Computer freezes during 3D gameplay


Junior Member
Apr 30, 2010
Hello! I will try to explain my problem as well as I can.

Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit
MOBO: Asus Maximus II Formula
CPU: [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Intel [COLOR=blue ! important]Core [/COLOR][COLOR=blue ! important]2 [/COLOR][COLOR=blue ! important]Duo[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] 8500 3.166Ghz
GPU: nVidia 260GTX (newest driver)
RAM: 2x 1024GB DDR2-800 OCZ Platinum // 2x 2GB DDR2-800 OCZ total 6gb
Power Supply: OCZ GameXstream 700W

I have been running with the setup and overclock that is causing this problem for about 4-5 months.
When ever I play certain 3D games this problem occurs.

When I play Battlefield2 / Battlefield 2142 my computer freezes within 5-15 minutes of gaming. This freeze includes all visuals to freeze completely and the sound will skip extremely fast sounding just like a hair trimmer (a buzz). The ONLY way to get out of this is to restart or turn off the computer. <-- My computer being a stock of 3.166Ghz is overclocked (with the FSB only) to 3.6ghz. (333FSB x 9.5) Playing games such as Call of Duty MW2 do not cause this freeze.

I got the new Battlefield Bad Company 2 game which also causes this freeze. Until downloading the newest nvidia driver (april2010) my computer would freeze within 15 seconds of setting the graphics to MAX. Once I turned anti-aliasing down to 2x and effects to medium it would only freeze periodically (maybe once every second day, or so RANDOM). Now with the new driver it freezes totally randomly on high settings but not instantly. Im not sure if the driver had any impact though...

Ive looked around online and found people having similar problems while running a WESTERN DIGITAL GREEN CAVIAR sata hard drive. I hear these arent meant for high end gaming? My old computer also ran this drive, and its the only thing common on this computer form that one.
After having lots of problems with that computer after getting this hard drive, the sata controller began to not work at all (I couldnt use SATA drives, only IDE were recognized). Now this computer freezes... Since reading up posts of people reporting problems with the green caviar drive im beginning to think its the drive, and it may even break my sata controller again!

My temperatures :
CPU seems to run at about 21deg celcius idle and under 55deg in a game.
GPU under 70deg at 85&#37;fan power in Riva Tuner in a game.

Extra notes:
--> Sometimes my computer seems like its about to undergo this unique freeze for a split second, the sound skips than goes back to normal right away (very rare).

THINGS I HAVE TRIED (that dont fix it):
- Memtest / OCCT / IntelBurnTest (30sec) All without no errors
- Defragmenting drive
- Stock clock settings for CPU and RAM
- Overclocking the CPU to many different FSB aswell as voltages
- Tried different RAM timings, freq, and voltages
- Different video card drivers right up to the newest

WHAT I HAVEN'T YET TRIED (hope to soon if possible):

- Running windows 7 off of a different SATA HDD thats not Caviar Green
- Updating my BIOS
- Reformatting
- Stress tests (full periods of time on recommended programs)
- Testing my video card on a different computer with Bad Company 2
- Disabling my sound device (SoundMax) in device manager


old thread of mine:
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Junior Member
Apr 30, 2010
As posted, my cpu core temps stay under 55degrees, probly under 45 in game and my graphics core is about 61degrees celcius. I use riva tuner to boost the fan on the gfx to 85% also, and the problem happens when its at default clocks and overclocked, I always run at default still. Only my CPU is overclocked, returning my cpu to default clock may fix this problem, however gameplay is very choppy in bad company 2 as the processor cant handle even medium settings very well. With an OC of 3.6ghz I get totally smooth gameplay at all settings. I've also tested my RAM and thats ok, I tried settings all manual voltages and clock/timings for the ram also...


Junior Member
Apr 30, 2010
I played on default CPU clocks and it hasnt frozen so far. It must be some kind of overclocking issue than... That really sucks if it is.. How can I overclock so that it doesnt freeze, I dont think 3.6ghz is too high for my Intel E8500 is it? I also had it running at 4Ghz before, and theres no overheating.
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Nov 26, 2001
I've been having the same symptoms as you where the screen would lockup and reset won't even work but I have to hold down the power button to turn off the computer completely. The only game that freeze on me is BF2 while I'm online. I don't have any other problems with other games. I don't play BC2 so I don't know. It's so random. Sometimes I will be playing BF2 and within 2 minutes and it does this. Sometimes play for hours even the whole day no lockup. I don't even have a WD green drive.

When I was playing BF2 with my onboard GPU it didn't show this symptom. I've tried lots of things. Play everything on stock settings. Set the sound to software or low. I even changed video cards and it does the exact same thing.

I don't think it has anything to do with overclocking or drivers. Some weird occurrence that's happening. My last resort is now to format but not until I get a replacement for my video card.
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Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2002
The overuse of BOLD/color is stressing your VC too much?

Sorry I had to.


Mar 15, 2007
maybe you need more volts for your overclock, how old is your psu? maybe bad motherboard? (i always assume asus mobo is bad =P) maybe your hd is dieing? bad sectors?


Feb 26, 2001
You've overclocked the piss out of your computer and you're getting all the symptoms of a bad or unreliable overclock, more testing needs to be done on your part if at all possible.

If the CPU is the issue, you usually see a hard lock if there's not nearly enough voltage going to it. If you get a crash to the desktop but no hard lock that means you're only slightly to low on voltage.

Some games are more cpu intensive than others and may give you different results, but at least get yourself 3d stable. Start from default clockspeed. If you still have an issue with everything at default settings then you know you can start blaming hardware and or drivers.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
You've overclocked the piss out of your computer and you're getting all the symptoms of a bad or unreliable overclock, more testing needs to be done on your part if at all possible.

If the CPU is the issue, you usually see a hard lock if there's not nearly enough voltage going to it. If you get a crash to the desktop but no hard lock that means you're only slightly to low on voltage.

Some games are more cpu intensive than others and may give you different results, but at least get yourself 3d stable. Start from default clockspeed. If you still have an issue with everything at default settings then you know you can start blaming hardware and or drivers.

I agree....If your gonna overclcock your cpu you must first make sure it's stable before you move on to games crashing etc.

Download some tools and stress test your cpu if your gonna overclock it. Sounds like you gotta play around with the vcore to me. Most likely just a little to low during your overclock.

Use something like Intel Burn Test to start. It'll hit the cpu pretty hard and will error out withing seconds or a minute or so if it's unstable. Will give your cooler a good test also so keep an eye on temps! Once voltages are found with IBT try using OCCT to test again. Most of the time voltages found with IBT are good to go....But sometimes you may need to bump them a tic or two to get passed OCCT. Prime95 you could try afterwards for the 24hr thing if you like. Or just skip to your everyday use and gaming and give it a whirl. Should be good to go.


Nov 26, 2001
I think most people here tests for stability before posting. At least I hope. I use orthos for CPU stability and test GPU for artifacts with ATI tools. I even reinstalled the game. Even ran stock and switched out the GPU and the same thing.

All passed with flying colors. I leave my computer on 24/7 for weeks and no lockup except that BF2. Other games run perfectly fine.
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Junior Member
Apr 30, 2010
Thanks for your posts! I didnt realise that my CPU Voltage was set to auto in the BIOS and should probly be set higher. Before I had this computer my friend said he ran it stable at 4ghz with the cpu voltage set to 1.4V. He told me to try 1.39V at 3.6Ghz. ill try running tools like ibt and occt

I set my CPU Voltage to 1.393V at 3.6Ghz and ran the IntelBurnTest. Under the standard stress level my temperatures rose to 80deg celcius within 10seconds (according to PC wizard) so I stopped it, are you sure this is safe? I dont wanna burn out my components...
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Feb 26, 2001
You could be right AzN, but someone with tenure would usually say they've passed a barrage of stress tests without issue when encountering a problem like this no? That way they don't get posts like mine questioning the overclock.

I'm just inclined to believe it's not his drivers or video card so much as a simple tweak to his OC, that makes things a lot more simple IMO. Perhaps he is ONLY having an issue with BF like yourself, but he says he's crashing in "3D" (which could mean any 3D environment for all we know, he hasn't listed any other cpu intensive games) and he's getting weird behavior in Windows.

Those are some pretty glaring signs, mild file corruption produces the same results in my experience. Perhaps you two could compare voltage's since you seem to be having more success with your OC?
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Feb 26, 2001
Thanks for your posts! I didnt realise that my CPU Voltage was set to auto in the BIOS and should probly be set higher. Before I had this computer my friend said he ran it stable at 4ghz with the cpu voltage set to 1.4V. He told me to try 1.39V at 3.6Ghz. ill try running tools like ibt and occt

I set my CPU Voltage to 1.393V at 3.6Ghz and ran the IntelBurnTest. Under the standard stress level my temperatures rose to 80deg celcius within 10seconds (according to PC wizard) so I stopped it, are you sure this is safe? I dont wanna burn out my components...

Please please talk to AzN before you bump up your vcore, if this is your first time overclocking an intel processor you need to make sure you're not going to do any damage by staying within the suggested voltage range.

I don't own an I3/Intel chip so I can't say what voltage's you'll be safe at, but you'll find your answer through AzN or the CPU/Overclocking forum.

PS: here's a link to your max voltage's and what to watch out for ~>
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Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I set my CPU Voltage to 1.393V at 3.6Ghz and ran the IntelBurnTest. Under the standard stress level my temperatures rose to 80deg celcius within 10seconds (according to PC wizard) so I stopped it, are you sure this is safe? I dont wanna burn out my components...

I warned you about IBT it'll hit the cpu very hard which in turn gives your cooler a good run for it's money! But that's what stress testing is all about

To stress test a cpu for overclock you need to use a program such as IBT to stress the system harder than you would do under normal use. They don't call it Intel Burn Test for the hell of it.

80*C is high but won't kill your cpu. I'd suggest you download something like realtemp tho for monitoring the cpu temps. IBT will max your temp within seconds but temps should hold very close to the intitial rising point.

Are you using the stock cooler? If so ya might wanna rethink your cooling strategy. You might be able to just take side cover off case and use a house fan to blow air into it for stress testing the system. What case do you have and do you have good airflow thru it?

Your pumping alot of vcore into your chip for the somewhat mild overclock your getting out of it. You may not even need such a high vcore to run 3.6ghz. My old Q9550 would do 4ghz with only 1.300 vcore but chips do very. I'd suggest dropping it down somewhat to see. Maybe 1.300v and see if it'll post then load windows. If it doesn't post or load windows bump it up a couple of tics untill it does. Then try IBT on the standard setting to see if it'll pass a run. If not just bump it a couple more tics and try again. Once you get it to pass the initial generic 5 runs then maybe try the max memory. You may have to play with the vcore some more also for stability. Of course keep an eye on the temps!
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Junior Member
Apr 30, 2010
Ok. This computer was running stable at 1.41V vcore so I dont think 1.39V will do damage... except for maybe during that harsh IntelBurnTest. I just ran OCCT on the CPU for 11mins and everything was fine with temps between 72-78deg. Im going to try actually playing the game now with the vcore set manually.

--> So far, this problem has happened in the following games only:
Battlefield 2/2142 Bad Company 2, Perfect World. The only other games ive played with this computer are Diablo 2 which is quite old and it hasent frozen. I also recall it freezing a few times while editing a video in Vegas 9.0.

Edit for Kenmitch
Whats the highest temp I should look out for before stopping it? I am using an Antec 900 case with 2 fans blowing in and 2 fans blowing out. One fan is a 200m at the top with all having individual switch settings of Hi/Med/Low. They are on High right now. For the CPU/Heat sink im using a "Ninja Mini B"
Also, when the vcore was set to auto it usually went to about 1.256V during gameplay
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Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Edit for Kenmitch
Whats the highest temp I should look out for before stopping it? I am using an Antec 900 case with 2 fans blowing in and 2 fans blowing out. One fan is a 200m at the top with all having individual switch settings of Hi/Med/Low. They are on High right now. For the CPU/Heat sink im using a "Ninja Mini B"
Also, when the vcore was set to auto it usually went to about 1.256V during gameplay

Your cooler should handle 3.6ghz fine. Your case should have enough airflow going on.

Most people would suggest a core temp of no greater than 70*C but the lower the better.

Hmm....I'd try dropping the vcore down as I suggested earlier and see if it'll be stable. Seems like your pumping alot of vcore in for 3.6ghz. If auto was that low I'd try around the 1.300v(Possibly even lower) as I suggested earlier and see what happens. The lower the vcore the lower the temps on your cores. I'd try to drop it as low as you can and stay stable.


Junior Member
Apr 30, 2010
I played a few rounds of Bad company 2 with vcore at 1.393V without any freezes yet. I'm going to test these settings a bit more to see if it freezes.
Using "Coretemp" core #1 reaches avg 66deg / core #2 reaches 70deg. My idle is about 37 and 45.
PC Wizard shows about the same and also has a "Processor temperature" of 53deg at the same time.


Mar 15, 2007
I played a few rounds of Bad company 2 with vcore at 1.393V without any freezes yet. I'm going to test these settings a bit more to see if it freezes.
Using "Coretemp" core #1 reaches avg 66deg / core #2 reaches 70deg. My idle is about 37 and 45.
PC Wizard shows about the same and also has a "Processor temperature" of 53deg at the same time.

so what cooler are you using? if its stock cooler id def switch to a core contact cooler, they are only 20-30$ i try to never go past 50C and make 55C my max temp but thats just me im obsessed with keeping things cool so they last longer.


Junior Member
Apr 30, 2010
so what cooler are you using? if its stock cooler id def switch to a core contact cooler, they are only 20-30$ i try to never go past 50C and make 55C my max temp but thats just me im obsessed with keeping things cool so they last longer.

Check up in the edit^^ to see my cooling components. Nothing is stock. Can someone explain to me what the differences are between these three temperature readings:

Core temp #1
Core Temp #2
Processor or Core temp

Most sensor programs show the individual core temps than another temperature for the processor, is this like an average temp or a temp of the actual chip as a whole? Because when each core is near 70 deg the processor temp shows only around 53deg


Junior Member
Apr 30, 2010
I just got a freeze within 5 seconds of loading an online match on bc2 (didnt even get into the first person yet, froze right at the kit menu). So I put the clock back to stock and it froze after about 30 seconds. I thought maybe it was a mistake... but after restarting and totally shutting off the powersupply I reloaded the game and it froze after 5 minutes. Looks to me like my computers busted! If it freezes in stock settings do you guys recommend I keep trying stress tests in stock settings? I guess I can try OCCT for an hour under CPU and an hour under GPU. (Im afraid of IntelBurnTest D


Nov 26, 2001
If it freezes at stock it's something else. You might want to reformat like what I'm going to do.

Overclocking doesn't usually give you hard locks. It usually blue screens or reboots.


Mar 9, 2005
What ps are you using and have you checked it to make sure that its still outputting correctly on each rail?


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2003
I don't know if you are reading my threads but I just had the same problem with BFBC2 and resolved it by disabling the onboard Realtek sound device. You can do this in Device Manager and hit the Sound Video and Game Controllers button, then disable any onboard sound device. Keep in mind that in order to play other games, you will need to re enable this sound device temporarily but then disable it for BFBC2. I would suggest you buy a sound card.

Here is a link to a user having a similar issue, it's only BFBC2 specific I think:
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