Computer related complaints I'm tired of hearing


Jan 3, 2001
1. I just moved here, and high speed internet isn't available. Why??? I (have a business, do day trading, am taking online classes, etc).

Response: If high speed access is so important to you, why didn't you check these things BEFORE you moved??? I've actually seen businesses fail because they tried to operate over a dial-up connection. People dig their own grave quite a bit. Sure, country living is great, but you have to consider the sacrifices.

2. My computer is slow- I'm only on dial-up

Response: The speed of your computer has nothing to do with your Internet connection. I see people every single day saying "It takes 10 minutes for my computer to turn on- I'm gonna get DSL to make it go faster!" Then they call back complaining that their computer is not faster than it was before. Here's a tip: you're going to end up paying for all those free songs you got from Limewire through the $100 repair bill to have all of the malware cleaned off your computer.

3. I know nothing about computers. I barely know how to turn one on. Yet, I will call you and yell and scream because something doesn't work the way I think it should work.

Response: People that know the least tend to yell the most. This seems to be a popular stance in the 50-70 year old age range. You try to help these people by giving them sensible solutions, but they don't want to hear these because it would involve them having to work or add expense. Here's a common example:

"Sir, it sounds like there's something wrong with the phone line, I can barely hear you."

In this example, a person does not connect the dots that the loud buzzing on their phone line and the DSL signal on their phone line may be related. The same applies for people on dial-up connections (my connection keeps dropping. My phone line is terrible, but that has nothing to do with it!), using CD's (I never put a CD in it's sleeve, I keep it on my desk. I've used it for years, but now it doesn't work!), or even computer use in general (I've always turned my computer off by turning off my power strip. Now Windows won't load right- what a piece of crap computer!) I'm not sure where this "I take no responsibility" attitude came from, and I don't understand why it's so tolerated in the computer industry.

This has been an informational rant by Fritzo The More You Know *=========-------


May 21, 2003
Passwords suck. The whole system is failure.

More complex requirements != more security. That's fail on top of fail.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: Phoenix86
Passwords suck. The whole system is failure.

More complex requirements != more security. That's fail on top of fail.

More complex requirements = passwords written down


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: Phoenix86
Passwords suck. The whole system is failure.

More complex requirements != more security. That's fail on top of fail.

More complex requirements = passwords written down

...on a post it note stuck to the computer monitor.


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: Phoenix86
Passwords suck. The whole system is failure.

More complex requirements != more security. That's fail on top of fail.

More complex requirements = passwords written down

...on a post it note stuck to the computer monitor.

I figure, if someone's already gotten past security, man traps, and all the biometrics, they're probably going to get into the system password or not.


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
The most annoying this we get is that users seem to expect us to troubleshoot problems from software we've never heard of. A section of the company decided to go out an buy their own software (without consulting us) because they thought it would make their jobs easier. We didn't even know they did that. This was how we found out:

"You have to help me. I have to get this report in today and this program isn't working"
I don't recognize this program. Is this something that we put on for you?
"No - we got this program ourselves"
Well, I am not sure why it is giving you a error message '33257 - Contact Support' so I don't know if I can help you
"That is unacceptable. This has to be fixed today!"
Did you try contacting their support?
"Yes and they don't know how to fix it."
So......the people that made the software don't know what's wrong with it but you expect someone who has never seen this before in their life to fix it? (We did try to get it to work but a generic error message doesn't help)

This finally devolved into a conversation between their VP and our VP because their entire department thought it was absurd that we couldn't fix the problem


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2006
guess it's a blessing in disguise I'm not a computer geek, or I'd be banging my head against the wall at people who are probably that clueless /sigh


Oct 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Exterous
The most annoying this we get is that users seem to expect us to troubleshoot problems from software we've never heard of. A section of the company decided to go out an buy their own software (without consulting us) because they thought it would make their jobs easier. We didn't even know they did that. This was how we found out:

"You have to help me. I have to get this report in today and this program isn't working"
I don't recognize this program. Is this something that we put on for you?
"No - we got this program ourselves"
Well, I am not sure why it is giving you a error message '33257 - Contact Support' so I don't know if I can help you
"That is unacceptable. This has to be fixed today!"
Did you try contacting their support?
"Yes and they don't know how to fix it."
So......the people that made the software don't know what's wrong with it but you expect someone who has never seen this before in their life to fix it? (We did try to get it to work but a generic error message doesn't help)

This finally devolved into a conversation between their VP and our VP because their entire department thought it was absurd that we couldn't fix the problem

Yeah, I love that. I get calls all the time from people asking me to support software I have never used or heard of.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Krazy4Real
Originally posted by: Exterous
The most annoying this we get is that users seem to expect us to troubleshoot problems from software we've never heard of. A section of the company decided to go out an buy their own software (without consulting us) because they thought it would make their jobs easier. We didn't even know they did that. This was how we found out:

"You have to help me. I have to get this report in today and this program isn't working"
I don't recognize this program. Is this something that we put on for you?
"No - we got this program ourselves"
Well, I am not sure why it is giving you a error message '33257 - Contact Support' so I don't know if I can help you
"That is unacceptable. This has to be fixed today!"
Did you try contacting their support?
"Yes and they don't know how to fix it."
So......the people that made the software don't know what's wrong with it but you expect someone who has never seen this before in their life to fix it? (We did try to get it to work but a generic error message doesn't help)

This finally devolved into a conversation between their VP and our VP because their entire department thought it was absurd that we couldn't fix the problem

Yeah, I love that. I get calls all the time from people asking me to support software I have never used or heard of.

But you're computer guys! Don't you have an innate knowledge of every program ever created?



Golden Member
Nov 17, 1999
me - I have reset your password to the word password. The system will ask you to change it when you log in.
user - ok, its asking me to change it, but it asks for my old password. If I knew that, I wouldn't have had to call you.
Me- WTF!! Bangs head on desk.......


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Head on over to the register and read some of the B.O.F.H articles for some novel ways of dealing with moronic users. :evil:


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2002
One of my favorites is "The cursor is just jumping all over and has a mind of it's own! The computers broken I want a new one!".

This complaint comes from people with laptops all the time, people have their palms resting on the mouse touch pad causing the mouse to move and click as they type, if you tell them this and tell them they have to either not be touching the touch pad or press the touch pad switch to turn it off they get upset and say the computer's broken.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Regarding your #1:
1. I just moved here, and high speed internet isn't available. Why??? I (have a business, do day trading, am taking online classes, etc).
Response: If high speed access is so important to you, why didn't you check these things BEFORE you moved???

If you are in any way, shape, or form affiliated with Verizon, then from DrPizza to you (definitely to the Verizon people responsible): Fuck you.

I *DID* check to see if DSL was available for my address before we put in the purchase offer. Yes, it was. We closed. We moved in. We called to have DSL installed, along with regular telephone. "I'm sorry, it's not available yet." "But, you said it *was* available." "Well, what we meant is that it would be available very soon, by April. (This was February)" It's 4 years later, no DSL, and last I inquired, "we've stopped expanding our DSL as we are working to update our system with FIOS." Fuck you Verizon. Fuck you.


Oct 10, 2006
A lot people (especially older people_ don't realize that buying a computer is like buying a car, only the maintenance is generally easy and free. You have to get a free AV and run it, you have to keep up with the updates, and you have to defrag every month or so. Add a decent firewall to it and that's all you really need. You also have to shop around if you don't want an absolute piece of crap.

But most people expect everything to work like it does in the commercials. :roll:


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Krazy4Real
Originally posted by: Exterous
The most annoying this we get is that users seem to expect us to troubleshoot problems from software we've never heard of. A section of the company decided to go out an buy their own software (without consulting us) because they thought it would make their jobs easier. We didn't even know they did that. This was how we found out:

"You have to help me. I have to get this report in today and this program isn't working"
I don't recognize this program. Is this something that we put on for you?
"No - we got this program ourselves"
Well, I am not sure why it is giving you a error message '33257 - Contact Support' so I don't know if I can help you
"That is unacceptable. This has to be fixed today!"
Did you try contacting their support?
"Yes and they don't know how to fix it."
So......the people that made the software don't know what's wrong with it but you expect someone who has never seen this before in their life to fix it? (We did try to get it to work but a generic error message doesn't help)

This finally devolved into a conversation between their VP and our VP because their entire department thought it was absurd that we couldn't fix the problem

Yeah, I love that. I get calls all the time from people asking me to support software I have never used or heard of.

That's funny! I've had to provide training on software that I had never been trained on in my life. However, prior to the training session, I applied RTFM. 2 departments in the same company, and neither is capable of the RTFM process.


Feb 22, 2007
The one I hear a lot is people confusing RAM with hard drive space. I tell them their computer needs more RAM to run a game or application and they respond, yeah , my child has a bunch of pictures and music on there that we don't need.



Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
My parents have never grasped the concept that internet speed and pc speed is not the same. I've given up on that battle.


Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: DrPizza
Regarding your #1:
1. I just moved here, and high speed internet isn't available. Why??? I (have a business, do day trading, am taking online classes, etc).
Response: If high speed access is so important to you, why didn't you check these things BEFORE you moved???

If you are in any way, shape, or form affiliated with Verizon, then from DrPizza to you (definitely to the Verizon people responsible): Fuck you.

I *DID* check to see if DSL was available for my address before we put in the purchase offer. Yes, it was. We closed. We moved in. We called to have DSL installed, along with regular telephone. "I'm sorry, it's not available yet." "But, you said it *was* available." "Well, what we meant is that it would be available very soon, by April. (This was February)" It's 4 years later, no DSL, and last I inquired, "we've stopped expanding our DSL as we are working to update our system with FIOS." Fuck you Verizon. Fuck you.
I believe there are instances where homicide is justified.



Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: StinkyPinky
My parents have never grasped the concept that internet speed and pc speed is not the same. I've given up on that battle.

i worked for a wireless ISP for about a year when i was in kansas, and many of our customers had very, very old pcs. i mean i saw pcs running windows 98 on a regular basis.

so i get to this one customer in a nice, quiet little neighborhood near a town where we have an AP. thing is, he has a one story home and a lot of trees at the edge of his yard...i cant get much of a signal. i tell him we can use a tripod and a large pole to mount the equipment on his roof, but that its going to be hideous and basically act as a lightning rod.

he wants it anyway. we do the job, run the wire into the home to their computer...which is a 1ghz celeron machine with 128MB RAM running windows xp. its not painfully slow, its...time dilation slow. you could easily make and subsequently *eat* a good sandwhich in the time it takes to open internet explorer.

we do the job, finally get the pc configured, and have them test out it so that he knows its working. the guy is fucking elated because the internet is so much faster now. he was practically giddy. he might have even jizzed in his pants. he was that happy.

another customer was about 2 hours away from the home office (we had APs strung out in several places, and just one office suite to work from) and called with an email problem. well, the company had just switched to hosting our own email server, so the admin (and the only tech support guy, at that) had to field calls all day to get people to change their pop settings.

this old lady says "well im checking my email and get an error" so the admin/tech support asks what it was (knowing the answer, just asking to please the user)

the lady says "well, here, ready"... DOINK!

she had cranked the speakers up on her pc, put the phone in front of them and hit the check email button which returned the windows error beep. the admin damn near fell out of his chair :laugh:


Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: DrPizza
Regarding your #1:
1. I just moved here, and high speed internet isn't available. Why??? I (have a business, do day trading, am taking online classes, etc).
Response: If high speed access is so important to you, why didn't you check these things BEFORE you moved???

If you are in any way, shape, or form affiliated with Verizon, then from DrPizza to you (definitely to the Verizon people responsible): Fuck you.

I *DID* check to see if DSL was available for my address before we put in the purchase offer. Yes, it was. We closed. We moved in. We called to have DSL installed, along with regular telephone. "I'm sorry, it's not available yet." "But, you said it *was* available." "Well, what we meant is that it would be available very soon, by April. (This was February)" It's 4 years later, no DSL, and last I inquired, "we've stopped expanding our DSL as we are working to update our system with FIOS." Fuck you Verizon. Fuck you.

I'm not affiliated with Verizon at all, but we do resell their DSL in some areas. And yes, they do suck. They have the worst techs and dispatchers of any phone company in the US. In fact, if we order a dry loop to be installed from them (DSL with no phone service), we add an extra week to the due date so they can correct the screwups.

We seriously have to do that.
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