

Senior member
Jan 19, 2002
I basically wanted to make this thread about college but didnt know specifically. Im gonna be a incoming freshmen so I want to hear your stories, things you learned, relationships, just anything that deals with college.

just something college!


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2001
Don't live with a fat chick. Even if your roommate says she will cook for you. She will not. And she might even eat you.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Random thoughts -

The best 4 years of your life - that's for sure. Just don't f$!k yourself up with drugs or too much alcohol that you get kicked out within the first year or so. It's okay to change majors even while in your sophomore year. Friends you make freshman year will be the ones you remember the most. Even better if you stick with them throughout. Try to keep in touch with your HS friends even though you're going away for college. A lot of people lose touch with HS friends after meeting new ones at college, but that's okay. Just be aware it's going to happen and it's normal. Freshmen chicks are easy. Too bad you're just a lowly freshman yourself. Alright, keep that one for next year then. Don't join a fraternity. Sorority chicks are evil. Make your own friends. Go out. Don't stay in your dorm room in front of your computer all day long. Chicks are EVERYWHERE. They're looking to meet people too. Just don't meet them at bars when they're drunk. Unless you're just looking for a one-nighter. Test the waters, it's fun. Wear a rubber.

Don't go into the shower without sandals. You may want to bring your own TP - the school TP is pretty rough. Live with people you don't know your first year - it's more fun. Live with people you do know and you're more than likely to lose respect for them after a while. Join some clubs. Intramural sports are good too. Chicks are EVERYWHERE. Don't stare at your roommate's ass. Or their girlfriends' ass either. The microwave is your best friend. Ramen noodles are pretty cheap and easy. Better yet - chicks are EVERYWHERE. Hook up and have them cook for you. I'm marrying a girl I met in Calculus class. It's the best 4 years of your life. Oh yeah... go to class too. Good luck.


Sep 21, 2000
BD2003, you seriously thought college was the best four years of your life? I am so glad that I'm almost finished. All I've done for ~four years is study and work alot. I'm so busy, and always stressed.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Jumpem
BD2003, you seriously thought college was the best four years of your life? I am so glad that I'm almost finished. All I've done for ~four years is study and work alot. I'm so busy, and always stressed.

Depends on your major.



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Random thoughts -

The best 4 years of your life - that's for sure. Just don't f$!k yourself up with drugs or too much alcohol that you get kicked out within the first year or so. It's okay to change majors even while in your sophomore year. Friends you make freshman year will be the ones you remember the most. Even better if you stick with them throughout. Try to keep in touch with your HS friends even though you're going away for college. A lot of people lose touch with HS friends after meeting new ones at college, but that's okay. Just be aware it's going to happen and it's normal. Freshmen chicks are easy. Too bad you're just a lowly freshman yourself. Alright, keep that one for next year then. Don't join a fraternity. Sorority chicks are evil. Make your own friends. Go out. Don't stay in your dorm room in front of your computer all day long. Chicks are EVERYWHERE. They're looking to meet people too. Just don't meet them at bars when they're drunk. Unless you're just looking for a one-nighter. Test the waters, it's fun. Wear a rubber.

Don't go into the shower without sandals. You may want to bring your own TP - the school TP is pretty rough. Live with people you don't know your first year - it's more fun. Live with people you do know and you're more than likely to lose respect for them after a while. Join some clubs. Intramural sports are good too. Chicks are EVERYWHERE. Don't stare at your roommate's ass. Or their girlfriends' ass either. The microwave is your best friend. Ramen noodles are pretty cheap and easy. Better yet - chicks are EVERYWHERE. Hook up and have them cook for you. I'm marrying a girl I met in Calculus class. It's the best 4 years of your life.

I just wept a tear of joy. rh71, you just hit on everything that makes college great. My hat off to you, sir!

I also can't wait to go back to school! It's less than three weeks away now! Yay!


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2001
Do just enough work to not be kicked out, but not enough work to actually be working.


Oct 9, 1999
Definitely the best time of your life. rh71 pretty much said everything but I'll blab on some more.

-At least for the first couple weeks, leave the damn computer off. Only turn it on if it's to play with some NEW FRIENDS you have made over the LAN. Diablo 2, CS, and Quake3 were our games last year. Like I said....DON'T USE THE COMPUTER TIL YOU MAKE FRIENDS
-Move onto a CO-ED floor if you have the chance. They're a lot more fun and you'll meet more chicks.
-Why not leave your door open for a while? Random people will pop will make new friends. I met my new best friend this way last year, except I was the one who wandered into someone elses room, then HE wandered into that room as well. We figured out we were in the same program and the rest is history. Coolest guy I've met.
-If you were shy before college, TALK TO GIRLS! College chicks RULE It's like as soon as they leave high school, they just get cooler. Not as superficial for one thing. It's hard to explain but you'll see. Even if you're not the cutest one of the bunch, you will get some if you want it. Because some of them just want it too. And if you're looking for a relationship you can easily find that too.
-You can have lots of fun without drinking, but if you've never tried it maybe try some drinks before you head out. It's not a requirement but you will still have more fun. You don't have to get plastered, but after a couple drinks your inhibitions go out the door and meeting people (and GIRLS) will be easier.
-Stay away from the drugs. Sure people you know may even offer you pot for free but if i were you i'd stay away. Drinking is enough
-Go to the school's gym and get in shape (CHICK city by the way)
-Resort to joining clubs if you are having trouble, but I think you can have enough fun just in the dorms.
-Don't be afraid of being geeky or showing off your little quirks. What I'm trying to say is BE YOURSELF. You all know how I am the LOTR nut on these boards right? Strangely enough I actually became known as the same on my floor, and you know what...people loved me for it. Geekiness is cool as long as you know how to have fun at the same time.
-Cherish every moment of your college years before you enter the real world!!

There's a lot more but maybe I'll let someone else have a go at it.


Oct 9, 1999
There are some people who go to college and work their asses off and dedicate their life to studying. Dont be that guy. Get the B+ and enjoy yourself.


Jan 15, 2001
rh71 may be the closest thing you have to God right now. Follow his advice.



Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2000
Well I'm at an engineering school so the chick statements here don't apply to me. (The guy/girl ratio is some astronomical number that Earthly mathematics have no symbol for.) Also, the people I've come to hang out with and I are a little bit different. But anyway, I can tell you firsthand that the following things are awesome about da college:
  • Breaking into federal property at night in the rain just to see what's in that barn over there (it was just a tractor and a stove)
  • Climbing 200ft derelict fire towers to get a fantastic, if a little rickity, experience of Missouri's... uh... trees. And highway.
  • Lighting fires in filing cabinets
  • Building and testing various types of bombs, incindiery projectiles (molotov cocktails and the like), and flamethrowers
  • Buying a $40 microwave and nuking all those things you normally wouldn't because it would ruin the nuker (lightbulbs, soap, pieces of the microwave itself, etc.)
  • Watching drunk people (you don't have to drink yourself to have a great time with alcohol)
  • Riding the burnt-out, rusty husk of a box-spring matress at 45MPH down the highway dragged behind a truck (woo!)


Oct 9, 1999
I move back in exactly 2 weeks and I can't wait. Summer is a boring POS in comparison. I HATE SUMMER! Me and my buddies already have the party to end all parties planned for when we get back. W00t!


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2000
College is what YOU make of it. It is up to you to have fun, meet girls, and learn stuff about life. It is also your chance to get an education so you can go out and make money. Don't waste your chance. It is a lot tougher to do later in life.



Senior member
Apr 28, 2002
NO MATTER WHAT.......DON'T SCHEDULE EARLY CLASSES if you can help it!!!!!!! I took a couple of 8:00's my freshman year and had quite a hard time making it to those. When I did make it, I usually hadn't been to sleep yet.
You are about to engage in 4 (possibly more for some people) years of partying your buttocks off. Drunk young girls, parties, experimentation with mind altering have no idea what you are in store for. If I only knew then what I know now.......
Have fun...and don't forget to get good grades as well.


Jul 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Waveslidin
NO MATTER WHAT.......DON'T SCHEDULE EARLY CLASSES if you can help it!!!!!!! I took a couple of 8:00's my freshman year and had quite a hard time making it to those. When I did make it, I usually hadn't been to sleep yet.
You are about to engage in 4 (possibly more for some people) years of partying your buttocks off. Drunk young girls, parties, experimentation with mind altering have no idea what you are in store for. If I only knew then what I know now.......
Have fun...and don't forget to get good grades as well.

i tend to dissagree--- as much as i have hated having classes at 8 or 9 everyday.. its soo nice to have everything done and finished by 12 or 1 in the afternoon-- and then have the rest of the day to just relax and chill and do whatever you want.


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2001
Don't go to a small engineering school with hardly any females or else it will not be the best time of your life.

<----Had more fun in high school


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: BD2003
Prepare for the best 4 years of your life.

Prepare to learn a lot more outside of class than you will in class. I'm not talking schoolwork, but about people, and a lot about yourself as well. It's not always a big party where everybody get's along, but that just part of the experience.

I agree it's the best 4 years of my life thus far.


Oct 9, 1999
Here's another nifty story:

Every saturday night, about 60-100 peolpe would congregate in this one guy's room , he would crank up his 5 foot tall speakers and play bohemian rhapsody...everyone would sing along at the top of their lungs. That was pretty funny 90% of the people were piss drunk which is what made it even funnier. Billie Jean by Michael Jackson would usually follow that, followed by the Ghostbusters Theme song, then everyone would leave and go back to normal business. hahaha. There was even crown surfing in the room.


Feb 8, 2001
I'll rip-off and paraphrase Robin Williams

If you remember college, you weren't there...



Platinum Member
Jan 7, 2001
4 most important words,

get drunk, get laid,

DO wear rubber or u will be sorry

keep an average GPA so u won't get kicked out

and hell yeah, don't schedule 8 am class at all cost...

have fun


Oct 9, 1999
Moving into my senior year, there are things I wish I knew when I first came. Part of me thinks everyone should learn it the hard way, but what the hell. Most of the blatantly obvious stuff has already been covered.

Do NOT schedule a class before 11. 820 is torture, 925 is bad, and 1030 leaves you groggy. You might be able to do it for a few weeks, but it will catch up to you.

Always wear slippers. Nothing is clean there. Every sink, every stall, every toilet seat, every floor, every couch has been directly shitted or puked on at some point in the past.

Certain classes are book classes. The kind of class where the prof teaches directly whats in the book. Most giant lecture halls do not take attendance. Therefore, attendance is strictly optional. If you can learn it from the book, you dont need to go to class. I've gotten As and Bs in some classes by never going and just studying the book the night before.

Do not be a bitch to your roomates. They will annoy you sometimes, they will be loud, they will keep you up, all of the above. You will probably do the same to a degree. Dont fight it, just live with it. Part of the fun of college is waking up at 3am to a riot in your living room or hall.

Large subwoofers are fun.

Dont overspend your meal plan. Although it doesnt feel like it, its real money youre spending. You have to try and budget it, or you will run out of points with a month left in the semester and you will be forced to eat frozen burritos for the next month. And trust me, you DONT want to eat frozen burritos for a month.

Drink alcohol or smoke weed. Pick your poison, but going through 4 years of college without either is booooring. Legality is not an issue. The worst you will have to do is give up what you got caught with and take a substance abuse class.

Dont mess around TOO much. Everyone has that one bad semester where they misjudge their abilites and screw around too much and get put on academic probation. College is fun, but dont waste your money by failing everything.

Dont pick your major till soph year. Take a bunch of classes and see what you like. Comp sci isnt as fun when you have to take 20 hard math courses.

Lock your door when youre not there, and leave your TV on. Even when you go to take a dump. The locks on the doors can be easily dealt with. But noone is going to break down your door if your TV is on, and they think youre in there. No matter how much you trust the people around you, you cant keep track of everything when youre not there.

Get a fridge and a microwave. Dining halls arent open all night. Although they are open till 3AM here.

Explore your campus. Any decent campus has some hidden little quirks. Theres a bamboo forest just outside of our campus. Best place in the world to smoke, chill out, or get drunk, but it is scary as hell at night. There was a lazyboy recliner hidden in a little alcove above an air vent in a corner of the campus. Best place to get away from it all. A few good hills to slide down on the days it snows. Dining hall trays make good slides.

It is customary to give your roomate a chance to hit it if his gf is visiting. When you leave, let him know how long youll be gone, so he'll know if the coast is clear. I had the unfortunate chance of being roomed with someone who didnt know what "cock blocker" stood for.

After a year, nothing will shock you anymore. Seeing a cat in your room at 4AM cause sorority girls dumped a dead lobster in your room wont surprise you. Having your roomate rip off your screen, open your window, and grab your legs and scream like a maniac while youre sleeping will not surprise you. Him not remembering it in the morning wont suprise you either.

And above all, have FUN. Dont be that guy that studys all day long to get that A so he can get a job that will stress him out even more than school did. You need to learn how to chill now, because you wont be able to later.

Hehehehehe, its almost 4:20. Gotta prepare.
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