Conflict of interest in game journalism.

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Dec 12, 2001
Game journalism never has had integrity but, I guess the preorder crowd has to have someone to blame other than their own selves.

I never pre-order games I don't want in the first place. I've never been burned.

With videos, previews, hands on etc. There's no shortage of info. If you buy a bad game it's your fault. I've not bought anything I've found to be absolute garbage.

I see the virgins are still having trouble getting laid. Here's a suggestion if you think site X is corrupt:

1. Read a lot of reviews for games you like. Doesn't matter whether the site is big or small.
2. For those reviews you agree with, take note of who the writer is.
3. Read that writers reviews from now on - remembering that many writers freelance for multiple sites.
4. Calm the fuck down.

1. Ignore any review that concludes with a score. This is metacritic/fanboy bait.
2. Stop pre-ordering shit, as that is a big driver for sites to publish early reviews.

Again I never pre-order games I wouldn't buy anyway.

Stop being a douche to everyone. Your first sentence is not furthering the conversation.


Senior member
Oct 16, 2009
Again I never pre-order games I wouldn't buy anyway.

Stop being a douche to everyone. Your first sentence is not furthering the conversation.

There is no "conversation". Just a bunch of rabid monkeys flinging shit at each other. This thread will not change anything, and the whole stupid drama will have been forgotten in a few days.


Dec 12, 2001
There is no "conversation". Just a bunch of rabid monkeys flinging shit at each other. This thread will not change anything, and the whole stupid drama will have been forgotten in a few days.

That's only your perception. We aren't trying to change anything, just making commentary on the industry.

I'm sorry if you think anything on any forum will change anything at all.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
You should see the flack I caught over on reddit for saying this chick needed a boob job after seeing one of her porn pics...lmfao


Senior member
Oct 16, 2009
That's only your perception. We aren't trying to change anything, just making commentary on the industry.

I'm sorry if you think anything on any forum will change anything at all.

Nope, plenty of precedence that this will die down - see COD2 boycott, doritogate etc etc.

One of the reasons it's survived so long is because a woman (with a history of gaming drama) is involved. See post directly above.


Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2007
Nope, plenty of precedence that this will die down - see COD2 boycott, doritogate etc etc.

Of course it will die down. But just like those events we will remember them, we will internalise the impact and it will impact our decisions in the future. Trust once broken can never be restored.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2002
I will say that the censorship surrounding this story across the internet is staggering. Entire subreddits were banned, auto-moderation wiped out any mention of her all over reddit, 4chan attempted to delete threads about her before the mods were overwhelmed, and only ONE news site with a story about this situation is still up. The other was 403'ed because someone complained to their host and their host took the site offline until the article is removed.

White knights and Social Justice Warriors all just need a thorough beating so they can perhaps remember what real life and hardship is about. Losers.

Well said. The censorship and protection is the crux of the issue.

As for "professional" reviews we know they are all bought. Just read user reviews.


Oct 30, 2008
That's only your perception. We aren't trying to change anything, just making commentary on the industry.

I'm sorry if you think anything on any forum will change anything at all.

You are trying to imply that me linking the KONY2012 video a thousand times on Facebook didn't help put and end to Kony using children? Oh wait... you're right. =(
Mar 11, 2004
You quoted my later post but ignored what I said before it, about how previews are where the marketing hype goes, and how the poster was mixing up previews and reviews - and then you go on to do exactly the same thing. I said you need to understand that previews are marketing hype. It's very common for a review to say how wonderful a game will be and the review to say it's horrible.

I didn't say there has never been any corruption of reviews. Someone says 'gaming media is garbage and corrupt', I say no, I think generally it's not, and someone - you - says 'no, look at this case and that case' as is proving there have been exceptions - which there have - proves the claim that it's generally corrupt.

'Doctors are all perverts who molest their patients.' 'No, generally they're not'. 'Oh ya? Look at this case and that case! It happens!' 'Yes, it has as exception, it's not the usual case.'

A reviewer not playing much of a game before reviewing it might be a quality issue, but it is NOT corruption that proves 'the gaming media is corrupt and reviews are always sold.'

Do reviewers have to finish a game to have a useful review? I don't think it's usually necessary. It can be, mostly in the rare case the late game affects the game quality.

In one of the clearest cases I can think of, the game Lionheart would get a very different review for the first half than the endgame.

But every review I can remember for the game said that.

Its more than previews, and you're just delusional if you don't think that promo stuff isn't specifically aimed at impacting the perception of their games.

I don't know what to say. You act like there's barely any issue at all in response to a multitude of evidence.

WTF, no one said they all are. Not only do you completely distort what people said, but wow, a molestation analogy... This is more like the Catholic Church issue. Its been known by people involved for a long time, is widespread, and nothing but lip service was ever done about it. Sure when a big issue breaks they act all shocked and we get the excuses and same old crap while they don't do anything about the issue and just shuffle people to try and hide other problems. Promises of how they realize their errors, etc, and then same mistakes over and over.

If you'd bothered to actually think about what I posted you'd notice I said there's a lot of issues at hand. I can't help if you're so focused on reviews that you can't accept all the rest of the proof that gaming journalism is and has almost always been a farce. When it comes down to it, most game "journalists" are not journalists at all. Now they're bloggers being manipulated by PR departments. The gaming media themselves admits that in the article I linked to (that I'm sure you didn't bother to read). Even back when they were real magazines, there was little actual qualification for game journalism.

I would mostly agree. Thing is, its not just "not finishing", there's questions about how much they play the game at all before assessing a score. Game journalists themselves have been saying for years that the review processes short change people. Its deeply flawed to begin with. But there's not really anything more than minor issues with game reviews according to you.

There's been outright broken games released that get high ratings. Diablo 3 comes to mind. I also remember Doom 3 getting good reviews but then the gaming press made fun of it all the time after the reviews. If that doesn't give you an indication that something is up, then I don't know what to say. Do we need to dig up all the games that got glowing praise from the gaming press including reviews, and then were basically considered jokes? How many times do the companies making the games themselves come out and apologize, admitting they knew or should have known their game was broken or had other issues? Yet it keeps happening. And a lot of these games get positive reviews. Battlefield 4 is recent prime example. Rage was another one. Sim City 5 another one, where although the gaming press generally did cite its issues in their reviews they still gave it decent ratings. That game was one of the most broken ones in recent memory and places were giving it 5-8/10 even in the broken state it was released.

Now, what's causing these positive scores you can debate, but acting like there's not plenty of clear evidence that game media reviews are generally terrible, then I don't know what to say.

You know some of you are claiming that this issue is not what many are proclaiming it to be but I do not know how you can claim ignorance of the validity of this problem.

Who exactly are you referring to? I'm going to guess me, but nothing in your post in any way refutes what I said at all. I never claimed there wasn't a coverup (in fact, I point out that's actually probably the biggest actual issue in this).

A few things. I really don't care too much about what goes on at Reddit or whateverChans, both are cesspits of idiocy that you'd have to wade through oceans of sewage to try and gleam a few worthwhile coins from the bottom of the pool.

My guess, people were posting her pics, maybe personal information (if I was running a board where people were doing that to someone, I'd try to contact them about it so they'd know what was up and to maybe prepare for what that can bring). I'm pretty sure that's a huge no-no. Mods start closing threads to try and sort that out, but community goes crazy and then starts trying to post a billion threads (pretty sure its happened here before where some thread got closed/removed and a bunch of people made other threads because they felt it was some coverup when there was actually a good reason they removed the other thread, I seem to recall someone's personal information was the root of it), mods just start closing them all since its obviously going to get out of hand.

Did she try to censor some for certain? Yes she did. She filed a wrong DMCA notice to get the one video taken down. She very well might have done more, but its not like there couldn't easily be a reason they're closing threads or deleting posts. Also, I don't know what Reddit's rules are but if it devolved into a bunch of people just posting c*** or nude pics or something then I can understand it as well. The problem is, anything to do with that is going to attract the people that will just try to do that, and the more you try and stop it, the more people are going to get involved.

Again, I'm not defending her, but that doesn't mean I have to accept what the other side claims either, and this just looks like more message board garbage than anything. Very little of the rest of it holds up to scrutiny so far, and does not live up to the journalism crisis some people have acted like it is.

She's a game developer that has a product up on Steam. Her involvement in this is absolutely relevant to PC Gaming.

I do agree that the bigger issue is videogame "journalism" in general, but Zoe's actions should not be regarded as off-topic.

That'd be fine if there was any actual discussion about the game, or what the other actions had as far as impacting said game. Unless you count the dip**** in the OP's video talking about how much he just plain hates the idea of her game and how it isn't even really a game. The rest of the evidence is just silly (OMG he mentioned it in a short blog post?!?!?!?). He acts like just because some people told Steam that it wasn't worthy to be on there and didn't constitute a game even that that means Steam shouldn't have put it on there and obviously no one has any reason to have anything to do with it, so the fact that its both on Steam and was mentioned just proves that its only there because she slept with 5 guys! And like I already noted they can't even keep their BS straight. The guy says he doesn't even care about that, but easily half the video is about that.

That video and most of the rest is about trashing her specifically, more than anything. They just are trying to pass off this farce of a situation as some huge gaming journalistic ethics catastrophe. I'm not even saying they're necessarily wrong for focusing on trashing her since she seems to be a kinda horrible person, although I'm not going to defend them either (again, everyone involved seems pretty f'ed if you ask me), but they're complete full of **** acting like that is not absolutely the main motivation behind it.


Jan 6, 2012
Strawman arguments aren't gonna work on me. I don't care what the guy in the OP's video says, since I didn't watch it and is irrelevant to the issue at hand. Even if the video's author were Hitler himself, it doesn't make Zoe any better. Two wrongs don't make a right.

My guess, people were posting her pics, maybe personal information.
Your guess is wrong. All the comments that I read before they got deleted contained nothing of the sort.


Senior member
Oct 16, 2009
Of course it will die down. But just like those events we will remember them, we will internalise the impact and it will impact our decisions in the future. Trust once broken can never be restored.

Yes, that's why all the subesequent COD games were failures, and no more are being produced.

Oh wait.

Your guess is wrong. All the comments that I read before they got deleted contained nothing of the sort.

That's some selective vision, especially as someone in this very thread has admitted to seeing the pictures:
Mar 11, 2004
Strawman arguments aren't gonna work on me. I don't care what the guy in the OP's video says, since I didn't watch it and is irrelevant to the issue at hand. Even if the video's author were Hitler himself, it doesn't make Zoe any better. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Your guess is wrong. All the comments that I read before they got deleted contained nothing of the sort.

Strawman my ass. Those places brag about their ability to go after people, threatening them, pulling personal info, etc. I don't even know how you can claim that didn't happen since I know for a fact people were digging all over for pics of her at minimum. I can also guarantee it went farther than that (or how else would all of that other "proof" have even turned up in the first place?). But yeah, its not like they haven't pulled exactly this kind of thing, multiple times before. But this time, its all made up!

Oh look at that, they just smear the opposing the side as SJW (which is just their way of making it easier to demonize anyone who disagrees with their distorted view). Yeah, this isn't just the same old BS. But no, its really about journalistic integrity! Total BS.

That is hardly uncommon. Some topic stirs those places into a ****storm, so the moderation blanket handles everything involving those topics because it inevitably deteriorates the same way. They're not going to be able to manage it so they just nuke everything until it calms down. So even threads/posts that are trying to legitimately discuss it will also get blanketed just because it will bring the a-holes who aren't to it.

I have to laugh at those people now screaming to TotalBiscuit's defense considering his opinion pretty much mirrors mine:

The long and short of it is that Zoe Quinn the developer of Depression Quest is being accused of exploiting the nepotism that tends to plague this industry by getting a bunch of favorable coverage from people she has supposedly slept with. In addition to this, videos supposedly critical of these actions have been taken down from Youtube with copyright claims, including a video by a smaller channel called MundaneMatt. It’s difficult to tell what is true and what is not. 4chan is all up in arms over it which means that alongside any truth there’s always going to be ridiculous stories and trolling attempts. 4chan is a blunderbuss. It’s a giant cannon filled with fuckin screws, nails, bodyparts, shit and waifu. When it fires, maybe 1% of it hits and the other 99% just goes everywhere and makes a mess. Added into this whole drama shitstorm is a cadre of SJW types and whoever it is that is opposed to that, MRAs? I don’t even know the terminology at this point and frankly I don’t fucking care. The kind of places posting information about this whole thing are also places I’d take with a pinch of salt or who already have a clearly outlined agenda. Internetaristocrat did the main video on this, a channel mostly dedicated to debunking SJW topics and complaining about how prevalent they are in todays media. A fair cause for the most part, though it’s a fine line to walk at the best of times. Honestly that whole debate is something I try and stay the hell away from because the people involved in it are fucking terrifying.

Which is to call places like 4Chan the cesspits they are.

Ars is another place getting attacked because they didn't cover the BS and instead focused on the game itself. That's why more prominent, more respected media is not picking this up, the whole entire thing is f'ing garbage and anyone with any actual journalistic ability knows better than to report such.
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Jan 6, 2012
Strawman my ass. Those places brag about their ability to go after people, threatening them, pulling personal info, etc. I don't even know how you can claim that didn't happen since I know for a fact people were digging all over for pics of her at minimum. I can also guarantee it went farther than that (or how else would all of that other "proof" have even turned up in the first place?). But yeah, its not like they haven't pulled exactly this kind of thing, multiple times before. But this time, its all made up!
Which places? You were referring to Reddit earlier, and I attested to the fact that none of the Reddit posts that I read contained personal information, yet were deleted anyway.

I have to laugh at those people now screaming to TotalBiscuit's defense considering his opinion pretty much mirrors mine:
What does that mean? People attacking TB because he criticized Zoe, or because he didn't go far enough?

In any case, I noticed that your post boils down to handwaving away everything that has happened as merely another act of the Internet Hate Machine (TM). What are your thoughts on the evidence presented against Zoe/some Reddit moderators/mainstream gaming journalism?
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May 1, 2006
darkswordsman, if you want to compare gaming journalism to normal journalism, then it is not the same, if that's the scandal you mean. There is more 'real gaming journalism', but it is more promotional in general, serving the fans and customers of a product, not an adversarial relationship providing oversight for citizens so much.

Do talk show hosts provide 'good journalism'? Of course not. They mostly have guests on who are there for the purples of promoting a product to the customers. When's the last time you saw a big celebrity guest on a talk show just for a newsworthy interview? It happens, but it's usually a formula of 'provide some entertainment and promote the current book or movie'. When's the last time you saw the host of one of the shows say the book or movie isn't good? What a scandal of journalism.

The difference is, the gaming media generally has a major review section that usually is pretty fair - it'd be like The Tonight Show giving 15 minutes for staffers to review the movie that was just promoted and say it's crappy. Not gonna happen there, but it does in the gaming media, because customers are looking for that. So it's a combination.

Your analogy to the church molestation issue might be bad, but let's say one percent of priests molested, and there was some protection of them for a long period. That's a pretty big scandal. If one percent of game reviewers were not as honest as they should be and the gaming media did what they could not to reveal that, that's wrong, but I don't think the scandal is comparable and don't think it justifies the 'gaming reviews are all garbage and corrupt!' hype some players say because they don't agree with some reviews. You mention games that were 'unplayable' but the reviews didn't mention it - when I see those claims, I usually found most players found the games playable.

I can't comment on Diablo III, own it but haven't played it, but I seem to recall a lot of people saying they played it, and I saw Doom III, also owned and not played, completed.

I have seen reviews mention bugs before, often, and sometimes as a big problem.


Jun 24, 2003
Encyclopedia Dramatic Entry is up on the subject, and seems pretty straight forward with plenty of proof.

Considering that link is NSFW and ED is almost entirely crap, it does not meet our standards for a suitable link for a technical forum
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2008
Encyclopedia Dramatic Entry is up on the subject, and seems pretty straight forward with plenty of proof.


Encyclopedia Dramatica always comes through.
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SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007
Encyclopedia Dramatic Entry is up on the subject, and seems pretty straight forward with plenty of proof.

Considering that link is NSFW and ED is almost entirely crap, it does not meet our standards for a suitable link for a technical forum

ED is barely a half-step up above 4chan in the cesspool of barely-human filth.

You took offense at me quoting an Austin Powers line regarding a woman who once was a man? Sensitive much?

I thought it was an excellent use of Austin Powers.

P.S. If people would start re-focusing on the corruption of the gaming "journalism" industry and stop looking like f#&kwads by focusing on Zoe (let's just all agree she's a cheating, no-talent hack), that'd be great, mmmmk?


Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2007
One thing that ED brought to my attention was that Nathan, an RPS author who wrote 2 positive articles about depression quest, was asked directly by his editor whether those articles were written while sleeping with Zoe and he said they were not. Yet unfortunately that isn't the case, he was sleeping with her at the time. He was willing to lie to his editor.

I don't know about you guys but if I was sleeping with someone I was writing a review for I would tell my editor when I gave him/her the piece so they could decide if there was an issue. Keeping it a secret is what makes it look dodgy, then lying about it afterwards as well just makes it all the more dodgy. They ought to fire him for that lie to the editor.


Dec 12, 2001
One thing that ED brought to my attention was that Nathan, an RPS author who wrote 2 positive articles about depression quest, was asked directly by his editor whether those articles were written while sleeping with Zoe and he said they were not. Yet unfortunately that isn't the case, he was sleeping with her at the time. He was willing to lie to his editor.

I don't know about you guys but if I was sleeping with someone I was writing a review for I would tell my editor when I gave him/her the piece so they could decide if there was an issue. Keeping it a secret is what makes it look dodgy, then lying about it afterwards as well just makes it all the more dodgy. They ought to fire him for that lie to the editor.

Yeah that's an issue right there. We cannot trust the writer to remain neutral in his reviews.


Senior member
Oct 16, 2009
One thing that ED brought to my attention was that Nathan, an RPS author who wrote 2 positive articles about depression quest, was asked directly by his editor whether those articles were written while sleeping with Zoe and he said they were not. Yet unfortunately that isn't the case, he was sleeping with her at the time. He was willing to lie to his editor.

Yeah that's an issue right there. We cannot trust the writer to remain neutral in his reviews.

Here's a hint: despite what your porn mags say, having sex with someone you just met is not the norm (exceptions being made when copious amounts of alcohol or drugs are involved). Anyone who's been on a date understands this.

As for trusting his reviews, right, because he's boning every developer whose games he's reviewing. That makes total sense.

A review is one persons opinion. Not everyone has the same opinions. If you don't like his, find a reviewer who you do agree with. However, treating reviews like some sort of universal truth is asinine.
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