Comcast - Can anyone stop them?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
There are so many sneaky and shady things that Comcast does. I am only going to discuss one of them in this post for no other reason than to inform anyone who may not be aware.

In 2009 the Federal Government mandated that OTA (Over-The-Air) television broadcasts switch from analog to digital. At this point in time if you were a Comcast customer you could have as many TV's in your home as you wanted and the coax cable would plug directly into your TV and you would receive the channels, HD and SD with no additional hardware.

Comcast took OTA switch from digital to analog to confuse its customers into believing this mandated they switch to digital transmission through their lines. Of course this is ridiculous as the analog to digital mandate was for OTA broadcasts and I'm quite sure Comcast was already transmitting through their lines in digital.

In order to slowly boil it's customers it provided I believe 2 of these now necessary "digital adapters" to it's customers for free. Eventually the price increased to $1.99/month, then $2.99/month, $3.49/month and now I just noticed the rental fee increased for 2017 to a whopping $5.49/month!!!

You can't purchase the box. You must rent them at whatever price Comcast decides they will cost. In addition they can advertise any monthly rate they want but if you want service on more than 1 TV in your home each box will cost $5.49/month to rent. Yet another "hidden fee" beyond the sports fee and other made up Comcast fees.

So now Comcast has increased the price of a piece of equipment that isn't even necessary (they make it necessary) from free to $5.49/month for each TV over a period of about 6 years.


If I'm being too hard on Comcast please correct me.
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Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2006
You're right, the cable companies enjoy monopoly given to them by the gov't. When free market competition/alternative appears (fiber), they all cry foul and try to squash it by any means.

That box itself costs no more than $20. It should be in some kind rent-to-own program.


Apr 8, 2001
All the companies are like this, they've turned access to the product into a new revenue stream instead of just providing the content.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Unless you have an old CRT TV, you probably don't need the DTV converter...and if you have a set-top box, it probably does the conversion anyway.
Dec 10, 2005
Unless you have an old CRT TV, you probably don't need the DTV converter...and if you have a set-top box, it probably does the conversion anyway.
If I remember correctly, they are allowed to encrypt the basic channels now, requiring you to use a box. At one point, they were transmitting digital, unencrypted signals you could pick up with tvs that had digital receivers, but that was phased out a few years back.

I wouldn't hold out much hope for getting things to change in favor of the consumer over the next few years. And good luck trying to bring any sort of lawsuit (like a class-action one) against Comcast to rectify any unfair practices - you likely have a binding arbitration clause in your contract which is basically a big middle finger to enforcement of consumer rights.


May 7, 2002
AFAIK, the 'box' is just a glorified DRM dongle.
That is the main reason they force people to use it.
It isn't possible to have a non-cablecard TV "see" the signal, it is encrypted.
I find it funny how they say they will need less truck rolls with digital, which is 100% BS, and only a talking point. They still must trap/filter the lines when someone connects/disconnects.

They could have done clearQAM and a box wouldn't be needed, but, obviously, clearQAM don't support DRM.

It IS a racket, and the local franchise deals blows chunks for pretty much all communities.
The people you vote for don't know better, and they rather take the $$$ than not.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
I have 'Spectrum' and refuse to use a box that requires a cable connection and plug. I have flat panels in all my rooms and those boxes look atrocious. Plus the need for 2 remotes.

I don't know how long it will work for but I bought those HDMI Roku's and since the provider has web streaming of the channels I now get every channel that my main TV with a box gets plus access to their on demand stuff and what ever is recorded on my cable 'TiVo' box.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 1999
I'm not one for Comcast, but going digital over their lines freed up downstream frequency bands for higher speed internet. At least that's what charter did, dunno about concast. Video over IP is the future.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
I wouldn't hold out much hope for getting things to change in favor of the consumer over the next few years. And good luck trying to bring any sort of lawsuit (like a class-action one) against Comcast to rectify any unfair practices - you likely have a binding arbitration clause in your contract which is basically a big middle finger to enforcement of consumer rights.
You should be able to simply kill company execs that try to fuck over consumers. Showup at the office, and put a bullet in their heads. Fear of death will be a clarifying force when they're forming company policy.

People need to get over the ridiculous notion that human lives are valuable. When you have ~6B of something, you aren't holding a valuable commodity.

Even in jest it's not appropriate.
admin allisolm
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Reactions: Humpy


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
You should be able to simply kill company execs that try to *** over consumers. Showup at the office, and put a bullet in their heads. Fear of death will be a clarifying force when they're forming company policy.

People need to get over the ridiculous notion that human lives are valuable. When you have ~6B of something, you aren't holding a valuable commodity.

If human lives are so interchangable, I'd like to see you start a new "Silicon Valley" in Africa. They've got tons of people, lots of starving children that you could put to work writing software. Well, at least until they die off because of starvation. Surely, you could make millions, billions even!

Oh, wait, each person is unique, and many, many, professionals are uniquely valuable in their field.

(Having a bad day or something? Or do you just hate humanity now?)


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
If I remember correctly, they are allowed to encrypt the basic channels now, requiring you to use a box. At one point, they were transmitting digital, unencrypted signals you could pick up with tvs that had digital receivers, but that was phased out a few years back.

I wouldn't hold out much hope for getting things to change in favor of the consumer over the next few years. And good luck trying to bring any sort of lawsuit (like a class-action one) against Comcast to rectify any unfair practices - you likely have a binding arbitration clause in your contract which is basically a big middle finger to enforcement of consumer rights.

Yep. I used to get free cable from them all the time, just by ordering internet. The "digital conversion" saw them encrypting the signal and using the boxes as a more advanced digital descrambler device. AFAIK, there is no way around that for cheap, "basic" cable or standard cable.

..."basic cable." Another BS thing that Comcast does: What they now call "basic cable" is actually free, OTA, Network television that you can actually get in Glorious HD with a $5-15 antenna. Some years ago, they offered me a "cheap!" 5/2mb service with FREE! basic cable for....$45/month. They were the only games in town and it was the most reasonable option. 15mb "BLAST!" at the time was something like $80. I came to find out that "basic" cable had been re-defined in their minds as, well, not cable at all, but Network television. Free TV that you not only never have to pay for, but can also get in HD without having to pay them a further 10 privilege to do so. So apparently actual cable television: TNT, CNN, ESPN, USA, etc are actually now "premium" or "Standard."

LoL, what a bunch of duplicitous asshats.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Even if a majority of Comcast customers dumped their cable TV service Comcast would still have them with internet service. And they would simply continually jack up the internet service price.

Although I'm a fan of the free market, this is a monopoly. Remember when the government broke up Bell Telephone in the '80's? That's what needs to happen to Comcast.

Or the government should allow competition. I live in a development that was built 12 years ago. I saw the fiber optic cables go in when the development was built. But still 12 years later no FIOS option, just Comcast. Something smells.


Jul 1, 2001
This is why I still use the phone company as my ISP. They are pretty bad, but not as bad as Comcast.


Dec 13, 2013
If human lives are so interchangable, I'd like to see you start a new "Silicon Valley" in Africa. They've got tons of people, lots of starving children that you could put to work writing software. Well, at least until they die off because of starvation. Surely, you could make millions, billions even!

Oh, wait, each person is unique, and many, many, professionals are uniquely valuable in their field.

(Having a bad day or something? Or do you just hate humanity now?)

Is that why India is the go to place for IT and tech jobs?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
I used a cable card HTPC setup and comcast kept sneaking these DVR and HD service fees on to my bill when I was using my OWN EQUIPMENT for said service. I had to keep going down to one of their offices and getting them removed. I finally just dumped them when I found out about Playstation Vue. It does everything I want and is much cheaper with no BS fees.
Reactions: TeeJay1952


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2000
If I'm being too hard on Comcast please correct me.

I don't think you are being too hard on Comcast by any means but I do have some questions…

It seems you are talking about getting OTA broadcasts which brings up the obvious question, "Why don't you put up an antenna and get OTA for free?"

What would you consider a reasonable fee for Comcast in this situation? After All, they are providing a service here. Do you think that service should be completely free?

In the end though, I guess it boils down to why pay them for anything except internet access? If all the people that were upset with Comcast went with internet only (preferably DSL) Comcast's policies would change real fast. However, it seems that everyone wants things to get better but they are unwilling to incur any inconvenience to move things along.

And don't give me the "but I have kids and what about live sports argument". So the eff what. Learn to do without, you will be far better off.

I feel for you, I really do. But the Obama administration did nothing and no doubt the Trump administration will be more of the same. The only solution for consumers is to stop buying products and services (or at least reduce them as much as possible) from companies you don't like. The government has made it clear they will do nothing.



Dec 11, 2006
Most cable/TV companies do this and it's the biggest reason I cut the cord when I did. If I could actually get cable TV for the prices they advertise I would probably still have it but after you add in all of the bullshit equipment rental fees, with no way to purchase the equipment to avoid them, the price goes up by at least $20-30/month. The only thing I really miss is football games that come on ESPN and I can enjoy them at a sports bar or Hooters and I still come out way ahead money wise, it's more fun and better snacks. $100+/month for TV, fuuuuuuuuuuck them.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
Hey guys, they need to make their money right?

Why do you think they are rolling out data caps right when everybody is trying to cut the cable and stream in 4k?

You think they are just going to accept making less money?


Oct 9, 1999
My most recent bill had a nice letter explaining why they are raising rates yet again. I have a two year contract so in theory my rates won't go up but they circumvent that by upping "fees" which are not protected by the contract. I HATE paying as much as we do each month but I have yet to see any viable alternatives. I could switch back and forth between Verizon and Comcast just to get the new customer bonuses which is what I might do when my contact is up.


Jun 23, 2005
What's worse is the modem. They didn't used to charge anything for it. Now they want something like $10 a month for it. I feel bad for the Seniors not tech savy enough to pick up a SB6121 for $30 off ebay or something and set it up themselves. It pays for itself in 3 months. The modem/converter box/Router rental/DVR fees and sky high taxes are just insane. I think things were starting to turn around with the FCC's new chairman these past few years, but that's all over now.
You're right, the cable companies enjoy monopoly given to them by the gov't. When free market competition/alternative appears (fiber), they all cry foul and try to squash it by any means.
Don't worry. Trump'll fix it.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't think you are being too hard on Comcast by any means but I do have some questions…

It seems you are talking about getting OTA broadcasts which brings up the obvious question, "Why don't you put up an antenna and get OTA for free?"

What would you consider a reasonable fee for Comcast in this situation? After All, they are providing a service here. Do you think that service should be completely free?

In the end though, I guess it boils down to why pay them for anything except internet access? If all the people that were upset with Comcast went with internet only (preferably DSL) Comcast's policies would change real fast. However, it seems that everyone wants things to get better but they are unwilling to incur any inconvenience to move things along.

And don't give me the "but I have kids and what about live sports argument". So the eff what. Learn to do without, you will be far better off.

I feel for you, I really do. But the Obama administration did nothing and no doubt the Trump administration will be more of the same. The only solution for consumers is to stop buying products and services (or at least reduce them as much as possible) from companies you don't like. The government has made it clear they will do nothing.


Reread my OP. Not talking about OTA at all. Only that Comcast used the digital OTA transition to fool people into thinking it involved them so they could easier push them into the warming pot of water of having use use digital adapters.

A reasonable rental fee for the adapter? Nothing. Let me buy it. How would you like your internet provider to demand you rent the modem from them then they can charge you $2/month for internet service and $200/month for modem rental.

Nothing had "gotten better" with Comcast. 8 years ago I was getting HD on as many TV's in my house as I wanted using the tuner in the TV with no digital adapter boxes.


Jul 13, 2005
Hey look on the bright side -- If Comcast doesn`t love least Jesus Loves you!!!
Mar 11, 2004
I don't think you are being too hard on Comcast by any means but I do have some questions…

It seems you are talking about getting OTA broadcasts which brings up the obvious question, "Why don't you put up an antenna and get OTA for free?"

What would you consider a reasonable fee for Comcast in this situation? After All, they are providing a service here. Do you think that service should be completely free?

In the end though, I guess it boils down to why pay them for anything except internet access? If all the people that were upset with Comcast went with internet only (preferably DSL) Comcast's policies would change real fast. However, it seems that everyone wants things to get better but they are unwilling to incur any inconvenience to move things along.

And don't give me the "but I have kids and what about live sports argument". So the eff what. Learn to do without, you will be far better off.

I feel for you, I really do. But the Obama administration did nothing and no doubt the Trump administration will be more of the same. The only solution for consumers is to stop buying products and services (or at least reduce them as much as possible) from companies you don't like. The government has made it clear they will do nothing.


OTA is not very good in my experience. I've tried to help several people set it up and yet to have anyone that can reliably get good enough signal to pull in a channel in HD. I'm frankly baffled that this has not been a bigger complaint, but apparently it is working for some people?

Actually they're not. They're specifically locking people out to try and force them to pay. They could very easily unencrypt the signals. It would probably actually benefit Comcast even (as I'm sure they probably have to do something extra to force the encryption).

What kind of sense does that make? "Hey guys, I'm mad about the little fees that keep increasing, so fuck it I'll cancel ALL of it!" Ok, that's really got to be a joke or trolling. You think people can switch? And that switching to DSL would be feasible? Your argument is "is you're mad about getting screwed by one megacorp, just switch to another one that will both screw you in the same ways and also provide worse service for little if any discount in price, that will sure teach them!

That's the whole point. We don't have choices. You can't tell the companies to fuck off because you just end up in a circle of shitty companies fucking you over. The government was finally getting off their ass and doing something about it (well some in the government), and now they're probably going to flip and work to actively let those companies fuck us over worse. We'll literally be paying them to craft laws enabling them to screw us over. The Republicans have even been fucking gloating about this (like they regularly have been when they've fucked us over, they'll brag until they get called out and then they just start screaming Obama, and its working because people have lost their minds with regards to being informed and making rational decisions).

There were a lot of positive actions under Obama, or more specifically under Wheeler as chair of the FCC. He actually listened to consumers and did a lot of things to try and improve the situation, but the Republicans continually threw tantrums and they've been very open that they're going to gut basically everything that Wheeler did. And that's if they don't outright gut the FCC (they won't since they have control now, don't be surprised if they grow the powers just so they can try to lock in things the telecoms want).

Even with regards to Comcast in specific they blocked the Comcast-Time Warner merger (not that allowing the ATT DirecTV merger was good, or likewise the Charter-Time Warner merger). They also specified what counts as broadband which showed how little competition was actually happening (and really highlighted how much control Comcast has). And of course reclassification as Title II.

That's not to say Democrats historically were generally much better with regards to getting bought off by telecoms (a lot of the problems we're facing now are due to the 1996 Telecom Act, although if I remember right, that was a pretty non-partisan situation and the Republicans had a lot of hand in crafting it), but the Republicans are openly doing this stuff and people don't seem to care.
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