Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona

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Jul 28, 2006
I know it's asking too much, but if he is found guilty of the shooting by a jury, can we please then execute him a year later? None of this 'wait 3 decades while we pay for your life expenses' BS.
He is crazy, he will never hit the chair.

Instead we get to pay for him to spend the rest of his life in a home for the insane.


Jul 28, 2006
just shooting a politician is political statment.
Hinckley shot Reagan in order to impress Jodie Foster, what kind of political statement was that??

By general definition crazy people are not responsible for their actions and this guy certainly seems crazy.

Now I do think that his target pick was politically motivated, it was probably not a left vs. right decision, but more of just the fact that she was a politician. I am sure that in his mind she slighted him in some way.
May 11, 2008
We're turning on each other right now and the evidence is here before us. It's evident at every winger blog, the NYT, the major networks - everywhere.

A politician gets shot and immediately blame must be assessed on a group, a party, whomever is convenient. No need to wait for information, no need to wait for facts.

At this point it cannot be disputed that this guy has mental health issues. It matters not. There are other reasons he committed this heinous crime in the minds of too many and it's going to get screamed to the rafters until the cows come home.

Yes, we eventually will turn against each other on a much more intense level.

The end result of this shooting, because it has become our nature to overreact to nearly everything, is that the taxpayers will be footing the bill for SS protection for every member of Congress. It will be 24/7, traveling with them at all times. It will be expanded to include the key members of their staff and so on and so forth over time. The fact that this was one isolated incident committed by a severely mentally ill individual will matter not in the slightest.

Is it so strange ? I mean, you people are fueling your own paranoid idea's. With people who spew hatred amongst others. Strengthening the paranoid delusions. And if the government wants to do something about it because people ask of this, suddenly the government is evil and all sort of conspiracy theories rise. The grey aliens or bloodsucking reptiles amaze me the most. How is it possible i ask my self that people actually believe a plot cooked up to hide the true reason of that balloon at Roswell ? More then 400 spy balloons to spy over the USSR where deployed and it is highly likely that the Roswell weather balloon had something to do with the research of designing the spy balloons.

CIA/NSA Innovation
In the mid-1950s, the CIA launched Project Genetrix: They flew high altitude balloons—with 350lb cameras as their payloads—across the Soviet Union. They simply popped the balloons up into the jet stream and hoped the balloons would come out at the other end of the Soviet Union.

But as the CIA was tracking these balloons with radar, it was also picking up an unexpected Soviet radar signal. Eventually the CIA figured out that they were getting this signal because a piece of metal in the balloon was accidentally cut to the frequency of a Soviet height-finding radar and that signal was being picked up in our receiving radar.

This lucky accident spawned Project melody. Every time the Soviets launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the CIA sent up radar receivers in Iran. And we used the Soviets' own missile telemetry beacon to steer those radars. So every Soviet radar within a thousand miles bounced off the Soviet ICBM, and the CIA tracked their reflections. This bit of espionage provided intercepts of all Soviet missile tracking radars including all their anti-ballistic missile radars. These receivers were built and designed at Stanford.

In the late 1950s, the Soviets had upgraded their early warning radar to the Tall King. The CIA and Strategic Air Command wanted to know where these radars were and how many there were

The idea of alien reptiles just come from a 1980 series called V.

Only because of the lack wanting to use to use the brain.


Jun 19, 2000
Is it so strange ? I mean, you people are fueling your own paranoid idea's. With people who spew hatred amongst others. Strengthening the paranoid delusions. And if the government wants to do something about it because people ask of this, suddenly the government is evil and all sort of conspiracy theories rise. The grey aliens or bloodsucking reptiles amaze me the most. How is it possible i ask my self that people actually believe a plot cooked up to hide the true reason of that balloon at Roswell ? More then 400 spy balloons to spy over the USSR where deployed and it is highly likely that the Roswell weather balloon had something to do with the research of designing the spy balloons.

The idea of alien reptiles just come from a 1980 series called V.

Only because of the lack wanting to use to use the brain.
You lost me at "you people". Putz.


Oct 29, 2003
I know you do not realize it, but that is the same goal of any intelligent person who believes in democracy to have as little rules as possible. But this is only possible when people respect and care for each other. Look at the news about what happens around the world.

The vast majority of people do respect and care for each other, and that's not just because of laws. But you cannot enforce respect and care for your peers via government decree. The only lasting actions are those we recognize for ourselves as being in our best interests, both short and long-term.. and not just the interest of avoiding incarceration or other government imposed penalties.

Another point is we elect people to be in the government because we our selfs have work to do. We have to keep the country going. Food on the table. Markets must stay alive. New inventions must be created and technological progress must continue to happen to prevent downfall.

The government doesn't put food on the table, keep markets alive, or foster new inventions. It also doesn't make the trains run on time, contrary to what you likely believe, Benito.

It is people who break rules that laws are needed for. Do you have a problem with your short term memory ? Silly laws are needed because of people who are unable to think in shades of grey.

Silly laws are notoriously ineffective at curbing many behaviors. I remember prohibition being particularly ineffective. So too is the war on drugs.

On the flip side, abortion... in spite of being generally legal... has been on the decline for decades. It's a significant demonstration of a free society curbing undesirable behavior on its own.. without government saying "don't do it".

And another point :
And those same people who claim that the government should not
interfere with their lives are the same people who will blame the government when these people themselves do not think and as a result from that a disaster or other problem happens.

I neither adhere to nor condone what you suggest. I do not blame others for the consequences of my actions (or inactions), nor do I think anyone else should do so.

It is because of the anti social behavior of a small part of the people that the government wants to interfere with the lives of people. That to accomplish that on average everybody is happy.

Action to prevent or correct the actions of few at the expense of the rights and liberties of the many is unjust and the quintessential example of an abusive and tyrannical government.

And in the other scenario where the government actually is intrusive, it is usually people with a certain attitude similar as you and your buddies present. And that is why i call you a dictator and a communist. I have the right to do so because in your eyes i am an collectivist. The only difference is that i say we vote on it, and you say, well it is pretty obvious what you say between the lines...

You have that backwards. Intrusive government is sobriety checkpoints (assumed guilt without probable cause), bans on the sale of toys with fast food meals, the FCC's "decency rules", mandatory health insurance, and many more examples of government sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. All of these, coincidentally, are advocated by the Left in general and Democrats in particular.

Let me just put it bluntly. You do not want democracy, you do not want to comprise. And if people do not do what you want to do... What happens then ? You proudly show your guns and give the message : "If you not do what i want, i will use this !"

If people don't want what I want, that's it. There's nothing more to be done or to be said. Their refusal is their right... but it is also my right to keep my beliefs in spite of their disagreement.

And see what happens, people with psychological problems take that message seriously. This thread is filled with hate remarks and conservatists who have a jihad against people who just want a little more peace. Conservatists that have a jihad against the government. You are no more different then some fundamental terrorist group who has the following message : "If you not do what i want, i will use this !" . Your way of thinking is proto-terrorism. It is fueling paranoid people. And that is another thing what you not see.

Hyperbole is strong in you. You also appear to know nothing about brevity. Every post of yours is a wall of text filled with irrelevancies and sentences that are too long. You should be more concise.
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Mar 5, 2001
I think Palin posting that map was very unfortunate and stupid of her but I doubt this kid was influenced by her. Hell, he had told an aquantance that he thought Gifford wasn't very intelligent, imagine the disdain he'd have for Palin with her dumb as a box of rocks folksy bullshit she spews? I wouldn't doubt if given the choice he'd have tried to shoot Palin over Gifford if just for the notoriety seeing what an insanw bastard he is

And if you think his shooting of Gifford, the Federal judge and the other poor innocent victims is a tragedy imagine how bad it would be for America if someone were to shoot and possibly kill Palin? That'd make her a martry for the Wingers and the last thing America needs is for someone like Palin to be made a martyr. I think there should be an armed guard around her and her family 24 hrs a day just to make sure something like that doesn't happen.

Some people think Palin is a genius and only has problems because the "lamestream" media has portrayed her falsely.
May 11, 2008
You lost me at "you people". Putz.

That was a bit of a generalization , i apologize for that. I should have clearly mentioned all the hatred spewing individuals in the US.

No need to swear, or are you one of those simpletons too ?
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Mar 5, 2001

He is completely off the deep end. Look at the videos he made on mind control. He was a sick individual that probably needed help. Palin didn't cause that. The teapa...rty didn't cause that. Gun Control didn't cause that. Republicans didn't cause that. Democrats didn't cause that. It was a mentally ill individual.

You can find the same shit on some Tea Party websites. You can see the same screed about control through the left controlled "lamestream media". You can find distrust of the government, cries for unconstitutionality of many laws, and the cries for gold base currencies on many Tea Party supporters websites or rallies.

Look at somebody like Nemesis_1, he seems to run around screaming about the same type of stuff day after day.

If you want to go ahead and label a huge part of the Tea Party as insane for those reasons, great, thanks, it just proves our point.


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2005
The government doesn't put food on the table, keep markets alive, or foster new inventions. It also doesn't make the trains run on time, contrary to what you likely believe, Benito.

Silly laws are notoriously ineffective at curbing many behaviors. I remember prohibition being particularly ineffective. So too is the war on drugs.

I think you are quite right on this. I believe gov. shouldn't be involved in free market activities because it's the market's job to figure things out and innovate through competition. However, I do believe it's gov. job to ensure only legitimate company survive, otherwise some company can cheat investors/customers by cutting corners, falsify earning reports etc. or like Madof ponzy scheme. All of that will drive legitimate company out of businesses, and isn't good for competition or innovation. So government do have a role to play here.

You have that backwards. Intrusive government is sobriety checkpoints (assumed guilt without probable cause), bans on the sale of toys with fast food meals, the FCC's "decency rules", mandatory health insurance, and many more examples of government sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. All of these, coincidentally, are advocated by the Left in general and Democrats in particular.

I think people should have the right to determine what they want to do with their own health and body. I think it's better to impose such laws as advisories not as a law. But even Dem isn't the only one using laws to dictate what people can/cannot do with themselves. Rep wants to pass anti-abortion laws that control if someone can or cannot perform abortion on themselves. I don't think gov. has a say in that either. It's individual freedom.
May 11, 2008
The vast majority of people do respect and care for each other, and that's not just because of laws. But you cannot enforce respect and care for your peers via government decree. The only lasting actions are those we recognize for ourselves as being in our best interests, both short and long-term.. and not just the interest of avoiding incarceration or other government imposed penalties.

If people where more able to control themselves, there would be no need for laws. Because they think before they act. Laws are needed for people who act first and think later. You read like an Ayn Rand follower and those people are to say at least a bit misguided and only believe in utopia.

The government doesn't put food on the table, keep markets alive, or foster new inventions. It also doesn't make the trains run on time, contrary to what you likely believe, Benito.

Once again proof that you cannot read. Because i clearly stated that the people do the work and the government is a representation of the wishes of the people. The government is only there for the people. To protect the group against the individual.

Silly laws are notoriously ineffective at curbing many behaviors. I remember prohibition being particularly ineffective. So too is the war on drugs.

On the flip side, abortion... in spite of being generally legal... has been on the decline for decades. It's a significant demonstration of a free society curbing undesirable behavior on its own.. without government saying "don't do it".

You are confusing entirely different matters with each other. You war on drugs is a problem that is comprised of many different sub problems. It is not 1 problem but several problems. But i do worry that you are also a kind of individual who is a proponent of legalizing all forms of drugs...

I neither adhere to nor condone what you suggest. I do not blame others for the consequences of my actions (or inactions), nor do I think anyone else should do so.

Well, are you proud of yourself. That is something we all do as responsible people. But i doubt you are true to your words.

Action to prevent or correct the actions of few at the expense of the rights and liberties of the many is unjust and the quintessential example of an abusive and tyrannical government.

I think you have been hanging to much with the mind controller. You sound like a well trained communist. You exactly produce what you are taught.

You have that backwards. Intrusive government is sobriety checkpoints (assumed guilt without probable cause), bans on the sale of toys with fast food meals, the FCC's "decency rules", mandatory health insurance, and many more examples of government sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. All of these, coincidentally, are advocated by the Left in general and Democrats in particular.
That is your point of view on it. In reality again these are all separate problems and cannot be so easily seen as one and the same problem. Again, you think to much black and white. You think you see a similarity (oh noes the government) and as such it is all the same.

If people don't want what I want, that's it. There's nothing more to be done or to be said. Their refusal is their right... but it is also my right to keep my beliefs in spite of their disagreement.

Go back to your cages then and live in the woods. Because with your logic, nothing would have ever changed for the better in this world.

Hyperbole is strong in you. You also appear to know nothing about brevity. Every post of yours is a wall of text filled with irrelevancies and sentences that are too long. You should be more concise.

Well, if you are unable to follow it and do not properly read, i cannot help it.
You can always address a single subject and i can explain it or i cannot explain it.

The end issue remains the same.
May 11, 2008
I think you are quite right on this. I believe gov. shouldn't be involved in free market activities because it's the market's job to figure things out and innovate through competition. However, I do believe it's gov. job to ensure only legitimate company survive, otherwise some company can cheat investors/customers by cutting corners, falsify earning reports etc. or like Madof ponzy scheme. All of that will drive legitimate company out of businesses, and isn't good for competition or innovation. So government do have a role to play here.

Exactly my view as well. And if the government stimulates certain progress with the use of grants because it is for the greater good, then that is also ok. But imho only if it is done as i proposed.

I think people should have the right to determine what they want to do with their own health and body. I think it's better to impose such laws as advisories not as a law. But even Dem isn't the only one using laws to dictate what people can/cannot do with themselves. Rep wants to pass anti-abortion laws that control if someone can or cannot perform abortion on themselves. I don't think gov. has a say in that either. It's individual freedom.

Indeed it is. This i agree to 100%. And if for example an insurance company mentions that it will not pay for certain medical treatment because the person is abusing their bodies on purpose because of drugs, smoking, overweigth or excessive alcohol then this must also be possible.
Because it is the responsibility of the person. And that person must not shove the responsibility of to an insurance company.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2010
You can find the same shit on some Tea Party websites. You can see the same screed about control through the left controlled "lamestream media". You can find distrust of the government, cries for unconstitutionality of many laws, and the cries for gold base currencies on many Tea Party supporters websites or rallies.

Look at somebody like Nemesis_1, he seems to run around screaming about the same type of stuff day after day.

If you want to go ahead and label a huge part of the Tea Party as insane for those reasons, great, thanks, it just proves our point.

So what if one group talked about laws being unconstitutional and gold backed currencies, do you want to silence that speech or what? Whats your point?

You can find lots of shit on lots of websites from lots of groups on the internet, you're focusing on one group because you disagree with them. The only evidence you have is that he used some words like gold and unconstitutional. You're selectively choosing evidence to fit your political view.


Jul 1, 2004
What irks me is the hypocrisy. What definition of freedom is he portraying when he takes a gun and attempts to assassinate people with whom he disagrees? That's not any kind of freedom, that's just plain tyranny.


Mar 5, 2001
So what if one group talked about laws being unconstitutional and gold backed currencies, do you want to silence that speech or what? Whats your point?

You can find lots of shit on lots of websites from lots of groups on the internet, you're focusing on one group because you disagree with them. The only evidence you have is that he used some words like gold and unconstitutional. You're selectively choosing evidence to fit your political view.

Did I ever say that I wanted to silence the speech?

My point is that Beck, Bachmann, Angle, O'Donnel, Palin, have all frothed the Teabaggers up. For what purpose? Obviously not because they actually believe in it.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2010
Did I ever say that I wanted to silence the speech?

My point is that Beck, Bachmann, Angle, O'Donnel, Palin, have all frothed the Teabaggers up. For what purpose? Obviously not because they actually believe in it.

No, you never did, thats why I was asking you.

Its perfectly fine to get people riled up to go out and vote and go to rallies etc, but not so far as using physical force or "2nd amendment remedies" or that kind of shit, that I disagree with wholeheartedly.


Oct 29, 2003
If people where more able to control themselves, there would be no need for laws. Because they think before they act. Laws are needed for people who act first and think later. You read like an Ayn Rand follower and those people are to say at least a bit misguided and only believe in utopia.

All people are never going to be able to "control themselves".. think first and act later. But that's okay. 100% of the people in a free society don't have to behave a certain way. Rather than look at the actions of the extreme minority and run to the arms of government for the solution, we should accept the fact that there always was and always will be risks in a free society.. and that life never was and never will be entirely fair. Hysteria about rare events, however horrible those events may be, never leads to good decisions.. by individuals or by government.

Once again proof that you cannot read. Because i clearly stated that the people do the work and the government is a representation of the wishes of the people. The government is only there for the people. To protect the group against the individual.

No, wrong. The government is not there to protect group rights. It is there to protect individual rights. We each, as citizens, have rights. Just because, collectively, we all have the same rights doesn't mean the government is more an advocate of the majority than of the minority or the individual.

You are confusing entirely different matters with each other. You war on drugs is a problem that is comprised of many different sub problems. It is not 1 problem but several problems. But i do worry that you are also a kind of individual who is a proponent of legalizing all forms of drugs...

Yes, I am such a proponent. I don't need a law to tell me many drugs are bad, and neither do the vast majority of people.

Well, are you proud of yourself. That is something we all do as responsible people. But i doubt you are true to your words.

Of course you doubt it... because you're someone on the Internet.

I think you have been hanging to much with the mind controller. You sound like a well trained communist. You exactly produce what you are taught.

Go ahead and talk about yourself, if you must.

That is your point of view on it. In reality again these are all separate problems and cannot be so easily seen as one and the same problem. Again, you think to much black and white. You think you see a similarity (oh noes the government) and as such it is all the same.

Of course they're all separate problems. The difference between you and me, it would seem, is from what point of view we start when approaching problems. You start from the initial belief that laws and government are good, proper, and essential tools to prevent or address problems... only to concede the opposite when substantial evidence is presented.

I, on the other hand, start from the initial belief that laws and government are not good, proper and, above all, essential tools to prevent or address problems.. only to concede the opposite when substantial evidence is presented.

Go back to your cages then and live in the woods. Because with your logic, nothing would have ever changed for the better in this world.

No. I have as much of a right to be here as you or anyone else.

Well, if you are unable to follow it and do not properly read, i cannot help it.
You can always address a single subject and i can explain it or i cannot explain it.

The end issue remains the same.

I can follow it just fine. You're just far too often hyperbolic and unnecessarily verbose. If it were spoken out loud it would no doubt come across as grandstanding.
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Oct 29, 2003
I think you are quite right on this. I believe gov. shouldn't be involved in free market activities because it's the market's job to figure things out and innovate through competition. However, I do believe it's gov. job to ensure only legitimate company survive, otherwise some company can cheat investors/customers by cutting corners, falsify earning reports etc. or like Madof ponzy scheme. All of that will drive legitimate company out of businesses, and isn't good for competition or innovation. So government do have a role to play here.

Yes, one of the only proper places the government has in a free market is to prevent fraud and prosecute those who commit it.

I think people should have the right to determine what they want to do with their own health and body. I think it's better to impose such laws as advisories not as a law. But even Dem isn't the only one using laws to dictate what people can/cannot do with themselves. Rep wants to pass anti-abortion laws that control if someone can or cannot perform abortion on themselves. I don't think gov. has a say in that either. It's individual freedom.

Of course.. the Right deserves its own share of the blame for such actions of government. I talk about those things quite often in other threads.


Dec 11, 2006
You can find the same shit on some Tea Party websites. You can see the same screed about control through the left controlled "lamestream media".

Like the left does with Foxnews? I bet that is different though.

Psst, big corporations have self interests and that includes big media corporations (shocker, I know).

You can find distrust of the government

Like the left when Bush/Cheney were in office? I bet that is different as well.

Psst, blind trust of the .gov is even dumber.

cries for unconstitutionality of many laws

Like the left (and some of the right) on things like the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, etc...? Different too?

psst, some laws are unconstitutional. That is kinda why we have that 3rd branch of government which includes a body you might have heard of before, the Supreme Court.

and the cries for gold base currencies on many Tea Party supporters websites or rallies.

Ok, that one is actually dumb but with our current monetary policy its not difficult to understand why some people are drawn to it.

If you want to go ahead and label a huge part of the Tea Party as insane for those reasons, great, thanks, it just proves our point.

Both sides, imo, are fucking insane.


Mar 5, 2001
What irks me is the hypocrisy. What definition of freedom is he portraying when he takes a gun and attempts to assassinate people with whom he disagrees? That's not any kind of freedom, that's just plain tyranny.

It's the same tyranny that Angle or Bachmann advocated. It's the same tyranny that Beck attempts to incite when he creates The Big Lie that he continually harps on (the Progressives are taking over your country, I won't be the one to fall, I will resist!). It's the same tyranny that Palin advocates.

I was having a discussion with a friend on facebook when another guy came into the thread. He went on about how the "slime progressives" are nothing more than communists and any government bigger than a few thousand federal workers was "progressive". He said that any monopoly was government created (even natural monopolies) and "progressive". All "progressives" were akin to Mao, Hitler, or Stalin, and needed to be eliminated from the government. He won't discuss with them, they are merely the enemy. There is no compromising with these people, they deserve no voice in government. He is a huge supporter of Beck, Palin, and Bachmann (he's from MN).

What's actually a bit frightening is that you see some of the same attitudes on here. Anybody left of me is left and "slime". Unfortunately, these types of teabaggers are on the 10% of population statistic, so 90% of everybody else is a "progressive". This attitude isn't one of somebody mentally ill, but of somebody who has been indoctrinated to believe that anybody who isn't 100% aligned with their beliefs are the enemy.

That's sure as hell tyranny, but do you really think Beck, Palin, Bachmann, Angle, O'Donnel really care?


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
psst, some laws are unconstitutional. That is kinda why we have that 3rd branch of government which includes a body you might have heard of before, the Supreme Court.
Easily dismissed because the judges are activists legislating from the bench.


Dec 11, 2006
Did I ever say that I wanted to silence the speech?

My point is that Beck, Bachmann, Angle, O'Donnel, Palin, have all frothed the Teabaggers up. For what purpose? Obviously not because they actually believe in it.

To get elected and/or make money. I really had to tell you that?


Diamond Member
May 18, 2007
No, you never did, thats why I was asking you.

Its perfectly fine to get people riled up to go out and vote and go to rallies etc, but not so far as using physical force or "2nd amendment remedies" or that kind of shit, that I disagree with wholeheartedly.

The first amendment protects the press from government oppression. It gives citizens the right to petition government and assembly PEACEFULLY. It doesn't mean you get to go around saying whatever you want and not being held responsible for the consequences. Classic example: shouting fire in a building that is not on fire is a felony.

Those who use demagogy to incite baser emotions such as fear and anger need to be held to a higher standard. This is not a partisan issue, both sides have gone WAY too far. These people are, or aspire to be, leaders. It promotes dehumanization of "the enemy," and people stop being seen as human begins and start being seen as objects. Dehumanization of others is one of the first steps towards anti-social (i.e., sociopathological) behavior.

There are also plenty of sociology studies that show that people, even good people, will inflict serious harm upon another, up to the point of death, if they are being told to do so by an "authority figure."

First amendment rights also do not prohibit other citizens, including those are elected officials, from DENOUNCING demagogy. In fact as leaders it should be their responsibility, but for far too long members of BOTH parties have been happy to allow it to occur unchecked for their own self-interest.

The type of rhetoric that has been flying around our politics is extremely dangerous. It has been steadily getting worse for about 25 years now. At best, it leads to a breakdown of civil discussion, which you see evidenced on this forum every single day. At worst, it leads to death. Our country has a long, and sad, history of political assassination and our political atmosphere is at least partially responsible.

Do I think it's Keith Olbermann or Rush Limbaugh's fault that this happened? No. But until people realize their rhetoric is part of the problem and TURN OFF THE DAMN ENTERTAINMENT our country will continue repeating the past.
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