Conflict of interest in game journalism.

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Dec 12, 2001
Here's a hint: despite what your porn mags say, having sex with someone you just met is not the norm (exceptions being made when copious amounts of alcohol or drugs are involved). Anyone who's been on a date understands this.

As for trusting his reviews, right, because he's boning every developer whose games he's reviewing. That makes total sense.

A review is one persons opinion. Not everyone has the same opinions. If you don't like his, find a reviewer who you do agree with. However, treating reviews like some sort of universal truth is asinine.

We are referring to a singular incident here. Are you that illiterate? He wrote two articles about a game and he was in a sexual relationship with the developer. He was asked outright if he wrote it during this time and he lied. So how can we trust that his writing remains neutral when he talks about the game?

That is the point and that is the only point. Everything else is you just being stupid and making stuff up in your head. Stop being a dunce about the whole thing.


Senior member
Oct 16, 2009
We are referring to a singular incident here. Are you that illiterate? He wrote two articles about a game and he was in a sexual relationship with the developer. He was asked outright if he wrote it during this time and he lied. So how can we trust that his writing remains neutral when he talks about the game?

And you know he lied how exactly? Were you in the room when they had sex? Do you have timestamped paparazzi photo's of them walking hand in hand? Or are you just equating mentioning the game with sleeping with her?

[edit] LOL - I just looked up the ED link, and they're claiming that a screenshot from a GDC video where the two of them were in the same room as four other people somehow "proves" they were sleeping together. IIRC, that house belonged to someone from unwinnable. It also ignores the fact that there was a subsequent video with Nathan and five other people in the room, two of whom were *gasp* also women.

Some people really need to get out more.
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Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
I missed this story somehow. Sad to see Zoe Quinn in the middle of it, she is a very cool person. I've listened to her in the past on multiple podcasts and I think she was dating the guy that did the Meat Boy soundtrack. He's really cool too.

I'd say hold off on all the judgement. She's obviously a person that has had a hard past (hence her game Depression Quest.) Turning TMZ on the game industry is the last thing I want to see happen. Who's sleeping with who is about as high school as you can get.


Jun 24, 2003
And you know he lied how exactly? Were you in the room when they had sex? Do you have timestamped paparazzi photo's of them walking hand in hand? Or are you just equating mentioning the game with sleeping with her?

[edit] LOL - I just looked up the ED link, and they're claiming that a screenshot from a GDC video where the two of them were in the same room as four other people somehow "proves" they were sleeping together. IIRC, that house belonged to someone from unwinnable. It also ignores the fact that there was a subsequent video with Nathan and five other people in the room, two of whom were *gasp* also women.

Some people really need to get out more.

Hail and well met, noble White Knight. I wish to direct you to the blog of the cuckold who was involved with the harlot in question. Therein he captured images of her admitting to all the fornication.


Jun 24, 2003
I missed this story somehow. Sad to see Zoe Quinn in the middle of it, she is a very cool person. I've listened to her in the past on multiple podcasts and I think she was dating the guy that did the Meat Boy soundtrack. He's really cool too.

I'd say hold off on all the judgement. She's obviously a person that has had a hard past (hence her game Depression Quest.) Turning TMZ on the game industry is the last thing I want to see happen. Who's sleeping with who is about as high school as you can get.

She does seem very cool. I especially like how she pinned a bunch of harassment on some innocent losers (wizardchan) in order to get attention as a victim. Oh, and the way she shut down charity events because they didn't channel video game money into her pockets? So cool.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
If this was a dude :sneaky::sneaky: nobody would give a crap. Besides, do people take "professional" game reviews seriously?


Senior member
Oct 16, 2009
Hail and well met, noble White Knight. I wish to direct you to the blog of the cuckold who was involved with the harlot in question. Therein he captured images of her admitting to all the fornication.

Greetings, Integrity Watchdog Bro, the question was raised about whether he was writing about after he started sleeping with her.

Besides, do people take "professional" game reviews seriously?

Precisely. The only difference between a "Professional" review and an amateur one is that the former was paid to provide their opinion.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
She does seem very cool. I especially like how she pinned a bunch of harassment on some innocent losers (wizardchan) in order to get attention as a victim. Oh, and the way she shut down charity events because they didn't channel video game money into her pockets? So cool.

Ah yes, reddit and chan controversies. Don't frequent those places, so I guess I have a view of her with respect to her games and her discussing gaming on podcasts. I'll leave the controversies to the twitterers and forums.


Dec 13, 2013
Ah yes, reddit and chan controversies. Don't frequent those places, so I guess I have a view of her with respect to her games and her discussing gaming on podcasts. I'll leave the controversies to the twitterers and forums.

And what is your own view of Anita Sarkeesian?


Dec 13, 2013
Well it now seems like the 4th estate is now picking up this story and noticing the implications of crony politics and corruption as well as the opposition against the corruption of moral and value campaigning and they are rushing to the defense of Zoe Quinn, journalists, and the game industry careerists. They are probably looking to inflame their audience and use that to try to oppress the opposition right now and strengthen the power of traditional media and companies in the game industry.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
And what is your own view of Anita Sarkeesian?

Don't really care. I don't find the sexism debates that interesting. I think the problem will fix itself over time and the constant bickering gets old. As more females are introduced to engineering and programming, we will see more females in the industry. Having just left college in engineering, I noticed a huge increase in female students in the department. It is only a matter of a few years and we will start seeing a large influx of female developers. Debating the numbers right now goes no where since there aren't enough females with the right degrees to fill out the industry even if the companies went into female-only hiring mode. We will see the difference over the next ten years though and it WONT be because people went on a twitter crusade.

The few moron men that actively belittle women are so backward that it isn't worth wasting time on. As for an individual's baggage. I don't care. If their message resonates then it resonates regardless of their character.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Well it now seems like the 4th estate is now picking up this story and noticing the implications of crony politics and corruption as well as the opposition against the corruption of moral and value campaigning and they are rushing to the defense of Zoe Quinn, journalists, and the game industry careerists. They are probably looking to inflame their audience and use that to try to oppress the opposition right now and strengthen the power of traditional media and companies in the game industry.

I don't know what to tell you if you thought any coverage by anyone reputable would be on anything but the pure vitriol and filth that has been flung around. They're certainly not about to lower themselves into that puddle of muck.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
I thought there wasn't really a scandal at all? Kotaku already said the journalist in question never wrote a review of the game and only ran one article that mentioned her regarding a game jam, but it was before they had a relationship. If people are interested in who she is sleeping with then by all means, head over to TMZ.


Senior member
Oct 16, 2009
I thought there wasn't really a scandal at all? Kotaku already said the journalist in question never wrote a review of the game and only ran one article that mentioned her regarding a game jam, but it was before they had a relationship. If people are interested in who she is sleeping with then by all means, head over to TMZ.

Wait, do you also believe the moon landing was real? How can you be so gullible? Don't you realize there is a OMGXBOXHUGE!!! conspiracy?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
I think most gamers with some sense have seen long ago that most reviewers are garbage and amount to advertisements. About the only reviews I put much value in are TotalBiscuit's.

The sad part of this controversy is that most degenerate beasties like this sleeping around lying 'game designer' enjoy any attention, even negative attention like this. This harlot is probably loving all this oblivious to what a turd they are whether they spread their legs around town for good reviews or otherwise


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Grooveriding, that's quite the rant lol.

I tend to get a feeling for a game through the community. It doesn't take long to know if a game is crap from people in the gaming world. With let's plays, Twitch, demos, and a very vocal fan base, reviews are about the last thing I tend to look at. I find myself reading reviews for games usually after I've already played them to see what they thought of the various negatives and positives I experienced.

Anyway, I don't frequent many gaming sites other than Giantbomb. I like their take on most games.
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Lol, well it seems like the only evidenced thing here was the sleeping around. People carrying on with this drama ought to drop it as all it's really doing is giving publicity to her.

Even if the review allegations are true, no one is going to admit it.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
I missed this story somehow. Sad to see Zoe Quinn in the middle of it, she is a very cool person. I've listened to her in the past on multiple podcasts and I think she was dating the guy that did the Meat Boy soundtrack. He's really cool too.

I'd say hold off on all the judgement. She's obviously a person that has had a hard past (hence her game Depression Quest.) Turning TMZ on the game industry is the last thing I want to see happen. Who's sleeping with who is about as high school as you can get.

Nothing "cool" about a manipulative hypocrite.

These people , especially those who are circling the wagons just are displaying a lack of ethics and a lack of concern for ethics that is incredible. It just is emblematic of the do what I say, but don't look at what I'm doing mentality, these are all people who spend their time on their own high horses throwing smears at the very community they claim to serve or represent, apparently we're all misogynists that have to be banned censored, ignored and suppressed, but they are off limits.

These people are the very same types who point their finger at fox news and their followers and laugh, but they commit every sin themselves. Fox news uses victimhood to justify heinous things, ignoring fact and reason, abandoning all concept of journalistic integrity, and its no different with social justice warriors, but they take it a step further, because unlike fox, they are multiple media outlets, they are infested all over the place, and they also don't believe in free speech. They are like the most rabid right wing fox news viewer who is also a fundamentalist conservative x10, because they resort to tactics of suppression at the drop of a hat, mass bans, mass deletion of reviews or comments, just ignoring the issue and then attempting to distort the narrative. Its why you see even corrupt moderators on reddit deleting tens of thousands of comments while in contact with zoe quinn. Its really hard to compare these sjw with fox and friends because really, their behavior is that much worse. Fundamnetally these people are a clique of bullies, who pretend to be victims, crying about victimhood endlessly, but in the end, they are the worst bullies of all.

I thought there wasn't really a scandal at all? Kotaku already said the journalist in question never wrote a review of the game and only ran one article that mentioned her regarding a game jam, but it was before they had a relationship. If people are interested in who she is sleeping with then by all means, head over to TMZ.

Not sure if you are being sarcastic.
Kotaku is in the middle of this scandal, these liars always cover their asses, so of course that's what they are going to say.

Looks like someone is making a documentary on sarkeesian

as should be done, that woman kicked it off, and revealed the extent of corruption and dishonesty in that industry. How many times can she be objectively provably wrong while the likes of "kotaku" and the rest ignore that and just fixate on her victimhood, it just tells you something is rotten in denmark. Ethics don't matter for these people, honesty and integrity just aren't a concern.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
I've heard that argument a lot and frankly I think its full of BS. You're throwing everyone in one group trying to label them, when there were a lot of reasons not to like the ME3 ending.

On my first playthrough I expected Shepard to die. I expected most of my crew to die. In fact I expected whole races to die. I wanted to see some of my decisions be punishing. It would have made me replay the series.

What pissed me off about the ending was

1.) Introducing a character last minute to tie up everything magically for you in a deus ex machina.

2.) Crap consequences to previous decisions. One or two no dialouge wheel ambiant quests in ME3 have a greater influence on your war score that the big decisions of the prior 2 games. One game of multiplayer had an even bigger impact.

3.) The ending choices were literally lifted from the Original Deus Ex and adapted (poorly) to Mass Effect. I have a hard time accepting artistic integrity when Starkid first told me my options and my first thought is 'those are straight from Deus Ex.'

4.) The choices themselves were beyond bad. Control was boneheaded considering you just spent the previous scene arguing with TIM that the Reapers can't be controlled. But hey guess what, you're Shepard you can do it. If anything that choice is the catering/ego stroking you claim people are pissed they didn't get. Synthesis was abhorant since it equivalently is a force alteration of every living beings genetic code. Essentially genetic rape, but hey its ok cuz then Joker and EDI aren't so weird <eye roll>. If someone sliced your DNA with a monkey without asking you'd find this acceptable? Destroy was the only thing that made sense imo.

5.) You can make ANY variation of all decisions in the previous games and get all the exact same choices. That was disappointing and gave you no reason to replay the series to see different endings. Literally you can reload your save 5 minutes from the end and watch them all.

6.) Sameness of presentation in your choice in the original cut. (EC improved this substantially).

7.) Some blatantly false statements like how the Reapers could win that was made AFTER the game was gold so they can't claim cut content. (To BW's credit they added this as an option in the EC).

Frankly ME3's ending just wasn't the same quality as the vast majority of the series.

And nobody cares you like it or thought it was fine either so don't be a dick. Its feedback. If BW took your brilliant advice and issued a statement like that then they'd be the morons for making a sensitive situation worse and insulting customers. Great way to run a businesss.

If anything the whole uproar over it should tell BioWare 3 things. #1. You made people very passionate about the franchise so good job. #2. Be very clear about what you're including and don't overstate things and make sure employees aren't stating incorrect information. #3. People want big consequences that feel different in major decisions.

By how they've handled DAI so far I think they've learned #2, time will tell on #3.

Anyway back on topic, this is a piece done by tasteful understated nerdrage that I though was pretty decent on the industry.

He can get pretty longwinded but I think he's somewhat right.

Yea mrbtongue is ok I guess but he minimizes the problem.
But he failed to mention why specifically kotaku behaves the way it does, its part of the gawker media group, and their modus operandi is to generate link bait, nothing more, so their sites are tabloid and hysterical, taking inflammatory positions to generate controversy and traffic. Basically those sites are professional trolls for money. If it takes race baiting for general gawker stories, or gender baiting in gaming, that's their bread and butter. When he says that its "mostly" not broken, no the fear to report on this subject accurately by most any of the major sites out there says that its very much broken. That kind of social/business pressure just tells you there isn't journalistic freedom to be had.

Quinnspiracy Theory: The Five Guys Saga
Quinnspiracy Theory: In-N-Out Edition
Anyways to post again, internet aristocrats two videos on it


Senior member
Oct 16, 2009
On second thought, this thread is just regurgitating the same old shit. I'll leave you virgins to it.
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Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Nothing "cool" about a manipulative hypocrite.

These people , especially those who are circling the wagons just are displaying a lack of ethics and a lack of concern for ethics that is incredible. It just is emblematic of the do what I say, but don't look at what I'm doing mentality, these are all people who spend their time on their own high horses throwing smears at the very community they claim to serve or represent, apparently we're all misogynists that have to be banned censored, ignored and suppressed, but they are off limits.

These people are the very same types who point their finger at fox news and their followers and laugh, but they commit every sin themselves. Fox news uses victimhood to justify heinous things, ignoring fact and reason, abandoning all concept of journalistic integrity, and its no different with social justice warriors, but they take it a step further, because unlike fox, they are multiple media outlets, they are infested all over the place, and they also don't believe in free speech. They are like the most rabid right wing fox news viewer who is also a fundamentalist conservative x10, because they resort to tactics of suppression at the drop of a hat, mass bans, mass deletion of reviews or comments, just ignoring the issue and then attempting to distort the narrative. Its why you see even corrupt moderators on reddit deleting tens of thousands of comments while in contact with zoe quinn. Its really hard to compare these sjw with fox and friends because really, their behavior is that much worse. Fundamnetally these people are a clique of bullies, who pretend to be victims, crying about victimhood endlessly, but in the end, they are the worst bullies of all.

Not sure if you are being sarcastic.
Kotaku is in the middle of this scandal, these liars always cover their asses, so of course that's what they are going to say.

Looks like someone is making a documentary on sarkeesian

as should be done, that woman kicked it off, and revealed the extent of corruption and dishonesty in that industry. How many times can she be objectively provably wrong while the likes of "kotaku" and the rest ignore that and just fixate on her victimhood, it just tells you something is rotten in denmark. Ethics don't matter for these people, honesty and integrity just aren't a concern.

I guess I just don't really care. All the sexism/misogyny crap goes in one ear and out the other now. It is so tired and lame. Every tiny thing ends up being a bash on women. I started tuning that stuff out when Gamespot focused a large part of their GTA5 score on women not being represented... in GTA... as if the men in that game are people to hold in high regard lol.

It sucks that people can't discuss issues without using personal insults or, worse, attacking them by hacking personal information and such. Completely crazy. Its worse than high school bickering between these "adults." It really isn't that hard to discuss issues without getting red faced.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
Not sure if you are being sarcastic.
Kotaku is in the middle of this scandal, these liars always cover their asses, so of course that's what they are going to say.

Whats there to cover up. Said Journalist only ever mentioned her in one article. A single article and not a review. Even if he wrote that while inside her does it really make that big a difference. Mentioning a game......

You know what I thought it would be harder to hunt down the actual article. It's not that hard. I thought because maybe some people were right and maybe gawker was hiding it or something since no one had actually linked it before. Now I know why it's the "scandal pushers" that don't want people to actually read it.

It is slightly white knightish doesn't mention a game at all and is mostly about her and some other dev who thinks to highly of himself going head to head and them trying to turn him into some kind of bigot because he didn't get along with the Woman on the team.

This is the scandal? A slightly supportive take on a behind the scenes fight? One where no game was actually mentioned? We should be outraged.


Jun 24, 2003
Lol, well it seems like the only evidenced thing here was the sleeping around. People carrying on with this drama ought to drop it as all it's really doing is giving publicity to her.

Even if the review allegations are true, no one is going to admit it.

While I wouldn't say she ever had any measure of success in the gaming industry, she's now well and truly done there. No one is going to hire her knowing that she sleeps with coworkers and that 4chan has a lifelong vendetta against her. 4chan doesn't forgive, and it doesn't forget. She'll never get another game she "develops" herself green-lighted again either. Until she withdraws from the video game arena entirely, she can expect to have her private life pried into and posted in the comments of everything she does.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
While I wouldn't say she ever had any measure of success in the gaming industry, she's now well and truly done there. No one is going to hire her knowing that she sleeps with coworkers and that 4chan has a lifelong vendetta against her. 4chan doesn't forgive, and it doesn't forget. She'll never get another game she "develops" herself green-lighted again either. Until she withdraws from the video game arena entirely, she can expect to have her private life pried into and posted in the comments of everything she does.

Sounds like the people that keep vendettas and continuously annoy people in real life need some other hobby to focus on.


Jun 24, 2003
Sounds like the people that keep vendettas and continuously annoy people in real life need some other hobby to focus on.

I assume most of them are so fabulously wealthy and successful that they have no need for full time jobs. Their incredible computer\detective skills made them rich and now they can use them recreationally for 4chan causes.
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