Congress has nothing better to do than talk about college football?


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
what a joke our politicians are. They do an entire hearing on the BCS and threatened the BCS leaders to make a change otherwise congress and the president will make a change for them.

Good to know the country is in such great shape that this is what the president and congress need to focus on.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Congress holding hearings on one thing does not prevent them from acting on other things.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
it does take away time that could be better spent.

Would you dissagree with them holding a hearing on which flavor of gum is better?

This is not a congressional matter. And it is a waste of every second spent by congress that they spend on it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
What business is not getting done that they could be accomplishing with this time? Actual session time for Congress is not when important deals on legislation are done.


Nov 29, 1999
Is this not a matter of interstate commerce? If so, doesn't that fall to Congress to regulate it?

Are people complaining in large enough numbers to force the issue? If so, shouldn't Congress respond to its people?

These are real questions, I don't follow the college foozball - it's of the debil!


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2007
Would you rather have Congress hold hearings on why tax dollars pay for the education of athletes at BCS colleges with sub par graduation rates (like the sparkling 54% rate of the LSU football team) ???


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: heyheybooboo
Would you rather have Congress hold hearings on why tax dollars pay for the education of athletes at BCS colleges with sub par graduation rates (like the sparkling 54% rate of the LSU football team) ???

hate to tell you that LSU is one of the few athletic departments that gets no government money. But nice try, lol.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Is this not a matter of interstate commerce? If so, doesn't that fall to Congress to regulate it?

Are people complaining in large enough numbers to force the issue? If so, shouldn't Congress respond to its people?

These are real questions, I don't follow the college foozball - it's of the debil!

Not only is it interstate commerce, but it's also a huge antitrust issue.

Since 2004, the BCS has generated $684,590,429 in revenue (Link).
Of that staggering chunk of change, the 6 'BCS conferences' (NOT including Notre Dame) got $572,667,345.
There are 120 teams in the FBS and 65 teams in the BCS conferences. That means that 54% of the participants get 84% of the revenue.

Put another way, a slight majority of the schools have found a way to guarantee that the slight minority will NEVER be able to compete financially through collusion. If that's not the epitome of something that should be illegal, I don't know what is.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: sactoking
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Is this not a matter of interstate commerce? If so, doesn't that fall to Congress to regulate it?

Are people complaining in large enough numbers to force the issue? If so, shouldn't Congress respond to its people?

These are real questions, I don't follow the college foozball - it's of the debil!

Not only is it interstate commerce, but it's also a huge antitrust issue.

Since 2004, the BCS has generated $684,590,429 in revenue (Link).
Of that staggering chunk of change, the 6 'BCS conferences' (NOT including Notre Dame) got $572,667,345.
There are 120 teams in the FBS and 65 teams in the BCS conferences. That means that 54% of the participants get 84% of the revenue.

Put another way, a slight majority of the schools have found a way to guarantee that the slight minority will NEVER be able to compete financially through collusion. If that's not the epitome of something that should be illegal, I don't know what is.

it is like that in all sports. The "BCS" schools in basketball make more money than the mid majors.

Go to the pros and the Yankees make a ton more money than everyone else because of their TV deal. Is that fair?

Now I disagree with automatic tie ins which the BCS deals with. But this hearing is not about that, this hearing is about the championship game which gives no weight to being in a BCS conference.

Getting back on subject, this is a huge waste of time, and I would bet that nothing comes of it other than time wasted.


Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
Originally posted by: sactoking
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Is this not a matter of interstate commerce? If so, doesn't that fall to Congress to regulate it?

Are people complaining in large enough numbers to force the issue? If so, shouldn't Congress respond to its people?

These are real questions, I don't follow the college foozball - it's of the debil!

Not only is it interstate commerce, but it's also a huge antitrust issue.

Since 2004, the BCS has generated $684,590,429 in revenue (Link).
Of that staggering chunk of change, the 6 'BCS conferences' (NOT including Notre Dame) got $572,667,345.
There are 120 teams in the FBS and 65 teams in the BCS conferences. That means that 54% of the participants get 84% of the revenue.

Put another way, a slight majority of the schools have found a way to guarantee that the slight minority will NEVER be able to compete financially through collusion. If that's not the epitome of something that should be illegal, I don't know what is.

it is like that in all sports. The "BCS" schools in basketball make more money than the mid majors.

Go to the pros and the Yankees make a ton more money than everyone else because of their TV deal. Is that fair?

Now I disagree with automatic tie ins which the BCS deals with. But this hearing is not about that, this hearing is about the championship game which gives no weight to being in a BCS conference.

Getting back on subject, this is a huge waste of time, and I would bet that nothing comes of it other than time wasted.

Thats revenue shared across the league, I believe. And regardless of what you think, LSU is a state institution. That AD gets public money.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Thats revenue shared across the league, I believe. And regardless of what you think, LSU is a state institution. That AD gets public money.

no, it actually doesn't, don't try to argue somethign you know very little about. The school gets public money, the athletic department actually gives millions to the acedemic part of the school every year.

LSU AD does not accept gov money.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
it is like that in all sports. The "BCS" schools in basketball make more money than the mid majors.

Go to the pros and the Yankees make a ton more money than everyone else because of their TV deal. Is that fair?

Now I disagree with automatic tie ins which the BCS deals with. But this hearing is not about that, this hearing is about the championship game which gives no weight to being in a BCS conference.

Getting back on subject, this is a huge waste of time, and I would bet that nothing comes of it other than time wasted.

You're not deflecting that easily. This IS about the money. The BCS schools use the money to ensure that the mid-majors can't compete with them. Then, when a mid-major comes along like Utah, the BCS schools close ranks and say "Well, you're from a mid-major conference. You guys can't compete. You get no shot." Why can't they compete?


Your examples are fallacious because:
a) In college basketball, the majors don't use their money to exclude the mid-majors. They all go to the same tournament. Many times, the mids beat the majors. They have a chance at winning the whole thing. That's not the case in football.
b) Yes, because they STILL have to earn their WS berths through the playoffs. Noone's looking at the AL at the end of the season and saying "The A's can't go to the Series since the West was so weak, and and Minnesota is good but they play against the Royals too much, so let's just take the better team between the Yankees and Sox since they spend a lot and play each other a lot so they must be the best."


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: sactoking
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
it is like that in all sports. The "BCS" schools in basketball make more money than the mid majors.

Go to the pros and the Yankees make a ton more money than everyone else because of their TV deal. Is that fair?

Now I disagree with automatic tie ins which the BCS deals with. But this hearing is not about that, this hearing is about the championship game which gives no weight to being in a BCS conference.

Getting back on subject, this is a huge waste of time, and I would bet that nothing comes of it other than time wasted.

You're not deflecting that easily. This IS about the money. The BCS schools use the money to ensure that the mid-majors can't compete with them. Then, when a mid-major comes along like Utah, the BCS schools close ranks and say "Well, you're from a mid-major conference. You guys can't compete. You get no shot." Why can't they compete?


Your examples are fallacious because:
a) In college basketball, the majors don't use their money to exclude the mid-majors. They all go to the same tournament. Many times, the mids beat the majors. They have a chance at winning the whole thing. That's not the case in football.
b) Yes, because they STILL have to earn their WS berths through the playoffs. Noone's looking at the AL at the end of the season and saying "The A's can't go to the Series since the West was so weak, and and Minnesota is good but they play against the Royals too much, so let's just take the better team between the Yankees and Sox since they spend a lot and play each other a lot so they must be the best."

There is no doubt the money helps. The BCS is also not always fair. Sure Utah got left out, but in 2004 Auburn was udnefeated from a major conference and got left out also, that wasn't fair, but it happened.

I think there needs to be a change of some sort, but I don't think it is congress' job to make the change happen.

Also, there is a big misconception here, the BCS is not saying "you can't compete". The BCS was just set up to have teh #1 vs #2 teams play. If you want to blame someone, blame the polls, they are teh ones that decide who gets to play.

Had Utah gone undefetaed in 2007, they would have been in the NC game, but their timing was a year off.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
US constitution: Congress shall have the power "To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes." College sports are commerce among several states with several states not getting fair shares. It is congress's duty to regulate it.
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
LSU AD does not accept gov money.
That is like saying that although a WIFE accepts welfare and the CHILDREN get earned income credit, that the HUSBAND does not accept government money. Guess what, just because someone call it their left pocket or their right pocket, the person/family still got government money. LSU gets government money, plain and simple. Break it into smaller bits all you want, but LSU gets government money.



Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Thats revenue shared across the league, I believe. And regardless of what you think, LSU is a state institution. That AD gets public money.

no, it actually doesn't, don't try to argue somethign you know very little about. The school gets public money, the athletic department actually gives millions to the acedemic part of the school every year.

LSU AD does not accept gov money.

Ok chief. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Where did the natatorium funding come from? City, right?


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: dullard
US constitution: Congress shall have the power "To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes." College sports are commerce among several states with several states not getting fair shares. It is congress's duty to regulate it.
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
LSU AD does not accept gov money.
That is like saying that although a WIFE accepts welfare and the CHILDREN get earned income credit, that the HUSBAND does not accept government money. Guess what, just because someone call it their left pocket or their right pocket, the person/family still got government money. LSU gets government money, plain and simple. Break it into smaller bits all you want, but LSU gets government money.

I never said the school doesn't take government money, I said the AD does not accept government money.

Say what you want, but it is different than 90% of the public schools out there. Most ADs accept the money, while LSU does not.

Either way, it makes no difference to the subject, I was just responding to someone trying to low blow because he knows I went to LSU and is too childish to stick to the subject.


Oct 14, 1999
Utah and Boise State have earned the mid-majors the right to the keys of the BCS. The whole BCS arrangement should be shit canned and a simple playoff system that respects conference champions - big and small conference alike - needs to take it's place.


Apr 30, 2009
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
what a joke our politicians are. They do an entire hearing on the BCS and threatened the BCS leaders to make a change otherwise congress and the president will make a change for them.

Good to know the country is in such great shape that this is what the president and congress need to focus on.

If we are lucky they will spend a lot of time on things like this instead of inventing more mayhem.



Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
it does take away time that could be better spent.

Would you dissagree with them holding a hearing on which flavor of gum is better?

This is not a congressional matter. And it is a waste of every second spent by congress that they spend on it.

It doesnt take away any time. Congress works Mon afternoon - Thursday night, with the occassional Friday workday.

Most of the work they get done isnt ever seen in public. Its behind the scenes in their offices, over dinner, etc.

Its not like they are the ones who write or research. Congress has a professional staff corps that does the writing for legislation, and does the research. The Congressman, are the ones who debate it, pass it, and come up with loose ideas of what they want the legislation to say.


Aug 26, 2001
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
Originally posted by: sactoking
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Is this not a matter of interstate commerce? If so, doesn't that fall to Congress to regulate it?

Are people complaining in large enough numbers to force the issue? If so, shouldn't Congress respond to its people?

These are real questions, I don't follow the college foozball - it's of the debil!

Not only is it interstate commerce, but it's also a huge antitrust issue.

Since 2004, the BCS has generated $684,590,429 in revenue (Link).
Of that staggering chunk of change, the 6 'BCS conferences' (NOT including Notre Dame) got $572,667,345.
There are 120 teams in the FBS and 65 teams in the BCS conferences. That means that 54% of the participants get 84% of the revenue.

Put another way, a slight majority of the schools have found a way to guarantee that the slight minority will NEVER be able to compete financially through collusion. If that's not the epitome of something that should be illegal, I don't know what is.

it is like that in all sports. The "BCS" schools in basketball make more money than the mid majors.

Go to the pros and the Yankees make a ton more money than everyone else because of their TV deal. Is that fair?

Now I disagree with automatic tie ins which the BCS deals with. But this hearing is not about that, this hearing is about the championship game which gives no weight to being in a BCS conference.

Getting back on subject, this is a huge waste of time, and I would bet that nothing comes of it other than time wasted.

Well, considering there are politicians whose JOB it is to oversee sports, I don't see how this is a waste of time. Government isn't just one guy, with a single focus, that deals with issues as they come up. There are thousands of agents acting on tens of thousands of issues... so, again, I fail to see how this is a waste of time considering it IS part of the government's job.


Aug 26, 2001
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
it does take away time that could be better spent.

Would you dissagree with them holding a hearing on which flavor of gum is better?

This is not a congressional matter. And it is a waste of every second spent by congress that they spend on it.

You really don't understand much about how the government, the NCAA, or professional sports work, do you? By law, this IS a congressional matter.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: BeauJangles
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
it does take away time that could be better spent.

Would you dissagree with them holding a hearing on which flavor of gum is better?

This is not a congressional matter. And it is a waste of every second spent by congress that they spend on it.

You really don't understand much about how the government, the NCAA, or professional sports work, do you? By law, this IS a congressional matter.

It maybe but if Utah doesn't get a bid to a BCS bowl isn't going to cause US taxpayers billions of dollars.

They need to work on slightly more important things than a bunch of people wanting a fair college bowl structure.


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: MadRat
Utah and Boise State have earned the mid-majors the right to the keys of the BCS. The whole BCS arrangement should be shit canned and a simple playoff system that respects conference champions - big and small conference alike - needs to take it's place.

i would perfer they just do away with automatic bcs berths
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