against Bernie only proves her vulnerability when she goes up against Donald Trump.
And we haven't even started with Donald's Bill Clinton attacks.
That alone could prove the demise of Hillary.

John Kasich? God man... give it up.
10% is 10%. Don't make like 10% equals a win.
People just aren't buying. They never will.
Trump is right about Kasich, Kasich would be a failed governor if not for the oil.
Hell, if all that oil were discover in Flint, even Gov. Rick Snyde would be praised as a savior.
And even Flint Michigan would flourish.

You may be right on your Trump/Clinton feelings. I noticed a situation somewhat similar. At least once or twice a year, a bunch of old neighborhood friends get together and have a night out a bar/tavern near where we grew up( 30+years ago). This bar had a couple tv's on the hockey game and couple on a news station and part of a Trump speech came on. I was too far away to hear what Trump was saying but I imagine Trump was saying what he always says.(the wall,getting ripped off in trade,politicans are all talk no action.. etc.) Anyway, I noticed how attention turned to Trump from the the people sitting at the bar. This news station is one that recycles the same news stories a couple times an hour. They did have a segment on a Clinton speech and no even payed attention to it. I noticed this several times as the station recycled the same stories. Many of these people at the bar were blue collar folks. I know for a fact about a dozen were correction officers (union workers who almost always vote "D")celebrating a coworkers birthday.
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