Confirmed: al-Zarqawi was killed...

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Mar 24, 2000
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I've read a couple of articles regarding this where it was mentioned that some in his own organization informed on him. Does this mean that Al Qaeda wanted to get rid of him or that there were double agents in his group. It would be good news if it was the latter.

OBL did send a letter to Zarqawi after he bombed the hotel in Jordan killing a lot of people telling him that killing muslims was bad.

i bet OBL had a role in this and had the USAF snuff him out.

momma always said, DONT SMOKE CRACK

Guess you shoulda listened to momma:

The Short, Violent Life of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

Please do and read the whole thing. Might take you a while but please do try.

Zarqawi Scheduled for Martyrdom

And to think the Propagandist could have had Zarqawi 4 years ago

I thought he was a myth?

Originally posted by: conjur
Give me a fvcking break.

Zarqawi is a myth.
and more...


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: alchemize
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I've read a couple of articles regarding this where it was mentioned that some in his own organization informed on him. Does this mean that Al Qaeda wanted to get rid of him or that there were double agents in his group. It would be good news if it was the latter.

OBL did send a letter to Zarqawi after he bombed the hotel in Jordan killing a lot of people telling him that killing muslims was bad.

i bet OBL had a role in this and had the USAF snuff him out.

momma always said, DONT SMOKE CRACK

Guess you shoulda listened to momma:

The Short, Violent Life of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

Please do and read the whole thing. Might take you a while but please do try.

Zarqawi Scheduled for Martyrdom

And to think the Propagandist could have had Zarqawi 4 years ago

I thought he was a myth?

Originally posted by: conjur
Give me a fvcking break.

Zarqawi is a myth.
and more...

lol, i love seeing Conjie get owned... it never gets old!


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: palehorse74

lol, i love seeing Conjie get owned... it never gets old!

From a real iraqi instead of a wanna-be e-soldier

To hell with Zarqawi (or Zayrkawi as Bush calls him). He was an American creation- he came along with them- they don't need him anymore, apparently. His influence was greatly exaggerated but he was the justification for every single family they killed through military strikes and troops. It was WMD at first, then it was Saddam, then it was Zarqawi. Who will it be now? Who will be the new excuse for killing and detaining Iraqis? Or is it that an excuse is no longer needed- they have freedom to do what they want. The slaughter in Haditha months ago proved that. "They don't need him anymore," our elderly neighbor waved the news away like he was shooing flies, "They have fifty Zarqawis in government."

This guy is another ghost, still will not stop the fact that their homeland are occupied and them fighting for their homes no matter how many foreign whackjobs you knock off, in the end he was just another occupier looking to take advantage.

We know the government hates competion, whats new?


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: palehorse74

lol, i love seeing Conjie get owned... it never gets old!

From a real iraqi instead of a wanna-be e-soldier
yet AGAIN with the personal insults... is that all you know how to do?

And just so you know, I laugh every time you insult or deny my 10 years of service to this country. The joke really is on you pal...


Senior member
Feb 26, 2006
Who gives a sh!t, its all propaganda, more excuses to make the war sound needed or even positive. All I see it as, is a excuse to stay at war and screw our economy to heck

Buck Armstrong

Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Ok, let's see what he was about...

1. US diplomat Laurence Foley assassinated in Amman, Jordan (2002). Zarqawi tried and sentenced in absentia by Jordan (so he has been given a trial).
2. UN bombing in Baghdad kills 22 (2003). That's right, St. UN who opposed the invasion of Iraq.
3. Car bomb at Najaf MOSQUE (gasp) kills 126, including a prominent Shiite cleric (2003).
4. Nicholas Berg & Eugene Armstrong kidnapped & beheaded (2004). Others follow; Jack Hensley, Kenneth Bigley (UK), Kim Sun-il (Korea), Shosei Koda (Japan), the top Egyptian diplomat in Iraq, and 2 Algerian diplomats.
5. Car bomb kills Izzadine Saleem, president of Iraqi Governing Council (2004).
6. Suicide attack on Iraqi recruits kills 125 (2005).
7. Suicide bombings of 3 hotels in Amman, Jordan kill 67, mostly Sunnis (2005).
8. Suicide bombings in Karbala & Baghdad kill 130, mostly Shiites (2006).

Hows that for a great holy warrior, kills FAR more of his own (Muslim Arabs) than the enemy? Based on the above, the other crimes he's claimed or been linked to, and the fact that he was indeed tried and found guilty by his own country, I feel I can safely say: Fvck him. I'm glad he's dead. He was willing to absolutely SLAUGHTER both Sunni and Shiite alike and wade through a sea of Muslim/Arab blood for the chance to hit a single American. A 500 lb. bomb up your ass is alot more swift and painless a death than any of his victims ever got.

Now let's bury him on his left side facing Tel Aviv with a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand and his dick in the other.


May 13, 2002
Impossible, he was never in Iraq, Powel was wrong.....

"It was WMD at first, then it was Saddam, then it was Zarqawi."

All 3 were given as reasons right from the start, as was the freedom of the Iraqi people.


Jul 3, 2001
I was reading an interview with a guy that claims that Europe will benefit from Zarqawi's death because he was working on establishing networks there, but Iraq would not benefit from it.


Last week, Zarqawi urged that Sunnis go to war against Shiites. Do you think his death will quell the sectarian violence or spur more attacks on Shiites?
I think the sectarian violence is already well underway. His work was done. He?d accomplished his mission. He had turbocharged the sectarian tensions in Iraq and humiliated the Americans by his highly publicized outrageous attacks. Lastly, he put Al Qaeda back on the map. I presume those were his three main objectives, and it seems to me that he had already done whatever damage in those areas he was going to do. I agree with the observers who say that Zarqawi planned to move on.

To where?
Since before the invasion of Iraq, he was working on establishing networks in Europe. If there?s any difference in response to the welcome demise of Zarqawi, it might well be in Europe. His death might set back the formation of networks in Europe to which he had devoted himself quite assiduously for several years.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: alchemize
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I've read a couple of articles regarding this where it was mentioned that some in his own organization informed on him. Does this mean that Al Qaeda wanted to get rid of him or that there were double agents in his group. It would be good news if it was the latter.

OBL did send a letter to Zarqawi after he bombed the hotel in Jordan killing a lot of people telling him that killing muslims was bad.

i bet OBL had a role in this and had the USAF snuff him out.

momma always said, DONT SMOKE CRACK

Guess you shoulda listened to momma:

The Short, Violent Life of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

Please do and read the whole thing. Might take you a while but please do try.

Zarqawi Scheduled for Martyrdom

And to think the Propagandist could have had Zarqawi 4 years ago

I thought he was a myth?

Originally posted by: conjur
Give me a fvcking break.

Zarqawi is a myth.
and more...

From the Atlantic Monthly:
?Even then?and even more so now?Zarqawi was not the main force in the insurgency,? the former Jordanian intelligence official, who has studied al-Zarqawi for a decade, told me. ?To establish himself, he carried out the Muhammad Hakim operation, and the attack against the UN. Both of them gained a lot of support for him?with the tribes, with Saddam?s army and other remnants of his regime. They made Zarqawi the symbol of the resistance in Iraq, but not the leader. And he never has been.?

He continued, ?The Americans have been patently stupid in all of this. They?ve blown Zarqawi so out of proportion that, of course, his prestige has grown. And as a result, sleeper cells from all over Europe are coming to join him now.? He paused for a moment, then said, ?Your government is creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.?

Western and Israeli diplomats to whom I spoke shared this view?and this past April, The Washington Post reported on Pentagon documents that detailed a U.S. military propaganda campaign to inflate al-Zarqawi?s importance.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
I never said the man, himself, never existed.

But, it's obvious from what's known about him that his persona as some mastermind of terror is a complete myth created by the Pentagon (as confirmed by Gen. Kimmitt)


Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Slicedbread
ABC news saying that the U.S. government carried out a bombing run and killed him, his spiritual advisor and others.

Bush has realized he's losing ground to bury KIA soldiers so he gave ultimatum to his field commanders to get alzarQAWI...HOPING TO STOP THE COUNT ON KIA's...


Jun 4, 2005
i was expecting this to happen. wait a few more months when bush's approval ratings dip even lower... you'll find another dead high-ranking official.

the government knows where everybody is... i guarantee it. they just wait until it's the most opportune moment to take them out. i don't think the governement even really WANTS to take them out... i think the government knows how essential it is to america that these high-ranking terrorist officials remain alive and plotting. it's all about manipulation.

whenever bush's ratings went lower last week, he tried bringing up the gay marriage ban issue to try and rally support within his party.... that failed. so, he did the next best thing... he made sure that we killed a big shot "bad guy."

think about it.... saddam? saddam's sons? saddam's 2nd in command? some al-qaeda high-ranking official? al-zarqawi? before every one of those kills, bush's approval ratings were taking a swan dive and bush tried using hot topic, party-rallying rhetoric like gay marriage, abortion, activist judges, the whole katrina thing.... whenever both sides are starting to hate you, you gotta make a statement about something that you KNOW your party will back you up on, thus helping your approval ratings. when that doesn't work, you kill someone important.

clinton did the same thing, kinda. he bombed a location in sudan where he believed bin laden was having a meeting with his little terrorist buddies. that was during the time of him getting caught with the whole lewinsky thing.

personally, i don't trust this administration one iota... in fact, i don't believe for a second that we even want the terrorists dead. i think it's all just a big manipulation act in order to gain control ain the middle east through smoke and mirrors. if we were trying to kill terrorists, why do we pay for their training? why do we waste tax dollars paying for both sides of the war on terror? it's all manipulation.... unfortunately, people are falling for it, especially people who end up becoming terrorists... i think that's why we're doing what we're doing.... to ensure a steady flow of terrorist recruits. that way, we've got a "noble" cause and we have a "right" to do whatever the hell we please in the heart of oilville. as long as our tax dollars keep manufacturing terrorists, we'll be able to stomp all over the middle east raking in money and oil...


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: eits
i was expecting this to happen. wait a few more months when bush's approval ratings dip even lower... you'll find another dead high-ranking official.

the government knows where everybody is... i guarantee it. they just wait until it's the most opportune moment to take them out. i don't think the governement even really WANTS to take them out... i think the government knows how essential it is to america that these high-ranking terrorist officials remain alive and plotting. it's all about manipulation.

whenever bush's ratings went lower last week, he tried bringing up the gay marriage ban issue to try and rally support within his party.... that failed. so, he did the next best thing... he made sure that we killed a big shot "bad guy."

think about it.... saddam? saddam's sons? saddam's 2nd in command? some al-qaeda high-ranking official? al-zarqawi? before every one of those kills, bush's approval ratings were taking a swan dive and bush tried using hot topic, party-rallying rhetoric like gay marriage, abortion, activist judges, the whole katrina thing.... whenever both sides are starting to hate you, you gotta make a statement about something that you KNOW your party will back you up on, thus helping your approval ratings. when that doesn't work, you kill someone important.

clinton did the same thing, kinda. he bombed a location in sudan where he believed bin laden was having a meeting with his little terrorist buddies. that was during the time of him getting caught with the whole lewinsky thing.

personally, i don't trust this administration one iota... in fact, i don't believe for a second that we even want the terrorists dead. i think it's all just a big manipulation act in order to gain control ain the middle east through smoke and mirrors. if we were trying to kill terrorists, why do we pay for their training? why do we waste tax dollars paying for both sides of the war on terror? it's all manipulation.... unfortunately, people are falling for it, especially people who end up becoming terrorists... i think that's why we're doing what we're doing.... to ensure a steady flow of terrorist recruits. that way, we've got a "noble" cause and we have a "right" to do whatever the hell we please in the heart of oilville. as long as our tax dollars keep manufacturing terrorists, we'll be able to stomp all over the middle east raking in money and oil...

You must hate being in a firm Red state.


Jun 2, 2006
Originally posted by: eits
i was expecting this to happen. wait a few more months when bush's approval ratings dip even lower... you'll find another dead high-ranking official.

the government knows where everybody is... i guarantee it. they just wait until it's the most opportune moment to take them out. i don't think the governement even really WANTS to take them out... i think the government knows how essential it is to america that these high-ranking terrorist officials remain alive and plotting. it's all about manipulation.

whenever bush's ratings went lower last week, he tried bringing up the gay marriage ban issue to try and rally support within his party.... that failed. so, he did the next best thing... he made sure that we killed a big shot "bad guy."

think about it.... saddam? saddam's sons? saddam's 2nd in command? some al-qaeda high-ranking official? al-zarqawi? before every one of those kills, bush's approval ratings were taking a swan dive and bush tried using hot topic, party-rallying rhetoric like gay marriage, abortion, activist judges, the whole katrina thing.... whenever both sides are starting to hate you, you gotta make a statement about something that you KNOW your party will back you up on, thus helping your approval ratings. when that doesn't work, you kill someone important.

clinton did the same thing, kinda. he bombed a location in sudan where he believed bin laden was having a meeting with his little terrorist buddies. that was during the time of him getting caught with the whole lewinsky thing.

personally, i don't trust this administration one iota... in fact, i don't believe for a second that we even want the terrorists dead. i think it's all just a big manipulation act in order to gain control ain the middle east through smoke and mirrors. if we were trying to kill terrorists, why do we pay for their training? why do we waste tax dollars paying for both sides of the war on terror? it's all manipulation.... unfortunately, people are falling for it, especially people who end up becoming terrorists... i think that's why we're doing what we're doing.... to ensure a steady flow of terrorist recruits. that way, we've got a "noble" cause and we have a "right" to do whatever the hell we please in the heart of oilville. as long as our tax dollars keep manufacturing terrorists, we'll be able to stomp all over the middle east raking in money and oil...

good post, totally agree


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: eits
i was expecting this to happen. wait a few more months when bush's approval ratings dip even lower... you'll find another dead high-ranking official.

the government knows where everybody is... i guarantee it. they just wait until it's the most opportune moment to take them out. i don't think the governement even really WANTS to take them out... i think the government knows how essential it is to america that these high-ranking terrorist officials remain alive and plotting. it's all about manipulation.

whenever bush's ratings went lower last week, he tried bringing up the gay marriage ban issue to try and rally support within his party.... that failed. so, he did the next best thing... he made sure that we killed a big shot "bad guy."

think about it.... saddam? saddam's sons? saddam's 2nd in command? some al-qaeda high-ranking official? al-zarqawi? before every one of those kills, bush's approval ratings were taking a swan dive and bush tried using hot topic, party-rallying rhetoric like gay marriage, abortion, activist judges, the whole katrina thing.... whenever both sides are starting to hate you, you gotta make a statement about something that you KNOW your party will back you up on, thus helping your approval ratings. when that doesn't work, you kill someone important.

clinton did the same thing, kinda. he bombed a location in sudan where he believed bin laden was having a meeting with his little terrorist buddies. that was during the time of him getting caught with the whole lewinsky thing.

personally, i don't trust this administration one iota... in fact, i don't believe for a second that we even want the terrorists dead. i think it's all just a big manipulation act in order to gain control ain the middle east through smoke and mirrors. if we were trying to kill terrorists, why do we pay for their training? why do we waste tax dollars paying for both sides of the war on terror? it's all manipulation.... unfortunately, people are falling for it, especially people who end up becoming terrorists... i think that's why we're doing what we're doing.... to ensure a steady flow of terrorist recruits. that way, we've got a "noble" cause and we have a "right" to do whatever the hell we please in the heart of oilville. as long as our tax dollars keep manufacturing terrorists, we'll be able to stomp all over the middle east raking in money and oil...

You must hate being in a firm Red state.

i'm from maryland. i go to school in missouri.

either way, yes... i hate being here.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: eits
i was expecting this to happen. wait a few more months when bush's approval ratings dip even lower... you'll find another dead high-ranking official.

the government knows where everybody is... i guarantee it. they just wait until it's the most opportune moment to take them out. i don't think the governement even really WANTS to take them out... i think the government knows how essential it is to america that these high-ranking terrorist officials remain alive and plotting. it's all about manipulation.

whenever bush's ratings went lower last week, he tried bringing up the gay marriage ban issue to try and rally support within his party.... that failed. so, he did the next best thing... he made sure that we killed a big shot "bad guy."

think about it.... saddam? saddam's sons? saddam's 2nd in command? some al-qaeda high-ranking official? al-zarqawi? before every one of those kills, bush's approval ratings were taking a swan dive and bush tried using hot topic, party-rallying rhetoric like gay marriage, abortion, activist judges, the whole katrina thing.... whenever both sides are starting to hate you, you gotta make a statement about something that you KNOW your party will back you up on, thus helping your approval ratings. when that doesn't work, you kill someone important.

clinton did the same thing, kinda. he bombed a location in sudan where he believed bin laden was having a meeting with his little terrorist buddies. that was during the time of him getting caught with the whole lewinsky thing.

personally, i don't trust this administration one iota... in fact, i don't believe for a second that we even want the terrorists dead. i think it's all just a big manipulation act in order to gain control ain the middle east through smoke and mirrors. if we were trying to kill terrorists, why do we pay for their training? why do we waste tax dollars paying for both sides of the war on terror? it's all manipulation.... unfortunately, people are falling for it, especially people who end up becoming terrorists... i think that's why we're doing what we're doing.... to ensure a steady flow of terrorist recruits. that way, we've got a "noble" cause and we have a "right" to do whatever the hell we please in the heart of oilville. as long as our tax dollars keep manufacturing terrorists, we'll be able to stomp all over the middle east raking in money and oil...
isnt it time for you to get a new tinfoil hat?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: eits
i was expecting this to happen. wait a few more months when bush's approval ratings dip even lower... you'll find another dead high-ranking official.

the government knows where everybody is... i guarantee it. they just wait until it's the most opportune moment to take them out. i don't think the governement even really WANTS to take them out... i think the government knows how essential it is to america that these high-ranking terrorist officials remain alive and plotting. it's all about manipulation.

whenever bush's ratings went lower last week, he tried bringing up the gay marriage ban issue to try and rally support within his party.... that failed. so, he did the next best thing... he made sure that we killed a big shot "bad guy."

think about it.... saddam? saddam's sons? saddam's 2nd in command? some al-qaeda high-ranking official? al-zarqawi? before every one of those kills, bush's approval ratings were taking a swan dive and bush tried using hot topic, party-rallying rhetoric like gay marriage, abortion, activist judges, the whole katrina thing.... whenever both sides are starting to hate you, you gotta make a statement about something that you KNOW your party will back you up on, thus helping your approval ratings. when that doesn't work, you kill someone important.

clinton did the same thing, kinda. he bombed a location in sudan where he believed bin laden was having a meeting with his little terrorist buddies. that was during the time of him getting caught with the whole lewinsky thing.

personally, i don't trust this administration one iota... in fact, i don't believe for a second that we even want the terrorists dead. i think it's all just a big manipulation act in order to gain control ain the middle east through smoke and mirrors. if we were trying to kill terrorists, why do we pay for their training? why do we waste tax dollars paying for both sides of the war on terror? it's all manipulation.... unfortunately, people are falling for it, especially people who end up becoming terrorists... i think that's why we're doing what we're doing.... to ensure a steady flow of terrorist recruits. that way, we've got a "noble" cause and we have a "right" to do whatever the hell we please in the heart of oilville. as long as our tax dollars keep manufacturing terrorists, we'll be able to stomp all over the middle east raking in money and oil...
isnt it time for you to get a new tinfoil hat?
dude shouldn't' you be getting your rest?

all that intelligence and saving the world work you do requires you to be at your peak.

we need you e-soldier.


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: eits
i was expecting this to happen. wait a few more months when bush's approval ratings dip even lower... you'll find another dead high-ranking official.

the government knows where everybody is... i guarantee it. they just wait until it's the most opportune moment to take them out. i don't think the governement even really WANTS to take them out... i think the government knows how essential it is to america that these high-ranking terrorist officials remain alive and plotting. it's all about manipulation.

whenever bush's ratings went lower last week, he tried bringing up the gay marriage ban issue to try and rally support within his party.... that failed. so, he did the next best thing... he made sure that we killed a big shot "bad guy."

think about it.... saddam? saddam's sons? saddam's 2nd in command? some al-qaeda high-ranking official? al-zarqawi? before every one of those kills, bush's approval ratings were taking a swan dive and bush tried using hot topic, party-rallying rhetoric like gay marriage, abortion, activist judges, the whole katrina thing.... whenever both sides are starting to hate you, you gotta make a statement about something that you KNOW your party will back you up on, thus helping your approval ratings. when that doesn't work, you kill someone important.

clinton did the same thing, kinda. he bombed a location in sudan where he believed bin laden was having a meeting with his little terrorist buddies. that was during the time of him getting caught with the whole lewinsky thing.

personally, i don't trust this administration one iota... in fact, i don't believe for a second that we even want the terrorists dead. i think it's all just a big manipulation act in order to gain control ain the middle east through smoke and mirrors. if we were trying to kill terrorists, why do we pay for their training? why do we waste tax dollars paying for both sides of the war on terror? it's all manipulation.... unfortunately, people are falling for it, especially people who end up becoming terrorists... i think that's why we're doing what we're doing.... to ensure a steady flow of terrorist recruits. that way, we've got a "noble" cause and we have a "right" to do whatever the hell we please in the heart of oilville. as long as our tax dollars keep manufacturing terrorists, we'll be able to stomp all over the middle east raking in money and oil...
isnt it time for you to get a new tinfoil hat?

??? why would i need a tinfoil hat? you're silly...


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: eits
i was expecting this to happen. wait a few more months when bush's approval ratings dip even lower... you'll find another dead high-ranking official.

the government knows where everybody is... i guarantee it. they just wait until it's the most opportune moment to take them out. i don't think the governement even really WANTS to take them out... i think the government knows how essential it is to america that these high-ranking terrorist officials remain alive and plotting. it's all about manipulation.

whenever bush's ratings went lower last week, he tried bringing up the gay marriage ban issue to try and rally support within his party.... that failed. so, he did the next best thing... he made sure that we killed a big shot "bad guy."

think about it.... saddam? saddam's sons? saddam's 2nd in command? some al-qaeda high-ranking official? al-zarqawi? before every one of those kills, bush's approval ratings were taking a swan dive and bush tried using hot topic, party-rallying rhetoric like gay marriage, abortion, activist judges, the whole katrina thing.... whenever both sides are starting to hate you, you gotta make a statement about something that you KNOW your party will back you up on, thus helping your approval ratings. when that doesn't work, you kill someone important.

clinton did the same thing, kinda. he bombed a location in sudan where he believed bin laden was having a meeting with his little terrorist buddies. that was during the time of him getting caught with the whole lewinsky thing.

personally, i don't trust this administration one iota... in fact, i don't believe for a second that we even want the terrorists dead. i think it's all just a big manipulation act in order to gain control ain the middle east through smoke and mirrors. if we were trying to kill terrorists, why do we pay for their training? why do we waste tax dollars paying for both sides of the war on terror? it's all manipulation.... unfortunately, people are falling for it, especially people who end up becoming terrorists... i think that's why we're doing what we're doing.... to ensure a steady flow of terrorist recruits. that way, we've got a "noble" cause and we have a "right" to do whatever the hell we please in the heart of oilville. as long as our tax dollars keep manufacturing terrorists, we'll be able to stomp all over the middle east raking in money and oil...
isnt it time for you to get a new tinfoil hat?

??? why would i need a tinfoil hat? you're silly...
because of the aliens who taught the US government all about mind control!.... and the fact that they're probably coming to get YOU next!...

I also heard that it protects you from the spy satellites... which are manned by alien clones of Karl Rove... or so I've heard.

still think we know where everyone is? ya... thought so... GO GET YOUR TINFOIL BEFORE IT'S TOO LAAAAAaaaaaaaatteeee.......
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