Congressman Foley resigned

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Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Just curious... but how do you "smear" a guy who is firing off sexual IM's to an underage congressional page?

And how do you not indict the Republican leadership for ignoring his actions?

Foley fvcked up. The republican leadership ignored the embarrasment hoping it would go away. They all got caught.

Please, fer the luva God, don't try to defend this.
Do you see me defending Foley???!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!

I am interested in how this story become "public" there is a lot of evidence that says this was not some innocent attempt to bring this information out in front of the public, but a coordinated attempt to bring this information out in a manner in which hurts the Republicans in the worse way possible.

Read my edit

And what's more... how could the revelation NOT hurt Republicans?

You're playing this off like it's a dirty tricks thing. And maybe it is... But good lord... Timing be damned, the dude did something wrong and his leadership looked the other way.

If you're only argument is the timing of the revelations, welcome to american politics.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: LordSegan
For the record: YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT.

It is WRONG that the REPUBLICAN leadership did not investigate Foley more in 2005. It is WRONG that he is going after BOYS.

It is NOT WRONG to use a little strategy to bring him and his protectors down. It is WRONG not to attack evil as effectively as you can.

The people who are seeking to destroy Foley and his protectors are doing the RIGHT thing.

How could you possibly argue any other way unless you are a pathetic party hack?
Remember how the Monica story became public? Linda Trip tapped phone calls between herself and Monica. Remember how the Democrats raised holy hell about that fact. Or that the Democrats attack Trip because she was told to record the phone calls by a Republican?
Let me refresh your memory:
Tripp was a resident of Columbia, Maryland at the time she made her surreptitious recordings of the conversations with Lewinsky, and after 49 Democrats in the Maryland Legislature signed a letter to the state prosecutor demanding that Tripp be prosecuted she was charged by state authorities with violating Maryland's wiretap law
If the people who brought this story about Foley to the front page of the news paper had knowledge of these sexual IMs and did nothing then they should face legal proceedings as well. If they had information of a criminal nature, and did not tell the police about it, then they themselves are guilty of committing crimes. What part of that don't you understand?

For the record: what Mark Foley did was morally wrong and repugnant. If he broke any laws then he should be held accountable for his actions. Furthermore, his resigning was the right act for him to take, and perhaps the only correct thing he did in this whole affair.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Read my edit

And what's more... how could the revelation NOT hurt Republicans?

You're playing this off like it's a dirty tricks thing. And maybe it is... But good lord... Timing be damned, the dude did something wrong and his leadership looked the other way.

If you're only argument is the timing of the revelations, welcome to american politics.
Let me post what I wrote in the other thread about the supposed "cover up"
Two newspapers knew about and had read the content of the e-mails. The same e-mails that the House Republican leadership knew about.

Both of the newspapers looked into the story and decided that there was nothing there worth reporting on.

That makes two newspapers and I believe three congressmen that looked into the e-mails and decided that they were icky, but that nothing else should be done about them. (Other than telling Foley to stop sending e-mails to the kid)

Despite this some of you on the left think there was some big cover up in order for the Republican Party to save ONE house seat out of 435. Do you think the leadership is so stupid as to cover up this story in hopes of saving just one seat knowing the political damage such a cover up would have created.
We are to believe that these three Republicans were so worried about saving Foley?s seat that they just absentmindedly forgot that covering up any illegal or immoral behavior would cost them their own seats? Do you not see how much of a stretch you are making on this? Or is your own partisan behavior and hopes for a scandal to knock the Republicans from power made you blind to reality?

As I said before, Foley?s behavior is morally repugnant and if he broke the law he will pay for that in a court of law. I, in no way shape or form excuse Foley for his behavior.
As of now there is NO evidence at all to suggest that anyone within the House leadership knew about the sexual nature of the IMs. One the day you can present me evidence that shows that ANY Republican knew Foley was sending sexual IMs to former pages then I will join you in calling for their resignation. Until then all this talk about a "cover up" has no solid basis.

For the record: what Mark Foley did was morally wrong and repugnant. If he broke any laws then he should be held accountable for his actions. Furthermore, his resigning was the right act for him to take, and perhaps the only correct thing he did in this whole affair.
Jun 27, 2005
Foley did something morally repugnant and you're upset about the timing of the revelation. Like I said, you're not going to win this one. Sorry. There is no way to defend this without looking like a mindless right wing robot.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
John... I understand where you're trying to go... but you're not going to win this one.
Well thank you for at least making an attempt to understand my point.

I get the feeling that as more of the "back story" gets out more and more people will be disgusted not only with Foley, but with the people who timed the leak of this story for political reasons.

Think of it this way... if I knew that Democratic candidate X was having sex with his under age neighbor and I waited to release that information until right before the election am I not guilty of committing a crime?

What if the charges are true that this web site was created in July for the SOLE purpose of outing Foley, there is certainly evidence of this, and these people knew Foley was sending out sexual IMs since that time. And during those three months, July August and September, Foley went out and actually had sex with one of these pages? Then what? Gee sorry... we knew he was sending out IMs, but we didn't want to tell anyone until the last minute so we could capitalize on the publicity?

IF these people sat on this story for 3 months then I am as disgusted with their actions as I am with Foley's.


Jul 28, 2006
One last story about Foley and pages, this one is interesting in that it talks about his overall behavior towards pages, both male and female.
Former Pages Describe Foley as Caring Ally
In the hierarchy of Congress, the high school students who serve as Congressional pages fall somewhere near the bottom, seemingly invisible as they scurry through the hallways of the Capitol ferrying messages to powerful lawmakers who often fail to give them a second glance.

In that rarefied world, Representative Mark Foley, the silver-haired Republican from Florida, stood out.

He took pains to befriend the 16- and 17-year-old aides, several former pages said in interviews on Sunday. He chatted with them on the House floor, they said, sent handwritten notes and urged them to keep in touch when they left Washington for their hometowns.

In 2002, he even stood up on the floor of the House, his eyes welling with tears, and commended the young men and women for their year of service. In his speech, Mr. Foley mentioned several of the high school students by name, describing a handwritten note to celebrate one young man?s graduation and a lunch with another at Morton?s steak house.

Ashley Gallo, a 21-year-old former page who is now a senior at Western Michigan University, said on Sunday that many of her friends had viewed Mr. Foley as one of the few lawmakers who made a real effort to reach out to young people.

?You didn?t have a lot of interaction with the members because most of them treated you like a kid, but he was pretty friendly,? said Ms. Gallo, who served as a page in 2001. ?He would talk to people,? she said.

?He would say, ?Here?s my e-mail address if you want to keep in touch.? I don?t think anyone thought anything of it. They saw him as a mentor or a reference.?
So he gave both male and female pages his e-mail address?
Keep this in mind when you think about what the leadership knew about Foley and his behavior. If he was friendly to all pages and the leadership knew that then maybe they missed the signs that he was using his ?friendlessness? as a way to pick out possible gay pages.

The article, which I have not read completely because I don't want to support the leftie NY Times with money for a subscription also talks about other male pages who never experienced inappropriate contact from Mr. Foley.

I think it should also be noted that Foley never did anything inappropriate with pages until they had left the program.

For the record: what Mark Foley did was morally wrong and repugnant. If he broke any laws then he should be held accountable for his actions. Furthermore, his resigning was the right act for him to take, and perhaps the only correct thing he did in this whole affair.
Jun 27, 2005
Of course that's what happened... but the word from their side will be as follows: "We had our suspicions but that's all they were. Had we gone public too early he might have never been brought to justice and we would have exposed ourselves (pardon the pun) to any number of lawsuits. Once we had enough evidence to go public we felt it was our civic duty to out this man to the world and protect our pages."



Jan 10, 2002
Who cares where a story comes from.. You people who care about your political gangs are so out of touch with reality

If the man was possibly raping young boys then people should be afraid to finally tell the media and public about this?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Why would people be upset more about the timing rather than the coverup? Seems to me the Republicans brought this on themselves. They could have dealt with this so long ago that it would be a dead and buried issue. It also appears that they would have let this go on forever as long as it didn't blow up.

This is just another lame attempt to blame Democrats for Republican Action/Policy. Remember Personal Responsibility?


May 1, 2006
John, I asked you a question that could hardly have been simpler or clearer, and you dodged it blatantly.

"Were you bitchin about "cover up" when Clinton was telling Monica to lie"

Got proof?

So you ask in response whethere I'm asking about what I quoted, or something completely missing from the post.

I was asking about what I quoted... what's your proof for your accusation that Clinton ordered Monica to lie?

... telling Monica to lie about it is illegal.

So, I ask you for evidence for your accusation, and you dodge and offer none, and then repeat the accusation.


Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Last post on this wonderful topic for today.

Two newspapers knew about and had read the content of the e-mails. The same e-mails that the House Republican leadership knew about.

Both of the newspapers looked into the story and decided that there was nothing there worth reporting on.

That makes two newspapers and I believe three congressmen that looked into the e-mails and decided that they were icky, but that nothing else should be done about them. (Other than telling Foley to stop sending e-mails to the kid)

Despite this some of you on the left think there was some big cover up in order for the Republican Party to save ONE house seat out of 435. Do you think the leadership is so stupid as to cover up this story in hopes of saving just one seat knowing the political damage such a cover up would have created.
We are to believe that these three Republicans were so worried about saving Foley?s seat that they just absentmindedly forgot that covering up any illegal or immoral behavior would cost them their own seats? Do you not see how much of a stretch you are making on this? Or is your own partisan behavior and hopes for a scandal to knock the Republicans from power made you blind to reality?

As I said before, Foley?s behavior is morally repugnant and if he broke the law he will pay for that in a court of law. I, in no way shape or form excuse Foley for his behavior.

Got proof?


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: dahunan
If the man was possibly raping young boys then people should be afraid to finally tell the media and public about this?

Rape? "Young boys"? Lol. The so-called "young boys" - I'd call them young men - were 16 or older (old enough to legally consent to sex with an adult of any age in DC). There was no sex involved - we're talking about a sleazy instant messaging conversation. Inappropriate internet communications. This is a minor transgression in the grand scheme of things. I think it is unfortunate the Democrats or supporters feel the need to exaggerate or lie about what Foley actually did. Foley has to take responsibility for his own actions; but I think the fact he is a homosexual who has spent his entire adult life in the closet has to have had a distorting effect on his attitudes and behaviors.


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: sandorski
Why would people be upset more about the timing rather than the coverup?

Because it is an indication that the Democrats involved are as morally bankrupt as the Republicans who were involved in the 'cover-up'. If democrats waited until just before elections to publicise the details of Foley's indiscretion - timing the revelation for maximum impact at the polls - then they are guilty of their own kind of cover up.


Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2004
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: LordSegan
For the record: YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT.

It is WRONG that the REPUBLICAN leadership did not investigate Foley more in 2005. It is WRONG that he is going after BOYS.

It is NOT WRONG to use a little strategy to bring him and his protectors down. It is WRONG not to attack evil as effectively as you can.

The people who are seeking to destroy Foley and his protectors are doing the RIGHT thing.

How could you possibly argue any other way unless you are a pathetic party hack?
Remember how the Monica story became public? Linda Trip tapped phone calls between herself and Monica. Remember how the Democrats raised holy hell about that fact. Or that the Democrats attack Trip because she was told to record the phone calls by a Republican?
Let me refresh your memory:
Tripp was a resident of Columbia, Maryland at the time she made her surreptitious recordings of the conversations with Lewinsky, and after 49 Democrats in the Maryland Legislature signed a letter to the state prosecutor demanding that Tripp be prosecuted she was charged by state authorities with violating Maryland's wiretap law
If the people who brought this story about Foley to the front page of the news paper had knowledge of these sexual IMs and did nothing then they should face legal proceedings as well. If they had information of a criminal nature, and did not tell the police about it, then they themselves are guilty of committing crimes. What part of that don't you understand?

For the record: what Mark Foley did was morally wrong and repugnant. If he broke any laws then he should be held accountable for his actions. Furthermore, his resigning was the right act for him to take, and perhaps the only correct thing he did in this whole affair.

You are being hypocritical in the highest degree. You are constantly bringing up Clinton and his lying and Monica but now bring out how the the Democrats cried foul about taped call? Hypocrite to the highest degree. Why are you not bashing the Republicans for their obvious personal and political bs for spending 40 million investigating Clinton and impeaching him over a fricking private affair. Hypocrite you are and this thread exposes you.


And yes I am a Republican but you are ridiculous


Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by: michaelpatrick33
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: LordSegan
For the record: YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT.

It is WRONG that the REPUBLICAN leadership did not investigate Foley more in 2005. It is WRONG that he is going after BOYS.

It is NOT WRONG to use a little strategy to bring him and his protectors down. It is WRONG not to attack evil as effectively as you can.

The people who are seeking to destroy Foley and his protectors are doing the RIGHT thing.

How could you possibly argue any other way unless you are a pathetic party hack?
Remember how the Monica story became public? Linda Trip tapped phone calls between herself and Monica. Remember how the Democrats raised holy hell about that fact. Or that the Democrats attack Trip because she was told to record the phone calls by a Republican?
Let me refresh your memory:
Tripp was a resident of Columbia, Maryland at the time she made her surreptitious recordings of the conversations with Lewinsky, and after 49 Democrats in the Maryland Legislature signed a letter to the state prosecutor demanding that Tripp be prosecuted she was charged by state authorities with violating Maryland's wiretap law
If the people who brought this story about Foley to the front page of the news paper had knowledge of these sexual IMs and did nothing then they should face legal proceedings as well. If they had information of a criminal nature, and did not tell the police about it, then they themselves are guilty of committing crimes. What part of that don't you understand?

For the record: what Mark Foley did was morally wrong and repugnant. If he broke any laws then he should be held accountable for his actions. Furthermore, his resigning was the right act for him to take, and perhaps the only correct thing he did in this whole affair.

You are being hypocritical in the highest degree. You are constantly bringing up Clinton and his lying and Monica but now bring out how the the Democrats cried foul about taped call? Hypocrite to the highest degree. Why are you not bashing the Republicans for their obvious personal and political bs for spending 40 million investigating Clinton and impeaching him over a fricking private affair. Hypocrite you are and this thread exposes you.


And yes I am a Republican but you are ridiculous

They're craven and desperate, no two ways about that.


Aug 2, 2001
Whata sick bastage and the GOP leaders for turning a blind eye. I guess writing anti-pediphelia bills is penance for chasing around the male pages?

Hastert is toast.


Aug 2, 2001
Clinton lying about Monica is to Scooter lying to Grand Jury. In the end nailed on a technicallity. How many neocons crying for the pardon? What do you bet its gonna come?

GOP Leadership turning a blind eye to a pedophile Congressman trying to molest the children that they are trusted to look after is a whole 'nother level. This is more like the Catholic preist scandals. Who's running blind Prof Fluffer?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: sandorski
Why would people be upset more about the timing rather than the coverup?

Because it is an indication that the Democrats involved are as morally bankrupt as the Republicans who were involved in the 'cover-up'. If democrats held back from publicising the details of Foley's indiscretion - for the purpose of timing the revelation for maximum impact at the polls - then they are guilty of their own kind of cover up. Republicans covered up to minimise damage to their party at the upcoming polls; but it appears that Democrats did a similar thing - i.e., they held back on publicising the details until recently in order to inflict maximum damage on the Republicans at the polls. That is a very cynical ploy if it happened that way.

I agree.

The people claiming it was wrong that the Repub. leadership didn't investigate Foley more need to define what they mean by wrong. How wrong? Do those making the accusations know who knew what when?

I have told you all a million times that all the evil in the world is there because you hate yourself. Have any of you investigated? People cannot look where they are blind.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Just curious... but how do you "smear" a guy who is firing off sexual IM's to an underage congressional page?

And how do you not indict the Republican leadership for ignoring his actions?

Foley fvcked up. The republican leadership ignored the embarrasment hoping it would go away. They all got caught.

Please, fer the luva God, don't try to defend this.
Do you see me defending Foley???!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!

I am interested in how this story become "public" there is a lot of evidence that says this was not some innocent attempt to bring this information out in front of the public, but a coordinated attempt to bring this information out in a manner in which hurts the Republicans in the worse way possible.

Sounds like karma is a bitch ...


Jun 2, 2000
ProfJohn, the conspiracy theory you dug up may be interesting but it is irrelevant. For many, many years now national politics has been a hardball, no holds barred, scorched earth battle. Both parties have plenty of operatives-both paid and volunteers-who dig endlessly among their opponents background to find any hint of scandal.

Personally I'm somewhat astonished that this hypocritcal slimeball has gotten away with his practices for so long-sixteen years in the fishbowl of Washington is an enternity for dirt of this type. I'm personally more interested in what efforts, if any, there was to bury this scandal until safely after the election-for that type of corruption is far more corrosive to our form of government than the supposed timing of exposing the other side's dirty secrets.

Remember Thomas Eagleton? He was George McGovern's VP running mate until Nixon's thugs leaked it to the press that Eagleton had previously undergone mental illness treatments. Was the GOP acting improper in not keeping that "scandal" under wraps until after the election, or did the GOP act properly in bringing them to the public light before the election, much to the GOP's political benefit?

If this really was a timed expose, I think they pulled the trigger a bit early. It would be more effective two weeks before the election, given the short attention span many people (and essentially all of the mass media) have.

I question why you seem to feel it would be better-or fairer somehow-if this scandal did not come to light until after the scumbag was re-elected. Personally I'm in favor of exposure of all relevant facts prior to the decision making. Could you please elaborate as to why (assume your conspiracy theory is valid) disclosure of Foley's wrongdoing at this point is improper?


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Thump553
ProfJohn, the conspiracy theory you dug up may be interesting but it is irrelevant. For many, many years now national politics has been a hardball, no holds barred, scorched earth battle. Both parties have plenty of operatives-both paid and volunteers-who dig endlessly among their opponents background to find any hint of scandal.

Personally I'm somewhat astonished that this hypocritcal slimeball has gotten away with his practices for so long-sixteen years in the fishbowl of Washington is an enternity for dirt of this type. I'm personally more interested in what efforts, if any, there was to bury this scandal until safely after the election-for that type of corruption is far more corrosive to our form of government than the supposed timing of exposing the other side's dirty secrets.

Remember Thomas Eagleton? He was George McGovern's VP running mate until Nixon's thugs leaked it to the press that Eagleton had previously undergone mental illness treatments. Was the GOP acting improper in not keeping that "scandal" under wraps until after the election, or did the GOP act properly in bringing them to the public light before the election, much to the GOP's political benefit?

If this really was a timed expose, I think they pulled the trigger a bit early. It would be more effective two weeks before the election, given the short attention span many people (and essentially all of the mass media) have.

I question why you seem to feel it would be better-or fairer somehow-if this scandal did not come to light until after the scumbag was re-elected. Personally I'm in favor of exposure of all relevant facts prior to the decision making. Could you please elaborate as to why (assume your conspiracy theory is valid) disclosure of Foley's wrongdoing at this point is improper?

Don't forget the S&L scandal. The Republicans knew about it well before the election but mananged to keep it under wraps until after the election.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
After spamming the other Foley thread, ProfDugus has decided to spin the whole thing with a new thread, great...

What's worse, pedophiles, the people who cover up or the jackasses who try to spin it?


Oct 9, 1999
On the subject of conspiracies-

the timing of the release of the story could just as easily be spun as a Republican wag the dog story. Sacrifice one of their own at the right time to get people's attention off other issues.

Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: dahunan
If the man was possibly raping young boys then people should be afraid to finally tell the media and public about this?

Rape? "Young boys"? Lol. The so-called "young boys" - I'd call them young men - were 16 or older (old enough to legally consent to sex with an adult of any age in DC). There was no sex involved - we're talking about a sleazy instant messaging conversation. Inappropriate internet communications. This is a minor transgression in the grand scheme of things. I think it is unfortunate the Democrats or supporters feel the need to exaggerate or lie about what Foley actually did. Foley has to take responsibility for his own actions; but I think the fact he is a homosexual who has spent his entire adult life in the closet has to have had a distorting effect on his attitudes and behaviors.


*Conversation turns to sex with young boys*
*Cue aidanjm*

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