CNN doxxes Reddit user over Trump wrestling gif

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Apr 8, 2013
So if the Supreme Court says that he is within his First Amendment rights should CNN to decide to threaten him over it? I would think using coercion and threats to deny someone their constitutional rights would result in some serious legal trouble for CNN..?

I fail to see how the one has anything to do with the other. The First Amendment limits the government's ability to censor speech. Full stop. Under what theory is CNN somehow liable under the First Amendment for threatening to out this guy?

Public shaming over speech has been an option forever. You're just trying to make an exception for internet speech because you want to preserve everyone's anonymity. On the internet, we're told, people can act without conscience, and face no consequences.
Reactions: Azuma Hazuki


May 28, 2007
No, fortunately, incitement is a very narrow exception to the First Amendment. The violence advocated must be "intended, likely and imminent" according to the Brandenburg test. IIRC, that case involved someone making a general threat of "revenge" against the government while at a Klan rally where people were actually armed, and the SCOTUS said that prosecuting him violates the First Amendment.

No chance of a legal remedy here. Which is entirely the point. No one wants government censorship. But public shaming has always been an option for countering offensive speech. Some of us have just decided to treat internet speech as an exception where people are supposed to be shame proof, such that there are literally never any consequences to hateful and offensive speech.

Anonymity protects lots of different kinds of commentary and discourse on the internet. I'm surprised you're so cavalier about it. My understanding is that this was posted by a sub reddit for like-minded shitheads and that this would not have been seen by anyone if Trump hadn't retweeted it.

You called this a tactic for "countering offensive speech" but my understanding is that other trolls have already responded to CNN with more threats, so how exactly did this do any good?

No need to be a fan. You can just read the tweets they quoted. They are quoted elsewhere. If you haven't read them, you should. This isn't even ordinary bigotry. It really doesn't get much worse than this.

I already said that based on what I've seen, he's a complete piece of shit, why do I need to read his presumably hateful, vile, racist, posts? The ADL is a shitty organization and I'm not going to their website.


Nov 11, 1999
So if the Supreme Court says that he is within his First Amendment rights should CNN to decide to threaten him over it? I would think using coercion and threats to deny someone their constitutional rights would result in some serious legal trouble for CNN..?

Speech anonymity is not guaranteed by the Constitution. We all have a right to privacy, however- it just doesn't necessarily extend to what we willingly put into the public view.
Right, I think anyone pointing out that this guy is a piece of shit should also point out that CNN is a horribly shitty media company that has no issue hiring shills and liars and putting them on the air.

Yeh, that's why 3 were recently fired. At Fox, I figure they'd get a raise.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
The best part is that you'll no doubt expect others to feel empathy for you sometime in your life

Pure Hi-larity this talk of empathy. When you experience it in a way that doesn't include intolerance, exclusion or divisiveness please do share. I could be wrong (it's so very rare) but you may have a mis-comprehension of the word.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
Speech anonymity is not guaranteed by the Constitution. We all have a right to privacy, however- it just doesn't necessarily extend to what we willingly put into the public view.



Apr 8, 2013
Anonymity protects lots of different kinds of commentary and discourse on the internet. I'm surprised you're so cavalier about it. My understanding is that this was posted by a sub reddit for like-minded shitheads and that this would not have been seen by anyone if Trump hadn't retweeted it.

I'm not cavalier about it. I'll admit to being conflicted about it. We've had free speech, meaning a constitutional guaranty against government censorship, since the beginning. I've never been conflicted about that. I support it 100%. Yet in the past, people have exercised a sense of restraint because they face public censure. The internet has unfortunately become an excuse for people to pursue all manner of vile and sociopathic behavior, while cowardly hiding behind anonymity. Still, I see the importance of maintaining it. I just don't think CNN threatening to out this guy on this one occasion, without actually doing it, is a threat to internet anonymity on the whole.

The present climate is one in which the free press is under attack. These are not normal circumstances.

You called this a tactic for "countering offensive speech" but my understanding is that other trolls have already responded to CNN with more threats, so how exactly did this do any good?

Good. People have been trying to rationalize this video as being a metaphor for Trump's struggle against the media rather than as advocacy for violence. If direct threats of violence are being made, then these people are now being exposed for who and what they truly are.

I already said that based on what I've seen, he's a complete piece of shit, why do I need to read his presumably hateful, vile, racist, posts? The ADL is a shitty organization and I'm not going to their website.

You're just trying to stick your head in the sand because you have issues with CNN and you don't want to see who this guy really is.


Quote removed.

His posts have already been linked to in this thread. There is no need to repost his hateful speech here.
admin allisolm

Good one, taking this guy's side over the big, bad CNN. You're on the wrong side of this one.
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Reactions: Younigue


May 28, 2007
I'm not cavalier about it. I'll admit to being conflicted about it. We've had free speech, meaning a constitutional guaranty against government censorship, since the beginning. I've never been conflicted about that. I support it 100%.

Maybe it's worth asking yourself why you support it 100%. Is it because there's something unique about a government vs. another type of organization? Or is it because there's a massive power imbalance between an individual expressing a (possibly awful) view, and the full force of the state? Don't you think a similar power imbalance can exist between some dude who is posting gross shit on Reddit and a $15 billion media company with the resources to discover the dude's identity and focus public attention on him.

Yet in the past, people have exercised a sense of restraint because they face public censure. The internet has unfortunately become an excuse for people to pursue all manner of vile and sociopathic behavior, while cowardly hiding behind anonymity. Still, I see the importance of maintaining it. I just don't think CNN threatening to out this guy on this one occasion, without actually doing it, is a threat to internet anonymity on the whole.

I mean, if you don't think that CNN discovering this guy's identity, and threatening to dox him to extract concession from him is a threat to internet anonymity, I guess we just disagree.

The present climate is one in which the free press is under attack. These are not normal circumstances.

To the extent that the free press is "under attack", it is from the government and powerful interests, not internet shitheads on reddit.

Good. People have been trying to rationalize this video as being a metaphor for Trump's struggle against the media rather than as advocacy for violence. If direct threats of violence are being made, then these people are now being exposed for who and what they truly are.

I don't think there's much question who these people are. My question is what was accomplished by CNN.

You're just trying to stick your head in the sand because you have issues with CNN and you don't want to see who this guy really is.


Good one, taking this guy side over the big, bad CNN. You're on the wrong side of this one.

I read the guardian article and he looks like a standard pepe to me. I don't think I'm defending this guys views or what he posts by saying that I don't agree with doxxing (or threatening to dox) him.
Reactions: UglyCasanova


Mar 2, 2012
In my entire life, I have not seen such pearl clutching from liberals over one man. Keep it up, I find it quite enjoyable.


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
In my entire life, I have not seen such pearl clutching from liberals over one man. Keep it up, I find it quite enjoyable.

In my entire life i have not seen such sticking your head in the sand and failing understanding simple logic as the right.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Anonymity protects lots of different kinds of commentary and discourse on the internet. I'm surprised you're so cavalier about it. My understanding is that this was posted by a sub reddit for like-minded shitheads and that this would not have been seen by anyone if Trump hadn't retweeted it.

I'm surprised how many people think so little of the value of anonymity -- not just in this case, but in general. Without the ability to put forth speech anonymously, the country the way we know it likely would not even exist. Lest we forget, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison published the Federalist Papers under the pseudonym "Publius". Just like the price of freedom of speech is that we have to tolerate hateful groups like the KKK having the right to spew garbage, there is a cost to free speech and anonymity: trolls can spew forth crap without recrimination.

Free speech doesn't just need to be protected from government (first amendment), a lot of very valuable speech is sometimes not popular and needs protected. The medium has evolved, but publishing anonymous speech on the internet is no different than publishing a flyer or papers anonymously. Without the ability to publish thoughts and information anonymously, free speech will essentially get reduced by mob mentality to only include speech that is popular. Who is going to say anything that is unpopular if it results in them losing their jobs or even getting killed? No anonymity pretty much means free speech is dead.

You called this a tactic for "countering offensive speech" but my understanding is that other trolls have already responded to CNN with more threats, so how exactly did this do any good?

Suppressing or silencing offensive speech isn't a good counter -- more free speech is. Obviously this tactic by CNN won't do a damned thing to stop or reduce offensive speech, in fact it will spur more of it and even paint those who spew this kind of garbage in a favorable light when some mega-corporation goes after them. The guy didn't do anything illegal or even distasteful with the WWE / CNN logo thing. He did something to try to be humorous. The president retweeting seems beneath the position of the president, but that doesn't change anything about what this guy did. The fact that he published other vile crap doesn't change anything, the principle remains the same. CNN is completely in the wrong on this, and now they are going to get a whole lot more problems than they bargained for.

I already said that based on what I've seen, he's a complete piece of shit, why do I need to read his presumably hateful, vile, racist, posts? The ADL is a shitty organization and I'm not going to their website.

The ADL is a lot like the ACLU. Sometimes good, sometimes very necessary, but also often rotten and political.
Reactions: Jaskalas


May 28, 2007
In my entire life, I have not seen such pearl clutching from liberals over one man. Keep it up, I find it quite enjoyable.

I may not agree with what CNN did/is doing here, but if I was on the right, I'd be disowning this clown as fast as I could. But who knows, maybe the broader right is more okay with his message than I realized...


Nov 11, 1999
I may not agree with what CNN did/is doing here, but if I was on the right, I'd be disowning this clown as fast as I could. But who knows, maybe the broader right is more okay with his message than I realized...

The guy admitted that he's addicted to trolling, to complete insincerity. It's not that he actually believes any of it but rather that he gets off by pushing other people's buttons. It's a disease of the mind. It's everywhere.

That very important revelation is likely why CNN went public with it.


May 30, 2008
No chance of a legal remedy here. Which is entirely the point. No one wants government censorship. But public shaming has always been an option for countering offensive speech. Some of us have just decided to treat internet speech as an exception where people are supposed to be shame proof, such that there are literally never any consequences to hateful and offensive speech.

The trouble with public shaming as a deterrent is that some people are more vulnerable to such shaming than are others. And in general (not in this case but as a general rule) it is far more effective as a deterrent against people lacking social or economic power and in vulnerable positions than it is against the socially-secure. So I am not convinced it's a particularly good method. The reality is that well-ensconced folk actually _are_ shame proof, even without anonymity. The English-speaking world is full of professional trolls who make a very good living out of saying outrageous things.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
the_donald and its membership of alt-right degenerates are crying up a storm over this.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Dude was all for doxxing and even attacking before this happened to him

Yeah, just like CNN had an article about a month ago where they argued that doxxing was a form of assault. So basically they threatened to assault (by their own definition) the guy who made the clip retweeted by Trump.

That HanAssholeSolo guy is a piece of crap, but CNN dove right into the muck with him. They didn't do themselves any favors with this whole episode.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Again, they didn't fucking doxx anyone and they didn't fucking threaten to doxx anyone either.

I've posted links earlier to the twitter feed where this was covered and BOTH CNN and HanassholeSolo agreed that it was not a threat and he said that he never felt threatened.

But keep going repeating how they doxxed him and threatened to doxx him because reality matter not when emotion is running high.


Apr 8, 2013
Maybe it's worth asking yourself why you support it 100%. Is it because there's something unique about a government vs. another type of organization? Or is it because there's a massive power imbalance between an individual expressing a (possibly awful) view, and the full force of the state? Don't you think a similar power imbalance can exist between some dude who is posting gross shit on Reddit and a $15 billion media company with the resources to discover the dude's identity and focus public attention on him.

I'm all for protecting the little guy against either government or private power, but the free speech guaranty crafted by the founding fathers was never intended to make speech 100% free of consequences. CNN's conduct is legal, because there is no guaranty of anonymity for public speech. The idea that we own the speech we make is not antithetical to free speech. With freedom comes responsibility. The responsibility aspect of it has been excised in the digital age. While I agree we need the anonymity, this is a rather unfortunate consequence of it.

I mean, if you don't think that CNN discovering this guy's identity, and threatening to dox him to extract concession from him is a threat to internet anonymity, I guess we just disagree.

I would if I saw it as an inevitable slippery slope, but I do not. I don't buy slippery slope arguments unless there is good reason to view this as anything other than an isolated case. While I can see this happening from time to time, and indeed, it already has (see Lou Dobbs), I have no reason to believe that this will suddenly become common behavior.

To the extent that the free press is "under attack", it is from the government and powerful interests, not internet shitheads on reddit.

I do not agree. It's the reddit shitheads who are mostly likely to start shooting at reporters, whether they are encouraged to do so by Trump, or by other reddit shitheads.

I don't think there's much question who these people are. My question is what was accomplished by CNN.

I only know the theory of deterrence. I do not know, nor can I predict, the actual consequences. If it doesn't accomplish anything positive, then I presume this is the last we'll see of this tactic.

I read the guardian article and he looks like a standard pepe to me. I don't think I'm defending this guys views or what he posts by saying that I don't agree with doxxing (or threatening to dox) him.

I think advocating the extermination of every last Muslim on the planet is beyond "standard pepe" stuff. It's beyond even what you'll typically see on stormfront. YMMV.
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Nov 11, 1999
Again, they didn't fucking doxx anyone and they didn't fucking threaten to doxx anyone either.

I've posted links earlier to the twitter feed where this was covered and BOTH CNN and HanassholeSolo agreed that it was not a threat and he said that he never felt threatened.

But keep going repeating how they doxxed him and threatened to doxx him because reality matter not when emotion is running high.

Post-truth, baby!
Reactions: soundforbjt


Mar 25, 2001
Again, they didn't fucking doxx anyone and they didn't fucking threaten to doxx anyone either.

I've posted links earlier to the twitter feed where this was covered and BOTH CNN and HanassholeSolo agreed that it was not a threat and he said that he never felt threatened.

But keep going repeating how they doxxed him and threatened to doxx him because reality matter not when emotion is running high.

He also said he was sorry for making it which I don't believe for a second. The guy didn't have a change of heart and say "oh what have I done, i'm a troll! i'm so ashamed!", he was under pressure not to have the national spotlight on him because...well, he's probably just a normal person and it was obviously a charged political situation. Sure he'll say he never felt threatened to play ball, he doesn't want to be doxxed.

And yeah they never doxxed him but honestly I think that would be way less controversial than what they did do. If they just went out and said this is who made it, well that's news being news. Laying out demands and saying they reserve the right to if he doesn't do what they say makes it a threat, thus here we are.


Apr 8, 2013
The trouble with public shaming as a deterrent is that some people are more vulnerable to such shaming than are others. And in general (not in this case but as a general rule) it is far more effective as a deterrent against people lacking social or economic power and in vulnerable positions than it is against the socially-secure. So I am not convinced it's a particularly good method. The reality is that well-ensconced folk actually _are_ shame proof, even without anonymity. The English-speaking world is full of professional trolls who make a very good living out of saying outrageous things.

Well what we do know is that Trump himself is beyond shame. Ordinary people are usually not. Read this guy's apology, where he claims not to be a racist. I would assume that he is not this overtly racist in real life. Maybe his wife doesn't even know he's this much of a pig. He doesn't want to be outed because he's embarrassed about what he wrote. He's faced with the prospect of owning his own words and this terrifies him. Trolls only flourish because of the anonymity of the internet.

I don't want anyone actually being outed, but if worrying over the possibility may make someone think twice before advocating genocide, then I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.


Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2005
Post-truth, baby!

Is this some sort of joke or something? They didn't threaten? What the fuck do you call it when they stated they will release his information if he retracts the apology?

You can't hate this meme so much that you're willing to agree to this? Ahh what am I kidding, you do and it's sad.

They hired private investigators for this shit because they are a fucking joke. They threatened him and deserve all the hate that comes upon them.

And for you? I expect nothing less than your bullshit. If this was foxnews you would be having an orgasm in reaction to it.
Reactions: Phynaz
Nov 25, 2013
Is this some sort of joke or something? They didn't threaten? What the fuck do you call it when they stated they will release his information if he retracts the apology?

You can't hate this meme so much that you're willing to agree to this? Ahh what am I kidding, you do and it's sad.

They hired private investigators for this shit because they are a fucking joke. They threatened him and deserve all the hate that comes upon them.

And for you? I expect nothing less than your bullshit. If this was foxnews you would be having an orgasm in reaction to it.

You telling a lie.


Feb 5, 2006
Haters gonna hate. Most people don't give a shit about a violence advocating racist being exposed or threatened with exposure to force some much needed self reflection. Kudos to CNN for making the asshole their bitch.
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