Connecticut School shooting!

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Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
SheHateMe, what laws do you propose that would have stopped this massacre?

Lets has Gun license. Mom buys guns. Mom has mentally ill son....

Mentally ill son kills mom with her own gun collection, son steals mom's car, arrives at mom's job. Son armed with two firearms and a rifle waiting in the trunk...son murders 26 people.

Please, tell me how this would have panned out if he didn't have any guns.

I'll wait for you to cook up some awesome story about him shanking everyone in the school or using a pitchfork to murder children as they come in from Recess.

All this Gun violence is disgusting regardless if the guns were obtained illegally or legally. I'm sick of people dying by some asshole with a gun.


Jun 23, 2004
Hell, I'll answer, we assault the Bill of Rights.

Lets has Gun license. Mom buys guns. Mom has mentally ill son....

Is that what happened, those were hers? Sounds like stopping the mentally ill from owning a gun wouldn't have done a damn thing then.

Guns, gotta grab 'em all!
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Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
When you pierce the pro gun argument at its most simple terms, it is the attempt by cowards to assuage their fears. It is a cowards reign to own a gun in the home of the brave. Either were a nation of cowards or were not. The dark fantasy of fighting off your neighbor who is some government killer, whether it be absurd American styled nazism, the United States Military, Russians, whatever is the epitome of fear itself!

This is what is going to happen in the next few years. We as a society will no longer cater to the white male minority and their deluded hallmarks of freedom. Their delusions are a fringe element that is powerless. We drag these men out of the bunkers of fear that are their minds. Bring them into society and scold them out of their barbarity. At long last the opportunity costs of living under a frightened armed nation will disappear over night.


Apr 12, 2004
Lets has Gun license. Mom buys guns. Mom has mentally ill son....

Mentally ill son kills mom with her own gun collection, son steals mom's car, arrives at mom's job. Son armed with two firearms and a rifle waiting in the trunk...son murders 26 people.

Please, tell me how this would have panned out if he didn't have any guns.

I'll wait for you to cook up some awesome story about him shanking everyone in the school or using a pitchfork to murder children as they come in from Recess.

All this Gun violence is disgusting regardless if the guns were obtained illegally or legally. I'm sick of people dying by some asshole with a gun.

I didn't say that he would have been as effective in killing so many people with a knife. The point is that in this particular case, it is fallacious to assume you could prevent him from obtaining guns considering that they were stolen from a family member in her home. You can be upset all you like about this, but there are thousands of tragedies that occur that you could cry over as well, and most of them aren't feasibly prevented. Mentally ill individuals are the problem here; go after them for the best chance of reducing these attacks.


Platinum Member
Mar 18, 2005
When you pierce the pro gun argument at its most simple terms, it is the attempt by cowards to assuage their fears. It is a cowards reign to own a gun in the home of the brave. Either were a nation of cowards or were not. The dark fantasy of fighting off your neighbor who is some government killer, whether it be absurd American styled nazism, the United States Military, Russians, whatever is the epitome of fear itself!

This is what is going to happen in the next few years. We as a society will no longer cater to the white male minority and their deluded hallmarks of freedom. Their delusions are a fringe element that is powerless. We drag these men out of the bunkers of fear that are their minds. Bring them into society and scold them out of their barbarity. At long last the opportunity costs of living under a frightened armed nation will disappear over night.

Because anyone who disagrees with the supposed benevolence of the Total State is a fearful white Nazi.

Also the irony of criticizing the "barbarity" of government skeptics when government has a gun kill count multiplied a million-fold. Especially when these mass shooters have zero association with the pro-2A movement. The Clackamas mall shooter didn't even know how to use the AR-15 he stole.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
Hell, I'll answer, we assault the Bill of Rights.

Is that what happened, those were hers? Sounds like stopping the mentally ill from owning a gun wouldn't have done a damn thing then.

Guns, gotta grab 'em all!

All the guns were licensed to and purchased by her.

Hamburger doesn't think she was responsible for keeping her guns locked away from her mentally disturbed son because adult. Yep, that was the excuse. He's an adult.


Apr 12, 2004
When you pierce the pro gun argument at its most simple terms, it is the attempt by cowards to assuage their fears. It is a cowards reign to own a gun in the home of the brave. Either were a nation of cowards or were not. The dark fantasy of fighting off your neighbor who is some government killer, whether it be absurd American styled nazism, the United States Military, Russians, whatever is the epitome of fear itself!

This is what is going to happen in the next few years. We as a society will no longer cater to the white male minority and their deluded hallmarks of freedom. Their delusions are a fringe element that is powerless. We drag these men out of the bunkers of fear that are their minds. Bring them into society and scold them out of their barbarity. At long last the opportunity costs of living under a frightened armed nation will disappear over night.

When you pierce the anti gun argument at its most simple terms, it is the attempt by predators to loot and rape people. It is a deviant's reign to prevent others from owning a gun in the home of the brave. Either we're a nation of rapists or we're not. The dark fantasy of fighting your neighbor who is some member of privileged class, whether it be absurd American styled corporatism, the United States middle class, Asian-American store owners, whatever is the epitome of brigandage itself!

This is what is going to happen in the next few years. We as a society will no longer cater to the librul minority and their deluded fantasies of deviancy. Their delusions are a fringe element that is despicable. We drag these men out of the bunkers of predation that are their minds. Bring them into society and scold them out of their barbarity. At long last the opportunity costs of living under an unarmed nation will disappear over night.


Jun 23, 2004
Who needs a gun?

The Bath School disaster is the name given to three bombings in Bath Township, Michigan, on May 18, 1927, which killed 38 elementary school children, two teachers, four other adults and the bomber himself; at least 58 people were injured. Most of the victims were children in the second to sixth grades (7–11 years of age)
Just because it's currently the path of least resistance doesn't mean they won't find another way.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
I didn't say that he would have been as effective in killing so many people with a knife. The point is that in this particular case, it is fallacious to assume you could prevent him from obtaining guns considering that they were stolen from a family member in her home. You can be upset all you like about this, but there are thousands of tragedies that occur that you could cry over as well, and most of them aren't feasibly prevented. Mentally ill individuals are the problem here; go after them for the best chance of reducing these attacks.

So once again. She was NOT responsible for securing her guns.


Its the kid's fault for being mentally unstable.

What will you guys come up with next?


Apr 12, 2004
All the guns were licensed to and purchased by her.

Hamburger doesn't think she was responsible for keeping her guns locked away from her mentally disturbed son because adult. Yep, that was the excuse. He's an adult.

If I steal a person's car and kill someone, is that person responsible?

So once again. She was NOT responsible for securing her guns.


Its the kid's fault for being mentally unstable.

What will you guys come up with next?

Correct on the first point. No easy answer to the second.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Firearms-related homicide killed 11,100 people last year.

2% of gun crime involves assault weapons. 98% involves plain jane handguns, rifles and shotguns. Less than 0.5% of all firearms-related homicides each year are the result of mass shootings.

Does anyone else think that 11,000 lives isn't that big of a deal? We lose 600,000 per year to heart disease, and 53,000 to the flu/pneumonia.

What's all the commotion about, really? Did people find a bandwagon to jump on today? Did some dead children make you care about an issue you really didn't give two sh1ts about yesterday?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
If I steal a person's car and kill someone, is that person responsible?

Correct on the first point. No easy answer to the second.

If you were my son and I knew you had issues, I would keep everything secure and away from you.

You are trying to argue as if they were strangers and that she didn't know him. Im pretty positive she was aware of her son's illness. Your attempt to spin by using anecdotes of "what if a stranger stole another strangers car and killed somebody?" doesn't even make sense.

It was ultimately HER responsibility to protect her guns from her son.

To answer your question, NO because it was a stranger who stole your how could you be responsible? On the other hand, having a mentally ill Son in your care and not being responsible for your own safety led to the deaths of 27 people today, including the gun owner.

But of course, its not her fault for her son being able to take 3 lethal weapons from her possession.


Jun 23, 2004

What's all the commotion about, really? Did people find a bandwagon to jump on today? Did some dead children make you care about an issue you really didn't give two sh1ts about yesterday?

Well... the media is a powerful Shepard of this flock of sheep. Myself included.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
Does anyone else think that 11,000 lives isn't that big of a deal? We lose 600,000 per year to heart disease, and 53,000 to the flu/pneumonia.

What's all the commotion about, really? Did people find a bandwagon to jump on today? Did some dead children make you care about an issue you really didn't give two sh1ts about yesterday?


How the hell could we not care about the shooting yesterday if it hadn't happened yet?

Can you please go tell the parents of those children "What's all the commotion about?".

This is the most disgusting comment I have seen about this tragedy all day..and from a Moderator.

Why care about some dead kids when somebody else is dying from Cancer or something?

Have a fucking heart.


Apr 12, 2004
If you were my son and I knew you had issues, I would keep everything secure and away from you.

You are trying to argue as if they were strangers and that she didn't know him. Im pretty positive she was aware of her son's illness. Your attempt to spin by using anecdotes of "what if a stranger stole another strangers car and killed somebody?" doesn't even make sense.

It was ultimately HER responsibility to protect her guns from her son.

To answer your question, NO because it was a stranger who stole your how could you be responsible? On the other hand, having a mentally ill Son in your care and not being responsible for your own safety led to the deaths of 27 people today, including the gun owner.

But of course, its not her fault for her son being able to take 3 lethal weapons from her possession.

I didn't use the word "stranger". You can try to "keep everything secure", but how do you expect to put that into law?

How does the anecdote not make sense? Cars are highly regulated and one must be subject to tests and purchase insurance to operate one on public roads. They even come with keys, and are quite capable of killing many people. Should a person whose car is stolen be culpable for any crimes committed from said car?

Ultimately a person should not be punished for being a victim of theft and murder.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
How the hell could we not care about the shooting yesterday if it hadn't happened yet?
Shootings happen daily. As I pointed out, 99.5% of them aren't mass shootings. I didn't see you so active yesterday about the subject. Are you openly admitting you only care about the headline grabbers, the other 99.5% of the dead be damned?

Can you please go tell the parents of those children "What's all the commotion about?".
I don't know them. I'm not going to pretend that my heart bleeds for these children, because I'm not a hypocrite who ignores a world full of death and destruction 364 days a year, and then pretends to weep when a child dies. Look around you, there are people in your own town who go hungry, suffer abuse, depression, commit suicide/murder. We gloss over those stories in the paper while sipping our coffee without blinking.

This is the most disgusting comment I have seen about this tragedy all day..and from a Moderator.
I retract everything I said. My heart, my soul, goes out to all the children suffering all over the world. Cue "Heal the World" by MJ.
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No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Firearms-related homicide killed 11,100 people last year.

2% of gun crime involves assault weapons. 98% involves plain jane handguns, rifles and shotguns. Less than 0.5% of all firearms-related homicides each year are the result of mass shootings.

Does anyone else think that 11,000 lives isn't that big of a deal? We lose 600,000 per year to heart disease, and 53,000 to the flu/pneumonia.

What's all the commotion about, really? Did people find a bandwagon to jump on today? Did some dead children make you care about an issue you really didn't give two sh1ts about yesterday?

To be fair, a lot of people DO care about this issue. But if they complain every single day about their issue then they sound like broken records and everyone stops paying attention, especially the media.
A big scandal or tragedy is as good a time as any to discuss these issues, because despite how much we claim to care and how shocked we are, most of us will have stopped discussing this in a week. Many will have completely forgotten a month from now.

I care about illegal immigration every minute of every day, but whenever I bring it up people tell me to shut my mouth. I have to wait until something makes people care and then I've got a limited window with their short attention span to get my points across.

AND: If I choose to abuse myself with drugs and junk food thats my business. If 100 million Americans make that choice its their business.
When you go on a killing spree your issues are now someone else's business, and not only is that news-worthy but its also when people will start discussing issues like mental health and gun control.


Oct 9, 1999

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Banning = infringing

I don't see where those Militia's where using 30 shot banana clips in their muzzle loading guns?


Oct 9, 1999
I think one of the only ways to prevent mass slaughter from crazy mofos like this is to have a Federal standard on facility Security. There has to be a better way to keep the crazy mofo's out of places where masses of people gather to make their sick statement.


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2009
I have not posted in awhile due to a new addition to my family, having "bans" on weapons is not going to solve anything. I was watching Peirs Morgan on CNN last night and was dumbfounded at his comments. He kept screaming at his guest saying England and Japan had great results with gun bans all the while the guest is saying those are island nations, and even then it didn't truthfully work.

This is a nation with over 300 million people, our borders are basically open. Anyone who wants a weapon can get one.

However being who I am and what I believe may or may not work looking over these past few decades most of these people were mentally unstable. In my opinion the Doctor Patient confidentiality for mental health needs to go right out the window.

It seems like all too often we hear about ALL of the signs being there and no law enforcement knew anything about it or it went right over their shoulder.
Nov 8, 2012
What I find hilarious is after a tragedy such as this - 9/11, v-tech, what have you - they (the liberals and their media bias) always want an answer to the problem. As if there is some magical utopia where all tragedies can be prevented It's never "How can we reduce the problem?" - which there are plenty of ways to do, such as eliminate the bullshit that doesn't allow legal citizens to carry in certain areas. But I digress - this is just another example of the lack of logic in liberals. There is no answer to this - there are ways to reduce risk, but you're a complete dumbass if you think there is an answer.

Oh and FYI - The state this tragedy happened in? Yea, of all the states it's one of the most HIGHLY REGULATED states when it comes to gun laws. So all the dumb fucks that think tighter laws are going to fix shit? Yeah, if anything this should be showing you're a complete dumbass.

Aside from government attaching devices to read our thoughts at all times - I don't think that is possible

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