Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona

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Diamond Member
May 18, 2007
I'm somewhat encouraged by reports stating that the bullet entered her temple and exited her forehead. That indicates damage is most likely in the frontal lobe. Next 72 hours are going to be important to learn the extend of swelling that will occur, but she might be "okay." Frontal lobe damage in this area would mostly impact cognitive abilities and possibly voluntary motor movement for the right side of her body...which would likely make it impossible for her to function as a Congresswoman, but she should survive.

Very sad day for the U.S. I hope you everyone here can step back from the screen for a while and contemplate that.


Jul 2, 2005
There's a good chance that this shooting will end these types of meeting for all crongresspersons. Not a good thing at all. If it can't be secured and all potential theats removed, these meetings will not happen, then we all lose in the end.


Jul 2, 2005
Are you fucking serious?

Are you saying his reasons behind his attacks were politically motivated because of those slogans that are no where to be found on his youtube page or myspace page? Where is your evidence other then you lame ass assumptions and assertions?

just shooting a politician is political statment.
May 11, 2008
Of course everyone has to make sacrifices, but what you don't seem to understand is that it should not and does not have to be government that decides what is to be given up for there to be a "civilized democracy". We each decide that for ourselves.

Well , have you forgotten that that is also what a government is ? A group of people that represent the wishes of society ? In a sense reflecting the desires of the people ? These people are democratically elected, yes ? Or are you telling me that voting fraud has happened during certain campaigns ?

Indeed a part of the government always will be a group of wise men and women who do nothing more then plot a positive future for the people. But they still have to present the plans first and then there is a voting on it. And that is how it should work and in most countries does work.

You people sound like a broken record. I know i am generalizing now but it has to be for a moment. You are forcing upon other people your views and believes, and when other people say can we not talk about it and come to a compromise you say :"no, you cannot tell me what to do." yet you are telling others what to do. How to live their lives. You maintain double standards. You do not want to compromise, that is typical of a dictator. You people think like dictators. You and your forum buddies have i am sorry to the say the same view as the USSR communists leaders. Because you force your will upon others without a choice. Without a compromise. Everything you want is good for others. Everything other people want is not important when it does not fit your agenda. Again : You people sound like a broken record. And i start to sound like one too. I think it is time to be productive again, time for my hobby and then relaxation.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Why would a left winger shoot a left winger?

He may have been a left winger in 2007 but clearly Rush, Hannity, Levin and company have long since Brainwashed him.

LOL! your kidding right? HE IS INSANE! I would think you of all people would be intimately familiar with that concept.


Senior member
Oct 16, 1999
Fox News just reported that the shooter has been linked to an anti government group called American Renaissance and she may have been targetted because she was Jewish.

Here is a quick copy and paste because that website is no doubt going to crash soon.

About American Renaissance
What We Believe

Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society — language, religion, class, ideology — it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st century.

The problems of race cannot be solved without adequate understanding. Attempts to gloss over the significance of race or even to deny its reality only make problems worse. Progress requires the study of all aspects of race, whether historical, cultural, or biological. This approach is known as race realism.
American Renaissance

American Renaissance is a monthly magazine that has been published since 1991. It has been called “a literate, undeceived journal of race, immigration and the decline of civility.” We consider it America’s premiere publication of racial-realist thought, and we invite all users of this page to subscribe. The paper version is delivered through the mail, and the PDF version — with identical contents — is delivered to e-mail addresses.
Who We Are

American Renaissance and its web site are run by Jared Taylor, Stephen Webster, Ron Neff, and George McDaniel. Our mailing address is Box 527, Oakton, VA 22124 and our telephone number is (703) 716-0900.
Please Help!

American Renaissance cannot continue without help from people like you. There are no monies from corporations, charities, or government to support us. If you believe that a realistic understanding of race is essential to the survival of the West, please make a donation by clicking here. Donations are tax deductible.
Privacy and Security

American Renaissance will not sell, transfer or otherwise voluntarily disclose personal information — such as names, postal addresses, or e-mail addresses — submitted by American Renaissance subscribers, purchasers of American Renaissance products or other users of this site. American Renaissance will disclose such personal information only where required by law and in response to proper legal process.

Credit card data submitted in connection with donations, subscription orders and purchases of products offered by American Renaissance are submitted to an online merchant that protects them from interception by Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”) encryption. American Renaissance will not sell or voluntarily disclose such data to any third party.

Like all other sites on the Internet, American Renaissance is vulnerable to hacking, viruses, denial-of-service attacks and other incidents that can result in corruption or compromise of user-submitted data. American Renaissance cannot be held responsible for loss caused by breach of the security of its service or that of any of its contractors.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2010
LOL! your kidding right? HE IS INSANE! I would think you of all people would be intimately familiar with that concept.

EXACTLY! Seriously guys, are you looking at his videos and writings, do you think this kid really belonged and was actually involved in a popular mainstream political party?

Sure, shooting a politician is a "political statement" and please tell me what is that statement in this case? The guy doesn't even write a coherent thought for crying out loud. What if I'm just insane and shoot my local representative, tell me, what political statement am I making?

Mind control? flag burning? mein kampf? communist manifesto? making his own currency in his name? conscience dreaming? government is using brainwashing to control grammar? this is a teaparty shit? this is any party shit? this guy has connections to sarah fucking palin? are you people honest? this doesn't fall into any party that I know of...

This guy belonged to one party: the insane party

Stop jumping to conclusions for political convenience, its pathetic.
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Senior member
Oct 16, 1999
And here is some more copy paste garbage from their website.

The AR Reader’s Guide

We have selected some of the best articles from American Renaissance. Click on any linked heading to read more about the following subjects:
The Philosophy of Race Realism

What we call race realism is what was considered traditional common sense until perhaps the 1950s. It is a body of views that was so taken for granted it had no name, but it can be summarized as follows: That race is an important aspect of individual and group identity, that different races build different societies that reflect their natures, and that it is entirely normal for whites (or for people of any other race) to want to be the majority race in their own homeland. If whites permit themselves to become a minority population, they will lose their civilization, their heritage, and even their existence as a distinct people.

All other groups take it for granted that they have a right to speak out in their own interests. Only whites have lost this conviction.
Race and IQ

One of the most destructive myths of modern times is that people of all races have the same average intelligence. It is widely accepted that genes account for much of the difference in intelligence between individuals, but many people still refuse to believe genes explain group differences in average intelligence. This blindness leads to futile attempts to eliminate “learning gaps” between the races and forces whites to accept the view that if blacks and Hispanics are less successful than whites, it is because of white “racism.”
Racial Consciousness

Racial loyalty or racial consciousness is normal and healthy. All non-white groups instinctively pursue their own interests, and legitimately so. It is only whites who have been taught that it is immoral to take even the most basic steps to ensure their survival.

AR has published several key articles on the significance of racial consciousness as well as studies of how people of various races express that consciousness.

For anyone brought up on the cartoon history taught in American schools, it is a surprise to learn what really happened in the past. The egalitarian left unabashedly distorts history in the name of orthodoxy. It is our job to resurrect the truth.
First-Person Accounts

Some of the most powerful writing in AR is by ordinary people describing their everyday experiences with non-whites. Each of these accounts — which could never be published in a mainstream publication — is a compelling story about the continuing tragedy of multi-racialism.
Race and the Law

The legal framework of the United States has changed almost unrecognizably with regard to race. School integration, “civil rights,” racial preferences, the franchise — all have evolved in ways that undermine the ability of whites to lead their lives as they wish. The record in this area is a triumph of ideology over common sense, justice, and the Constitution.
Crime and Disorder

When there is demographic change, the entire texture of life changes. One of the most obvious consequences of an increase in the black population is an increase in crime.

Race realists have a great advantage over those who push egalitarian orthodoxy: We accept what science says about race and genetics, and are eager for further discoveries. The more progress science makes the more secure our positions become.
Immigration and the Demographic Transformation

The single greatest threat facing whites is mass immigration of non-whites into white homelands. If it continues, whites will become a minority in the United States before mid-century. Britain, Canada, and Australia will also lose their white majorities. The culture of the West will not survive the disappearance of the people who created it.
Race Realism in a World Perspective

In every white nation it is only a minority that recognizes the crisis we face and fights for national preservation. A number of European countries, which are not hampered by slogans like “we are a nation of immigrants” and that do not have slavery to apologize for, are defending themselves better than we are.
The Reality of Race

It has become fashionable to argue that race is some kind of sociological illusion and not a valid biological classification. No one really believes this any more than he believes that the differences between Dachshunds and Saint Bernards are sociological rather than biological. Still, the reality of race is a basic point that must occasionally be made, and AR has published excellent articles to refute this silliness.
Integration Report

Frank accounts of racial encounters most of us will never have — and never hope to have. This kind of writing is not available anywhere in the mainstream press, and represents some of the best material that AR publishes.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Fox News just reported that the shooter has been linked to an anti government group called American Renaissance and she may have been targetted because she was Jewish.

That's scary. I do some work for one of our ex-Ambassadors and I wanted to find a picture of his little dog to show my wife. Pulling up his name on google put him on a list of our JEWISH TRAITORS.

Like during the World Wars and other crisis in history, people want to create someone to blame it on. Based on light reading some people believe there is a shift to a Jewish government like our banking and entertainment industry has. Their agenda is to use the US to wipe out the Muslims.

It was pretty nutty. The basis is there are only about 2% Jews out there yet they are much more highly profilic in managing our President/offices.

America is looking for someone to blame, Hitler got buy-in against the Jews during his day; maybe we are heading that way again.

I think we are heading for a world-wide catalismic event whether it's rapture, a meteor, some bio warfare is debatable; i think one day everyone is just going to turn on each other like when there are too many rats in one cage.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
I think Palin posting that map was very unfortunate and stupid of her but I doubt this kid was influenced by her. Hell, he had told an aquantance that he thought Gifford wasn't very intelligent, imagine the disdain he'd have for Palin with her dumb as a box of rocks folksy bullshit she spews? I wouldn't doubt if given the choice he'd have tried to shoot Palin over Gifford if just for the notoriety seeing what an insanw bastard he is

And if you think his shooting of Gifford, the Federal judge and the other poor innocent victims is a tragedy imagine how bad it would be for America if someone were to shoot and possibly kill Palin? That'd make her a martry for the Wingers and the last thing America needs is for someone like Palin to be made a martyr. I think there should be an armed guard around her and her family 24 hrs a day just to make sure something like that doesn't happen.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2010
I think Palin posting that map was very unfortunate and stupid of her but I doubt this kid was influenced by her. Hell, he had told an aquantance that he thought Gifford wasn't very intelligent, imagine the disdain he'd have for Palin with her dumb as a box of rocks folksy bullshit she spews? I wouldn't doubt if given the choice he'd have tried to shoot Palin over Gifford if just for the notoriety seeing what an insanw bastard he is

And if you think his shooting of Gifford, the Federal judge and the other poor innocent victims is a tragedy imagine how bad it would be for America if someone were to shoot and possibly kill Palin? That'd make her a martry for the Wingers and the last thing America needs is for someone like Palin to be made a martyr. I think there should be an armed guard around her and her family 24 hrs a day just to make sure something like that doesn't happen.

Yes, apparently he met with the congresswoman in 2007, probably before anyone really knew who sarah palin was, and yeah, people should tone the stuff down, bullseyes are not good ideas, but I agree, I highly doubt he was influenced by that.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I think Palin posting that map was very unfortunate and stupid of her but I doubt this kid was influenced by her. Hell, he had told an aquantance that he thought Gifford wasn't very intelligent, imagine the disdain he'd have for Palin with her dumb as a box of rocks folksy bullshit she spews? I wouldn't doubt if given the choice he'd have tried to shoot Palin over Gifford if just for the notoriety seeing what an insanw bastard he is

And if you think his shooting of Gifford, the Federal judge and the other poor innocent victims is a tragedy imagine how bad it would be for America if someone were to shoot and possibly kill Palin? That'd make her a martry for the Wingers and the last thing America needs is for someone like Palin to be made a martyr. I think there should be an armed guard around her and her family 24 hrs a day just to make sure something like that doesn't happen.

What this country needs is a citizenry which doesn't have the attitude of looking at these things as being good if they can tag the political opposition as being responsible. I don't care if they happen to be from the left or right. It is they which are a cancer among us.

What petty animals we are.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Yes, apparently he met with the congresswoman in 2007, probably before anyone really knew who sarah palin was, and yeah, people should tone the stuff down, bullseyes are not good ideas, but I agree, I highly doubt he was influenced by that.

Palin IS an idiot and "bull's eye" politics is evidence of it, but from reports I've seen one of the reasons he may have shot Gifford is because he wasn't impressed by her intellect. Maybe it's that grammar thing he has.


Oct 29, 2003
Well , have you forgotten that that is also what a government is ? A group of people that represent the wishes of society ? In a sense reflecting the desires of the people ? These people are democratically elected, yes ? Or are you telling me that voting fraud has happened during certain campaigns ?

That's what government is to people like you who believe it has a place in every aspect of our lives. I do not. I believe government should play a very limited role in our society; certainly a much smaller part than it does now. The welfare and regulatory state has grown to such a degree that it is doing more harm than good to the advancement and benefit of society.

You people sound like a broken record. I know i am generalizing now but it has to be for a moment. You are forcing upon other people your views and believes, and when other people say can we not talk about it and come to a compromise you say :"no, you cannot tell me what to do." yet you are telling others what to do. How to live their lives. You maintain double standards. You do not want to compromise, that is typical of a dictator. You people think like dictators. You and your forum buddies have i am sorry to the say the same view as the USSR communists leaders. Because you force your will upon others without a choice. Without a compromise. Everything you want is good for others. Everything other people want is not important when it does not fit your agenda. Again : You people sound like a broken record. And i start to sound like one too. I think it is time to be productive again, time for my hobby and then relaxation.

Actually, no, you're the one forcing your beliefs on others by advocating the full force and credit of government for every decision in life. My refusal to compromise with you on certain things isn't an example of me forcing my beliefs on you or anyone else... it's me saying "No" to your government-imposed nannying.

Unlike you, I don't seek to use the power of government to make people's personal choices for them. That is what dictators do.
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Oct 12, 1999

Sorry to burst your bubble. He is one of you loliberals.

I question that young lady's tweet. Either it is false or was true then and not now. The language communicated by this man is not that of a liberal. Liberals don't fear the government. Liberals don't run around complaining about people not speaking english and just the fact he shot up a democrat crowd leads me to question the validity of the tweet. But in the end no SANE person shoots up people. The guy was more crazy than anything related to politics. But I question just how crazy he really is, he committed the crime and tried to run away. He wasn't "crazy" enough not to try and get away though.


Jun 23, 2004
I know it's asking too much, but if he is found guilty of the shooting by a jury, can we please then execute him a year later? None of this 'wait 3 decades while we pay for your life expenses' BS.


Banned disgusting troll<br>Should we post<br>your
Nov 30, 2010
I think Palin posting that map was very unfortunate and stupid of her but I doubt this kid was influenced by her. Hell, he had told an aquantance that he thought Gifford wasn't very intelligent, imagine the disdain he'd have for Palin with her dumb as a box of rocks folksy bullshit she spews? I wouldn't doubt if given the choice he'd have tried to shoot Palin over Gifford if just for the notoriety seeing what an insanw bastard he is


He is completely off the deep end. Look at the videos he made on mind control. He was a sick individual that probably needed help. Palin didn't cause that. The teapa...rty didn't cause that. Gun Control didn't cause that. Republicans didn't cause that. Democrats didn't cause that. It was a mentally ill individual.


Jul 2, 2005
With the reports that there was a second guy, I'm betting if there was, he turns states evidence to save his own skin once he realizes what his predicament is. I think with what is known about him and what was posted here about American Renaissance,that if true, there was a good chance he was manipulated into doing this while the real players stay out of sight.
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Golden Member
Apr 22, 2001
And here is some more copy paste garbage from their website.

The AR Reader’s Guide

We have selected some of the best articles from American Renaissance. Click on any linked heading to read more about the following subjects:
The Philosophy of Race Realism

What we call race realism is what was considered traditional common sense until perhaps the 1950s. It is a body of views that was so taken for granted it had no name, but it can be summarized as follows: That race is an important aspect of individual and group identity, that different races build different societies that reflect their natures, and that it is entirely normal for whites (or for people of any other race) to want to be the majority race in their own homeland. If whites permit themselves to become a minority population, they will lose their civilization, their heritage, and even their existence as a distinct people.

All other groups take it for granted that they have a right to speak out in their own interests. Only whites have lost this conviction.
Race and IQ

One of the most destructive myths of modern times is that people of all races have the same average intelligence. It is widely accepted that genes account for much of the difference in intelligence between individuals, but many people still refuse to believe genes explain group differences in average intelligence. This blindness leads to futile attempts to eliminate “learning gaps” between the races and forces whites to accept the view that if blacks and Hispanics are less successful than whites, it is because of white “racism.”
Racial Consciousness

Racial loyalty or racial consciousness is normal and healthy. All non-white groups instinctively pursue their own interests, and legitimately so. It is only whites who have been taught that it is immoral to take even the most basic steps to ensure their survival.

AR has published several key articles on the significance of racial consciousness as well as studies of how people of various races express that consciousness.

For anyone brought up on the cartoon history taught in American schools, it is a surprise to learn what really happened in the past. The egalitarian left unabashedly distorts history in the name of orthodoxy. It is our job to resurrect the truth.
First-Person Accounts

Some of the most powerful writing in AR is by ordinary people describing their everyday experiences with non-whites. Each of these accounts — which could never be published in a mainstream publication — is a compelling story about the continuing tragedy of multi-racialism.
Race and the Law

The legal framework of the United States has changed almost unrecognizably with regard to race. School integration, “civil rights,” racial preferences, the franchise — all have evolved in ways that undermine the ability of whites to lead their lives as they wish. The record in this area is a triumph of ideology over common sense, justice, and the Constitution.
Crime and Disorder

When there is demographic change, the entire texture of life changes. One of the most obvious consequences of an increase in the black population is an increase in crime.

Race realists have a great advantage over those who push egalitarian orthodoxy: We accept what science says about race and genetics, and are eager for further discoveries. The more progress science makes the more secure our positions become.
Immigration and the Demographic Transformation

The single greatest threat facing whites is mass immigration of non-whites into white homelands. If it continues, whites will become a minority in the United States before mid-century. Britain, Canada, and Australia will also lose their white majorities. The culture of the West will not survive the disappearance of the people who created it.
Race Realism in a World Perspective

In every white nation it is only a minority that recognizes the crisis we face and fights for national preservation. A number of European countries, which are not hampered by slogans like “we are a nation of immigrants” and that do not have slavery to apologize for, are defending themselves better than we are.
The Reality of Race

It has become fashionable to argue that race is some kind of sociological illusion and not a valid biological classification. No one really believes this any more than he believes that the differences between Dachshunds and Saint Bernards are sociological rather than biological. Still, the reality of race is a basic point that must occasionally be made, and AR has published excellent articles to refute this silliness.
Integration Report

Frank accounts of racial encounters most of us will never have — and never hope to have. This kind of writing is not available anywhere in the mainstream press, and represents some of the best material that AR publishes.

thanks bro, this is heavy, it is a slap in the face to the American Indians.
May 11, 2008
That's what government is to people like you who believe it has a place in every aspect of our lives. I do not. I believe government should play a very limited role in our society; certainly a much smaller part than it does now. The welfare and regulatory state has grown to such a degree that it is doing more harm than good to the advancement and benefit of society.

I know you do not realize it, but that is the same goal of any intelligent person who believes in democracy to have as little rules as possible. But this is only possible when people respect and care for each other. Look at the news about what happens around the world.

Another point is we elect people to be in the government because we our selfs have work to do. We have to keep the country going. Food on the table. Markets must stay alive. New inventions must be created and technological progress must continue to happen to prevent downfall.
And we want to all those things without stealing it from others, no we work hard for it our selves. And that is what you cannot see at all. That when you are at work, you cannot rule the country. Except if it is your job afcourse. Do you not have to work ? Do you not realize that when you are at work, you do not have time for politics if you do not have a profession in politics ? That is why the government is a representation of the people and their wishes.

It is people who break rules that laws are needed for. Do you have a problem with your short term memory ? Silly laws are needed because of people who are unable to think in shades of grey.

And another point :
And those same people who claim that the government should not
interfere with their lives are the same people who will blame the government when these people themselves do not think and as a result from that a disaster or other problem happens. It is because of the anti social behavior of a small part of the people that the government wants to interfere with the lives of people. That to accomplish that on average everybody is happy.

And in the other scenario where the government actually is intrusive, it is usually people with a certain attitude similar as you and your buddies present. And that is why i call you a dictator and a communist. I have the right to do so because in your eyes i am an collectivist. The only difference is that i say we vote on it, and you say, well it is pretty obvious what you say between the lines...

Actually, no, you're the one forcing your beliefs on others by advocating the full force and credit of government for every decision in life. My refusal to compromise with you on certain things isn't an example of me forcing my beliefs on you or anyone else... it's me saying "No" to your government-imposed nannying.

Unlike you, I don't seek to use the power of government to make people's personal choices for them. That is what dictators do.

Let me just put it bluntly. You do not want democracy, you do not want to comprise. And if people do not do what you want to do... What happens then ? You proudly show your guns and give the message : "If you not do what i want, i will use this !"

And see what happens, people with psychological problems take that message seriously. This thread is filled with hate remarks and conservatists who have a jihad against people who just want a little more peace. Conservatists that have a jihad against the government. You are no more different then some fundamental terrorist group who has the following message : "If you not do what i want, i will use this !" . Your way of thinking is proto-terrorism. It is fueling paranoid people. And that is another thing what you not see.

Do you take the www.eutimes .net seriously ?
Or do you agree it is a US based website by an extreme right wing US citizen spewing hatred and division amongst people ?
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Jun 19, 2000
That's scary. I do some work for one of our ex-Ambassadors and I wanted to find a picture of his little dog to show my wife. Pulling up his name on google put him on a list of our JEWISH TRAITORS.

Like during the World Wars and other crisis in history, people want to create someone to blame it on. Based on light reading some people believe there is a shift to a Jewish government like our banking and entertainment industry has. Their agenda is to use the US to wipe out the Muslims.

It was pretty nutty. The basis is there are only about 2% Jews out there yet they are much more highly profilic in managing our President/offices.

America is looking for someone to blame, Hitler got buy-in against the Jews during his day; maybe we are heading that way again.

I think we are heading for a world-wide cataclysmic event whether it's rapture, a meteor, some bio warfare is debatable; i think one day everyone is just going to turn on each other like when there are too many rats in one cage.
We're turning on each other right now and the evidence is here before us. It's evident at every winger blog, the NYT, the major networks - everywhere.

A politician gets shot and immediately blame must be assessed on a group, a party, whomever is convenient. No need to wait for information, no need to wait for facts.

At this point it cannot be disputed that this guy has mental health issues. It matters not. There are other reasons he committed this heinous crime in the minds of too many and it's going to get screamed to the rafters until the cows come home.

Yes, we eventually will turn against each other on a much more intense level.

The end result of this shooting, because it has become our nature to overreact to nearly everything, is that the taxpayers will be footing the bill for SS protection for every member of Congress. It will be 24/7, traveling with them at all times. It will be expanded to include the key members of their staff and so on and so forth over time. The fact that this was one isolated incident committed by a severely mentally ill individual will matter not in the slightest.
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