CNN - War may not be a matter of weeks, but rather a matter of days

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Sep 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Hayabusarider
Show us one shread of evidence that Saddam give s a flip if you live or die. "They" will do this. "They" will do that. Next you will be saying Saddam and Bin Laden are the same person. Damn good thing I do not give out custom titles. You would not like what I pick for you.
Show me one shread of evidence that Saddam doesn't want me dead.

That hollow arguement goes both ways.

My evidence is stronger however, because Saddam actually has used WMD against civilians, so he obviously could care less about innocent life.

But you don't care about any of them obviously.

: ( Hopper


Sep 11, 2002
Originally posted by: TheEvil1
no its not lost on me. i understand what you are saying. but woud lyou kindly refresh my memory on what freedoms this war will be potecting? cause teh way i see it im gonn have less freedoms because the Givt is basically dooing what ever they want to and dissregarding the constitution and everything else that made thsi country.

they really need to admit that there are people out there in teh world that arnt gonna like us and they shoudl just get on with things cause blowing them up isnt gonna solve anything!!!! its just gonan caus emore problims. liek teh country being torn between going to war and not. and killing saddam isnt gonna make all thoes people like us. they hate us allready and killing their leader isnt gonna make it any better

what we need to do is bring all our boys home so they dont get killed and let teh world solve its own problims. its not our job to make peace and we shoud stop trying
First... Learning to type would improve the impression you leave. As it stands now, you come across as a 12 year old kid from the way you type.

Second... Bringing everyone home does not solve anything. It didn't work 100 years ago, it didn't work 80 years ago, and it didn't work 60 years ago. It won't work today.

: ( Hopper


Sep 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Gooberlx2
I pity you, I really do, because I know just what kind of person you are: a whiny little teenager full of pre-pubescent angst, in a 21 year-old's body. Maybe you were picked last in gym class and now you've got it out for the whole world. "F*** 'em" you say, "I don't need them." Grow up you little sh!t, because when you're at your lowest you'll have already pushed everyone who might have gave a damn away, and you'll have no shoulder to lean on.

Amen, very well put!!!

Apartheid and the Holocaust happened because of people like you. Someone else's problem arises and you turn the other cheek, next thing you know you're in a pickle because the same thing is happening to you.

Stupid idiot, he has learned nothing from history.

: ( Hopper


Senior member
Feb 16, 2001
Originally posted by: LH
The 2nd resolution will be veto'ed by Germany. France doesnt have the balls to do it, and Russia isnt going to use its veto power.

Bush is damned if he does or damned if he doesnt. Everyone is bitch about war now, and saying we shouldnt.

These same exact people will be blaming Bush for not doing anything when all hell breaks loose, and oh boy will it ever.

You think not attacking the Iraq helps the US more than attacking it because attacking will only create more terroists.

Ever thought about if we dont attack Iraq it will make more people eager to try what Saddam does. Oh and it will, dictators around the world will see that nothing happened to Iraq, and they will go forward as if they can because we did nothing to Iraq.

We could be at war at anytime we have 250k troops in the area, more going. Although the Turkey situation will delay anything 1-2 weeks if they dont allow US troops in within the next 36 hours.

Germany will not veto the resolution as they don't have the power. Only the five permanent members of the
UN Security Council have the ability to veto.

It is likely that France or Russia will veto the resolution. If not, it doesn't seem it will pass anyway which may have a severe impact on the future of the UN.

I agree that if war does indeed begin (as it seems it will), it is important to support our troops.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: arynn
Originally posted by: LH
The 2nd resolution will be veto'ed by Germany. France doesnt have the balls to do it, and Russia isnt going to use its veto power.

Bush is damned if he does or damned if he doesnt. Everyone is bitch about war now, and saying we shouldnt.

These same exact people will be blaming Bush for not doing anything when all hell breaks loose, and oh boy will it ever.

You think not attacking the Iraq helps the US more than attacking it because attacking will only create more terroists.

Ever thought about if we dont attack Iraq it will make more people eager to try what Saddam does. Oh and it will, dictators around the world will see that nothing happened to Iraq, and they will go forward as if they can because we did nothing to Iraq.

We could be at war at anytime we have 250k troops in the area, more going. Although the Turkey situation will delay anything 1-2 weeks if they dont allow US troops in within the next 36 hours.

Germany will not veto the resolution as they don't have the power. Only the five permanent members of the
UN Security Council have the ability to veto.

It is likely that France or Russia will veto the resolution. If not, it doesn't seem it will pass anyway which may have a severe impact on the future of the UN.

I agree that if war does indeed begin (as it seems it will), it is important to support our troops.

Agreed. If the UN doesn't pass it, they completely lose legitimacy. Their threats and resolutions do not hold water.


Apr 20, 2000
there is war regardless of what you anti-war idiots think. maybe you should start praying for your love ones instead of continually bitching about bush


Aug 10, 2001
How many days before Osama sets off WMDs in the USA? All those chemical and biological weapons must have gone somewhere... How many people would die again if Anthrax was released in NYC, or if Ebola started to spread in Washington?


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
How many days before Osama sets off WMDs in the USA? All those chemical and biological weapons must have gone somewhere... How many people would die again if Anthrax was released in NYC, or if Ebola started to spread in Washington?

They'll try to do that regardless.


Sep 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Infos
Yeh, time to kickoff...
Get it over with, I want the price of oil to come back down
All this uncertainty is playing havoc with the price of oil :disgust:

I hope your kidding...I can't believe that you would be so selfish as to think a war would be good just so that you would pay a few dollars less at the pump.


Feb 15, 2000
Anyway, you do realize we just caught another high ranking official of the Al Qaeda. And there hasn't been another attack on US soil since 9-11. I would say those are pretty significant accomplishments. As far as imperialism goes, that's a laughable idea at best. It's not like Rome, where the conquered empires were absorbed into and forced to live a Roman life. America and its allies want to setup a democratic govt. to replace a murderous regime, so that the Iraqi people can determine the course of their own lives. The US will not be running the show long-term in Iraq, only long enough to get them up and running just as we did in S Korea.

Originally posted by: Napalm
The potential war is a farce. The majority of people throughout the world do not support this war. The majority of nations around the world do not support this war. The U.N. will likely not support this war. Iraq?s neighbours whom he has the capacity to attack do not support this war. The American public does not support this war without U.N. approval.

But still Bush, Powell and Adolf Rumsfeld want to go out get Saddam, kill a bunch of Iraqis, spend a $1000 of every single American?s hard earned cash and risk the lives of many U.S. military personnel. And for what??? To rid the world of nations with weapons of mass destruction? To rid the world of leaders running torture states? To bring democracy to Iraq? To fight the war on terrorism? These would be laughable if they were not so obscene.

How about we try these reasons on for size: To secure oil once Saudi Arabia tells the U.S. where to go? To secure power in the middle east? To launch the beginning of American imperialism. To deflect from homeland issues like the loss of 2 million jobs while Bush has been on the job? To deflect attention from a go-nowhere ?war on terrorism?. No ? these wouldn?t be the real reasons for a bogus war, would they

In any event, I am surprised that many of you sheep are not more critical of your own government and that you do not ask the truly difficult questions. Actually, to be honest ? I have been reading many of your posts for a long, long time and I am honestly not all that surprised?




Platinum Member
Oct 12, 1999
Anyway, you do realize we just caught another high ranking official of the Al Qaeda. And there hasn't been another attack on US soil since 9-11. I would say those are pretty significant accomplishments. As far as imperialism goes, that's a laughable idea at best. It's not like Rome, where the conquered empires were absorbed into and forced to live a Roman life. America and its allies want to setup a democratic govt. to replace a murderous regime, so that the Iraqi people can determine the course of their own lives. The US will not be running the show long-term in Iraq, only long enough to get them up and running just as we did in S Korea.

LOL... the Pakistanis capture a "high ranking mastermind" and the U.S. is right there patting itself on the back taking credit for it. Isn't this the same guy whom the U.S. reported as killed during an offensive mission several months back? In any event, my favorite new term comes from this capture is "psychological manipulation" - I remember a time when it was called "torture". In any event - its your right to be proud of this wonderful acheivement in the war on terrorism after 1.5yrs and billions spent...

Also, in terms of an American imperialist agenda, please read this and tell me if you think this is B.S. I would be surprised if you disagreed with what is written here. If I am correct, then how is the U.S. agenda not an imperial one.

Also, you might want to try Nighline tonight if you want more info on the above:


TONIGHT'S FOCUS: Several years ago, when President Clinton was still in the White House, and 9/11 was still not even a nightmare in anyone's mind, a group of mostly Republicans wrote a letter outlining a foreign policy strategy that involved regime change in Iraq, by force if necessary. Now
that several of those Republicans are in key positions in the Administration, some critics of the White House's current Iraq policy smell something fishy.

The Project for the New American Century. Never heard of it? Well, don't
feel bad. Few have. But have you heard of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld
or Paul Wolfowitz? Back in 1997, those three out-of-office politicians
and several other like-minded, mostly conservatives, were frustrated with
American foreign policy. So they formed this new organization and a year
later wrote a letter to then-President Bill Clinton calling for a
"comprehensive political and military strategy for bringing down Saddam
and his regime."

Today, a 76-page paper written by the organization reads like a blueprint
for the policy being carried out largely by Vice President Dick Cheney,
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul
Wolfowitz. In fact, of the 40 people who signed that letter, 10 are
currently in the Administration.

Is this a case of democracy in action? Influential thinkers who became
policy makers? Or is it, as some international critics of the White
House's policy on Iraq have argued, a secretive organization pulling the
strings of the President, with an imperialistic goal of dominating the
world? Are these criticisms legitimate?

Tonight ABC News correspondent Jackie Judd will explore this conspiracy
theory, and the influence and role of the Project for the New American
Century. Ted Koppel will then speak with the Project's founder and
chairman, Bill Kristol, who served in both the first Bush and the Reagan

Also tonight we'll have another report from correspondent Mike Cerre with
Marine Company Fox 2/5 in Kuwait. After 19 days in the desert, they got a
shower and a hot meal. But more importantly, they also received their
plans for their role in an invasion, if and when one is ordered. After
months of training for war, they now know just what they're going to do.

And finally, Nightline's Chris Bury is in Kuwait this evening, the main
staging area for the American invasion should it come. He'll give us the
latest news of the military's preparations.

We hope you'll join us.

Sara Just and the Nightline staff
Senior Producer



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
How many days before Osama sets off WMDs in the USA? All those chemical and biological weapons must have gone somewhere... How many people would die again if Anthrax was released in NYC, or if Ebola started to spread in Washington?

If it is true that Saddam's weapons have been given to Al-Quieda then that is one of the best reasons to get rid of Saddam that has been posted.



Platinum Member
Oct 12, 1999

Your very own government has been unable to provide or manufacture a shred of evidence to support the link between Saddam and the Islamic terrorists. That is why they have fallen on this lame excuse that they want to prevent Saddam from potentially doing it in the future...



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Napalm

Your very own government has been unable to provide or manufacture a shred of evidence to support the link between Saddam and the Islamic terrorists. That is why they have fallen on this lame excuse that they want to prevent Saddam from potentially doing it in the future...


Napalm, read what I said, not what you think it said.



Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2000

You just made yourself look like a big idiot. First, you say you don't care about anything. And then you say, if your mom died, you would care, because it has something to do with you.

9/11 has a lot to do with all AMERICANS lives! Get off the computer, step outside, and take a nice little look at the world. We are all a LITTLE bit scared. A nuclear bomb dropped on us could kill us all. We should all be worried, we really should.


Feb 18, 2003
Though I think the war is a complete wast of federal funds and lives, I think it is important not to get angry at our military personel. They signed up without anyone making them and are defending feedom out there, and when I real threat rolls around, I'll be glad to have 'em.


Senior member
Feb 17, 2003
Should i be suprised by this event, we've already been told it would begin in mid-Feb.


Platinum Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: Infos
Yeh, time to kickoff...
Get it over with, I want the price of oil to come back down
All this uncertainty is playing havoc with the price of oil :disgust:

If they spent the $80 billion on research and development of new tech instead of fighting a war they wouldn't need the oil.


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 1999
Watching the evening news and they have cancelled all exercises today in order to tune up their weapons. One of the generals also said the troops are almost at peak readiness and will be there within days. He also stated that they can only stay at their peak for a week or two. Soon.
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