Congressman Foley resigned

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Nov 25, 2001
He's right ProfJohn. I've called you out numerous times about your retarded "But Clinton!" tactics. Just STFU already, everyone recognizes it for what it is: LAME.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Wow, Rush is also trying to spin this as a political hackjob.

What a coincidence.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: sandorski
Why would people be upset more about the timing rather than the coverup?

Because it is an indication that the Democrats involved are as morally bankrupt as the Republicans who were involved in the 'cover-up'. If democrats waited until just before elections to publicise the details of Foley's indiscretion - timing the revelation for maximum impact at the polls - then they are guilty of their own kind of cover up.

What Democrats are involved ?

Why is it the Democrat's responsibilty to police the Republicans ?

Which party controls Congress ? The Justice Department ?



Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Foley did something morally repugnant and you're upset about the timing of the revelation. Like I said, you're not going to win this one. Sorry. There is no way to defend this without looking like a mindless right wing robot.
Uhhhh, too late.


Jan 20, 2001
Apparently the Miami Herald and at least one other FL paper did have an inkling of this story.

But unlike the 'truthiness' about them not seeing anyting to it . . . the actual truth is that they had trouble corroborating the story. Both papers sat on it b/c they didn't want to go public with a potential bombshell and have it be the equivalent of WMD in Iraq.

Curiously, the right of center hack from the National Review that was a guest on the Diane Rehm Show (NPR) made the same 'not quite true and the speaker knows it' statement. The GOP spin cycle has already put out their talking points. I bet 0.02 that Tony Snow, Limbaugh, and Hannity will make the same claim by tomorrow. I won't include O'Leilly since he's enough of a sanctimonious rectum that he might not be able to bring himself to claim there's 'nothing to see here.'


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Harvey get over your worthless indignation, I have said many times in this thread that what Foley did was morally inexcusable and that if he broke any laws he should and will face the consequences.
Yes, Foley's behavior is inexcusable. Now, get over your pathetic attempts to sidestep the other, larger issue -- Whether Dennis Hastert and other top Republican leaders knew about Foley and, instead of acting to protect juvenile House pages from the possiblity that Foley was a sexually predatory pedophiliac, they tried to cover it up to avoid the negative publicty they were right to expect if the story got out.

You've already shown us you'd rather stick with Dennis Hastert and the rest of the lame Republican blame shifters, take your marching orders from the Karl Rove playbook and thrash about and point fingers in every other direction, instead of protecting the kids that were assigned to their care and violating the trust of their parents, so I really don't care if you think my indignation is worthless. That's much more than I think of anything you have to say. :thumbsdown: :| :thumbsdown:

Even the right wing rag, "The Washinton Times" published an editorial calling for Hastert to resign as House Speaker. What's your excuse? :shocked:
Resign, Mr. Speaker


October 3, 2006

The facts of the disgrace of Mark Foley, who was a Republican member of the House from a Florida district until he resigned last week, constitute a disgrace for every Republican member of Congress. Red flags emerged in late 2005, perhaps even earlier, in suggestive and wholly inappropriate e-mail messages to underage congressional pages. His aberrant, predatory -- and possibly criminal -- behavior was an open secret among the pages who were his prey. The evidence was strong enough long enough ago that the speaker should have relieved Mr. Foley of his committee responsibilities contingent on a full investigation to learn what had taken place, whether any laws had been violated and what action, up to and including prosecution, were warranted by the facts. This never happened.

Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois, the Republican chairman of the House Page Board, said he learned about the Foley e-mail messages "in late 2005." Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the leader of the Republican majority, said he was informed of the e-mail messages earlier this year. On Friday, Mr. Hastert dissembled, to put it charitably, before conceding that he, too, learned about the e-mail messages sometime earlier this year. Late yesterday afternoon, Mr. Hastert insisted that he learned of the most flagrant instant-message exchange from 2003 only last Friday, when it was reported by ABC News. This is irrelevant. The original e-mail messages were warning enough that a predator -- and, incredibly, the co-chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children -- could be prowling the halls of Congress. The matter wasn't pursued aggressively. It was barely pursued at all. Moreover, all available evidence suggests that the Republican leadership did not share anything related to this matter with any Democrat.

Now the scandal must unfold on the front pages of the newspapers and on the television screens, as transcripts of lewd messages emerge and doubts are rightly raised about the forthrightness of the Republican stewards of the 109th Congress. Some Democrats are attempting to make this "a Republican scandal," and they shouldn't; Democrats have contributed more than their share of characters in the tawdry history of congressional sexual scandals. Sexual predators come in all shapes, sizes and partisan hues, in institutions within and without government. When predators are found they must be dealt with, forcefully and swiftly. This time the offender is a Republican, and Republicans can't simply "get ahead" of the scandal by competing to make the most noise in calls for a full investigation. The time for that is long past.

House Speaker Dennis Hastert must do the only right thing, and resign his speakership at once. Either he was grossly negligent for not taking the red flags fully into account and ordering a swift investigation, for not even remembering the order of events leading up to last week's revelations -- or he deliberately looked the other way in hopes that a brewing scandal would simply blow away. He gave phony answers Friday to the old and ever-relevant questions of what did he know and when did he know it? Mr. Hastert has forfeited the confidence of the public and his party, and he cannot preside over the necessary coming investigation, an investigation that must examine his own inept performance.

A special, one-day congressional session should elect a successor. We nominate Rep. Henry Hyde, also of Illinois, the chairman of the House International Relations Committee whose approaching retirement ensures that he has no dog in this fight. He has a long and principled career, and is respected on both sides of the aisle. Mr. Hyde would preside over the remaining three months of the 109th Congress in a manner best suited for a full and exhaustive investigation until a new speaker for the 110th Congress is elected in January, who can assume responsibility for the investigation.


May 1, 2006
As much as I want to see the Hastert resign (remember, he took office because of a republican sex scandal, too), it's not yet clear to me he should.

If I understand correctly, the IM's only recently came to light (last week).

The reaction, including from the public that I've seen, to the e-mails was 'so what'? They were sent with the sorts of questions you would not treat as those of a menace, that I saw. The ones I saw seem appropriate for there to have been no more than an informal chat.

We don't need our society to get to where a congressman asking a former page what their hobbies are needs to be a crime. There are all kinds of healthy interactions that go on which would lead to hysteria if the policies are based on the rare exceptions.

It seems like the hindsight of the IM's makes people want to say somehow Hastert should have noticed the guy was a menace. How would he have known they existed?

The one area I see as problematic is that there was 'common knowledge' among the pages to 'watch out' for Foley. I can understand kids keeping their mouths shut regarding a powerful congressman, but we should loot at whether something could have been done for that 'common knowledge' to get in front of the authorities.

The editorial above states conclusions but doesn't support them with any facts. I wonder if the concern isn't more about the expected political fallout from the attacks on Hastert hurting the republicans in the election than about the errors he made.

I'll wait for the full set of facts to become clearer, but so far, I think there are much clearer scandals Hastert should be accountable for.

I'd like to hear of any facts I'm unaware of which are more clear wrongdoing by Hastert.

As for Rush - scummy attacks on democrats, as expected.


Jul 28, 2006
For the record guys, I have not even listened to Rush since this story broke, he is on while I am working so I spend at most 10-15 mins a week listening to his show. And I have no clue what NPR show balibabydoc is talking about. I did get a few mins of the Hannity show yesterday, but don't remember if this was the topic. I also do not receive any "talking points" emails and don't not belong to some Republican "spin" machine.

You guys are really crazy if you think the Republican Party, or Dems, are spending time and effort to change the mids of the few dozen people that read this board, get over yourselves already. This thread has had all of 800 views since this story broke... yea... I can see why they would want to spend time and effort to win over the votes of those 800 people...

BTW: according to two news stories I have read today the FBI knew about the e-mails in July and did NOTHING because they "concluded that no federal law had been violated."

So we now 2 news papers, 3 congressmen and the FBI who knew about the e-mails and did nothing about it. Man this is one hell of a cover up.

And just to stick with my conspiracy story... the FBI learned of the e-mails in July... and what else happened in July? The web site that broke the story was created in July as well hmmm could it be that the people who created the web site brought the e-mails to the FBI and were rebutted due to lack of law breaking and then decided that they would take matters into their own hands?

<insert disclaimer of Foley being scum of the earth here>


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Craig234
As much as I want to see the Hastert resign (remember, he took office because of a republican sex scandal, too), it's not yet clear to me he should.

I'll wait for the full set of facts to become clearer, but so far, I think there are much clearer scandals Hastert should be accountable for.
Look, a voice of reason from someone on the left... except the last line of course

BTW: There were lots of editorials calling for Clinton to resign and he ignored them, why should Hastert all of a sudden heed the call to resign when he was not even involved in the story?


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Craig234
As much as I want to see the Hastert resign (remember, he took office because of a republican sex scandal, too), it's not yet clear to me he should.

If I understand correctly, the IM's only recently came to light (last week).

The reaction, including from the public that I've seen, to the e-mails was 'so what'? They were sent with the sorts of questions you would not treat as those of a menace, that I saw.

The ones I saw seem appropriate for there to have been no more than an informal chat.

We don't need our society to get to where a congressman asking a former page what their hobbies are needs to be a crime.

Wow, Apologist's taking their art to new levels everyday.


Jul 28, 2006
One of the newspapers who knew about the e-mail responds.
"Our decision at the time was ... that because the language was not sexually explicit and was subject to interpretation, from innocuous to 'sick,' as the page characterized it, to be cautious," said Tom Fiedler, executive editor of the Herald. "Given the potentially devastating impact that a false suggestion of pedophilia could have on anyone, not to mention a congressman known to be gay, and lacking any corroborating information, we chose not to do a story."
AP story
and from the Miami Paper
Some newspapers -- including this one -- knew of this message as well and did not find it worthy of a news story because it seemed innocuous. Thus, Democratic charges of a ''cover up'' of Mr. Foley's activities by the Republican House leadership seem not only premature but crassly political. But the discovery of other, more explicit, messages and confusion over who knew what and when raise questions that require answers -- preferably, under oath and soon.
Miami Herald Op-Ed on Foley
It seems that other news organizations were also given copies of the e-mails and did nothing. How many people have to have known about the e-mails before we can safely bury the "cover up" story?


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
"Signaling a possible split in the House GOP leadership, House Majority Leader John Boehner and Rep. Tom Reynolds, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, both said they had discussed with Hastert the allegations involving Foley upon learning of them.

"I believe I talked to the speaker, and he told me it had been taken care of," Boehner, an Ohio Republican, told Cincinnati radio station WLW Tuesday. "And ... my position is, it's in his corner, it's his responsibility.

"The clerk of the House who runs the page program, the Page Board -- all report to the speaker. And I believe it had been dealt with," he said. "


Sorry Prof, you're not burying anything, the R's are now finger pointing.

It also amazes me that Boehner is so quick to call Foley all kinds of names, but he wouldn't condemn Ney and ask for his resignation, even though he admitted to taking bribes.

But this is a great distraction from Iraq and State of Denialgate.


May 1, 2006
dmcowen, you need to support your argument, not just make an attack. There is zero apologist in my post - you are apparently unable to articulate any argument supporting your claim.

Sorry, but just because I think Hastert is a disaster for the nation does *not* mean I should say he did something that I see no evidence he did. You discredit the left when you attack excessively - the many, many real attacks are undermined when you make the false attacks.


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 1999
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
John... I understand where you're trying to go... but you're not going to win this one.
Well thank you for at least making an attempt to understand my point.

I get the feeling that as more of the "back story" gets out more and more people will be disgusted not only with Foley, but with the people who timed the leak of this story for political reasons.

Think of it this way... if I knew that Democratic candidate X was having sex with his under age neighbor and I waited to release that information until right before the election am I not guilty of committing a crime?

What if the charges are true that this web site was created in July for the SOLE purpose of outing Foley, there is certainly evidence of this, and these people knew Foley was sending out sexual IMs since that time. And during those three months, July August and September, Foley went out and actually had sex with one of these pages? Then what? Gee sorry... we knew he was sending out IMs, but we didn't want to tell anyone until the last minute so we could capitalize on the publicity?

IF these people sat on this story for 3 months then I am as disgusted with their actions as I am with Foley's.

Blaming the Democrats is disingenuous. First of all, there hasn't been any proof that Democrats knew of the explicit IM and withheld that information and leaked them now for political benefit. Everything I've seen shows that the emails WHICH the Republican leadership knew about months ago, were finally released by ABCNews. If someone leaked those emails ... then I say ABOUT TIME. Republicans knew of the emails and did next to nothing. When the emails came to light, ABCNews then obtained the IMs. Who do you think most likeley had the IMs - Foley and the pages and probably the ISPs. Perhaps, the pages sent them to ABCNews. Perhaps, the government was spying on people's IMs. Who knows. The fact is that Republicans didn't want to know or worst, they covered for one of their own instead of trying to protect underaged children. This is the story.



Golden Member
Apr 27, 2001
Districts in which Republicans have effectively walked off the field include Foley's own in South Florida. House Majority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) said in a radio interview with conservative commentator Sean Hannity that the party's replacement candidate is all but doomed. Because of ballot procedures in Florida, "to vote for this candidate, you have to vote for Mark Foley," Boehner said. "How many people are going to hold their nose to do that?"


People from socially conservative groups (in Florida at least) may not even show up at the polls this year due to disgust of their own. 'Well Marge, I can either go to the polls and vote Domocratic or put my name next to someone who is queer for boys. Fvck it, I'm gonna go get drunk.'

The Republicans are revolting!



Jan 20, 2001
Reading comp is just plain weak in some people.

"Given the potentially devastating impact that a false suggestion of pedophilia could have on anyone, not to mention a congressman known to be gay, and lacking any corroborating information, we chose not to do a story."
Is there any doubt in a reasonable person's mind that if the Herald had corroborating evidence they would have chosen to do a story?

Efforts by The Washington Post to reach the boy were unsuccessful. But he told the St. Petersburg Times last November: "I thought it was very inappropriate. After the one about the picture, I decided to stop e-mailing him back." The Times, which did not disclose the teenager's name, did not publish his comments until yesterday.

So it's disingenuous to say there was nothing to write about. The papers (unlike propaganda operations . . . say Faux News aka Rove News Service) wanted something that could be substantiated before going public.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: chowderhead
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
John... I understand where you're trying to go... but you're not going to win this one.
Well thank you for at least making an attempt to understand my point.

I get the feeling that as more of the "back story" gets out more and more people will be disgusted not only with Foley, but with the people who timed the leak of this story for political reasons.

Think of it this way... if I knew that Democratic candidate X was having sex with his under age neighbor and I waited to release that information until right before the election am I not guilty of committing a crime?

What if the charges are true that this web site was created in July for the SOLE purpose of outing Foley, there is certainly evidence of this, and these people knew Foley was sending out sexual IMs since that time. And during those three months, July August and September, Foley went out and actually had sex with one of these pages? Then what? Gee sorry... we knew he was sending out IMs, but we didn't want to tell anyone until the last minute so we could capitalize on the publicity?

IF these people sat on this story for 3 months then I am as disgusted with their actions as I am with Foley's.

Blaming the Democrats is disingenuous. First of all, there hasn't been any proof that Democrats knew of the explicit IM and withheld that information and leaked them now for political benefit. Everything I've seen shows that the emails WHICH the Republican leadership knew about months ago, were finally released by ABCNews. If someone leaked those emails ... then I say ABOUT TIME. Republicans knew of the emails and did next to nothing. When the emails came to light, ABCNews then obtained the IMs. Who do you think most likeley had the IMs - Foley and the pages and probably the ISPs. Perhaps, the pages sent them to ABCNews. Perhaps, the government was spying on people's IMs. Who knows. The fact is that Republicans didn't want to know or worst, they covered for one of their own instead of trying to protect underaged children. This is the story.
Republicans... Democrats

this kind of sh!t happens all over and is not unique to one party or the other.



Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
One of the newspapers who knew about the e-mail responds.
"Our decision at the time was ... that because the language was not sexually explicit and was subject to interpretation, from innocuous to 'sick,' as the page characterized it, to be cautious," said Tom Fiedler, executive editor of the Herald. "Given the potentially devastating impact that a false suggestion of pedophilia could have on anyone, not to mention a congressman known to be gay, and lacking any corroborating information, we chose not to do a story."
AP story
and from the Miami Paper
Some newspapers -- including this one -- knew of this message as well and did not find it worthy of a news story because it seemed innocuous. Thus, Democratic charges of a ''cover up'' of Mr. Foley's activities by the Republican House leadership seem not only premature but crassly political. But the discovery of other, more explicit, messages and confusion over who knew what and when raise questions that require answers -- preferably, under oath and soon.
Miami Herald Op-Ed on Foley
It seems that other news organizations were also given copies of the e-mails and did nothing. How many people have to have known about the e-mails before we can safely bury the "cover up" story?

Only the way wacky left was talking about a MSM cover-up. EVERYBODY is talking about he GOP leadership cover-up. And it looks like they (GOP not named Hastert) are trying to pin the tail on the fat man.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
I love how every Republican pundit under the sun is taking this time to bash.........Democrats. That's right, when one of your own does something so heinous and disgusting you bash the Democrats. That seems to be the only right-wing response to anything these days.

Face the facts, your party is in shambles right now and is corrupted from the inside out. America needs new leadership, and we need it badly. This Republican controlled government is a complete disaster, and I hope that the American public realizes this by now.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
BTW: There were lots of editorials calling for Clinton to resign and he ignored them, why should Hastert all of a sudden heed the call to resign when he was not even involved in the story?
PrevaricatorJohn -- Get a clue. Here's one -- Monica was an adult. Foley was preying on minors. But that's just the underlying crime. It quickly mushroomed beyond that to yet another example of the Republican ethical cesspool in Washinton. If this were Democrats, you'd be puking up a storm about it. And to put the shoe on the other foot, if Democrats ARE involved in covering up Foley's acts, or any other serious crimes, they should be roasted as much as Hastert and anyone else proven to have been involved in covering it up.

Here's another clue -- You're still playing from the Karl Rove's manua. Clinton is who he is, he did what he did, and whatever happened to him as a result is what happened. In no way does that lessen the significance of what Foley did, and in no way does it lessen or excuse any cover up by Republicans or anyone else.

The Detroit Free Press says:
Michigan congressman: Republicans mishandled Foley matter

October 3, 2006

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON -- A Michigan congressman who is the only Democrat on the House Page Board said Republicans badly mishandled concerns last year about e-mails sent by former Rep. Mark Foley to teenage pages.

Rep. Dale Kildee, who has served on the board since 1985, said he was upset that the board?s leader, Rep. John Shimkus, R-Ill., met with Foley last year without consulting with him.

?We?ve always been nonpartisan ? not even bipartisan ? nonpartisan, and to be excluded from a meeting of such importance where the safety of the pages was such in question, I found that really outrageous,? Kildee said.

Shimkus and the House clerk met with Foley in the fall of 2005 about e-mails sent to one page. Foley assured them he was only acting as a mentor to the boy. Shimkus ordered Foley to end contact with the boy and Foley agreed.

Kildee said if he had been notified, he would have sought an official meeting of the board last year so there would have been minutes taken during the discussions.

?The Page Board has to assume a greater responsibility and not have a few handle matters like this,? said Kildee, a former high school Latin teacher. ?These things should come before the entire Page Board, whose responsibility is to make sure the children are safe.?

?We have an obligation to those kids. They?re 16 years old, they?re away from home, and we should stand as ?in loco parentis,?? or in the place of the parent, he said.
Kildee said he didn?t learn about the allegations against Foley until late Friday, when the Florida congressman announced his resignation after the disclosure that he sent suggestive electronic messages to teenage boys working as House pages.
Kildee said he?s never previously been excluded from a discussion regarding the page program.

The decision by Shimkus to have the private meeting with Foley and the clerk last year was ?a serious, serious mistake and a serious breach of our role in trying to protect the pages,? Kildee said.
You can point fingers. blow smoke and break wind any direction you want, but history continues to show that covering up of a major crime can be as significant as the underlying crime, itself. Ask Richard Nixon, or Bill Clinton, or Scooter Libby, or any of the rats scurrying to get away from the stench of Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay. :thumbsdown: :frown: :thumbsdown:


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
One of the newspapers who knew about the e-mail responds.
AP story
and from the Miami Paper
Miami Herald Op-Ed on Foley
It seems that other news organizations were also given copies of the e-mails and did nothing. How many people have to have known about the e-mails before we can safely bury the "cover up" story?
Did you even read your own links? ProfJohn, there are multiple emails to MULTIPLE pages. The emails to the page that started this whole recent mess are innocuous. And several media knew of those innocuous emails. In that point, you are correct.


There are other emails to other pages. Emails that WEREN'T known. From your own link:
Some newspapers -- including this one -- knew of this message as well and did not find it worthy of a news story because it seemed innocuous. Thus, Democratic charges of a ''cover up'' of Mr. Foley's activities by the Republican House leadership seem not only premature but crassly political. But the discovery of other, more explicit, messages and confusion over who knew what and when raise questions that require answers -- preferably, under oath and soon.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: chowderhead
Blaming the Democrats is disingenuous. First of all, there hasn't been any proof that Democrats knew of the explicit IM and withheld that information and leaked them now for political benefit. Everything I've seen shows that the emails WHICH the Republican leadership knew about months ago, were finally released by ABCNews. If someone leaked those emails ... then I say ABOUT TIME. Republicans knew of the emails and did next to nothing. When the emails came to light, ABCNews then obtained the IMs. Who do you think most likeley had the IMs - Foley and the pages and probably the ISPs. Perhaps, the pages sent them to ABCNews. Perhaps, the government was spying on people's IMs. Who knows. The fact is that Republicans didn't want to know or worst, they covered for one of their own instead of trying to protect underaged children. This is the story.
I don't think the leak was by an elected member of the Democratic Party.
Right now the best guess is that the web site that brought this information to light, and ABC got their news from them I believe, is owned by the same guy who tried to "out" Foley in 2003. It does seem consistent with this guys operating procedure. He seems to go after any gay who "hides" in the closet and I am sure he can not stand the fact that there was a gay Republican on congress who was not openly gay. But right now there is no proof, yet. The source of the e-mails will come to light in any criminal investigation, it has to, when that happens we will get the whole picture of how this came about.

As the Miami Herald said ?Democratic charges of a ''cover up'' of Mr. Foley's activities by the Republican House leadership seem not only premature but crassly political.?

The Dems would be better off letting the Republicans fail on their own than get involved with finger pointing. If it turns out that the timing of the release of this information was politically motivated then the Dems will be dealing with their own backlash.


Jan 10, 2002
**WHY does it matter WHO turned this guy in.. You little gangsters will do anything and say anything to protect your Masters.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Breaking news:

Foley interrupted a 2003 vote on the House floor to have cyber-sex with a former page.
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