Commentary: What would Jesus really do?


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 2001
I apologize if this is a repost, but I found this to be a very good take on the current state of Christianity in America. I'm not a religious person myself, but I have no issue with faith or believing in god. I do take issue, however, with those that use faith as a wedge issue, and say you're either with us or against us in reference to specific political issues.

By Roland Martin
CNN Contributor

NEW YORK (CNN) -- When did it come to the point that being a Christian meant caring about only two issues,­ abortion and homosexuality?

Ask the nonreligious what being a Christian today means, and based on what we see and read, it's a good bet they will say that followers of Jesus Christ are preoccupied with those two points.

Poverty? Whatever. Homelessness? An afterthought. A widening gap between the have and have-nots? Immaterial. Divorce? The divorce rate of Christians mirrors the national average, so that's no big deal.

The point is that being a Christian should be about more than abortion and homosexuality, and it's high time that those not considered a part of the religious right expose the hypocrisy of our brothers and sisters in Christianity and take back the faith. And those on the left who believe they have a "get out of sin free" card must not be allowed to justify their actions.

Many people believe we are engaged in a holy war. And we are. But it's not with Muslims. The real war -- ­ the silent war ­-- is being engaged among Christians, and that's what we must set our sights on.

As we celebrate Holy Week, our focus is on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But aren't we also to recommit ourselves to live more like Jesus? Did Jesus spend his time focusing on all that he didn't like, or did Jesus raise the consciousness of the people to understand love, compassion and teach them about following the will of God?

As a layman studying to receive a master's in Christian communications, and the husband of an ordained minister, it's troubling to listen to "Christian radio" and hear the kind of hate spewing out of the mouths of my brothers and sisters in the faith.

In fact, I've grown tired of people who pimp God. That's right; we have a litany of individuals today who are holy, holy, holy, sing hallelujah, talk about how they love the Lord, but when it's time to walk the walk, somehow the spirit evaporates.

A couple of years ago I took exception to an e-mail blast from the Concerned Women for America. The group was angry that Democrats were blocking certain judges put up for the federal bench by President Bush. It called on Americans to fight Democrats who wanted to keep Christians off the bench.

So I called and sent an e-mail asking, "So, where were you when President Clinton appointed Christian judges to the bench? Were they truly behind Christian judges, or Republican Christian judges?

Surprise, surprise. There was never a response.

An African-American pastor I know in the Midwest was asked by a group of mostly white clergy to march in an anti-abortion rally. He was fine with that, but then asked the clergy if they would work with him to fight crack houses in predominantly black neighborhoods.

"That's really your problem," he was told.

They saw abortion as a moral imperative, but not a community ravaged by crack.

If abortion and gay marriage are part of the Christian agenda, I have no issue with that. Those are moral issues that should be of importance to people of the faith, but the agenda should be much, much broader.

I'm looking for the day when Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Joyce Meyer, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, James Kennedy, Rod Parsley, " Patriot Pastors" and Rick Warren will sit at the same table as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cynthia Hale, Eddie L. Long, James Meek, Fred Price, Emmanuel Cleaver and Floyd Flake to establish a call to arms on racism, AIDS, police brutality, a national health care policy, our sorry education system.

If they all say they love and worship one God, one Jesus, let's see them rally their members behind one agenda.

I stand here today not as a Republican or a liberal. And don't bother calling me a Democrat or a conservative. I am a man,­ an African-American man ­who has professed that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that's to whom I bow down.

If you concur, it's time to stop allowing a chosen few to speak for the masses. Quit letting them define the agenda.

So put on the full armor of God because we have work to do.




Oct 24, 2005
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Slick5150
I apologize if this is a repost, but I found this to be a very good take on the current state of Christianity in America. I'm not a religious person myself, but I have no issue with faith or believing in god. I do take issue, however, with those that use faith as a wedge issue, and say you're either with us or against us in reference to specific political issues.

By Roland Martin
CNN Contributor

NEW YORK (CNN) -- When did it come to the point that being a Christian meant caring about only two issues,­ abortion and homosexuality?

Ask the nonreligious what being a Christian today means, and based on what we see and read, it's a good bet they will say that followers of Jesus Christ are preoccupied with those two points.

The article is based on a fallacious assertion IMHO.

Abortion & homosexuality are political issues issues for christians. That's why you hear about those two issues from them. He should have added global warming, in my newspaper (NYT local) there are often articles showing the christians consider it a political issue and come down on the side of preventing it. I.e., they take it seriously.

These below are not considered political issues, that's why you don't hear about them unless you look more closley at what the christians are doing:

Poverty? Whatever. Homelessness? An afterthought. A widening gap between the have and have-nots? Immaterial. Divorce? The divorce rate of Christians mirrors the national average, so that's no big deal.

Many people don't believe you can legislate your way out these problems. I see many churches working constantly, through their church -not politics, helping the poor & homeless etc. If you watch them, you will see they are constantly addressing these problems



Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

sort of true, although based on the myth he would have expected them to feed the others if they could


Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.

Matthew 22:21


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

I think you're confusing Jesus with Ayn Rand. Jesus went to a great deal of effort to encourage helping the less fortunate, something the conservative religious folks in this country seem to have forgotten.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Jesus is not:


Jesus came with a message, that is "Love your neighbour as yourself". That is the culmination and extent of what Jesus said. Anything Added or Subtracted from that is a perversion.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

I think you're confusing Jesus with Ayn Rand. Jesus went to a great deal of effort to encourage helping the less fortunate, something the conservative religious folks in this country seem to have forgotten.

I think you're quite mistaken. I see it all the time in my town.

If you're in a church and it's not doing anything, have them start. If you're not a member of church, it's far more likely you're simply unaware of their efforts.



Feb 6, 2002
Ask yourself how much you donated to the poor last year?

I am a Mormon. My job in the Church is to Audit the congregations giving records, which of course is an unpaid job, like all other jobs in the church. Every Sunday the donations are counted and turned in at the bank by 2 members of the presidency or the clerk and one member of the presidency. I have seen the records for payment of food, Bishop's Storehouse pantry delivery orders, and payments for things like rent, homes, or other bills. We really do care about taking care of the poor. I have been involved with service projects like Painting houses, building houses, delivering food and supplies to Homes for unwed mothers and other projects we have done locally. Not all the projects were church sponsored. For instance the Bucket Brigade was locally sponsored. One other project we did was the East St Louis, IL Jackie Joiner Kersey home cleanup project. Also a project for building homes for the group that Jimmy Carter works with. We consider this the work of God to be compassionate for our fellow man. Everyone needs a little help once in a while.

So where does the money come from?

10% Tithing
Fasting one Sunday a month and donating the cost of the food for one or two meals.

Bishops and lower church leaders are not paid but volunteer their time and efforts.

Maybe we should run the Government like this. Think the US Government could get by on a 10% Tax? I think the government can get by on a 10% tax if we just do away with all the stupid loopholes. No need for all kinds of fancey deductions exclusion and special laws. Just a one paragraph statement stating all people who earn money will pay 10% of the Gross of all Earned. Farmers in the church use to just donate 10% of the food they grew.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

I think you're confusing Jesus with Ayn Rand. Jesus went to a great deal of effort to encourage helping the less fortunate, something the conservative religious folks in this country seem to have forgotten.

I think you're quite mistaken. I see it all the time in my town.

If you're in a church and it's not doing anything, have them start. If you're not a member of church, it's far more likely you're simply unaware of their efforts.


I'm not mistaken, because that wasn't my argument. "Conservative religious folks" does not mean the neighborhood church most people attend, the kind of church that spends most of its efforts on tending to the spiritual and physical needs of its flock. I'm not the churchgoing type myself, but I know and respect a lot of people who are, and they are some of the nicest and most generous people I've met. I don't care if they are conservative or liberal, most of them are truly decent human beings. But I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about the Conservative "Christians" for whom President Bush is a "shining" example, the kind of people who think Jesus was a Republican and that the best way to be a Christian is to condemn gays and to hell with the "be kind to others" hippie bullshit.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
the new testament is a communist allegory.

Not if by communism you mean an organized system with enforceable rules that MAKE you good.

I think its more about what real good looks like when the false self dies and the real self is made manifest.


Senior member
Jul 29, 2001
I am old enough to remember the 50?s and 60?s when those whose beliefs leaned to the fundamental, were simply content with living their approach to religion. I have to say I had some respect for them, even though I disagreed.
Modern day fundamentalists were somehow captured by evangelicals, and now want to change the country not only to their religious beliefs but political as well.

Further, it?s sad to see the current culture equate these whacko?s with the Christian religion simply because they have a loud voice and numbers now.


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: sandorski
Jesus came with a message, that is "Love your neighbour as yourself". That is the culmination and extent of what Jesus said. Anything Added or Subtracted from that is a perversion.

And that message, and nothing else, should be what religion is entirely about. Those who make it otherwise worship false prophets.


Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2006
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
the new testament is a communist allegory.

Not if by communism you mean an organized system with enforceable rules that MAKE you good.

I think its more about what real good looks like when the false self dies and the real self is made manifest.

Its a view of what our potential is. When we embrace love and trust and give up hate and fear. The human species has just started its journey. Where will we end up?


Nov 23, 2001
I think Jesus would be horrified at what passes for Christianity in a lot of the US.


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

I think you're confusing Jesus with Ayn Rand. Jesus went to a great deal of effort to encourage helping the less fortunate, something the conservative religious folks in this country seem to have forgotten.

There's a difference between teaching individuals to help people and compelling others in society to force your beliefs on them. Conservative Christians through church and charities do much more to help people than government ever could.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

I think you're confusing Jesus with Ayn Rand. Jesus went to a great deal of effort to encourage helping the less fortunate, something the conservative religious folks in this country seem to have forgotten.

There's a difference between teaching individuals to help people and compelling others in society to force your beliefs on them. Conservative Christians through church and charities do much more to help people than government ever could.

Not true.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

I think you're confusing Jesus with Ayn Rand. Jesus went to a great deal of effort to encourage helping the less fortunate, something the conservative religious folks in this country seem to have forgotten.

There's a difference between teaching individuals to help people and compelling others in society to force your beliefs on them. Conservative Christians through church and charities do much more to help people than government ever could.

Oh give me a break. They feed the homeless and poverty stricken with one hand, and then support politicians who make more of them to begin with.

I do find it funny though that you would be railing against forcing your beliefs on someone in your first sentence, and then supporting conservative christians in your second. I hope you would apply the same standard to them as you do to the government.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: sandorski
Jesus is not:


Jesus came with a message, that is "Love your neighbour as yourself". That is the culmination and extent of what Jesus said. Anything Added or Subtracted from that is a perversion.

Facinating, Jesus is/was not Jewish, nor could be "considered" a Christian (in spite of the fact that he is the "original" Christian).

As to the assertion that his only message was "Love your neighbour as yourself", good grief! So the New Testiment is about one paragraph of importance, the rest being filler I suppose. No there is far more to his message than that, nor is that his most important message/purpose.



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

I think you're confusing Jesus with Ayn Rand. Jesus went to a great deal of effort to encourage helping the less fortunate, something the conservative religious folks in this country seem to have forgotten.

There's a difference between teaching individuals to help people and compelling others in society to force your beliefs on them. Conservative Christians through church and charities do much more to help people than government ever could.

Oh give me a break. They feed the homeless and poverty stricken with one hand, and then support politicians who make more of them to begin with.

Interesting, poor people are maufactured by polititions, in your opinion

I do find it funny though that you would be railing against forcing your beliefs on someone in your first sentence, and then supporting conservative christians in your second. I hope you would apply the same standard to them as you do to the government.

Government and citizens held to same standard? I wouldn't think so. Nor have I seen it practiced here. I seem to remember a N.E. Dem politition admitting to having sex with a minor male page, yet he was re-elected etc. Same standard not applied to any fallen priest here.

Church=! Governement, hence different standards. Citizen=! government, hence different standards.



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

I think you're confusing Jesus with Ayn Rand. Jesus went to a great deal of effort to encourage helping the less fortunate, something the conservative religious folks in this country seem to have forgotten.

There's a difference between teaching individuals to help people and compelling others in society to force your beliefs on them. Conservative Christians through church and charities do much more to help people than government ever could.

Not true.

Oh but many us believe the opposite.

Belief in helping poor people and donating your money or time =! Belief in helping and forcing others to donate THIER time or money (not yours).

The Al Gore "syndrome" is strong in this one. Do what I say, not what I do.



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: sandorski
Jesus is not:


Jesus came with a message, that is "Love your neighbour as yourself". That is the culmination and extent of what Jesus said. Anything Added or Subtracted from that is a perversion.

Facinating, Jesus is/was not Jewish, nor could be "considered" a Christian (in spite of the fact that he is the "original" Christian).

As to the assertion that his only message was "Love your neighbour as yourself", good grief! So the New Testiment is about one paragraph of importance, the rest being filler I suppose. No there is far more to his message than that, nor is that his most important message/purpose.




No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: JS80
Jesus certainly would not steal from one group of people and give to others. He would teach men to fish.

I think you're confusing Jesus with Ayn Rand. Jesus went to a great deal of effort to encourage helping the less fortunate, something the conservative religious folks in this country seem to have forgotten.

There's a difference between teaching individuals to help people and compelling others in society to force your beliefs on them. Conservative Christians through church and charities do much more to help people than government ever could.

Not true.

Oh but many us believe the opposite.

Belief in helping poor people and donating your money or time =! Belief in helping and forcing others to donate THIER time or money (not yours).

The Al Gore "syndrome" is strong in this one. Do what I say, not what I do.


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