C'mon Bush haters admit it. It feels good.


Sep 26, 2000
Here's a bit of honesty for you. After 7 years of Republican/Bush lying now that the 2008 election is near I'm feeling good. Why? Because after 7 years of "Deficits don"t matter" "Iraq is going great" "Saddam had weapons of mass destruction" "Outsourcing is good" "The Republicans are trying to stop illegal immigration" "Tax cuts increase revenue' "Republicans believe in good government"etc, etc etc FINALLY most Americans have come to their senses. And the outright lying and the vast right wing spin machine finds itself in a conumdrum. They want to tell us how the Democrats will spend, spend, spend. But we know it was the Republicans who did that. The righties want to tell us great times in Iraq are just around the corner, but that won't sell anymore. They want to tell us the Republicans are all about stopping illegal immigration, but we know they were all about NOT prosecuting companies that hired illegal aliens.
Etc, etc, etc.
Hoist by their own petard, I would say.
If I only knew what a petard is.


Apr 25, 2001
I don't know, if anything, it's a short term victory. The public might have shifted its opinion on a number of topics, but the underlying problems that led to the adoption of the silly ideas to begin with haven't changed much. The public is still pretty apathetic about the facts, but fanatical about the issues. There is no shift from the gang mentality towards being an informed member of the public, if anything, it's become worse. People haven't stopped watching Bill O'Reilly in favor of reasoned debate and informative news, and the party line noise is still as popular as ever. Maybe Bush and his particular brand of stupid are on the way out, but given the voters our system has to work with, I'm sure they'll find some new kind of stupid to replace it with.


Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Rainsford
I don't know, if anything, it's a short term victory. The public might have shifted its opinion on a number of topics, but the underlying problems that led to the adoption of the silly ideas to begin with haven't changed much. The public is still pretty apathetic about the facts, but fanatical about the issues. There is no shift from the gang mentality towards being an informed member of the public, if anything, it's become worse. People haven't stopped watching Bill O'Reilly in favor of reasoned debate and informative news, and the party line noise is still as popular as ever. Maybe Bush and his particular brand of stupid are on the way out, but given the voters our system has to work with, I'm sure they'll find some new kind of stupid to replace it with.

Ooooh. You ruined my good mood:brokenheart:



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: techs
Here's a bit of honesty for you.

After 7 years of Republican/Bush lying now that the 2008 election is near I'm feeling good.


Because after 7 years of:

"Deficits don"t matter"

"Iraq is going great"

"Saddam had weapons of mass destruction"

"Outsourcing is good"

"The Republicans are trying to stop illegal immigration"

"Tax cuts increase revenue'

"Republicans believe in good government"

etc, etc etc

FINALLY most Americans have come to their senses.

And the outright lying and the vast right wing spin machine finds itself in a conundrum.

They want to tell us how the Democrats will spend, spend, spend.

But we know it was the Republicans who did that.

The righties want to tell us great times in Iraq are just around the corner, but that won't sell anymore.

They want to tell us the Republicans are all about stopping illegal immigration, but we know they were all about NOT prosecuting companies that hired illegal aliens.

Etc, etc, etc.

Hoist by their own petard, I would say.

If I only knew what a petard is.


The Bush supporters are still saying the above items.

Petard - means ?to blow oneself up with one's own bomb, be undone by one's own devices.?

?a loud discharge of intestinal gas?


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Rainsford
I don't know, if anything, it's a short term victory. The public might have shifted its opinion on a number of topics, but the underlying problems that led to the adoption of the silly ideas to begin with haven't changed much. The public is still pretty apathetic about the facts, but fanatical about the issues. There is no shift from the gang mentality towards being an informed member of the public, if anything, it's become worse. People haven't stopped watching Bill O'Reilly in favor of reasoned debate and informative news, and the party line noise is still as popular as ever. Maybe Bush and his particular brand of stupid are on the way out, but given the voters our system has to work with, I'm sure they'll find some new kind of stupid to replace it with.

Ooooh. You ruined my good mood:brokenheart:

My bad, but don't think I'm not happy Bush will be gone before too long. Even in a world of crummy leaders elected by a mediocre public, Bush stands head and shoulders above them in terms of sheer crapiness.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
And it will be interesting to see what the Dems may be able to accomplish that will negate all that you have stated.

Given the hot air coming from their leadership after the '06 elections; I am very impressed.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
I hate Bush, but I really wish that what he had done so far would benefit us all as a whole. Although, in my mind I knew it was BS and would F us over which it has.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2006
Originally posted by: techs
Here's a bit of honesty for you. After 7 years of Republican/Bush lying now that the 2008 election is near I'm feeling good. Why? Because after 7 years of "Deficits don"t matter" "Iraq is going great" "Saddam had weapons of mass destruction" "Outsourcing is good" "The Republicans are trying to stop illegal immigration" "Tax cuts increase revenue' "Republicans believe in good government"etc, etc etc FINALLY most Americans have come to their senses. And the outright lying and the vast right wing spin machine finds itself in a conumdrum. They want to tell us how the Democrats will spend, spend, spend. But we know it was the Republicans who did that. The righties want to tell us great times in Iraq are just around the corner, but that won't sell anymore. They want to tell us the Republicans are all about stopping illegal immigration, but we know they were all about NOT prosecuting companies that hired illegal aliens.
Etc, etc, etc.
Hoist by their own petard, I would say.
If I only knew what a petard is.

What will you do if another Repub wins?


May 1, 2006
I'd feel better if the underlying issues that brought about this administration weren't still in place.

Following the great depression, we had a president who could finally fix a lot of things. We need another, but none is likely to get elected - maybe Dennis Kucinich would, who probably won't win.

I'm not a big fan of Obama, but just his being a bit of an outsider wild card makes me wonder if he could do some good. But I'm putting the cart before the horse; the right-wing corruption is what makes it hard to elect someone who would fix the right-wing corruption.

But the Bush administration does reflect a special combination of the old corrupt Nixon and Reagan administrations' bad boys who will be out soon, and that's good.

The end of the Bush administration is far from the end of the problems - and the Supreme Court is one vote away from arguably being the most dangerous court in history.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Originally posted by: Craig234
I'd feel better if the underlying issues that brought about this administration weren't still in place.

Following the great depression, we had a president who could finally fix a lot of things. We need another, but none is likely to get elected - maybe Dennis Kucinich would, who probably won't win.

I'm not a big fan of Obama, but just his being a bit of an outsider wild card makes me wonder if he could do some good. But I'm putting the cart before the horse; the right-wing corruption is what makes it hard to elect someone who would fix the right-wing corruption.

But the Bush administration does reflect a special combination of the old corrupt Nixon and Reagan administrations' bad boys who will be out soon, and that's good.

The end of the Bush administration is far from the end of the problems - and the Supreme Court is one vote away from arguably being the most dangerous court in history.
And there lay the problem.
Anybody who has the balls and the brains to fix America either wont run, or wont get elected.
I keep telling people the real solution is to stop believing that only a Republican or Democrat can run the country. There are always a few third-party names on the ballet, but no one ever wants to vote for them.


Moderator<br>Networking<br>Elite member
Mar 19, 2001
I don't know that it's a lock for the Dems. We're talking over a year away, a lot can happen.

So far, the Dems keep taking the bait and the Republicans just keep trickin' 'em over and over again. It's gotta really suck being fooled by the dumbest guys on the hill; certainly doesn't do much for one's confidence and image (not to mention the public's approval rating).



Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: dyna
Originally posted by: techs
Here's a bit of honesty for you. After 7 years of Republican/Bush lying now that the 2008 election is near I'm feeling good. Why? Because after 7 years of "Deficits don"t matter" "Iraq is going great" "Saddam had weapons of mass destruction" "Outsourcing is good" "The Republicans are trying to stop illegal immigration" "Tax cuts increase revenue' "Republicans believe in good government"etc, etc etc FINALLY most Americans have come to their senses. And the outright lying and the vast right wing spin machine finds itself in a conumdrum. They want to tell us how the Democrats will spend, spend, spend. But we know it was the Republicans who did that. The righties want to tell us great times in Iraq are just around the corner, but that won't sell anymore. They want to tell us the Republicans are all about stopping illegal immigration, but we know they were all about NOT prosecuting companies that hired illegal aliens.
Etc, etc, etc.
Hoist by their own petard, I would say.
If I only knew what a petard is.

What will you do if another Repub wins?

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.




Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2007
I don't hate George Bush -
I hate what he has done to America. I hate what he has done to conservatism. I hate the politics of obfuscation and deceit by the Republican party - as exemplified by P&N. I hate the corruption. I hate the corporate cronyism and special interest control of gov't. I hate the fascist-like nationalism. I hate the chickenhawks. I hate that 3,800 of our finest have died in an illegal war - when the real battle was 2 countries over. I hate how the Contards used Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch. I hate Abu Grahib. I hate Gitmo. I hate what they did to Colin Powell. I hate what they did to our standing in the world. And for those of faith I hate what they've done before the eyes of the Lord.

Dubya's just a dry-drunk who was used by persons who are truly evil. "The smartest guys in the room?" Bullsh*t

Even Lee Atwater had remorse for his politics of destruction - not these clowns . . . .


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Rainsford
I don't know, if anything, it's a short term victory. The public might have shifted its opinion on a number of topics, but the underlying problems that led to the adoption of the silly ideas to begin with haven't changed much. The public is still pretty apathetic about the facts, but fanatical about the issues. There is no shift from the gang mentality towards being an informed member of the public, if anything, it's become worse. People haven't stopped watching Bill O'Reilly in favor of reasoned debate and informative news, and the party line noise is still as popular as ever. Maybe Bush and his particular brand of stupid are on the way out, but given the voters our system has to work with, I'm sure they'll find some new kind of stupid to replace it with.

Ooooh. You ruined my good mood:brokenheart:
He's right. Rainsfords on a freaking roll today, believe it.

The more I learn about politics and people the more I realize a great many of them are ignorant and do not care. This brings me concern about the long term efficacy of a democracy. I just inherently do not at the base level believe that if two people are voting and one is well informed and critical and the other isn't that they should both have equal say in matters of the world. There is something a bit wrong with it.



Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: heyheybooboo
I don't hate George Bush -
I hate what he has done to America. I hate what he has done to conservatism. I hate the politics of obfuscation and deceit by the Republican party - as exemplified by P&N. I hate the corruption. I hate the corporate cronyism and special interest control of gov't. I hate the fascist-like nationalism. I hate the chickenhawks. I hate that 3,800 of our finest have died in an illegal war - when the real battle was 2 countries over. I hate how the Contards used Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch. I hate Abu Grahib. I hate Gitmo. I hate what they did to Colin Powell. I hate what they did to our standing in the world. And for those of faith I hate what they've done before the eyes of the Lord.

Dubya's just a dry-drunk who was used by persons who are truly evil. "The smartest guys in the room?" Bullsh*t

Even Lee Atwater had remorse for his politics of destruction - not these clowns . . . .

I don't hate Bush either...he was just doing what he does best, as was the rest of the Republican party. Yeah, their tactics leave a lot to be desired, but that's who they are...you don't blame a shark for biting people, that's what it does. I blame the public, because if people were able to summon the collective intelligence of a jar of mayonnaise, Bush would do something else...because his shit wouldn't work. The obfuscation and deceit would be laughed at, his stupid pronouncements about having a mandate would be greeted with jeers and thrown beer bottles instead of spastic head bobbing. Like Jon Stewart said, I don't think Bush is stupid, I think we're stupid, because it we weren't, he wouldn't talk to us this way.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Skoorb
The more I learn about politics and people the more I realize a great many of them are ignorant and do not care. This brings me concern about the long term efficacy of a democracy. I just inherently do not at the base level believe that if two people are voting and one is well informed and critical and the other isn't that they should both have equal say in matters of the world. There is something a bit wrong with it.

Old news. Democracy has plenty of well established problems. Which is a big reason why you need a Constitution or something to ensure Liberty. Now there's a term you don't hear much anymore.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Rainsford
I don't know, if anything, it's a short term victory. The public might have shifted its opinion on a number of topics, but the underlying problems that led to the adoption of the silly ideas to begin with haven't changed much. The public is still pretty apathetic about the facts, but fanatical about the issues. There is no shift from the gang mentality towards being an informed member of the public, if anything, it's become worse. People haven't stopped watching Bill O'Reilly in favor of reasoned debate and informative news, and the party line noise is still as popular as ever. Maybe Bush and his particular brand of stupid are on the way out, but given the voters our system has to work with, I'm sure they'll find some new kind of stupid to replace it with.

Ooooh. You ruined my good mood:brokenheart:
He's right. Rainsfords on a freaking roll today, believe it.

The more I learn about politics and people the more I realize a great many of them are ignorant and do not care. This brings me concern about the long term efficacy of a democracy. I just inherently do not at the base level believe that if two people are voting and one is well informed and critical and the other isn't that they should both have equal say in matters of the world. There is something a bit wrong with it.

That's why Churchill was right, Democracy is a terrible form of government...except for all the other forms of government. Democracy is crap because of the very reason you stated, that there is very little wisdom in collective ignorance, and that listening to one informed person is probably better than listening to some guy who just stopped snorking coke long enough to vote. Of course the problem with every other system is that it requires some superhuman authority to decide who's worth listening to and who's not. Since we seem to be lacking an entity to fill that role, I'd say we're up shit creek without a paddle.

As a liberal, I like the idea of what government can do...but if there was ever a good argument for the libertarian viewpoint, this is it.

Ah, I found my favorite quote on the topic...from Robert Heinlein.
Democracy can't work. Mathematicians, peasants, and animals, that's all there is ? so democracy, a theory based on the assumption that mathematicians and peasants are equal, can never work. Wisdom is not additive; its maximum is that of the wisest man in a given group.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: cwjerome
Originally posted by: Skoorb
The more I learn about politics and people the more I realize a great many of them are ignorant and do not care. This brings me concern about the long term efficacy of a democracy. I just inherently do not at the base level believe that if two people are voting and one is well informed and critical and the other isn't that they should both have equal say in matters of the world. There is something a bit wrong with it.

Old news. Democracy has plenty of well established problems. Which is a big reason why you need a Constitution or something to ensure Liberty. Now there's a term you don't hear much anymore.

Liberty is boring, the new vogue is populism...even if its adherents don't call it that. But it's still populism, the solution to every single problem lies in asking a random 51% of the population what they think about a topic.


Golden Member
May 30, 2005
Do you really need to beat a dead horse?

C'mon Bush haters admit it. It feels good.
Before he was Darth Vader, Cheney was Anakin.
Repubicans have fooled us twice. Isn't that enough?


Jun 4, 2005
i'd much rather be wrong and have things go right than to be right and have things go wrong.

it sucks that no one listened when we kept telling the less informed or ignorant people that bush would be horrible for this country...
Sep 12, 2004
The upside is that we should finally get a President with elocution and diction.

The downside is that, at their core, I'm not sure the present crop of candidates will bring anything to the table that differs much from Bush.

But at at they'll sound good while sucking at being Pres. I guess that counts for something.


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
The upside is that we should finally get a President with elocution and diction.

The downside is that, at their core, I'm not sure the present crop of candidates will bring anything to the table that differs much from Bush.

But at at they'll sound good while sucking at being Pres. I guess that counts for something.

take it from one of the many who's been right the past two elections: you're definitely wrong about that.
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