Conflict of interest in game journalism.

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No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002

Yep, the mishandling of this was on a grand scale, but its not surprising considering the quality of people they have employed.

But its sad to see how this revealed just how corrupt even the regular media was. And that free speech heros like 4chans moot and reddit could be corrupted this easily. It wasn't george bush, the baddy republicans or any other insidious force that damaged free speech on the internet, it was the extreme left....and they did it to themselves, who would have thought it.
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Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
It never was? Based on what? If you are getting your information from the gaming press or the lazy mainstream press for your opinions instead of the actual people involved at this point you are going to spew this kind of nonsense.

Because there were dozens of times in the last two years alone, reviewers getting fired for bad reviews of sponsored games. The huge upswing in high reviews for games that have paid for huge amounts of screen realestate. But no the camel that broke the gamers back was the preception of a women using her vagina to get good reviews. At that exact moment both at its creation GG split into too factions one spearheading conflict of interest (one in which this case specifically, there was none). The other going on a woman hate campaign for proof that they are trying to ruin the industry (which admittedly some are)

You have no proof that any harassment is even done by actual GG people. Where as we have proof of professional adult people working in the industry purporting to represent gamers or just journalism behaving like children.
Who are GG people? It's green piece advocates blowing up a oil tanker, but then someone else saying well, they aren't really green piece people. It's silly to try to seperate on GG person from another specially if one side is riding on the coattails of the other.

And again, its like your ignorance is deliberate, their are a suspicious amount of women and minorities involved in a movement "funded" by neo-nazi's.
That's not what I meant. It was mostly hyperbole. What I meant by that is the staying power, the clout, everything the good side of GG relies on, is given by the acts of the the extremists threatening murder on even massacres. Every time one of them is forced to cancel, quit, or move because of the threats, every time it hits the news it gives you power for the next couple of weeks to push your agenda.

GG will end like all the hippie movements of the 70's. Either it dies out with a whimper with everyone forgetting what they were trying to accomplish. Or it will completely combust. Eventually one of these dark souls will snap, will act. Something horrible will happen and GGers will become outcasts. Completed hated by society. Most will pretend they weren't part of it. Others trying to say they were doing something great. Others saying the person that snapped never was a part of them trying distance themselves so they can keep the fight going.


Oct 9, 1999
Some Muslims are terrorists therefore all Muslims are terrorists.

Wait, what is this thread about?


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013
Wait, so she wants to be a straight white male?

Nah, he was born with a penis but couldn't get laid so had his penis peeled like a banana, cored, sewn back together, and inverted so he could finally get laid and buy matching curtains shamelessly.


Oct 9, 1999
Nah, he was born with a penis but couldn't get laid so had his penis peeled like a banana, cored, sewn back together, and inverted so he could finally get laid and buy matching curtains shamelessly.

If that was in fact a guy, he doesn't make a half bad looking woman... :sneaky:


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Nah, he was born with a penis but couldn't get laid so had his penis peeled like a banana, cored, sewn back together, and inverted so he could finally get laid and buy matching curtains shamelessly.

I read it as: Woman first, then she's lesbian, so she likes women. But she's also a transexual, so she is a man in a woman's body. She's white. So, "she" likes woman and wants to be a man. Wants to be straight white male.


Jun 24, 2003
I read it as: Woman first, then she's lesbian, so she likes women. But she's also a transexual, so she is a man in a woman's body. She's white. So, "she" likes woman and wants to be a man. Wants to be straight white male.

Nope. Born a dude, became a woman, scissors with women.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
Some Muslims are terrorists therefore all Muslims are terrorists.

Wait, what is this thread about?
Did I say they were. I actually had that in mind. I am saying that Muslims need to take credit and actually do something about their radicals, just as much as Cristian's can't write off Westboro. If you ignore them and let them run wild it will eventually blow up in your face. You actually try to create a dialog where you are ostracizing them from the group. Condemning them. Challenging their paths. But none of that is happening. It's using the publicity of their acts for staying power and clout, while throwing the head in the sand "well no way of knowing if its really one of us" like you take some kind of roll call in the fist place.

That's why the only real ending I can see for GG is to blow up in in the backers face. Not because you're not doing the right thing. It's because you aren't doing it the right way.


Golden Member
May 8, 2010
Top do we have any proof any GG have actually been making the threats; honestly I've seen none; I've seen plenty of bullying; threats and doxing from the other side though.

GG isn't falling apart; blowing up; if you look at all the arguments going on GG side has stayed calm; argued facts......its other side that is slandering. Look at what its costing them....look at what is happening; exactly what should be happening.

Pointed out; next what will happen; what will be showed is these so called feminists will be outed for lieing about the threats; or worse sending themselves the threats *some already have been showned they've done that* Along with blacklisting people; trying to make sure they don't work again*which is illegal in most states of the US and is illegal in the UK and I believe the EU*

Its been shown; gamers will unit; most have already been picked on and bullied; they are not going to take it. When it comes to the internet; gamers that includes myself; most of my family. We don't back down; we don't like to lose........we will keep going until we win.

This is what they don't seem to get; they are going to get a very hard lesson; as old saying goes.......Internet does not forget.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
I came into this thread just to to see how some people thought about all these female devs/journalists getting driven out of their homes by threats.

I am saddened yet not shocked by the replies in this thread.


Dec 13, 2013
I came into this thread just to to see how some people thought about all these female devs/journalists getting driven out of their homes by threats.

I am saddened yet not shocked by the replies in this thread.

Political comment is political.


Oct 9, 1999
Did I say they were. I actually had that in mind. I am saying that Muslims need to take credit and actually do something about their radicals, just as much as Cristian's can't write off Westboro. If you ignore them and let them run wild it will eventually blow up in your face. You actually try to create a dialog where you are ostracizing them from the group. Condemning them. Challenging their paths. But none of that is happening. It's using the publicity of their acts for staying power and clout, while throwing the head in the sand "well no way of knowing if its really one of us" like you take some kind of roll call in the fist place.

That's why the only real ending I can see for GG is to blow up in in the backers face. Not because you're not doing the right thing. It's because you aren't doing it the right way.

And just what do you suggest that moderate voices do about extremists?

What are Christians supposed to do about Westboro? What are peaceful Muslims supposed to do about terrorists? Lynch mobs? String up the bad apples?


Oct 9, 1999
I came into this thread just to to see how some people thought about all these female devs/journalists getting driven out of their homes by threats.

I am saddened yet not shocked by the replies in this thread.

I was driven out of my home by feminists. Trust me. It happened.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
Top do we have any proof any GG have actually been making the threats; honestly I've seen none; I've seen plenty of bullying; threats and doxing from the other side though.
What proof can we have. On one end you have a public figure an identity you know. On the other it can be anyone. Is there a signup sheet for a GGer. It's getting attributed to GG. It's the fire that keeps this in the news. Without it GG dies the first time someone says "well the Journalist never did review a game of hers".

GG isn't falling apart; blowing up; if you look at all the arguments going on GG side has stayed calm; argued facts......its other side that is slandering. Look at what its costing them....look at what is happening; exactly what should be happening.
I said it will. But it's not staying calm. Just because one person writes an eloquent post on a blog or reddit or something doesn't mean it's staying calm. Again there is half of this whole thing that nobody sees. This 4chan, reddit. The white knights or SJW's even if they are more viscous there trying to be shields for their cause aren't out there in public destroying public figures lives. That's the problem half of these people attacked publicly are people GGer's already had issues with. So now you have a public figure in the crosshairs of GG, getting chased away from their private lives, it makes GG look like monsters. Then you add on to the fact that GG adds on some apathy, victim blaming, and at best small push to disassociate themselves with the assailants ("well I mean has anyone proven its a GGer"). Along with feeding off the free publicity to keep the cause going.

Pointed out; next what will happen; what will be showed is these so called feminists will be outed for lieing about the threats; or worse sending themselves the threats *some already have been showned they've done that* Along with blacklisting people; trying to make sure they don't work again*which is illegal in most states of the US and is illegal in the UK and I believe the EU*
None of this will happen. Even if they somehow fabricated the biggest so called issue. The fact is they are constantly bombarded with legitimate hate-mail. But to me it just comes off as another trope worthy attempt to distance ones quest from the ones who use the quest for personal gain.

They must be faking it because no one on the internet can be that horrible right? Not saying they can't be faking it. But honestly humanity has proven to me over and over and over again that the worst is still yet to come. Which is another reason in the long run GG won't amount to much. It has a bad PR image even before it started. Half of it comes of as grade school kids pissed off when a teacher told them they couldn't exclude girls from their club. It's a three prong attack that isn't going to win any wars.

There won't be any shakeup on Web journalist ethics. At worse a change of title. There isn't going to be success of preventing Feminists from subverting the industry. There hasn't been success yet and gamers aren't going to be the one stopping it. Why? Because they aren't completely wrong. It does need to be more inclusive and until it manages its own compromise and self management, it will only give them more power. The third and separate attack whether actual GG's or just butt hurt and frightened gamers, the public attacks, the abuse that causes the public people that GG has already gone after, to move out, quit, or cancel public events. That just gives the other side more martyrs.

Its been shown; gamers will unit; most have already been picked on and bullied; they are not going to take it. When it comes to the internet; gamers that includes myself; most of my family. We don't back down; we don't like to lose........we will keep going until we win.

This is what they don't seem to get; they are going to get a very hard lesson; as old saying goes.......Internet does not forget.
Problem is the internet dickwad theory. The problem is without an identity to worry about people escalate both in their words and their actual rage that much quicker. It's much harder to have a true and lasting debate when on one side you have a single person everyone knows, who's every action is going to be picked apart and a million faceless people with most of them quick to rage. The internet never forgets. That will be part of the problem. I have a feeling in 5 to 10 years most GGer's will be ashamed to have been part of it and that has little to do with the cause itself.


Jun 24, 2003
I came into this thread just to to see how some people thought about all these female devs/journalists getting driven out of their homes by threats.

I am saddened yet not shocked by the replies in this thread.

But the thing is, no one can verify if the threats are real. As in, that they weren't made up by the "victims." These people exist in a a subset of society where being a victim is the highest calling there is. To be a victim makes you a symbol and a magnet for attention, and possibly a catalyst for change. In my mind, there's a scale, where I think, "What would gamergaters have to gain from these threats against these women vs what would these women have to gain from making up these threats." It seems like a no-brainer.

Furthermore, if you're going to make yourself into a public figure, and a symbol for a controversial movement, you should expect some people are going to hate you. You should be prepared to be resilient, and tough. These people are fleeing their homes over nasty things written on the internet? That makes them cowards, on top of everything else. I could find a bloody goat corpse on my front step with a note from the Mongol biker gang saying, "We're coming for you," and I wouldn't be "driven from my home." Who respects someone who runs from a confrontation?

The entire modern feminist movement is ridiculous for so many reasons, and these burgers and fries chick and sarkeesian are just shining examples of most of those reasons.
Sarkeesian: "Men are evil, disgusting pigs who are oppressing women even though we're equal and capable of doing everything they are. They're using video games to oppress us by showing hot girls and not making them the heroes!"
Gamers: "You're a lying whore and I hope bad things happen to you."
Sarkeesian: "OMG! Men, protect me!"
Feb 6, 2007
And just what do you suggest that moderate voices do about extremists?

What are Christians supposed to do about Westboro? What are peaceful Muslims supposed to do about terrorists? Lynch mobs? String up the bad apples?

Well they can start by not defending the actions of the imbeciles who cross lines. In one of the other threads on this topic people were responding to death threats with "well, that happens on the internet," or "what do you expect when you make people mad?" Do you remember that big outpouring of Muslims on 9/12 who said, "well, this sort of stuff just happens when you make people angry?" No, because every Muslim group that wasn't filled with extremists immediately dismissed Al Qaeda as being a bunch of terrorist assholes who were unaffiliated with mainstream Islam. When Westboro pickets funerals or some lunatic blows up an abortion clinic, Christian leaders in the community decry those actions and declare that they don't represent them. The number of people who search for a justification to try to explain away the death threats as opposed to just saying "those actions were wrong and those people don't represent us," doesn't reflect well on the movement.


Jun 17, 2005
But the thing is, no one can verify if the threats are real.
Nor can anyone determine that they are not. That is the problem. She, like most women on the internet, have blown off that vast majority of threats they get. But there needs to be some level at which you have to say that maybe this one is more serious then the others. it seems to me that when they post your home address long with a detailed threat is a pretty good point to start taking it seriously.
And that is exactly what happened. She has received thousands of threats of violence against her, but one person took it far enough that she had to take it seriously.

These people exist in a a subset of society where being a victim is the highest calling there is. To be a victim makes you a symbol and a magnet for attention, and possibly a catalyst for change.
Or maybe you live in a subset of society that thinks that creating victims is the highest calling there is. It seems rather ridiculous to call out women for claiming to be victims when you take such pride in attacking them.

Furthermore, if you're going to make yourself into a public figure, and a symbol for a controversial movement, you should expect some people are going to hate you. You should be prepared to be resilient, and tough.
And this is fair. But, she was resilient. She has been getting literally thousands of threats for more than a year. It was not until someone took those threats to a level that made them believable that she balked.

These people are fleeing their homes over nasty things written on the internet? That makes them cowards, on top of everything else. I could find a bloody goat corpse on my front step with a note from the Mongol biker gang saying, "We're coming for you," and I wouldn't be "driven from my home." Who respects someone who runs from a confrontation?

You know how I know someone is a braggart? They tell me how brave they are. This paragraph tells me that you hardly leave your mom's basement for fear that someone will talk to you.
If you don't take serious threats against you seriously, you are not brave, you are an idiot.


Jun 24, 2003
You know how I know someone is a braggart? They tell me how brave they are. This paragraph tells me that you hardly leave your mom's basement for fear that someone will talk to you.
If you don't take serious threats against you seriously, you are not brave, you are an idiot.

You can take a serious threat seriously by preparing to face it, not running away and complaining about it on the internet. Facing down those that hate you and want to harm you is the only way to defeat them. That's why you've gotta drive the black routes, and visit the hostile villages. If you run from people that threaten you, you're just ceding ground. How long can you do that for? What message does it send?
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