Conservatives: What would you like the Congress to do now that it is held by R's.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
During these midterms, I probably missed it but didn't hear the GOP agenda if they won elections. So, I was wondering for all those who hoped the GOP would win or voted for the GOP; What were the top 3 things the GOP would accomplish once they got Power and the top 3 things you hoped the GOP would do now they are in Power.


May 24, 2004
From what I learned watching political ads, the Democrats want the Republicans to (1) oppress gays, (2) oppress women, & (3) oppress blacks. The Democrats seem like a nice group of people, I think those who voted do want to feel accepted by the Democrats.

The better topic of discussion here, is anyone asking interested more in learning about alternate viewpoints, or to find new material to reinforce their own personal anger?


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2000
1. Repeal Dodd/Frank and replace it with proven legislation in the Glass Steagall Act.
2. Either repeal or renegotiate NAFTA, GATT and CAFTA.
3. Put an end to fascistic Executive Orders. Only Congress can enact legislation.
4. Institute term limits for Congress
5. Confront China on trade relations


May 15, 2000
From what I learned watching political ads, the Democrats want the Republicans to (1) oppress gays, (2) oppress women, & (3) oppress blacks. The Democrats seem like a nice group of people, I think those who voted do want to feel accepted by the Democrats.

The better topic of discussion here, is anyone asking interested more in learning about alternate viewpoints, or to find new material to reinforce their own personal anger?

Oops! You must be in the wrong thread as your post has nothing to do with the OP's question. Can or will you answer the OP's question? I'm not very hopeful.


May 15, 2000
1. Repeal Dodd/Frank and replace it with proven legislation in the Glass Steagall Act.
2. Either repeal or renegotiate NAFTA, GATT and CAFTA.
3. Put an end to fascistic Executive Orders. Only Congress can enact legislation.
4. Institute term limits for Congress
5. Confront China on trade relations

I guessed I missed where they ran on that platform or is this just your wish list?

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
I consider myself a fiscal conservative; I would like to see less spending in areas that don't need it - like subsidies for corporations. Let them figure it out, let those million dollar salaries actually do some work and earn their salaries, instead of asking for hand outs.


Mar 19, 2007
I consider myself a fiscal conservative; I would like to see less spending in areas that don't need it - like subsidies for corporations. Let them figure it out, let those million dollar salaries actually do some work and earn their salaries, instead of asking for hand outs.

You would need to go a lot deeper than that to be a fiscal conservative. Besides, most subsidies for corporations are just reductions in what a corporation would have to pay in taxes.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
You would need to go a lot deeper than that to be a fiscal conservative. Besides, most subsidies for corporations are just reductions in what a corporation would have to pay in taxes.

Take care of the big fish 1st, then go after the kids eating government bought school lunches.


Jul 2, 2005
The reality is that without a supermajority (votes needed to end filibusters as well as override presidential veto), there's nothing the GOP can do to drive change. The only benefit to having the house and senate in gop hands is that they can do some maneuvering to put vulnerable democrats on the record for certain votes, and to pretty much block everything the idiot in the white house tries to do to minimize the further damage he can do to the country.

That's why there was no real agenda pushed by the GOP, they can't really push an agenda, the best you can hope for is to contain the damage done by the idiots in the administration, and to force them (when the time comes) to not appoint complete morons to scotus and appeals court positions.


Senior member
Jul 13, 2013
The better topic of discussion here, is anyone asking interested more in learning about alternate viewpoints, or to find new material to reinforce their own personal anger?

Then make your own thread. The OP was pretty specific and all you are doing is crapping which I have seen lately as a good enough reason for a mod to come make a bold addendum to your post. He didn't ask for much, 3 things they campaigned on and 3 things you would like to see happen. You are not alone, only one person has somewhat addressed the OP's questions.


Jan 28, 2002
The reality is that without a supermajority (votes needed to end filibusters as well as override presidential veto), there's nothing the GOP can do to drive change. The only benefit to having the house and senate in gop hands is that they can do some maneuvering to put vulnerable democrats on the record for certain votes, and to pretty much block everything the idiot in the white house tries to do to minimize the further damage he can do to the country.

That's why there was no real agenda pushed by the GOP, they can't really push an agenda, the best you can hope for is to contain the damage done by the idiots in the administration, and to force them (when the time comes) to not appoint complete morons to scotus and appeals court positions.

What a colossal cop out answer that is.


"They're going to do exactly what they've been doing for the last six years, because, well... that's all they can do."

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Oct 6, 2009
1. Repeal Dodd/Frank and replace it with proven legislation in the Glass Steagall Act.
2. Either repeal or renegotiate NAFTA, GATT and CAFTA.
3. Put an end to fascistic Executive Orders. Only Congress can enact legislation.
4. Institute term limits for Congress
5. Confront China on trade relations
Republicans pushed for the repeal of Glass Steagall and pushed for NAFTA. Why would you put those two thing on the list? Have you always had a problem with Executive Orders? Term limits will never happen (and shouldn't ever happen but that is beside the point). The GOP is all about saving money for corporations so why would you put number 5 on the list? Do you even know why you prefer Republicans over Democrats? It's like you don't even understand what the Republicans' priorities are.


Jul 2, 2005
What a colossal cop out answer that is.


"They're going to do exactly what they've been doing for the last six years, because, well... that's all they can do."


Hey, if you consider the truth to be a cop-out answer, that's up to you. It's simple fact, the gop cannot overcome filibusters or presidential veto. There is absolutely nothing they can do if it goes counter to the wishes of the lefties (those in congress and those in the white house). obummer and his minions have made it plenty clear they have no intention of working with the gop in any way. Put those two together, and you get the answer: gridlock, minimize the damage done by obummer. Cop out or not, it's the truth.


Golden Member
Sep 17, 2002
Hey, if you consider the truth to be a cop-out answer, that's up to you. It's simple fact, the gop cannot overcome filibusters or presidential veto. There is absolutely nothing they can do if it goes counter to the wishes of the lefties (those in congress and those in the white house). obummer and his minions have made it plenty clear they have no intention of working with the gop in any way. Put those two together, and you get the answer: gridlock, minimize the damage done by obummer. Cop out or not, it's the truth.

The original question was "Conservatives: What would you like the Congress to do now that it is held by R's."

And your statement is...
Blah blah blah... stop Obama

Then you follow that up with "Obama is unwilling to work with the Republicans."

Aren't you tired of your parties mindset yet? I mean really. Don't you want to see the country improve? And I am not talking about this as an R and a D thing here. It goes beyond that. I don't care if you don't vote for either one.

But the truth is, that when all you do to hold your political party responsible, is to make sure that they stand against the opposition, then you get the bullshit that we have right now.

Why not just answer the question with something actually meaningful, because the "Whatever Obama is for I am against" thing is really old.


May 15, 2000
Hey, if you consider the truth to be a cop-out answer, that's up to you. It's simple fact, the gop cannot overcome filibusters or presidential veto. There is absolutely nothing they can do if it goes counter to the wishes of the lefties (those in congress and those in the white house). obummer and his minions have made it plenty clear they have no intention of working with the gop in any way. Put those two together, and you get the answer: gridlock, minimize the damage done by obummer. Cop out or not, it's the truth.

Yep the dems have no intention of ever working with the repubs! It's not like the dem controlled senate passed a bi partisan immigration bill already!

I'm going to ask but I know you won't answer; what damage has Obama done? More specifically, what damage has Obama done that the republicans don't support?


Nov 11, 1999
1. Repeal Dodd/Frank and replace it with proven legislation in the Glass Steagall Act.
2. Either repeal or renegotiate NAFTA, GATT and CAFTA.
3. Put an end to fascistic Executive Orders. Only Congress can enact legislation.
4. Institute term limits for Congress
5. Confront China on trade relations

And a Pony! Everybody gets a Pony!

If you think Repubs intend any of that, you're out of your mind.


Nov 11, 1999
The original question was "Conservatives: What would you like the Congress to do now that it is held by R's."

And your statement is...
Blah blah blah... stop Obama

Then you follow that up with "Obama is unwilling to work with the Republicans."

Aren't you tired of your parties mindset yet? I mean really. Don't you want to see the country improve? And I am not talking about this as an R and a D thing here. It goes beyond that. I don't care if you don't vote for either one.

But the truth is, that when all you do to hold your political party responsible, is to make sure that they stand against the opposition, then you get the bullshit that we have right now.

Why not just answer the question with something actually meaningful, because the "Whatever Obama is for I am against" thing is really old.

Thank you, Sir. Thank you very much.


May 24, 2004
It's not like Democrats want Republicans to have any part of the legislative process either. How do you decide which party is morally superior in that regard? Neither want to work with the other side. They want the other side to "work with them," which means "I want you to always agree with me," which isn't working together at all.


Jul 2, 2005
The original question was "Conservatives: What would you like the Congress to do now that it is held by R's."

And your statement is...
Blah blah blah... stop Obama

Then you follow that up with "Obama is unwilling to work with the Republicans."

Aren't you tired of your parties mindset yet? I mean really. Don't you want to see the country improve?

Of course I want to see the country improve, but nothing I've seen from obummer and his minions is an improvement in any way. In fact, everything they do seems to be a major push in the wrong direction, so playing "defense" against the bad policies is a good thing.

It goes beyond that. I don't care if you don't vote for either one.

I generally don't care about party either, they both suck, but one is the lesser of two evils. Trust me, I'm not a "gop rah rah rah" supporter at all, I don't like the gop much more than I like the libs.

when all you do to hold your political party responsible, is to make sure that they stand against the opposition, then you get the bullshit that we have right now.

I've already explained why they can't possibly do anything else. Playing defense against the destructive policies is the only thing. How the heck would I hold them responsible for not passing laws when they can't possibly pass any law at this point without the support of the libs who have already made it clear that it's their way or the highway??


Jul 2, 2005
I'm going to ask but I know you won't answer; what damage has Obama done? More specifically, what damage has Obama done that the republicans don't support?

Not answer? The complete answer to what damage has been done would take pages and pages to round out, but obummercare is a good starting point, and appointing idiots to the scotus, AG's position , expanding on spying, inviting over more illegals, granting amnesty to illegal minors etc would be good topics as well.

Basically, the only reason the damage hasn't been worse is because of the "obstruction" of the evil repubs. Well guess what, the public (including myself) just voted for more "obstruction".


Nov 11, 1999
Not answer? The complete answer to what damage has been done would take pages and pages to round out, but obummercare is a good starting point, and appointing idiots to the scotus, AG's position , expanding on spying, inviting over more illegals, granting amnesty to illegal minors etc would be good topics as well.

Basically, the only reason the damage hasn't been worse is because of the "obstruction" of the evil repubs. Well guess what, the public (including myself) just voted for more "obstruction".

IOW, right wing fantasy damage. I understand completely.


Golden Member
Sep 17, 2002
Of course I want to see the country improve, but nothing I've seen from obummer and his minions is an improvement in any way. In fact, everything they do seems to be a major push in the wrong direction, so playing "defense" against the bad policies is a good thing.

I generally don't care about party either, they both suck, but one is the lesser of two evils. Trust me, I'm not a "gop rah rah rah" supporter at all, I don't like the gop much more than I like the libs.

I've already explained why they can't possibly do anything else. Playing defense against the destructive policies is the only thing. How the heck would I hold them responsible for not passing laws when they can't possibly pass any law at this point without the support of the libs who have already made it clear that it's their way or the highway??

Well, thats precisely why the question was asked in the first place. What do you want to see Congress do? Regardless of what WILL pass, what do you want to see them attempt?

I am not going to get into what the R's have tried, that have been shot down. Both parties have tried to include things in Bills that they know the opposition wouldn't support.

But just think about your stance for a second. And its the same sentiment that every one of my 3 closest R friends have at my workplace. They are happy with gridlock if that means D doesn't get something passed.

You haven't seen any improvement for Obama? None? So just so we are on the same page here, you feel that Obama has contributed absolutely nothing towards the betterment of the nation, you want R to shoot down every policy that comes their way (play defense as you put it), and you STILL feel that its the other side of the table that is completely unwilling to comprimise? How many of the R base feels that exact same way you think? Id say thats the majority. Thats not compromise.

I just think you look at things too much from a black and white perspective. And this goes back to Congress holding us all hostage with the debt ceiling. You can't call it "compromise" if there are unilateral concessions. Obama has clearly done a lot of good things for this country. I won't deny hes done a lot of bad ones as well.

I don't care who wins the argument, or who created the policy that benefits the nation. I just want to see it passed. To get to that point, the first thing that everyone needs to agree on... is that "playing defense" on everything from the opposing team, and then complaining the other side doesn't precisely why we are in the shithole that we are. Agreed?

I mean hell, Obama can't even state that he supports Net Neutrality without the yahoos coming out to take a stance against it. Net Neutrality should be one of those things that everyone besides big business should be completely on the same side about.
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