Col. Hackworth on the draft.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Interesting article - and he is a Fox news source on occasion.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY


Don't mind the FUD was shot down quite handily today in the House. Woot for the left's fearmongering.:roll:


You might want to actually read the article. I don't think it's fair or accurate to paint Col Hackworth as a bleeding heart.


Senior member
Jun 30, 2004
totally agree draft will start soon, draft will start sometimes in june, 2005 get ready if you are between 20-26, 18-19 u are lucky draft usually start with age 20


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: DonVito
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY


Don't mind the FUD was shot down quite handily today in the House. Woot for the left's fearmongering.:roll:


You might want to actually read the article. I don't think it's fair or accurate to paint Col Hackworth as a bleeding heart.

I didn't say he was. I was talking about this draft FUD they've(the left) floated out there.



Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Right now ? with both our regular and Reserve soldiers stretched beyond the breaking point ? our all-volunteer force is tapping out. If our overseas troop commitments continue at the present rate or climb higher, there won?t be enough Army and Marine grunts to do the job. And thin, overworked units, from Special Forces teams to infantry battalions, lose fights.

Clearly, this war against worldwide, hardcore Islamic believers will be a massive military marathon, the longest and most far-flung in our country?s history. By Christmas, more troops could be needed not only in Iraq and Afghanistan, but wherever the radical Islamic movement is growing stronger, from the Horn of Africa to Morocco, Kenya, Somalia, Yemen and across Europe ? remember Spain?! ? to Asia.

He seems to know what he is talking about, despite the showy political vote today. We are out of troops, it's seems like simple math to me. What if we need another 60,000 for Iraq? What if Iran teases us and we can't respond? It seems Iraq has our hands tied and we are weaker than ever cause of it.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: judge
totally agree draft will start soon, draft will start sometimes in june, 2005 get ready if you are between 20-26, 18-19 u are lucky draft usually start with age 20

I for one hope Ckg is the first to go. He can help explain to the Iraqis that they don't need to fight us since we are trying to help them. People need to put there money where their mouth is and fight the terrorists instead of talking about fighting the terrorists while other people do their dirty work.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY

I didn't say he was. I was talking about this draft FUD they've(the left) floated out there.


I think it's legitimate, though obviously you differ. I certainly hope it's not, since I will be a member of the IRR starting in January, and I'd just as soon let my DCUs gather dust, but it seems to me we are undermanned for the Global War on Terror.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: judge
totally agree draft will start soon, draft will start sometimes in june, 2005 get ready if you are between 20-26, 18-19 u are lucky draft usually start with age 20

I for one hope Ckg is the first to go. He can help explain to the Iraqis that they don't need to fight us since we are trying to help them. People need to put there money where their mouth is and fight the terrorists instead of talking about fighting the terrorists while other people do their dirty work.

Oh, I would be. Not that the FUD is actually going to happen(if Bush is re-elected) but I've stated I'd be down at the recruiter's office asap so some whiny ass pansy like you doesn't have to go.

But since you brought it up...

Have you done anything except shoot your mouth off on the war? Where is your principled stand? Why weren't you there with the human shields? Hmmm...yeah...go figure.



Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: judge
totally agree draft will start soon, draft will start sometimes in june, 2005 get ready if you are between 20-26, 18-19 u are lucky draft usually start with age 20

I think 2005 will be too soon. I'd say 2006. I feel sorry for the kids that are 18-20 right now. They will be in Iraq protecting my freedom


Jun 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Todd33
Right now ? with both our regular and Reserve soldiers stretched beyond the breaking point ? our all-volunteer force is tapping out. If our overseas troop commitments continue at the present rate or climb higher, there won?t be enough Army and Marine grunts to do the job. And thin, overworked units, from Special Forces teams to infantry battalions, lose fights.

Clearly, this war against worldwide, hardcore Islamic believers will be a massive military marathon, the longest and most far-flung in our country?s history. By Christmas, more troops could be needed not only in Iraq and Afghanistan, but wherever the radical Islamic movement is growing stronger, from the Horn of Africa to Morocco, Kenya, Somalia, Yemen and across Europe ? remember Spain?! ? to Asia.

He seems to know what he is talking about, despite the showy political vote today. We are out of troops, it's seems like simple math to me. What if we need another 60,000 for Iraq? What if Iran teases us and we can't respond? It seems Iraq has our hands tied and we are weaker than ever cause of it.
That pretty much sums up the bulk of the "There's gonna be a draft" op/ed pieces I read: reasons why it could happen (among any number of unmentioned solutions that could happen) but no proof showing the administration supports or is even considering it.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
No one will support a draft before the election. Saying they are against it really means they are against it until Nov. 2.


Senior member
Jun 30, 2004
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: judge
Originally posted by: charrison
rangel(D) votes against the draft bill he sponsored

This bill resoundly defeated.

new bill will be introuduced after elections

Why would there be. Why would the first method of increasing the size of the army be a draft? Why not increase incentives and recruit?

ask your self how many people want to join army when after your 2 years is over your can't get out because you either get transfer to another unit and get shift to iraq or they find another way to keep you in like they doing to all the people by inacting loss stop program, keeping people from leaving. Also how many would want to join reserves, when its no longer reserves when they are serving a year in iraq/afghanistan or more. The thing is i do not really think they can increase size of army with out forcing people to join


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
This is all I have to say about Col. Hackworth:

I was stunned and infuriated when self-described military hero Colonel David Hackworth attacked me in the press.
He accused me not only of "ersatz" heroism but of having spilled my guts to the enemy while in captivity--without any substantiating information to back up his claim. I didn't mind people speaking their piece, but Hackworth had sent letters to the editors of my hometown newspapers in both Clarkville, Tennessee, and Berlin, New Hampshire.

I had no idea what had spurred this very personal attack, but I was infuriated. At the time, had I run into him, I would have choked him. I responded to his rantings with my own letter to the editor, wondering why a man who considered himself a fine example of military leadership would chastise a fellow soldier in public, and challenged him to debate the issue. Shortly afterward, I received a postcard from Hackworth, claiming that he "didn't have the time" to discuss it with me. I was furious. He clearly had the time to rip me apart in public, but not to face me man-to-man.

Yet when things like this happened, I could only assume that some men could only bolster their self-worth by diminishing the deeds of others. I did not consider myself a hero, just a soldier who had done his best under difficult circumstances. Most of the true heroes I had ever known were dead. The rest of us were just survivors with medals.

--Mike Durant (if you don't know that name, shame on you.)
From his book, In the Company of Heros.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: judge
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: judge
Originally posted by: charrison
rangel(D) votes against the draft bill he sponsored

This bill resoundly defeated.

new bill will be introuduced after elections

Why would there be. Why would the first method of increasing the size of the army be a draft? Why not increase incentives and recruit?

ask your self how many people want to join army when after your 2 years is over your can't get out because you either get transfer to another unit and get shift to iraq or they find another way to keep you in like they doing to all the people by inacting loss stop program, keeping people from leaving. Also how many would want to join reserves, when its no longer reserves when they are serving a year in iraq/afghanistan or more. The thing is i do not really think they can increase size of army with out forcing people to join

According to your logic, no one should be joining the army today. However they are all making their recruiting requirements.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2000
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: judge
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: judge
Originally posted by: charrison
rangel(D) votes against the draft bill he sponsored

This bill resoundly defeated.

new bill will be introuduced after elections

Why would there be. Why would the first method of increasing the size of the army be a draft? Why not increase incentives and recruit?

ask your self how many people want to join army when after your 2 years is over your can't get out because you either get transfer to another unit and get shift to iraq or they find another way to keep you in like they doing to all the people by inacting loss stop program, keeping people from leaving. Also how many would want to join reserves, when its no longer reserves when they are serving a year in iraq/afghanistan or more. The thing is i do not really think they can increase size of army with out forcing people to join

According to your logic, no one should be joining the army today. However they are all making their recruiting requirements.

heh Michael Moore has an answer for you.


Senior member
Jun 30, 2004
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: judge
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: judge
Originally posted by: charrison
rangel(D) votes against the draft bill he sponsored

This bill resoundly defeated.

new bill will be introuduced after elections

Why would there be. Why would the first method of increasing the size of the army be a draft? Why not increase incentives and recruit?

ask your self how many people want to join army when after your 2 years is over your can't get out because you either get transfer to another unit and get shift to iraq or they find another way to keep you in like they doing to all the people by inacting loss stop program, keeping people from leaving. Also how many would want to join reserves, when its no longer reserves when they are serving a year in iraq/afghanistan or more. The thing is i do not really think they can increase size of army with out forcing people to join

According to your logic, no one should be joining the army today. However they are all making their recruiting requirements.

I could be wrong but either army or national guard that will miss the recruitment by about 5000-10000 don't rememmber wich one its. Am i saying people shouldn't join? No i am not saying that and those people that need the money for higher education or that join for other reasons will continue joining the army and other services however those that are middle class will not join just for money reason as they can afford to go to college with out army help


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: judge
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: judge
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: judge
Originally posted by: charrison
rangel(D) votes against the draft bill he sponsored

This bill resoundly defeated.

new bill will be introuduced after elections

Why would there be. Why would the first method of increasing the size of the army be a draft? Why not increase incentives and recruit?

ask your self how many people want to join army when after your 2 years is over your can't get out because you either get transfer to another unit and get shift to iraq or they find another way to keep you in like they doing to all the people by inacting loss stop program, keeping people from leaving. Also how many would want to join reserves, when its no longer reserves when they are serving a year in iraq/afghanistan or more. The thing is i do not really think they can increase size of army with out forcing people to join

According to your logic, no one should be joining the army today. However they are all making their recruiting requirements.

I could be wrong but either army or national guard that will miss the recruitment by about 5000-10000 don't rememmber wich one its. Am i saying people shouldn't join? No i am not saying that and those people that need the money for higher education or that join for other reasons will continue joining the army and other services however those that are middle class will not join just for money reason as they can afford to go to college with out army help


The Army National Guard will fall 5,000 soldiers short of its recruiting goal this year, in part because fewer in the active-duty force are switching to part-time service, knowing how frequently Guard units are being dispatched to war zones, the Guard's top general said Thursday.


The Guard had set a goal of 56,000 recruits for the budget year ending Sept. 30 but is likely to end up with about 51,000, he said.

Blum cited two main reasons why the Guard is attracting fewer soldiers from the active-duty force -- a pool of recruits that in some states accounts for half of the new Guard members in a given year.

One reason is the active-duty Army is prohibiting soldiers already in units in Iraq or Afghanistan ? or preparing to deploy there ? from leaving the service, even if their enlistment term is up.

The other reason, Blum said, is that active-duty soldiers know a growing number of Guard units are being sent to Iraq and Afghanistan, so they figure there is little to be gained, in terms of reduced personal risk, by switching from active duty to the Guard.

Not quite time to sound the alarm sirens on recruiting.



Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2003
I think it is a possibility. We may be able to "handle" the situation now, but the administration in 2005 may decide that more troops is the only answer for an actual victory. I would think Bush a more likely source for the draft, not because I'm against him but because he would theoretically have nothing to lose in his last term.

Right now a discussion on the subject really isn't possible because Army recruitment problems are disputed, and those in office will not be honest with us in an election year if there really is going to be a draft. I don't think the bill today proved anything.

As an 18 year old I am a bit worried about the possibility.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: chrisms
I think it is a possibility. We may be able to "handle" the situation now, but the administration in 2005 may decide that more troops is the only answer for an actual victory. I would think Bush a more likely source for the draft, not because I'm against him but because he would theoretically have nothing to lose in his last term.

Right now a discussion on the subject really isn't possible because Army recruitment problems are disputed, and those in office will not be honest with us in an election year if there really is going to be a draft. I don't think the bill today proved anything.

As an 18 year old I am a bit worried about the possibility.

You have nothing to worry about. The only candidate talking about expanding the size of the military is Kerry. He wants to fill 2 more divisions(40,000 troops)+ special forces. This would no doubt would solve the current situation of the military being stretched a bit thin. However it would take quite sometime to train these new troops to be an effective force, unless they are just looking for someone to carry a rifle and not much else. And no one is accusing Kerry of wanting to draft the 40k people.

I will say again, you have nothing to worry about.


Senior member
Jun 30, 2004
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: chrisms
I think it is a possibility. We may be able to "handle" the situation now, but the administration in 2005 may decide that more troops is the only answer for an actual victory. I would think Bush a more likely source for the draft, not because I'm against him but because he would theoretically have nothing to lose in his last term.

Right now a discussion on the subject really isn't possible because Army recruitment problems are disputed, and those in office will not be honest with us in an election year if there really is going to be a draft. I don't think the bill today proved anything.

As an 18 year old I am a bit worried about the possibility.

You have nothing to worry about. The only candidate talking about expanding the size of the military is Kerry. He wants to fill 2 more divisions(40,000 troops)+ special forces. This would no doubt would solve the current situation of the military being stretched a bit thin. However it would take quite sometime to train these new troops to be an effective force, unless they are just looking for someone to carry a rifle and not much else. And no one is accusing Kerry of wanting to draft the 40k people.

I will say again, you have nothing to worry about.

What will stop Bush from calling for draft. He will be lame term president, and cheney said in today debate he has no interest in running for president so if he breaks his word he will not face any consequences unlike his father when he sweared he would not raise taxes and then broke his word

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